import { Promise } from "rsvp"; import { isEmpty } from "@ember/utils"; import { later } from "@ember/runloop"; /* global QUnit, resetSite */ import sessionFixtures from "fixtures/session-fixtures"; import HeaderComponent from "discourse/components/site-header"; import { forceMobile, resetMobile } from "discourse/lib/mobile"; import { resetPluginApi } from "discourse/lib/plugin-api"; import { clearCache as clearOutletCache, resetExtraClasses, } from "discourse/lib/plugin-connectors"; import { clearHTMLCache } from "discourse/helpers/custom-html"; import { flushMap } from "discourse/models/store"; import { clearRewrites } from "discourse/lib/url"; import { initSearchData } from "discourse/widgets/search-menu"; import { resetDecorators } from "discourse/widgets/widget"; import { resetWidgetCleanCallbacks } from "discourse/components/mount-widget"; import { resetTopicTitleDecorators } from "discourse/components/topic-title"; import { resetDecorators as resetPostCookedDecorators } from "discourse/widgets/post-cooked"; import { resetDecorators as resetPluginOutletDecorators } from "discourse/components/plugin-connector"; import { resetUsernameDecorators } from "discourse/helpers/decorate-username-selector"; import { resetCache as resetOneboxCache } from "pretty-text/oneboxer"; import { resetCustomPostMessageCallbacks } from "discourse/controllers/topic"; import { _clearSnapshots } from "select-kit/components/composer-actions"; import User from "discourse/models/user"; import { mapRoutes } from "discourse/mapping-router"; import { currentSettings, mergeSettings } from "helpers/site-settings"; import { getOwner } from "discourse-common/lib/get-owner"; import { setTopicList } from "discourse/lib/topic-list-tracker"; import { setURLContainer } from "discourse/lib/url"; import { setDefaultOwner } from "discourse-common/lib/get-owner"; import bootbox from "bootbox"; export function currentUser() { return User.create(sessionFixtures["/session/current.json"].current_user); } export function updateCurrentUser(properties) { User.current().setProperties(properties); } // Note: do not use this in acceptance tests. Use `loggedIn: true` instead export function logIn() { User.resetCurrent(currentUser()); } // Note: Only use if `loggedIn: true` has been used in an acceptance test export function loggedInUser() { return User.current(); } export function fakeTime(timeString, timezone = null, advanceTime = false) { let now =, timezone); return sandbox.useFakeTimers({ now: now.valueOf(), shouldAdvanceTime: advanceTime, }); } export async function acceptanceUseFakeClock( timeString, callback, timezone = null ) { if (!timezone) { let user = loggedInUser(); if (user) { timezone = user.resolvedTimezone(user); } else { timezone = "America/Denver"; } } let clock = fakeTime(timeString, timezone, true); await callback(); clock.reset(); } const Plugin = $.fn.modal; const Modal = Plugin.Constructor; function AcceptanceModal(option, _relatedTarget) { return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this); var data = $"bs.modal"); var options = $.extend( {}, Modal.DEFAULTS, $, typeof option === "object" && option ); if (!data) $"bs.modal", (data = new Modal(this, options))); data.$body = $("#ember-testing"); if (typeof option === "string") data[option](_relatedTarget); else if (; }); } bootbox.$body = $("#ember-testing"); $.fn.modal = AcceptanceModal; let _pretenderCallbacks = {}; export function applyPretender(name, server, helper) { const cb = _pretenderCallbacks[name]; if (cb) cb(server, helper); } export function controllerModule(name, args = {}) { moduleFor(name, name, { setup() { this.registry.register("router:main", mapRoutes()); let controller = this.subject(); controller.siteSettings = currentSettings(); if (args.setupController) { args.setupController(controller); } }, needs: args.needs, }); } export function discourseModule(name, hooks) { QUnit.module(name, { beforeEach() { this.container = getOwner(this); this.siteSettings = currentSettings(); if (hooks && hooks.beforeEach) {; } }, afterEach() { if (hooks && hooks.afterEach) {; } }, }); } export function acceptance(name, options) { options = options || {}; if (options.pretend) { _pretenderCallbacks[name] = options.pretend; } QUnit.module("Acceptance: " + name, { beforeEach() { resetMobile(); // For now don't do scrolling stuff in Test Mode HeaderComponent.reopen({ examineDockHeader: function () {} }); resetExtraClasses(); if (options.mobileView) { forceMobile(); } if (options.loggedIn) { logIn(); } if (options.settings) { mergeSettings(options.settings); } this.siteSettings = currentSettings(); clearOutletCache(); clearHTMLCache(); resetPluginApi(); if ( { resetSite(currentSettings(),; } Discourse.reset(); this.container = getOwner(this); setURLContainer(this.container); setDefaultOwner(this.container); if (options.beforeEach) {; } }, afterEach() { if (options && options.afterEach) {; } flushMap(); localStorage.clear(); User.resetCurrent(); resetSite(currentSettings()); resetExtraClasses(); clearOutletCache(); clearHTMLCache(); resetPluginApi(); clearRewrites(); initSearchData(); resetDecorators(); resetPostCookedDecorators(); resetPluginOutletDecorators(); resetTopicTitleDecorators(); resetUsernameDecorators(); resetOneboxCache(); resetCustomPostMessageCallbacks(); setTopicList(null); _clearSnapshots(); setURLContainer(null); setDefaultOwner(null); Discourse._runInitializer( "instanceInitializers", (initName, initializer) => { if (initializer && initializer.teardown) { initializer.teardown(this.container); } } ); Discourse.reset(); // We do this after reset so that the willClearRender will have already fired resetWidgetCleanCallbacks(); }, }); } export function controllerFor(controller, model) { controller = getOwner(this).lookup("controller:" + controller); if (model) { controller.set("model", model); } return controller; } export function fixture(selector) { if (selector) { return $("#qunit-fixture").find(selector); } return $("#qunit-fixture"); } QUnit.assert.not = function (actual, message) { this.pushResult({ result: !actual, actual, expected: !actual, message, }); }; QUnit.assert.blank = function (actual, message) { this.pushResult({ result: isEmpty(actual), actual, message, }); }; QUnit.assert.present = function (actual, message) { this.pushResult({ result: !isEmpty(actual), actual, message, }); }; QUnit.assert.containsInstance = function (collection, klass, message) { const result = klass.detectInstance(collection[0]); this.pushResult({ result, message, }); }; export function waitFor(assert, callback, timeout) { timeout = timeout || 500; const done = assert.async(); later(() => { callback(); done(); }, timeout); } export async function selectDate(selector, date) { return new Promise((resolve) => { const elem = document.querySelector(selector); elem.value = date; const evt = new Event("input", { bubbles: true, cancelable: false }); elem.dispatchEvent(evt); elem.blur(); resolve(); }); }