/*global phantom:true */ console.log('Starting Smoke Test'); var system = require('system'); if(system.args.length !== 2) { console.log("expecting phantomjs {smoke_test.js} {base_url}"); phantom.exit(1); } var page = require('webpage').create(); page.waitFor = function(desc, fn, timeout, after) { var check,start,promise; start = +new Date(); promise = {}; check = function() { var r; try { r = page.evaluate(fn); } catch(err) { // next time } var diff = (+new Date()) - start; if(r) { console.log("PASSED: " + desc + " " + diff + "ms" ); after(true); } else { if(diff > timeout) { console.log("FAILED: " + desc + " " + diff + "ms"); after(false); } else { setTimeout(check, 50); } } }; check(); }; var actions = []; var test = function(desc, fn) { actions.push({test: fn, desc: desc}); }; var navigate = function(desc, fn) { actions.push({navigate: fn, desc: desc}); }; var run = function(){ var allPassed = true; var done = function() { if(allPassed) { console.log("ALL PASSED"); } else { console.log("SMOKE TEST FAILED"); } phantom.exit(); }; var performNextAction = function(){ if(actions.length === 0) { done(); } else{ var action = actions[0]; actions = actions.splice(1); if(action.test) { page.waitFor(action.desc, action.test, 10000, function(success){ allPassed = allPassed && success; performNextAction(); }); } else if(action.navigate) { console.log("NAVIGATE: " + action.desc); page.evaluate(action.navigate); performNextAction(); } } }; performNextAction(); }; page.runTests = function(){ test("at least one topic shows up", function() { return $('#topic-list tbody tr').length > 0; }); test("expect a log in button", function(){ return $('.current-username .btn').text() === 'Log In'; }); navigate("navigate to first topic", function(){ Em.run.later(function(){ if ($('.main-link > a:first').length > 0) { $('.main-link > a:first').click(); // topic list page } else { $('.featured-topic a.title:first').click(); // categories page } }, 500); }); test("at least one post body", function(){ return $('.topic-post').length > 0; }); navigate("navigate to first user", function(){ // for whatever reason the clicks do not respond at the begining // defering Em.run.later(function(){ // Remove the popup action for testing $('.topic-meta-data a:first').data('ember-action', ''); $('.topic-meta-data a:first').focus().click(); },500); }); test("has details",function(){ return $('.details').length === 1; }); run(); }; page.open(system.args[1], function (status) { console.log("Opened " + system.args[1]); page.runTests(); });