# frozen_string_literal: true require 'archetype' require 'digest/sha1' class Post < ActiveRecord::Base include RateLimiter::OnCreateRecord include Trashable include Searchable include HasCustomFields include LimitedEdit self.ignored_columns = [ "avg_time", # TODO(2021-01-04): remove "image_url" # TODO(2021-06-01): remove ] cattr_accessor :plugin_permitted_create_params, :plugin_permitted_update_params self.plugin_permitted_create_params = {} self.plugin_permitted_update_params = {} # increase this number to force a system wide post rebake # Recreate `index_for_rebake_old` when the number is increased # Version 1, was the initial version # Version 2 15-12-2017, introduces CommonMark and a huge number of onebox fixes BAKED_VERSION = 2 # Time between the delete and permanent delete of a post PERMANENT_DELETE_TIMER = 5.minutes rate_limit rate_limit :limit_posts_per_day belongs_to :user belongs_to :topic belongs_to :reply_to_user, class_name: "User" has_many :post_replies has_many :replies, through: :post_replies has_many :post_actions, dependent: :destroy has_many :topic_links has_many :group_mentions, dependent: :destroy has_many :upload_references, as: :target, dependent: :destroy has_many :uploads, through: :upload_references has_one :post_stat has_many :bookmarks, as: :bookmarkable has_one :incoming_email has_many :post_details has_many :post_revisions has_many :revisions, -> { order(:number) }, foreign_key: :post_id, class_name: 'PostRevision' has_many :user_actions, foreign_key: :target_post_id belongs_to :image_upload, class_name: "Upload" has_many :post_hotlinked_media, dependent: :destroy, class_name: "PostHotlinkedMedia" validates_with PostValidator, unless: :skip_validation after_commit :index_search # We can pass several creating options to a post via attributes attr_accessor :image_sizes, :quoted_post_numbers, :no_bump, :invalidate_oneboxes, :cooking_options, :skip_unique_check, :skip_validation MISSING_UPLOADS ||= "missing uploads" MISSING_UPLOADS_IGNORED ||= "missing uploads ignored" NOTICE ||= "notice" SHORT_POST_CHARS ||= 1200 register_custom_field_type(MISSING_UPLOADS, :json) register_custom_field_type(MISSING_UPLOADS_IGNORED, :boolean) register_custom_field_type(NOTICE, :json) scope :private_posts_for_user, ->(user) do where( "topics.id IN (#{Topic::PRIVATE_MESSAGES_SQL_USER}) OR topics.id IN (#{Topic::PRIVATE_MESSAGES_SQL_GROUP})", user_id: user.id ) end scope :by_newest, -> { order('created_at DESC, id DESC') } scope :by_post_number, -> { order('post_number ASC') } scope :with_user, -> { includes(:user) } scope :created_since, -> (time_ago) { where('posts.created_at > ?', time_ago) } scope :public_posts, -> { joins(:topic).where('topics.archetype <> ?', Archetype.private_message) } scope :private_posts, -> { joins(:topic).where('topics.archetype = ?', Archetype.private_message) } scope :with_topic_subtype, ->(subtype) { joins(:topic).where('topics.subtype = ?', subtype) } scope :visible, -> { joins(:topic).where('topics.visible = true').where(hidden: false) } scope :secured, -> (guardian) { where('posts.post_type IN (?)', Topic.visible_post_types(guardian&.user)) } scope :for_mailing_list, ->(user, since) { q = created_since(since) .joins("INNER JOIN (#{Topic.for_digest(user, Time.at(0)).select(:id).to_sql}) AS digest_topics ON digest_topics.id = posts.topic_id") # we want all topics with new content, regardless when they were created .order('posts.created_at ASC') q = q.where.not(post_type: Post.types[:whisper]) unless user.staff? q } scope :raw_match, -> (pattern, type = 'string') { type = type&.downcase case type when 'string' where('raw ILIKE ?', "%#{pattern}%") when 'regex' where('raw ~* ?', "(?n)#{pattern}") end } scope :have_uploads, -> { where(" ( posts.cooked LIKE '% 1 RateLimiter.new(user, "first-day-replies-per-day", SiteSetting.max_replies_in_first_day, 1.day.to_i) end end def readers_count read_count = reads - 1 # Excludes poster read_count < 0 ? 0 : read_count end def publish_change_to_clients!(type, opts = {}) # special failsafe for posts missing topics consistency checks should fix, # but message is safe to skip return unless topic skip_topic_stats = opts.delete(:skip_topic_stats) message = { id: id, post_number: post_number, updated_at: Time.now, user_id: user_id, last_editor_id: last_editor_id, type: type, version: version }.merge(opts) publish_message!