class PostAlerter def self.post_created(post) alerter = alerter.after_create_post(post) alerter.after_save_post(post) post end def after_create_post(post) if post.topic.private_message? # If it's a private message, notify the topic_allowed_users post.topic.all_allowed_users.reject{ |user| == post.user_id }.each do |user| next if user.blank? if TopicUser.get(post.topic, user).try(:notification_level) == TopicUser.notification_levels[:tracking] next unless post.reply_to_post_number next unless post.reply_to_post.user_id == end create_notification(user, Notification.types[:private_message], post) end elsif post.post_type != Post.types[:moderator_action] # If it's not a private message and it's not an automatic post caused by a moderator action, notify the users notify_post_users(post) end end def after_save_post(post) return if post.topic.private_message? mentioned_users = extract_mentioned_users(post) quoted_users = extract_quoted_users(post) linked_users = extract_linked_users(post) reply_to_user = post.reply_notification_target notified = [reply_to_user] notify_users(mentioned_users - notified, :mentioned, post) notified += mentioned_users notify_users(quoted_users - notified, :quoted, post) notified += quoted_users notify_users(linked_users - notified, :linked, post) end def unread_posts(user, topic) Post.where('post_number > COALESCE(( SELECT last_read_post_number FROM topic_users tu WHERE tu.user_id = ? AND tu.topic_id = ? ),0)',, .where('reply_to_user_id = ? OR exists( SELECT 1 from topic_users tu WHERE tu.user_id = ? AND tu.topic_id = ? AND notification_level = ? )',,,, TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching]) .where(topic_id: end def first_unread_post(user, topic) unread_posts(user, topic).order('post_number').first end def unread_count(user, topic) unread_posts(user, topic).count end def destroy_notifications(user, type, topic) return if user.blank? return unless user.notifications.where(notification_type: type, topic_id: end def create_notification(user, type, post, opts={}) return if user.blank? # Make sure the user can see the post return unless # skip if muted on the topic return if TopicUser.get(post.topic, user).try(:notification_level) == TopicUser.notification_levels[:muted] # Don't notify the same user about the same notification on the same post return if user.notifications.exists?(notification_type: type, topic_id: post.topic_id, post_number: post.post_number) collapsed = false if type == Notification.types[:replied] || type == Notification.types[:posted] destroy_notifications(user, Notification.types[:replied] , post.topic) destroy_notifications(user, Notification.types[:posted] , post.topic) collapsed = true end if type == Notification.types[:private_message] destroy_notifications(user, type, post.topic) collapsed = true end original_post = post original_username = opts[:display_username] || post.username if collapsed post = first_unread_post(user,post.topic) || post count = unread_count(user, post.topic) opts[:display_username] = I18n.t('embed.replies', count: count) if count > 1 end UserActionObserver.log_notification(original_post, user, type) # Create the notification user.notifications.create(notification_type: type, topic_id: post.topic_id, post_number: post.post_number, post_action_id: opts[:post_action_id], data: { topic_title: post.topic.title, original_post_id:, original_username: original_username, display_username: opts[:display_username] || post.user.username }.to_json) end # TODO: Move to post-analyzer? # Returns a list users who have been mentioned def extract_mentioned_users(post) User.where(username_lower: post.raw_mentions).where("id <> ?", post.user_id) end # TODO: Move to post-analyzer? # Returns a list of users who were quoted in the post def extract_quoted_users(post) post.raw.scan(/\[quote=\"([^,]+),.+\"\]/) do |m| User.where("username_lower = :username and id != :id", username: m.first.strip.downcase, id: post.user_id).first end.compact end def extract_linked_users(post) do |link| linked_post = link.link_post if !linked_post && topic = link.link_topic linked_post = topic.posts(post_number: 1).first end linked_post && post.user_id != linked_post.user_id && linked_post.user end.compact end # Notify a bunch of users def notify_users(users, type, post) users = [users] unless users.is_a?(Array) users.each do |u| create_notification(u, Notification.types[type], post) end end # TODO: This should use javascript for parsing rather than re-doing it this way. def notify_post_users(post) # Is this post a reply to a user? reply_to_user = post.reply_notification_target notify_users(reply_to_user, :replied, post) exclude_user_ids = [] << post.user_id << extract_mentioned_users(post).map(&:id) << extract_quoted_users(post).map(&:id) exclude_user_ids << if reply_to_user.present? exclude_user_ids.flatten! TopicUser .where(topic_id: post.topic_id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching]) .includes(:user).each do |tu| create_notification(tu.user, Notification.types[:posted], post) unless exclude_user_ids.include?(tu.user_id) end end end