# frozen_string_literal: true require 'digest/sha1' require 'fileutils' require 'plugin/metadata' require 'auth' class Plugin::CustomEmoji CACHE_KEY ||= "plugin-emoji" def self.cache_key @@cache_key ||= CACHE_KEY end def self.emojis @@emojis ||= {} end def self.clear_cache @@cache_key = CACHE_KEY @@emojis = {} @@translations = {} end def self.register(name, url, group = Emoji::DEFAULT_GROUP) @@cache_key = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(cache_key + name + group)[0..10] new_group = emojis[group] || {} new_group[name] = url emojis[group] = new_group end def self.unregister(name, group = Emoji::DEFAULT_GROUP) emojis[group].delete(name) end def self.translations @@translations ||= {} end def self.translate(from, to) @@cache_key = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(cache_key + from)[0..10] translations[from] = to end end class Plugin::Instance attr_accessor :path, :metadata attr_reader :admin_route # Memoized array readers [:assets, :color_schemes, :before_auth_initializers, :initializers, :javascripts, :locales, :service_workers, :styles, :themes, :csp_extensions, :asset_filters ].each do |att| class_eval %Q{ def #{att} @#{att} ||= [] end } end def seed_data @seed_data ||= HashWithIndifferentAccess.new({}) end def seed_fu_filter(filter = nil) @seed_fu_filter = filter end def self.find_all(parent_path) [].tap { |plugins| # also follows symlinks - http://stackoverflow.com/q/357754 Dir["#{parent_path}/*/plugin.rb"].sort.each do |path| source = File.read(path) metadata = Plugin::Metadata.parse(source) plugins << self.new(metadata, path) end } end def initialize(metadata = nil, path = nil) @metadata = metadata @path = path @idx = 0 end def register_anonymous_cache_key(key, &block) key_method = "key_#{key}" add_to_class(Middleware::AnonymousCache::Helper, key_method, &block) Middleware::AnonymousCache.cache_key_segments[key] = key_method Middleware::AnonymousCache.compile_key_builder end def add_admin_route(label, location) @admin_route = { label: label, location: location } end def enabled? @enabled_site_setting ? SiteSetting.get(@enabled_site_setting) : true end delegate :name, to: :metadata def add_to_serializer(serializer, attr, define_include_method = true, &block) reloadable_patch do |plugin| base = "#{serializer.to_s.classify}Serializer".constantize rescue "#{serializer.to_s}Serializer".constantize # we have to work through descendants cause serializers may already be baked and cached ([base] + base.descendants).each do |klass| unless attr.to_s.start_with?("include_") klass.attributes(attr) if define_include_method # Don't include serialized methods if the plugin is disabled klass.public_send(:define_method, "include_#{attr}?") { plugin.enabled? } end end klass.public_send(:define_method, attr, &block) end end end # Applies to all sites in a multisite environment. Ignores plugin.enabled? def add_report(name, &block) reloadable_patch do |plugin| Report.add_report(name, &block) end end # Applies to all sites in a multisite environment. Ignores plugin.enabled? def replace_flags(settings: ::FlagSettings.new, score_type_names: []) next_flag_id = ReviewableScore.types.values.max + 1 yield(settings, next_flag_id) if block_given? reloadable_patch do |plugin| ::PostActionType.replace_flag_settings(settings) ::ReviewableScore.reload_types ::ReviewableScore.add_new_types(score_type_names) end end def whitelist_staff_user_custom_field(field) Discourse.deprecate("whitelist_staff_user_custom_field is deprecated, use the allow_staff_user_custom_field.", drop_from: "2.6", raise_error: true) allow_staff_user_custom_field(field) end def allow_staff_user_custom_field(field) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_staff_user_custom_field(field, self) end def whitelist_public_user_custom_field(field) Discourse.deprecate("whitelist_public_user_custom_field is deprecated, use the allow_public_user_custom_field.", drop_from: "2.6", raise_error: true) allow_public_user_custom_field(field) end def allow_public_user_custom_field(field) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_public_user_custom_field(field, self) end def register_editable_user_custom_field(field, staff_only: false) if staff_only DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_staff_editable_user_custom_field(field, self) else DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_self_editable_user_custom_field(field, self) end end def register_editable_group_custom_field(field) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_editable_group_custom_field(field, self) end # Allows to define custom search order. Example usage: # Search.advanced_order(:chars) do |posts| # posts.reorder("(SELECT LENGTH(raw) FROM posts WHERE posts.topic_id = subquery.topic_id) DESC") # end def register_search_advanced_order(trigger, &block) Search.advanced_order(trigger, &block) end # Allows to define custom search filters. Example usage: # Search.advanced_filter(/^min_chars:(\d+)$/) do |posts, match| # posts.where("(SELECT LENGTH(p2.raw) FROM posts p2 WHERE p2.id = posts.id) >= ?", match.to_i) # end def register_search_advanced_filter(trigger, &block) Search.advanced_filter(trigger, &block) end # Allows to define TopicView posts filters. Example usage: # TopicView.advanced_filter do |posts, opts| # posts.where(wiki: true) # end def register_topic_view_posts_filter(trigger, &block) TopicView.add_custom_filter(trigger, &block) end # Allows to add more user IDs to the list of preloaded users. This can be # useful to efficiently change the list of posters or participants. # Example usage: # register_topic_list_preload_user_ids do |topics, user_ids, topic_list| # user_ids << Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID # end def register_topic_list_preload_user_ids(&block) TopicList.on_preload_user_ids(&block) end # Allow to eager load additional tables in Search. Useful to avoid N+1 performance problems. # Example usage: # register_search_topic_eager_load do |opts| # %i(example_table) # end # OR # register_search_topic_eager_load(%i(example_table)) def register_search_topic_eager_load(tables = nil, &block) Search.custom_topic_eager_load(tables, &block) end # Request a new size for topic thumbnails # Will respect plugin enabled setting is enabled # Size should be an array with two elements [max_width, max_height] def register_topic_thumbnail_size(size) if !(size.kind_of?(Array) && size.length == 2) raise ArgumentError.new("Topic thumbnail dimension is not valid") end DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_topic_thumbnail_size(size, self) end # Register a callback to add custom payload to Site#categories # Example usage: # register_site_categories_callback do |categories| # categories.each do |category| # category[:some_field] = 'test' # end # end def register_site_categories_callback(&block) Site.add_categories_callbacks(&block) end def register_upload_unused(&block) Upload.add_unused_callback(&block) end def register_upload_in_use(&block) Upload.add_in_use_callback(&block) end def custom_avatar_column(column) reloadable_patch do |plugin| UserLookup.lookup_columns << column UserLookup.lookup_columns.uniq! end end # Applies to all sites in a multisite environment. Ignores plugin.enabled? def add_body_class(class_name) reloadable_patch do |plugin| ::ApplicationHelper.extra_body_classes << class_name end end def rescue_from(exception, &block) reloadable_patch do |plugin| ::ApplicationController.rescue_from(exception, &block) end end # Extend a class but check that the plugin is enabled # for class methods use `add_class_method` def add_to_class(class_name, attr, &block) reloadable_patch do |plugin| klass = class_name.to_s.classify.constantize rescue class_name.to_s.constantize hidden_method_name = :"#{attr}_without_enable_check" klass.public_send(:define_method, hidden_method_name, &block) klass.public_send(:define_method, attr) do |*args, **kwargs| public_send(hidden_method_name, *args, **kwargs) if plugin.enabled? end end end # Adds a class method to a class, respecting if plugin is enabled def add_class_method(klass_name, attr, &block) reloadable_patch do |plugin| klass = klass_name.to_s.classify.constantize rescue klass_name.to_s.constantize hidden_method_name = :"#{attr}_without_enable_check" klass.public_send(:define_singleton_method, hidden_method_name, &block) klass.public_send(:define_singleton_method, attr) do |*args, **kwargs| public_send(hidden_method_name, *args, **kwargs) if plugin.enabled? end end end def add_model_callback(klass_name, callback, options = {}, &block) reloadable_patch do |plugin| klass = klass_name.to_s.classify.constantize rescue klass_name.to_s.constantize # generate a unique method name method_name = "#{plugin.name}_#{klass.name}_#{callback}#{@idx}".underscore @idx += 1 hidden_method_name = :"#{method_name}_without_enable_check" klass.public_send(:define_method, hidden_method_name, &block) klass.public_send(callback, **options) do |*args, **kwargs| public_send(hidden_method_name, *args, **kwargs) if plugin.enabled? end hidden_method_name end end def topic_view_post_custom_fields_whitelister(&block) Discourse.deprecate("topic_view_post_custom_fields_whitelister is deprecated, use the topic_view_post_custom_fields_allowlister.", drop_from: "2.6", raise_error: true) topic_view_post_custom_fields_allowlister(&block) end # Add a post_custom_fields_allowlister block to the TopicView, respecting if the plugin is enabled def topic_view_post_custom_fields_allowlister(&block) reloadable_patch do |plugin| ::TopicView.add_post_custom_fields_allowlister do |user, topic| plugin.enabled? ? block.call(user, topic) : [] end end end # Allows to add additional user_ids to the list of people notified when doing a post revision def add_post_revision_notifier_recipients(&block) reloadable_patch do |plugin| ::PostActionNotifier.add_post_revision_notifier_recipients do |post_revision| plugin.enabled? ? block.call(post_revision) : [] end end end # Applies to all sites in a multisite environment. Ignores plugin.enabled? def add_preloaded_group_custom_field(field) reloadable_patch do |plugin| ::Group.preloaded_custom_field_names << field end end # Applies to all sites in a multisite environment. Ignores plugin.enabled? def add_preloaded_topic_list_custom_field(field) reloadable_patch do |plugin| ::TopicList.preloaded_custom_fields << field end end # Add a permitted_create_param to Post, respecting if the plugin is enabled def add_permitted_post_create_param(name, type = :string) reloadable_patch do |plugin| ::Post.plugin_permitted_create_params[name] = { plugin: plugin, type: type } end end # Add a permitted_update_param to Post, respecting if the plugin is enabled def add_permitted_post_update_param(attribute, &block) reloadable_patch do |plugin| ::Post.plugin_permitted_update_params[attribute] = { plugin: plugin, handler: block } end end # Add a permitted_param to Group, respecting if the plugin is enabled # Used in GroupsController#update and Admin::GroupsController#create def register_group_param(param) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_group_param(param, self) end # Add a custom callback for search to Group # Callback is called in UsersController#search_users # Block takes groups and optional current_user # For example: # plugin.register_groups_callback_for_users_search_controller_action(:admins_filter) do |groups, user| # groups.where(name: "admins") # end def register_groups_callback_for_users_search_controller_action(callback, &block) if DiscoursePluginRegistry.groups_callback_for_users_search_controller_action.key?(callback) raise "groups_callback_for_users_search_controller_action callback already registered" end DiscoursePluginRegistry.groups_callback_for_users_search_controller_action[callback] = block end # Add validation method but check that the plugin is enabled def validate(klass, name, &block) klass = klass.to_s.classify.constantize klass.public_send(:define_method, name, &block) plugin = self klass.validate(name, if: -> { plugin.enabled? }) end # will make sure all the assets this plugin needs are registered def generate_automatic_assets! paths = [] assets = [] automatic_assets.each do |path, contents| write_asset(path, contents) paths << path assets << [path, nil, directory_name] end delete_extra_automatic_assets(paths) assets end def add_directory_column(column_name, query:, icon: nil) validate_directory_column_name(column_name) DiscourseEvent.on("before_directory_refresh") do DirectoryColumn.find_or_create_plugin_directory_column(column_name: column_name, icon: icon, query: query) end end def delete_extra_automatic_assets(good_paths) return unless Dir.exist? auto_generated_path filenames = good_paths.map { |f| File.basename(f) } # nuke old files Dir.foreach(auto_generated_path) do |p| next if [".", ".."].include?(p) next if filenames.include?(p) File.delete(auto_generated_path + "/#{p}") end end def ensure_directory(path) dirname = File.dirname(path) unless File.directory?(dirname) FileUtils.mkdir_p(dirname) end end def directory File.dirname(path) end def auto_generated_path File.dirname(path) << "/auto_generated" end def after_initialize(&block) initializers << block end def before_auth(&block) raise "Auth providers must be registered before omniauth middleware. after_initialize is too late!" if @before_auth_complete before_auth_initializers << block end # A proxy to `DiscourseEvent.on` which does nothing if the plugin is disabled def on(event_name, &block) DiscourseEvent.on(event_name) do |*args, **kwargs| block.call(*args, **kwargs) if enabled? end end def notify_after_initialize color_schemes.each do |c| unless ColorScheme.where(name: c[:name]).exists? ColorScheme.create_from_base(name: c[:name], colors: c[:colors]) end end initializers.each do |callback| begin callback.call(self) rescue ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid => e # When running `db:migrate` for the first time on a new database, # plugin initializers might try to use models. # Tolerate it. raise e unless e.message.try(:include?, "PG::UndefinedTable") end end end def notify_before_auth before_auth_initializers.each do |callback| callback.call(self) end @before_auth_complete = true end # Applies to all sites in a multisite environment. Ignores plugin.enabled? def register_category_custom_field_type(name, type) reloadable_patch do |plugin| Category.register_custom_field_type(name, type) end end # Applies to all sites in a multisite environment. Ignores plugin.enabled? def register_topic_custom_field_type(name, type) reloadable_patch do |plugin| ::Topic.register_custom_field_type(name, type) end end # Applies to all sites in a multisite environment. Ignores plugin.enabled? def register_post_custom_field_type(name, type) reloadable_patch do |plugin| ::Post.register_custom_field_type(name, type) end end # Applies to all sites in a multisite environment. Ignores plugin.enabled? def register_group_custom_field_type(name, type) reloadable_patch do |plugin| ::Group.register_custom_field_type(name, type) end end # Applies to all sites in a multisite environment. Ignores plugin.enabled? def register_user_custom_field_type(name, type) reloadable_patch do |plugin| ::User.register_custom_field_type(name, type) end end def register_seedfu_fixtures(paths) paths = [paths] if !paths.kind_of?(Array) SeedFu.fixture_paths.concat(paths) end def register_seedfu_filter(filter = nil) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_seedfu_filter(filter) end def listen_for(event_name) return unless self.respond_to?