("/topic/#{topic_id}", message) Topic.publish_stats_to_clients!(topic.id, type) unless skip_topic_stats end def publish_message!(channel, message, opts = {}) return unless topic if Topic.visible_post_types.include?(post_type) opts.merge!(topic.secure_audience_publish_messages) else opts[:user_ids] = User.human_users .where("admin OR moderator OR id = ?", user_id) .pluck(:id) end if opts[:user_ids] != [] && opts[:group_ids] != [] MessageBus.publish(channel, message, opts) end end def trash!(trashed_by = nil) self.topic_links.each(&:destroy) self.save_custom_fields if self.custom_fields.delete(Post::NOTICE) super(trashed_by) end def recover! super recover_public_post_actions TopicLink.extract_from(self) QuotedPost.extract_from(self) if topic && topic.category_id && topic.category topic.category.update_latest end end # The key we use in redis to ensure unique posts def unique_post_key "unique#{topic&.private_message? ? "-pm" : ""}-post-#{user_id}:#{raw_hash}" end def store_unique_post_key if SiteSetting.unique_posts_mins > 0 Discourse.redis.setex(unique_post_key, SiteSetting.unique_posts_mins.minutes.to_i, id) end end def matches_recent_post? post_id = Discourse.redis.get(unique_post_key) post_id != (nil) && post_id.to_i != (id) end def raw_hash return if raw.blank? Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(raw) end def self.allowed_image_classes @allowed_image_classes ||= ['avatar', 'favicon', 'thumbnail', 'emoji', 'ytp-thumbnail-image'] end def post_analyzer @post_analyzers ||= {} @post_analyzers[raw_hash] ||= PostAnalyzer.new(raw, topic_id) end %w{raw_mentions linked_hosts embedded_media_count attachment_count link_count raw_links has_oneboxes?}.each do |attr| define_method(attr) do post_analyzer.public_send(attr) end end def add_nofollow? return false if user&.staff? user.blank? || SiteSetting.tl3_links_no_follow? || !user.has_trust_level?(TrustLevel[3]) end def omit_nofollow? !add_nofollow? end def cook(raw, opts = {}) # For some posts, for example those imported via RSS, we support raw HTML. In that # case we can skip the rendering pipeline. return raw if cook_method == Post.cook_methods[:raw_html] options = opts.dup options[:cook_method] = cook_method post_user = self.user options[:user_id] = post_user.id if post_user options[:omit_nofollow] = true if omit_nofollow? if self.with_secure_uploads? each_upload_url do |url| uri = URI.parse(url) if FileHelper.is_supported_media?(File.basename(uri.path)) raw = raw.sub( url, Rails.application.routes.url_for( controller: "uploads", action: "show_secure", path: uri.path[1..-1], host: Discourse.current_hostname ) ) end end end cooked = post_analyzer.cook(raw, options) new_cooked = Plugin::Filter.apply(:after_post_cook, self, cooked) if post_type == Post.types[:regular] if new_cooked != cooked && new_cooked.blank? Rails.logger.debug("Plugin is blanking out post: #{self.url}\nraw: #{raw}") elsif new_cooked.blank? Rails.logger.debug("Blank post detected post: #{self.url}\nraw: #{raw}") end end new_cooked end # Sometimes the post is being edited by someone else, for example, a mod. # If that's the case, they should not be bound by the original poster's # restrictions, for example on not posting images. def acting_user @acting_user || user end def acting_user=(pu) @acting_user = pu end def last_editor self.last_editor_id ? (User.find_by_id(self.last_editor_id) || user) : user end def allowed_spam_hosts hosts = SiteSetting .allowed_spam_host_domains .split('|') .map { |h| h.strip } .reject { |h| !h.include?('.') } hosts << GlobalSetting.hostname hosts << RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_hostname end def total_hosts_usage hosts = linked_hosts.clone allowlisted = allowed_spam_hosts hosts.reject! do |h| allowlisted.any? do |w| h.end_with?(w) end end return hosts if hosts.length == 0 TopicLink.where(domain: hosts.keys, user_id: acting_user.id) .group(:domain, :post_id) .count .each_key do |tuple| domain = tuple[0] hosts[domain] = (hosts[domain] || 0) + 1 end hosts end # Prevent new users from posting the same hosts too many times. def has_host_spam? return false if acting_user.present? && (acting_user.staged? || acting_user.mature_staged? || acting_user.has_trust_level?