(function(global) {
var define, requireModule, require, requirejs;

(function() {

  var _isArray;
  if (!Array.isArray) {
    _isArray = function (x) {
      return Object.prototype.toString.call(x) === "[object Array]";
  } else {
    _isArray = Array.isArray;

  var registry = {}, seen = {};
  var FAILED = false;

  var uuid = 0;

  function tryFinally(tryable, finalizer) {
    try {
      return tryable();
    } finally {

  function Module(name, deps, callback, exports) {
    var defaultDeps = ['require', 'exports', 'module'];

    this.id       = uuid++;
    this.name     = name;
    this.deps     = !deps.length && callback.length ? defaultDeps : deps;
    this.exports  = exports || { };
    this.callback = callback;
    this.state    = undefined;

  define = function(name, deps, callback) {
    if (!_isArray(deps)) {
      callback = deps;
      deps     =  [];

    registry[name] = new Module(name, deps, callback);

  define.amd = {};

  function reify(mod, name, seen) {
    var deps = mod.deps;
    var length = deps.length;
    var reified = new Array(length);
    var dep;
    // TODO: new Module
    // TODO: seen refactor
    var module = { };

    for (var i = 0, l = length; i < l; i++) {
      dep = deps[i];
      if (dep === 'exports') {
        module.exports = reified[i] = seen;
      } else if (dep === 'require') {
        reified[i] = require;
      } else if (dep === 'module') {
        mod.exports = seen;
        module = reified[i] = mod;
      } else {
        reified[i] = require(resolve(dep, name));

    return {
      deps: reified,
      module: module

  requirejs = require = requireModule = function(name) {
    var mod = registry[name];
    if (!mod) {
      throw new Error('Could not find module ' + name);

    if (mod.state !== FAILED &&
        seen.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
      return seen[name];

    var reified;
    var module;
    var loaded = false;

    seen[name] = { }; // placeholder for run-time cycles

    tryFinally(function() {
      reified = reify(mod, name, seen[name]);
      module = mod.callback.apply(this, reified.deps);
      loaded = true;
    }, function() {
      if (!loaded) {
        mod.state = FAILED;

    if (module === undefined && reified.module.exports) {
      return (seen[name] = reified.module.exports);
    } else {
      return (seen[name] = module);

  function resolve(child, name) {
    if (child.charAt(0) !== '.') { return child; }

    var parts = child.split('/');
    var nameParts = name.split('/');
    var parentBase = nameParts.slice(0, -1);

    for (var i = 0, l = parts.length; i < l; i++) {
      var part = parts[i];

      if (part === '..') { parentBase.pop(); }
      else if (part === '.') { continue; }
      else { parentBase.push(part); }

    return parentBase.join('/');

  requirejs.entries = requirejs._eak_seen = registry;
  requirejs.clear = function(){
    requirejs.entries = requirejs._eak_seen = registry = {};
    seen = state = {};

  function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
    "use strict";
    var map = __dependency1__["default"];

    var specials = [
      '/', '.', '*', '+', '?', '|',
      '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '\\'

    var escapeRegex = new RegExp('(\\' + specials.join('|\\') + ')', 'g');

    function isArray(test) {
      return Object.prototype.toString.call(test) === "[object Array]";

    // A Segment represents a segment in the original route description.
    // Each Segment type provides an `eachChar` and `regex` method.
    // The `eachChar` method invokes the callback with one or more character
    // specifications. A character specification consumes one or more input
    // characters.
    // The `regex` method returns a regex fragment for the segment. If the
    // segment is a dynamic of star segment, the regex fragment also includes
    // a capture.
    // A character specification contains:
    // * `validChars`: a String with a list of all valid characters, or
    // * `invalidChars`: a String with a list of all invalid characters
    // * `repeat`: true if the character specification can repeat

    function StaticSegment(string) { this.string = string; }
    StaticSegment.prototype = {
      eachChar: function(callback) {
        var string = this.string, ch;

        for (var i=0, l=string.length; i<l; i++) {
          ch = string.charAt(i);
          callback({ validChars: ch });

      regex: function() {
        return this.string.replace(escapeRegex, '\\$1');

      generate: function() {
        return this.string;

    function DynamicSegment(name) { this.name = name; }
    DynamicSegment.prototype = {
      eachChar: function(callback) {
        callback({ invalidChars: "/", repeat: true });

      regex: function() {
        return "([^/]+)";

      generate: function(params) {
        return params[this.name];

    function StarSegment(name) { this.name = name; }
    StarSegment.prototype = {
      eachChar: function(callback) {
        callback({ invalidChars: "", repeat: true });