(event_name) DiscourseEvent.on(event_name, &self.method(event_name)) end def register_css(style) styles << style end def register_javascript(js) javascripts << js end def register_svg_icon(icon) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_svg_icon(icon) end def extend_content_security_policy(extension) csp_extensions << extension end # Register a block to run when adding css and js assets # Two arguments will be passed: (type, request) # Type is :css or :js. `request` is an instance of Rack::Request # When using this, make sure to consider the effect on AnonymousCache def register_asset_filter(&blk) asset_filters << blk end # @option opts [String] :name # @option opts [String] :nativeName # @option opts [String] :fallbackLocale # @option opts [Hash] :plural def register_locale(locale, opts = {}) locales << [locale, opts] end def register_custom_html(hash) DiscoursePluginRegistry.custom_html.merge!(hash) end def register_html_builder(name, &block) plugin = self DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_html_builder(name) do |*args, **kwargs| block.call(*args, **kwargs) if plugin.enabled? end end def register_asset(file, opts = nil) if file.end_with?(".hbs", ".handlebars") raise <<~ERROR [#{name}] Handlebars templates can no longer be included via `register_asset`. Any hbs files under `assets/javascripts` will be automatically compiled and included." ERROR end if opts && opts == :vendored_core_pretty_text full_path = DiscoursePluginRegistry.core_asset_for_name(file) else full_path = File.dirname(path) << "/assets/" << file end assets << [full_path, opts, directory_name] end def register_service_worker(file, opts = nil) service_workers << [ File.join(File.dirname(path), 'assets', file), opts ] end def register_color_scheme(name, colors) color_schemes << { name: name, colors: colors } end def register_seed_data(key, value) seed_data[key] = value end def register_seed_path_builder(&block) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_seed_path_builder(&block) end def register_emoji(name, url, group = Emoji::DEFAULT_GROUP) Plugin::CustomEmoji.register(name, url, group) Emoji.clear_cache end def translate_emoji(from, to) Plugin::CustomEmoji.translate(from, to) end def automatic_assets css = styles.join("\n") js = javascripts.join("\n") # Generate an IIFE for the JS js = "(function(){#{js}})();" if js.present? result = [] result << [css, 'css'] if css.present? result << [js, 'js'] if js.present? result.map do |asset, extension| hash = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest asset ["#{auto_generated_path}/plugin_#{hash}.#{extension}", asset] end end # note, we need to be able to parse separately to activation. # this allows us to present information about a plugin in the UI # prior to activations def activate! if @path root_dir_name = File.dirname(@path) # Automatically include all ES6 JS and hbs files root_path = "#{root_dir_name}/assets/javascripts" DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_glob(root_path, 'js') DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_glob(root_path, 'js.es6') DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_glob(root_path, 'hbs') DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_glob(root_path, 'hbr') admin_path = "#{root_dir_name}/admin/assets/javascripts" DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_glob(admin_path, 'js', admin: true) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_glob(admin_path, 'js.es6', admin: true) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_glob(admin_path, 'hbs', admin: true) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_glob(admin_path, 'hbr', admin: true) DiscourseJsProcessor.plugin_transpile_paths << root_path.sub(Rails.root.to_s, '').sub(/^\/*/, '') DiscourseJsProcessor.plugin_transpile_paths << admin_path.sub(Rails.root.to_s, '').sub(/^\/*/, '') test_path = "#{root_dir_name}/test/javascripts" DiscourseJsProcessor.plugin_transpile_paths << test_path.sub(Rails.root.to_s, '').sub(/^\/*/, '') end self.instance_eval File.read(path), path if auto_assets = generate_automatic_assets! assets.concat(auto_assets) end register_assets! unless assets.blank? register_locales! register_service_workers! seed_data.each do |key, value| DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_seed_data(key, value) end # TODO: possibly amend this to a rails engine # Automatically include assets Rails.configuration.assets.paths << auto_generated_path Rails.configuration.assets.paths << File.dirname(path) + "/assets" Rails.configuration.assets.paths << File.dirname(path) + "/admin/assets" Rails.configuration.assets.paths << File.dirname(path) + "/test/javascripts" # Automatically include rake tasks Rake.add_rakelib(File.dirname(path) + "/lib/tasks") # Automatically include migrations migration_paths = ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.migrations_paths migration_paths << File.dirname(path) + "/db/migrate" unless Discourse.skip_post_deployment_migrations? migration_paths << "#{File.dirname(path)}/#{Discourse::DB_POST_MIGRATE_PATH}" end public_data = File.dirname(path) + "/public" if Dir.exist?