(TrustLevel[1])) return false if topic&.private_message? total_hosts_usage.values.any? { |count| count >= SiteSetting.newuser_spam_host_threshold } end def archetype topic&.archetype end def self.regular_order order(:sort_order, :post_number) end def self.reverse_order order('sort_order desc, post_number desc') end def self.summary(topic_id) topic_id = topic_id.to_i # percent rank has tons of ties where(topic_id: topic_id) .where([ "id = ANY( ( SELECT posts.id FROM posts WHERE posts.topic_id = #{topic_id.to_i} AND posts.post_number = 1 ) UNION ( SELECT p1.id FROM posts p1 WHERE p1.percent_rank <= ? AND p1.topic_id = #{topic_id.to_i} ORDER BY p1.percent_rank LIMIT ? ) )", SiteSetting.summary_percent_filter.to_f / 100.0, SiteSetting.summary_max_results ]) end def delete_post_notices self.custom_fields.delete(Post::NOTICE) self.save_custom_fields end def recover_public_post_actions PostAction.publics .with_deleted .where(post_id: self.id, id: self.custom_fields["deleted_public_actions"]) .find_each do |post_action| post_action.recover! post_action.save! end self.custom_fields.delete("deleted_public_actions") self.save_custom_fields end def filter_quotes(parent_post = nil) return cooked if parent_post.blank? # We only filter quotes when there is exactly 1 return cooked unless (quote_count == 1) parent_raw = parent_post.raw.sub(/\[quote.+\/quote\]/m, '') if raw[parent_raw] || (parent_raw.size < SHORT_POST_CHARS) return cooked.sub(/\/m, '') end cooked end def external_id "#{topic_id}/#{post_number}" end def reply_to_post return if reply_to_post_number.blank? @reply_to_post ||= Post.find_by("topic_id = :topic_id AND post_number = :post_number", topic_id: topic_id, post_number: reply_to_post_number) end def reply_notification_target return if reply_to_post_number.blank? Post.find_by("topic_id = :topic_id AND post_number = :post_number AND user_id <> :user_id", topic_id: topic_id, post_number: reply_to_post_number, user_id: user_id).try(:user) end def self.excerpt(cooked, maxlength = nil, options = {}) maxlength ||= SiteSetting.post_excerpt_maxlength PrettyText.excerpt(cooked, maxlength, options) end # Strip out most of the markup def excerpt(maxlength = nil, options = {}) Post.excerpt(cooked, maxlength, options.merge(post: self)) end def excerpt_for_topic Post.excerpt(cooked, SiteSetting.topic_excerpt_maxlength, strip_links: true, strip_images: true, post: self) end def is_first_post? post_number.blank? ? topic.try(:highest_post_number) == 0 : post_number == 1 end def is_category_description? topic.present? && topic.is_category_topic? && is_first_post? end def is_reply_by_email? via_email && post_number.present? && post_number > 1 end def is_flagged? post_actions.where(post_action_type_id: PostActionType.flag_types_without_custom.values, deleted_at: nil).count != 0 end def reviewable_flag ReviewableFlaggedPost.pending.find_by(target: self) end def with_secure_uploads? return false if !SiteSetting.secure_uploads? SiteSetting.login_required? || \ (topic.present? && (topic.private_message? || topic.category&.read_restricted)) end def hide!(post_action_type_id, reason = nil, custom_message: nil) return if hidden? reason ||= hidden_at ? Post.hidden_reasons[:flag_threshold_reached_again] : Post.hidden_reasons[:flag_threshold_reached] hiding_again = hidden_at.present? self.hidden = true self.hidden_at = Time.zone.now self.hidden_reason_id = reason self.skip_unique_check = true Post.transaction do save! Topic.where( "id = :topic_id AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM POSTS WHERE topic_id = :topic_id AND NOT hidden)", topic_id: topic_id ).update_all(visible: false) UserStatCountUpdater.decrement!(self) end # inform user if user.present? options = { url: url, edit_delay: SiteSetting.cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts, flag_reason: I18n.t( "flag_reasons.#{PostActionType.types[post_action_type_id]}", locale: SiteSetting.default_locale, base_path: Discourse.base_path ) } message = custom_message if message.nil? message = hiding_again ? :post_hidden_again : :post_hidden end Jobs.enqueue_in( 5.seconds, :send_system_message, user_id: user.id, message_type: message.to_s, message_options: options ) end end def unhide! Post.transaction do self.update!