      regex: function() {
        return "(.+)";

      generate: function(params) {
        return params[this.name];

    function EpsilonSegment() {}
    EpsilonSegment.prototype = {
      eachChar: function() {},
      regex: function() { return ""; },
      generate: function() { return ""; }

    function parse(route, names, types) {
      // normalize route as not starting with a "/". Recognition will
      // also normalize.
      if (route.charAt(0) === "/") { route = route.substr(1); }

      var segments = route.split("/"), results = [];

      for (var i=0, l=segments.length; i<l; i++) {
        var segment = segments[i], match;

        if (match = segment.match(/^:([^\/]+)$/)) {
          results.push(new DynamicSegment(match[1]));
        } else if (match = segment.match(/^\*([^\/]+)$/)) {
          results.push(new StarSegment(match[1]));
        } else if(segment === "") {
          results.push(new EpsilonSegment());
        } else {
          results.push(new StaticSegment(segment));

      return results;

    // A State has a character specification and (`charSpec`) and a list of possible
    // subsequent states (`nextStates`).
    // If a State is an accepting state, it will also have several additional
    // properties:
    // * `regex`: A regular expression that is used to extract parameters from paths
    //   that reached this accepting state.
    // * `handlers`: Information on how to convert the list of captures into calls
    //   to registered handlers with the specified parameters
    // * `types`: How many static, dynamic or star segments in this route. Used to
    //   decide which route to use if multiple registered routes match a path.
    // Currently, State is implemented naively by looping over `nextStates` and
    // comparing a character specification against a character. A more efficient
    // implementation would use a hash of keys pointing at one or more next states.

    function State(charSpec) {
      this.charSpec = charSpec;
      this.nextStates = [];

    State.prototype = {
      get: function(charSpec) {
        var nextStates = this.nextStates;

        for (var i=0, l=nextStates.length; i<l; i++) {
          var child = nextStates[i];

          var isEqual = child.charSpec.validChars === charSpec.validChars;
          isEqual = isEqual && child.charSpec.invalidChars === charSpec.invalidChars;

          if (isEqual) { return child; }

      put: function(charSpec) {
        var state;

        // If the character specification already exists in a child of the current
        // state, just return that state.
        if (state = this.get(charSpec)) { return state; }

        // Make a new state for the character spec
        state = new State(charSpec);

        // Insert the new state as a child of the current state

        // If this character specification repeats, insert the new state as a child
        // of itself. Note that this will not trigger an infinite loop because each
        // transition during recognition consumes a character.
        if (charSpec.repeat) {

        // Return the new state
        return state;

      // Find a list of child states matching the next character
      match: function(ch) {
        // DEBUG "Processing `" + ch + "`:"
        var nextStates = this.nextStates,
            child, charSpec, chars;

        // DEBUG "  " + debugState(this)
        var returned = [];

        for (var i=0, l=nextStates.length; i<l; i++) {
          child = nextStates[i];

          charSpec = child.charSpec;

          if (typeof (chars = charSpec.validChars) !== 'undefined') {
            if (chars.indexOf(ch) !== -1) { returned.push(child); }
          } else if (typeof (chars = charSpec.invalidChars) !== 'undefined') {
            if (chars.indexOf(ch) === -1) { returned.push(child); }

        return returned;

      /** IF DEBUG
      , debug: function() {
        var charSpec = this.charSpec,
            debug = "[",
            chars = charSpec.validChars || charSpec.invalidChars;

        if (charSpec.invalidChars) { debug += "^"; }
        debug += chars;
        debug += "]";

        if (charSpec.repeat) { debug += "+"; }

        return debug;
      END IF **/

    /** IF DEBUG
    function debug(log) {

    function debugState(state) {
      return state.nextStates.map(function(n) {
        if (n.nextStates.length === 0) { return "( " + n.debug() + " [accepting] )"; }
        return "( " + n.debug() + " <then> " + n.nextStates.map(function(s) { return s.debug() }).join(" or ") + " )";
      }).join(", ")
    END IF **/