(public_data) target = Rails.root.to_s + "/public/plugins/" Discourse::Utils.execute_command('mkdir', '-p', target) target << name.gsub(/\s/, "_") Discourse::Utils.atomic_ln_s(public_data, target) end ensure_directory(js_file_path) contents = [] handlebars_includes.each { |hb| contents << "require_asset('#{hb}')" } javascript_includes.each { |js| contents << "require_asset('#{js}')" } if !contents.present? [js_file_path, extra_js_file_path].each do |f| File.delete(f) rescue Errno::ENOENT end return end contents.insert(0, "<%") contents << "%>" Discourse::Utils.atomic_write_file(extra_js_file_path, contents.join("\n")) begin File.delete(js_file_path) rescue Errno::ENOENT end end def auth_provider(opts) before_auth do provider = Auth::AuthProvider.new Auth::AuthProvider.auth_attributes.each do |sym| provider.public_send("#{sym}=", opts.delete(sym)) if opts.has_key?(sym) end begin provider.authenticator.enabled? rescue NotImplementedError provider.authenticator.define_singleton_method(:enabled?) do Discourse.deprecate("#{provider.authenticator.class.name} should define an `enabled?` function. Patching for now.", drop_from: '2.9.0') return SiteSetting.get(provider.enabled_setting) if provider.enabled_setting Discourse.deprecate("#{provider.authenticator.class.name} has not defined an enabled_setting. Defaulting to true.", drop_from: '2.9.0') true end end DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_auth_provider(provider) end end # shotgun approach to gem loading, in future we need to hack bundler # to at least determine dependencies do not clash before loading # # Additionally we want to support multiple ruby versions correctly and so on # # This is a very rough initial implementation def gem(name, version, opts = {}) PluginGem.load(path, name, version, opts) end def hide_plugin Discourse.hidden_plugins << self end def enabled_site_setting_filter(filter = nil) STDERR.puts("`enabled_site_setting_filter` is deprecated") end def enabled_site_setting(setting = nil) if setting @enabled_site_setting = setting else @enabled_site_setting end end def handlebars_includes assets.map do |asset, opts| next if opts == :admin next unless asset =~ DiscoursePluginRegistry::HANDLEBARS_REGEX asset end.compact end def javascript_includes assets.map do |asset, opts| next if opts == :vendored_core_pretty_text next if opts == :admin next unless asset =~ DiscoursePluginRegistry::JS_REGEX asset end.compact end def each_globbed_asset if @path # Automatically include all ES6 JS and hbs files root_path = "#{File.dirname(@path)}/assets/javascripts" admin_path = "#{File.dirname(@path)}/admin/assets/javascripts" Dir.glob(["#{root_path}/**/*", "#{admin_path}/**/*"]).sort.each do |f| f_str = f.to_s if File.directory?(f) yield [f, true] elsif f_str.end_with?(".js.es6") || f_str.end_with?(".hbs") || f_str.end_with?(".hbr") yield [f, false] elsif f_str.end_with?(".js") yield [f, false] end end end end def register_reviewable_type(reviewable_type_class) extend_list_method Reviewable, :types, [reviewable_type_class.name] end def extend_list_method(klass, method, new_attributes) current_list = klass.public_send(method) current_list.concat(new_attributes) reloadable_patch do klass.public_send(:define_singleton_method, method) { current_list } end end def directory_name @directory_name ||= File.dirname(path).split("/").last end def css_asset_exists?(target = nil) DiscoursePluginRegistry.stylesheets_exists?(directory_name, target) end def js_asset_exists? # If assets/javascripts exists, ember-cli will output a .js file File.exist?("#{File.dirname(@path)}/assets/javascripts") end def extra_js_asset_exists? File.exist?(extra_js_file_path) end def admin_js_asset_exists? # If this directory exists, ember-cli will output a .js file File.exist?("#{File.dirname(@path)}/admin/assets/javascripts") end # Receives an array with two elements: # 1. A symbol that represents the name of the value to filter. # 2. A Proc that takes the existing ActiveRecord::Relation and the value received from the front-end. def add_custom_reviewable_filter(filter) reloadable_patch do Reviewable.add_custom_filter(filter) end end # Register a new API key scope. # # Example: # add_api_key_scope(:groups, { delete: { actions: %w[groups#add_members], params: %i[id] } }) # # This scope lets you add members to a group. Additionally, you can specify which group ids are allowed. # The delete action is added to the groups resource. def add_api_key_scope(resource, action) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_api_key_scope_mapping({ resource => action }, self) end # Register a new UserApiKey scope, and its allowed routes. Scope will be prefixed # with the (parameterized) plugin name followed by a colon. # # For example, if discourse-awesome-plugin registered this: # # add_user_api_key_scope(:read_my_route, # methods: :get, # actions: "mycontroller#myaction", # formats: :ics, # params: :testparam # ) # # The scope registered would be `discourse-awesome-plugin:read_my_route` # # Multiple matchers can be attached by supplying an array of parameter hashes # # See UserApiKeyScope::SCOPES for more examples # And lib/route_matcher.rb for the route matching logic def add_user_api_key_scope(scope_name, matcher_parameters) raise ArgumentError.new("scope_name must be a symbol") if !scope_name.is_a?