integration("Header", { setup: function() { sinon.stub(I18n, "t", function(scope, options) { if (options) { if (options.count) { return [scope, options.count].join(" "); } else { return [scope, options.username,].join(" ").trim(); } } return scope; }); sinon.stub(, "debounce").callsArg(1); var originalCategories = Discourse.Category.list(); sinon.stub(Discourse.Category, "list").returns(originalCategories); var originalUser = Discourse.User.current(); sinon.stub(Discourse.User, "current").returns(originalUser); }, teardown: function() { I18n.t.restore();; Discourse.Category.list.restore(); Discourse.User.current.restore(); } }); test("header", function() { expect(1); visit("/").then(function() { ok(exists("header"), "is rendered"); }); }); test("logo", function() { expect(2); visit("/").then(function() { ok(exists(".logo-big"), "is rendered"); { controllerFor("header").set("showExtraInfo", true); }); ok(exists(".logo-small"), "is properly wired to showExtraInfo property (when showExtraInfo value changes, logo size also changes)"); }); }); test("notifications dropdown", function() { expect(4); var itemSelector = "#notifications-dropdown li"; { Discourse.URL_FIXTURES["/notifications"] = [ { notification_type: 2, //replied read: true, post_number: 2, topic_id: 1234, slug: "a-slug", data: { topic_title: "some title", display_username: "velesin" } } ]; }); visit("/") .then(function() { ok(!exists($(itemSelector)), "initially is empty"); }) .click("#user-notifications") .then(function() { var $items = $(itemSelector); ok(exists($items), "is lazily populated after user opens it"); ok($items.first().hasClass("read"), "correctly binds items' 'read' class"); equal($items.first().html(), 'notifications.replied velesin some title', "correctly generates items' content"); }); }); test("sitemap dropdown", function() { expect(8); Discourse.SiteSettings.faq_url = "faq-url"; Discourse.SiteSettings.enable_mobile_theme = true; Discourse.User.current.returns({ staff: true, site_flagged_posts_count: 1 }); Discourse.Category.list.returns([ Discourse.Category.create({ newTopics: 20 }) ]); var siteMapDropdownSelector = "#site-map-dropdown"; visit("/") .then(function() { ok(!exists($(siteMapDropdownSelector)), "initially is not rendered"); }) .click("#site-map") .then(function() { var $siteMapDropdown = $(siteMapDropdownSelector); ok(exists($siteMapDropdown), "is lazily rendered after user opens it"); ok(exists($siteMapDropdown.find(".admin-link")), "has showing / hiding admin links correctly bound"); ok(exists($siteMapDropdown.find(".flagged-posts.badge-notification")), "has displaying flagged posts badge correctly bound"); equal($siteMapDropdown.find(".faq-link").attr("href"), "faq-url", "is correctly bound to the FAQ url site config"); notEqual($siteMapDropdown.find(".mobile-toggle-link").text().indexOf("mobile_view"), -1, "has displaying mobile theme toggle link correctly bound"); ok(exists($siteMapDropdown.find(".category-links")), "has categories correctly bound"); ok(exists($siteMapDropdown.find(".new-posts")), "has displaying category badges correctly bound"); }); }); test("search dropdown", function() { Discourse.SiteSettings.min_search_term_length = 2; { Discourse.URL_FIXTURES["/search"] = [ { type: "topic", more: true, results: [ { url: "some-url" } ] } ]; }); visit("/"); andThen(function() { not(exists("#search-dropdown:visible"), "initially search box is closed"); }); click("#search-button"); andThen(function() { ok(exists("#search-dropdown:visible"), "after clicking a button search box opens"); not(exists("#search-dropdown .heading"), "initially, immediately after opening, search box is empty"); }); fillIn("#search-term", "ab"); andThen(function() { ok(exists("#search-dropdown .heading"), "when user completes a search, search box shows search results"); equal(find("#search-dropdown .selected a").attr("href"), "some-url", "the first search result is selected"); }); andThen(function() { Discourse.URL_FIXTURES["/search"] = [ { type: "topic", more: true, results: [ { url: "another-url" } ] } ]; }); click("#search-dropdown .filter"); andThen(function() { equal(find("#search-dropdown .selected a").attr("href"), "another-url", "after clicking 'more of type' link, results are reloaded"); }); }); test("user dropdown when logged in", function() { expect(3); var userDropdownSelector = "#user-dropdown"; visit("/") .then(function() { not(exists(userDropdownSelector + ":visible"), "initially user dropdown is closed"); }) .click("#current-user") .then(function() { var $userDropdown = $(userDropdownSelector); ok(exists(userDropdownSelector + ":visible"), "is lazily rendered after user opens it"); ok(exists($userDropdown.find(".user-dropdown-links")), "has showing / hiding user-dropdown links correctly bound"); }); });