    // This is a somewhat naive strategy, but should work in a lot of cases
    // A better strategy would properly resolve /posts/:id/new and /posts/edit/:id.
    // This strategy generally prefers more static and less dynamic matching.
    // Specifically, it
    //  * prefers fewer stars to more, then
    //  * prefers using stars for less of the match to more, then
    //  * prefers fewer dynamic segments to more, then
    //  * prefers more static segments to more
    function sortSolutions(states) {
      return states.sort(function(a, b) {
        if (a.types.stars !== b.types.stars) { return a.types.stars - b.types.stars; }

        if (a.types.stars) {
          if (a.types.statics !== b.types.statics) { return b.types.statics - a.types.statics; }
          if (a.types.dynamics !== b.types.dynamics) { return b.types.dynamics - a.types.dynamics; }

        if (a.types.dynamics !== b.types.dynamics) { return a.types.dynamics - b.types.dynamics; }
        if (a.types.statics !== b.types.statics) { return b.types.statics - a.types.statics; }

        return 0;

    function recognizeChar(states, ch) {
      var nextStates = [];

      for (var i=0, l=states.length; i<l; i++) {
        var state = states[i];

        nextStates = nextStates.concat(state.match(ch));

      return nextStates;

    var oCreate = Object.create || function(proto) {
      function F() {}
      F.prototype = proto;
      return new F();

    function RecognizeResults(queryParams) {
      this.queryParams = queryParams || {};
    RecognizeResults.prototype = oCreate({
      splice: Array.prototype.splice,
      slice:  Array.prototype.slice,
      push:   Array.prototype.push,
      length: 0,
      queryParams: null

    function findHandler(state, path, queryParams) {
      var handlers = state.handlers, regex = state.regex;
      var captures = path.match(regex), currentCapture = 1;
      var result = new RecognizeResults(queryParams);

      for (var i=0, l=handlers.length; i<l; i++) {
        var handler = handlers[i], names = handler.names, params = {};

        for (var j=0, m=names.length; j<m; j++) {
          params[names[j]] = captures[currentCapture++];

        result.push({ handler: handler.handler, params: params, isDynamic: !!names.length });

      return result;

    function addSegment(currentState, segment) {
      segment.eachChar(function(ch) {
        var state;

        currentState = currentState.put(ch);

      return currentState;

    // The main interface

    var RouteRecognizer = function() {
      this.rootState = new State();
      this.names = {};

    RouteRecognizer.prototype = {
      add: function(routes, options) {
        var currentState = this.rootState, regex = "^",
            types = { statics: 0, dynamics: 0, stars: 0 },
            handlers = [], allSegments = [], name;

        var isEmpty = true;

        for (var i=0, l=routes.length; i<l; i++) {
          var route = routes[i], names = [];

          var segments = parse(route.path, names, types);

          allSegments = allSegments.concat(segments);

          for (var j=0, m=segments.length; j<m; j++) {
            var segment = segments[j];

            if (segment instanceof EpsilonSegment) { continue; }

            isEmpty = false;

            // Add a "/" for the new segment
            currentState = currentState.put({ validChars: "/" });
            regex += "/";

            // Add a representation of the segment to the NFA and regex
            currentState = addSegment(currentState, segment);
            regex += segment.regex();

          var handler = { handler: route.handler, names: names };

        if (isEmpty) {
          currentState = currentState.put({ validChars: "/" });
          regex += "/";

        currentState.handlers = handlers;
        currentState.regex = new RegExp(regex + "$");
        currentState.types = types;

        if (name = options && options.as) {
          this.names[name] = {
            segments: allSegments,
            handlers: handlers

      handlersFor: function(name) {
        var route = this.names[name], result = [];
        if (!route) { throw new Error("There is no route named " + name); }

        for (var i=0, l=route.handlers.length; i<l; i++) {

        return result;

      hasRoute: function(name) {
        return !!this.names[name];

      generate: function(name, params) {
        var route = this.names[name], output = "";
        if (!route) { throw new Error("There is no route named " + name); }

        var segments = route.segments;

        for (var i=0, l=segments.length; i<l; i++) {
          var segment = segments[i];

          if (segment instanceof EpsilonSegment) { continue; }

          output += "/";
          output += segment.generate(params);

        if (output.charAt(0) !== '/') { output = '/' + output; }

        if (params && params.queryParams) {
          output += this.generateQueryString(params.queryParams, route.handlers);

        return output;

      generateQueryString: function(params, handlers) {
        var pairs = [];
        var keys = [];
        for(var key in params) {
          if (params.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
        for (var i = 0, len = keys.length; i < len; i++) {
          key = keys[i];
          var value = params[key];
          if (value == null) {
          var pair = encodeURIComponent(key);
          if (isArray(value)) {
            for (var j = 0, l = value.length; j < l; j++) {
              var arrayPair = key + '[]' + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value[j]);
          } else {
            pair += "=" + encodeURIComponent(value);

        if (pairs.length === 0) { return ''; }

        return "?" + pairs.join("&");