(Symbol) matcher_parameters = [matcher_parameters] if !matcher_parameters.is_a?(Array) prefixed_scope_name = :"#{(name || directory_name).parameterize}:#{scope_name}" DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_user_api_key_scope_mapping( { prefixed_scope_name => matcher_parameters&.map { |m| RouteMatcher.new(**m) } }, self) end # Register a route which can be authenticated using an api key or user api key # in a query parameter rather than a header. For example: # # add_api_parameter_route( # methods: :get, # actions: "users#bookmarks", # formats: :ics # ) # # See Auth::DefaultCurrentUserProvider::PARAMETER_API_PATTERNS for more examples # and Auth::DefaultCurrentUserProvider#api_parameter_allowed? for implementation def add_api_parameter_route(method: nil, methods: nil, route: nil, actions: nil, format: nil, formats: nil) if Array(format).include?("*") Discourse.deprecate("* is no longer a valid api_parameter_route format matcher. Use `nil` instead", drop_from: "2.7", raise_error: true) # Old API used * as wildcard. New api uses `nil` format = nil end # Backwards compatibility with old parameter names: if method || route || format Discourse.deprecate("method, route and format parameters for api_parameter_routes are deprecated. Use methods, actions and formats instead.", drop_from: "2.7", raise_error: true) methods ||= method actions ||= route formats ||= format end DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_api_parameter_route( RouteMatcher.new( methods: methods, actions: actions, formats: formats ), self) end # Register a new demon process to be forked by the Unicorn master. # The demon_class should inherit from Demon::Base. # With great power comes great responsibility - this method should # be used with extreme caution. See `config/unicorn.conf.rb`. def register_demon_process(demon_class) raise "Not a demon class" if !demon_class.ancestors.include?(Demon::Base) DiscoursePluginRegistry.demon_processes << demon_class end def add_permitted_reviewable_param(type, param) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_reviewable_param({ type: type, param: param }, self) end # Register a new PresenceChannel prefix. See {PresenceChannel.register_prefix} # for usage instructions def register_presence_channel_prefix(prefix, &block) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_presence_channel_prefix([prefix, block], self) end # Registers a new push notification filter. User and notification payload are passed into block, and if all # filters return `true`, the push notification will be sent. def register_push_notification_filter(&block) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_push_notification_filter(block, self) end # Register a ReviewableScore setting_name associated with a reason. # We'll use this to build a site setting link and add it to the reason's translation. # # If your plugin has a reason translation looking like this: # # my_plugin_reason: "This is the reason this post was flagged. See %{link}." # # And you associate the reason with a setting: # # add_reviewable_score_link(:my_plugin_reason, 'a_plugin_setting') # # We'll generate the following link and attach it to the translation: # # # a plugin setting # def add_reviewable_score_link(reason, setting_name) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_reviewable_score_link({ reason: reason.to_sym, setting: setting_name }, self) end # If your plugin creates notifications, and you'd like to consolidate/collapse similar ones, # you're in the right place. # This method receives a plan object, which must be an instance of `Notifications::ConsolidateNotifications`. # # Instead of using `Notification#create!`, you should use `Notification#consolidate_or_save!`, # which will automatically pick your plan and apply it, updating an already consolidated notification, # consolidating multiple ones, or creating a regular one. # # The rule object is quite complex. We strongly recommend you write tests to ensure your plugin consolidates notifications correctly. # # - Threshold and time window consolidation plan: https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/main/app/services/notifications/consolidate_notifications.rb # - Create a new notification and delete previous versions plan: https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/main/app/services/notifications/delete_previous_notifications.rb # - Base plans: https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/main/app/services/notifications/consolidation_planner.rb def register_notification_consolidation_plan(plan) raise ArgumentError.new("Not a consolidation plan") if !plan.class.ancestors.include?