(hidden: false) self.topic.update(visible: true) if is_first_post? UserStatCountUpdater.increment!(self) save(validate: false) end publish_change_to_clients!(:acted) end def full_url "#{Discourse.base_url}#{url}" end def url(opts = nil) opts ||= {} if topic Post.url(topic.slug, topic.id, post_number, opts) else "/404" end end def canonical_url topic_view = TopicView.new(topic, nil, post_number: post_number) page = "" if topic_view.page > 1 page = "?page=#{topic_view.page}" end "#{topic.url}#{page}#post_#{post_number}" end def unsubscribe_url(user) key_value = UnsubscribeKey.create_key_for(user, UnsubscribeKey::TOPIC_TYPE, post: self) "#{Discourse.base_url}/email/unsubscribe/#{key_value}" end def self.url(slug, topic_id, post_number, opts = nil) opts ||= {} result = +"/t/" result << "#{slug}/" if !opts[:without_slug] "#{result}#{topic_id}/#{post_number}" end def self.urls(post_ids) ids = post_ids.map { |u| u } if ids.length > 0 urls = {} Topic.joins(:posts).where('posts.id' => ids). select(['posts.id as post_id', 'post_number', 'topics.slug', 'topics.title', 'topics.id']). each do |t| urls[t.post_id.to_i] = url(t.slug, t.id, t.post_number) end urls else {} end end def revise(updated_by, changes = {}, opts = {}) PostRevisor.new(self).revise!(updated_by, changes, opts) end def self.rebake_old(limit, priority: :normal, rate_limiter: true) limiter = RateLimiter.new( nil, "global_periodical_rebake_limit", GlobalSetting.max_old_rebakes_per_15_minutes, 900, global: true ) problems = [] Post.where('baked_version IS NULL OR baked_version < ?', BAKED_VERSION) .order('id desc') .limit(limit).pluck(:id).each do |id| begin break if !limiter.can_perform? post = Post.find(id) post.rebake!(priority: priority) begin limiter.performed! if rate_limiter rescue RateLimiter::LimitExceeded break end rescue => e problems << { post: post, ex: e } attempts = post.custom_fields["rebake_attempts"].to_i if attempts > 3 post.update_columns(baked_version: BAKED_VERSION) Discourse.warn_exception(e, message: "Can not rebake post# #{post.id} after 3 attempts, giving up") else post.custom_fields["rebake_attempts"] = attempts + 1 post.save_custom_fields end end end problems end def rebake!(invalidate_broken_images: false, invalidate_oneboxes: false, priority: nil) new_cooked = cook(raw, topic_id: topic_id, invalidate_oneboxes: invalidate_oneboxes) old_cooked = cooked update_columns( cooked: new_cooked, baked_at: Time.zone.now, baked_version: BAKED_VERSION ) if is_first_post? topic&.update_excerpt(excerpt_for_topic) end if invalidate_broken_images post_hotlinked_media.download_failed.destroy_all post_hotlinked_media.upload_create_failed.destroy_all end # Extracts urls from the body TopicLink.extract_from(self) QuotedPost.extract_from(self) # make sure we trigger the post process trigger_post_process(bypass_bump: true, priority: priority) publish_change_to_clients!(:rebaked) new_cooked != old_cooked end def set_owner(new_user, actor, skip_revision = false) return if user_id == new_user.id edit_reason = I18n.t('change_owner.post_revision_text', locale: SiteSetting.default_locale) revise( actor, { raw: self.raw, user_id: new_user.id, edit_reason: edit_reason }, bypass_bump: true, skip_revision: skip_revision, skip_validations: true ) if post_number == topic.highest_post_number topic.update_columns(last_post_user_id: new_user.id) end end before_create do PostCreator.before_create_tasks(self) end def self.estimate_posts_per_day val = Discourse.redis.get("estimated_posts_per_day") return val.to_i if val posts_per_day = Topic.listable_topics.secured.joins(:posts).merge(Post.created_since(30.days.ago)).count / 30 Discourse.redis.setex("estimated_posts_per_day", 1.day.to_i, posts_per_day.to_s) posts_per_day end before_save do self.last_editor_id ||= user_id if will_save_change_to_raw? self.cooked = cook(raw, topic_id: topic_id) if !new_record? self.baked_at = Time.zone.now self.baked_version = BAKED_VERSION end end def advance_draft_sequence return if topic.blank? # could be deleted DraftSequence.next!(last_editor_id, topic.draft_key) if last_editor_id end # TODO: move to post-analyzer? # Determine what posts are quoted by this post def extract_quoted_post_numbers temp_collector = [] # Create relationships for the quotes raw.scan(/\[quote=\"([^"]+)"\]/).each do |quote| args = parse_quote_into_arguments(quote) # If the topic attribute is present, ensure it's the same topic if !