      parseQueryString: function(queryString) {
        var pairs = queryString.split("&"), queryParams = {};
        for(var i=0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
          var pair      = pairs[i].split('='),
              key       = decodeURIComponent(pair[0]),
              keyLength = key.length,
              isArray = false,
          if (pair.length === 1) {
            value = 'true';
          } else {
            //Handle arrays
            if (keyLength > 2 && key.slice(keyLength -2) === '[]') {
              isArray = true;
              key = key.slice(0, keyLength - 2);
              if(!queryParams[key]) {
                queryParams[key] = [];
            value = pair[1] ? decodeURIComponent(pair[1]) : '';
          if (isArray) {
          } else {
            queryParams[key] = value;
        return queryParams;

      recognize: function(path) {
        var states = [ this.rootState ],
            pathLen, i, l, queryStart, queryParams = {},
            isSlashDropped = false;

        path = decodeURI(path);

        queryStart = path.indexOf('?');
        if (queryStart !== -1) {
          var queryString = path.substr(queryStart + 1, path.length);
          path = path.substr(0, queryStart);
          queryParams = this.parseQueryString(queryString);

        // DEBUG GROUP path

        if (path.charAt(0) !== "/") { path = "/" + path; }

        pathLen = path.length;
        if (pathLen > 1 && path.charAt(pathLen - 1) === "/") {
          path = path.substr(0, pathLen - 1);
          isSlashDropped = true;

        for (i=0, l=path.length; i<l; i++) {
          states = recognizeChar(states, path.charAt(i));
          if (!states.length) { break; }

        // END DEBUG GROUP

        var solutions = [];
        for (i=0, l=states.length; i<l; i++) {
          if (states[i].handlers) { solutions.push(states[i]); }

        states = sortSolutions(solutions);

        var state = solutions[0];

        if (state && state.handlers) {
          // if a trailing slash was dropped and a star segment is the last segment
          // specified, put the trailing slash back
          if (isSlashDropped && state.regex.source.slice(-5) === "(.+)$") {
            path = path + "/";
          return findHandler(state, path, queryParams);

    RouteRecognizer.prototype.map = map;

    __exports__["default"] = RouteRecognizer;
  function(__exports__) {
    "use strict";
    function Target(path, matcher, delegate) {
      this.path = path;
      this.matcher = matcher;
      this.delegate = delegate;

    Target.prototype = {
      to: function(target, callback) {
        var delegate = this.delegate;

        if (delegate && delegate.willAddRoute) {
          target = delegate.willAddRoute(this.matcher.target, target);

        this.matcher.add(this.path, target);

        if (callback) {
          if (callback.length === 0) { throw new Error("You must have an argument in the function passed to `to`"); }
          this.matcher.addChild(this.path, target, callback, this.delegate);
        return this;

    function Matcher(target) {
      this.routes = {};
      this.children = {};
      this.target = target;

    Matcher.prototype = {
      add: function(path, handler) {
        this.routes[path] = handler;

      addChild: function(path, target, callback, delegate) {
        var matcher = new Matcher(target);
        this.children[path] = matcher;

        var match = generateMatch(path, matcher, delegate);

        if (delegate && delegate.contextEntered) {
          delegate.contextEntered(target, match);


    function generateMatch(startingPath, matcher, delegate) {
      return function(path, nestedCallback) {
        var fullPath = startingPath + path;

        if (nestedCallback) {
          nestedCallback(generateMatch(fullPath, matcher, delegate));
        } else {
          return new Target(startingPath + path, matcher, delegate);

    function addRoute(routeArray, path, handler) {
      var len = 0;
      for (var i=0, l=routeArray.length; i<l; i++) {
        len += routeArray[i].path.length;

      path = path.substr(len);
      var route = { path: path, handler: handler };

    function eachRoute(baseRoute, matcher, callback, binding) {
      var routes = matcher.routes;

      for (var path in routes) {
        if (routes.hasOwnProperty(path)) {
          var routeArray = baseRoute.slice();
          addRoute(routeArray, path, routes[path]);

          if (matcher.children[path]) {
            eachRoute(routeArray, matcher.children[path], callback, binding);
          } else {
            callback.call(binding, routeArray);

    __exports__["default"] = function(callback, addRouteCallback) {
      var matcher = new Matcher();

      callback(generateMatch("", matcher, this.delegate));

      eachRoute([], matcher, function(route) {
        if (addRouteCallback) { addRouteCallback(this, route); }
        else { this.add(route); }
      }, this);

global.RouteRecognizer = require("route-recognizer")["default"];