(Notifications::ConsolidationPlan) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_notification_consolidation_plan(plan, self) end # Allows customizing existing topic-backed static pages, like: # faq, tos, privacy (see: StaticController) The block passed to this # method has to return a SiteSetting name that contains a topic id. # # add_topic_static_page("faq") do |controller| # current_user&.locale == "pl" ? "polish_faq_topic_id" : "faq_topic_id" # end # # You can also add new pages in a plugin, but remember to add a route, # for example: # # get "contact" => "static#show", id: "contact" def add_topic_static_page(page, options = {}, &blk) StaticController::CUSTOM_PAGES[page] = blk ? { topic_id: blk } : options end # Let plugin define custom unsubscribe keys, # set custom instance variables on the `EmailController#unsubscribe` action, # and describe what unsubscribing for that key does. # # The method receives a class that inherits from `Email::BaseEmailUnsubscriber`. # Take a look at it to know how to implement your child class. # # In conjunction with this, you'll have to: # # - Register a new connector under app/views/connectors/unsubscribe_options. # We'll include the HTML inside the unsubscribe form, so you can add your fields using the # instance variables you set in the controller previously. When the form is submitted, # it sends the updated preferences to `EmailController#perform_unsubscribe`. # # - Your code is responsible for creating the custom key by calling `UnsubscribeKey#create_key_for`. def register_email_unsubscriber(type, unsubscriber) core_types = [UnsubscribeKey::ALL_TYPE, UnsubscribeKey::DIGEST_TYPE, UnsubscribeKey::TOPIC_TYPE] raise ArgumentError.new('Type already exists') if core_types.include?(type) raise ArgumentError.new('Not an email unsubscriber') if !unsubscriber.ancestors.include?(EmailControllerHelper::BaseEmailUnsubscriber) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_email_unsubscriber({ type => unsubscriber }, self) end # Allows the plugin to export additional site stats via the About class # which will be shown on the /about route. The stats returned by the block # should be in the following format (these four keys are _required_): # # { # last_day: 1, # 7_days: 10, # 30_days: 100, # count: 1000 # } # # Only keys above will be shown on the /about page in the UI, # but all stats will be shown on the /about.json route. For example take # this usage: # # register_about_stat_group("chat_messages") do # { last_day: 1, "7_days" => 10, "30_days" => 100, count: 1000, previous_30_days: 150 } # end # # In the UI we will show a table like this: # # | 24h | 7 days | 30 days | all time| # Chat Messages | 1 | 10 | 100 | 1000 | # # But the JSON will be like this: # # { # "chat_messages_last_day": 1, # "chat_messages_7_days": 10, # "chat_messages_30_days": 100, # "chat_messages_count": 1000, # } # # The show_in_ui option (default false) is used to determine whether the # group of stats is shown on the site About page in the Site Statistics # table. Some stats may be needed purely for reporting purposes and thus # do not need to be shown in the UI to admins/users. def register_about_stat_group(plugin_stat_group_name, show_in_ui: false, &block) About.add_plugin_stat_group(plugin_stat_group_name, show_in_ui: show_in_ui, &block) end ## # Used to register data sources for HashtagAutocompleteService to look # up results based on a #hashtag string. # # @param {Class} klass - Must be a class that implements methods with the following # signatures: # # Roughly corresponding to a model, this is used as a unique # key for the datasource and is also used when allowing different # contexts to search for and lookup these types. The `category` # and `tag` types are registered by default. # def self.type # end # # The FontAwesome icon to use for the data source in the search results # and cooked markdown. # def self.icon # end # # @param {Guardian} guardian - Current user's guardian, used for permission-based filtering # @param {Array} slugs - An array of strings that represent slugs to search this type for, # e.g. category slugs. # @returns {Hash} A hash with the slug as the key and the URL of the record as the value. # def self.lookup(guardian, slugs) # end # # @param {Guardian} guardian - Current user's guardian, used for permission-based filtering # @param {String} term - The search term used to filter results # @param {Integer} limit - The number of search results that should be returned by the query # @returns {Array} An Array of HashtagAutocompleteService::HashtagItem # def self.search(guardian, term, limit) # end # # @param {Array} search_results - An array of HashtagAutocompleteService::HashtagItem to sort # @param {String} term - The search term which was used, which may help with sorting. # @returns {Array} An Array of HashtagAutocompleteService::HashtagItem # def self.search_sort(search_results, term) # end # # @param {Guardian} guardian - Current user's guardian, used for permission-based filtering # @param {Integer} limit - The number of search results that should be returned by the query # @returns {Array} An Array of HashtagAutocompleteService::HashtagItem # def self.search_without_term(guardian, limit) # end def register_hashtag_data_source(klass) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_hashtag_autocomplete_data_source(klass, self) end ## # Used to set up the priority ordering of hashtag autocomplete results by # type using HashtagAutocompleteService. # # @param {String} type - Roughly corresponding to a model, can only be registered once # per context. The `category` and `tag` types are registered # for the `topic-composer` context by default in that priority order. # @param {String} context - The context in which the hashtag lookup or search is happening # in. For example, the Discourse composer context is `topic-composer`. # Different contexts may want to have different priority orderings # for certain types of hashtag result. # @param {Integer} priority - A number value for ordering type results when hashtag searches # or lookups occur. Priority is ordered by DESCENDING order. def register_hashtag_type_priority_for_context(type, context, priority) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_hashtag_autocomplete_contextual_type_priority( { type: type, context: context, priority: priority }, self ) end ## # Register a block that will be called when the UserDestroyer runs # with the :delete_posts opt set to true. It's important to note that the block will # execute before any other :delete_posts actions, it allows us to manipulate flags # before agreeing with them. For example, discourse-akismet makes use of this # # @param {Block} callback to be called with the user, guardian, and the destroyer opts as arguments def register_user_destroyer_on_content_deletion_callback(callback) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_user_destroyer_on_content_deletion_callback(callback, self) end protected def self.js_path File.expand_path "#{Rails.root}/app/assets/javascripts/plugins" end def js_file_path "#{Plugin::Instance.js_path}/#{directory_name}.js.erb" end def extra_js_file_path @extra_js_file_path ||= "#{Plugin::Instance.js_path}/#{directory_name}_extra.js.erb" end def register_assets! assets.each do |asset, opts, plugin_directory_name| DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_asset(asset, opts, plugin_directory_name) end end def register_service_workers! service_workers.each do |asset, opts| DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_service_worker(asset, opts) end end def register_locales! root_path = File.dirname(@path) locales.each do |locale, opts| opts = opts.dup opts[:client_locale_file] = Dir["#{root_path}/config/locales/client*.#{locale}.yml"].first || "" opts[:server_locale_file] = Dir["#{root_path}/config/locales/server*.#{locale}.yml"].first || "" opts[:js_locale_file] = File.join(root_path, "assets/locales/#{locale}.js.erb") locale_chain = opts[:fallbackLocale] ? [locale, opts[:fallbackLocale]] : [locale] lib_locale_path = File.join(root_path, "lib/javascripts/locale") path = File.join(lib_locale_path, "message_format") opts[:message_format] = find_locale_file(locale_chain, path) opts[:message_format] = JsLocaleHelper.find_message_format_locale(locale_chain, fallback_to_english: false) unless opts[:message_format] path = File.join(lib_locale_path, "moment_js") opts[:moment_js] = find_locale_file(locale_chain, path) opts[:moment_js] = JsLocaleHelper.find_moment_locale(locale_chain) unless opts[:moment_js] path = File.join(lib_locale_path, "moment_js_timezones") opts[:moment_js_timezones] = find_locale_file(locale_chain, path) opts[:moment_js_timezones] = JsLocaleHelper.find_moment_locale(locale_chain, timezone_names: true) unless opts[:moment_js_timezones] if valid_locale?(opts) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_locale(locale, opts) Rails.configuration.assets.precompile << "locales/#{locale}.js" else msg = "Invalid locale! #{opts.inspect}" # The logger isn't always present during boot / parsing locales from plugins if Rails.logger.present? Rails.logger.error(msg) else puts msg end end end end def allow_new_queued_post_payload_attribute(attribute_name) reloadable_patch do NewPostManager.add_plugin_payload_attribute(attribute_name) end end def register_topic_preloader_associations(fields) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_topic_preloader_association(fields, self) end private def validate_directory_column_name(column_name) match = /^[_a-z]+$/.match(column_name) raise "Invalid directory column name '#{column_name}'. Can only contain a-z and underscores" unless match end def write_asset(path, contents) unless File.exist?(path) ensure_directory(path) File.open(path, "w") { |f| f.write(contents) } end end def reloadable_patch(plugin = self) if Rails.env.development? && defined?(ActiveSupport::Reloader) ActiveSupport::Reloader.to_prepare do # reload the patch yield plugin end end # apply the patch yield plugin end def valid_locale?(custom_locale) File.exist?(custom_locale[:client_locale_file]) && File.exist?(custom_locale[:server_locale_file]) && File.exist?(custom_locale[:js_locale_file]) && custom_locale[:message_format] && custom_locale[:moment_js] end def find_locale_file(locale_chain, path) locale_chain.each do |locale| filename = File.join(path, "#{locale}.js") return [locale, filename] if File.exist?(filename) end nil end def register_permitted_bulk_action_parameter(name) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_permitted_bulk_action_parameter(name, self) end end