(args[:topic].present? && topic_id != args[:topic]) && args[:post] != post_number temp_collector << args[:post] end end temp_collector.uniq! self.quoted_post_numbers = temp_collector self.quote_count = temp_collector.size end def save_reply_relationships add_to_quoted_post_numbers(reply_to_post_number) return if self.quoted_post_numbers.blank? # Create a reply relationship between quoted posts and this new post self.quoted_post_numbers.each do |p| post = Post.find_by(topic_id: topic_id, post_number: p) create_reply_relationship_with(post) end end # Enqueue post processing for this post def trigger_post_process(bypass_bump: false, priority: :normal, new_post: false, skip_pull_hotlinked_images: false) args = { bypass_bump: bypass_bump, cooking_options: self.cooking_options, new_post: new_post, post_id: id, skip_pull_hotlinked_images: skip_pull_hotlinked_images, } args[:image_sizes] = image_sizes if self.image_sizes.present? args[:invalidate_oneboxes] = true if self.invalidate_oneboxes.present? args[:queue] = priority.to_s if priority && priority != :normal Jobs.enqueue(:process_post, args) DiscourseEvent.trigger(:after_trigger_post_process, self) end def self.public_posts_count_per_day(start_date, end_date, category_id = nil, include_subcategories = false) result = public_posts .where('posts.created_at >= ? AND posts.created_at <= ?', start_date, end_date) .where(post_type: Post.types[:regular]) if category_id if include_subcategories result = result.where('topics.category_id IN (?)', Category.subcategory_ids(category_id)) else result = result.where('topics.category_id = ?', category_id) end end result .group('date(posts.created_at)') .order('date(posts.created_at)') .count end def self.private_messages_count_per_day(start_date, end_date, topic_subtype) private_posts.with_topic_subtype(topic_subtype) .where('posts.created_at >= ? AND posts.created_at <= ?', start_date, end_date) .group('date(posts.created_at)') .order('date(posts.created_at)') .count end def reply_history(max_replies = 100, guardian = nil) post_ids = DB.query_single(<<~SQL, post_id: id, topic_id: topic_id) WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumb(id, reply_to_post_number) AS ( SELECT p.id, p.reply_to_post_number FROM posts AS p WHERE p.id = :post_id UNION SELECT p.id, p.reply_to_post_number FROM posts AS p, breadcrumb WHERE breadcrumb.reply_to_post_number = p.post_number AND p.topic_id = :topic_id ) SELECT id from breadcrumb WHERE id <> :post_id ORDER by id SQL # [1,2,3][-10,-1] => nil post_ids = (post_ids[(0 - max_replies)..-1] || post_ids) Post.secured(guardian).where(id: post_ids).includes(:user, :topic).order(:id).to_a end MAX_REPLY_LEVEL ||= 1000 def reply_ids(guardian = nil, only_replies_to_single_post: true) builder = DB.build(<<~SQL) WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumb(id, level) AS ( SELECT :post_id, 0 UNION SELECT reply_post_id, level + 1 FROM post_replies AS r JOIN posts AS p ON p.id = reply_post_id JOIN breadcrumb AS b ON (r.post_id = b.id) WHERE r.post_id <> r.reply_post_id AND b.level < :max_reply_level AND p.topic_id = :topic_id ), breadcrumb_with_count AS ( SELECT id, level, COUNT(*) AS count FROM post_replies AS r JOIN breadcrumb AS b ON (r.reply_post_id = b.id) WHERE r.reply_post_id <> r.post_id GROUP BY id, level ) SELECT id, MIN(level) AS level FROM breadcrumb_with_count /*where*/ GROUP BY id ORDER BY id SQL builder.where("level > 0") # ignore posts that aren't replies to exactly one post # for example it skips a post when it contains 2 quotes (which are replies) from different posts builder.where("count = 1") if only_replies_to_single_post replies = builder.query_hash(post_id: id, max_reply_level: MAX_REPLY_LEVEL, topic_id: topic_id) replies.each { |r| r.symbolize_keys! } secured_ids = Post.secured(guardian).where(id: replies.map { |r| r[:id] }).pluck(:id).to_set replies.reject { |r| !secured_ids.include?(r[:id]) } end def revert_to(number) return if number >= version post_revision = PostRevision.find_by(post_id: id, number: (number + 1)) post_revision.modifications.each do |attribute, change| attribute = "version" if attribute == "cached_version" write_attribute(attribute, change[0]) end end def self.rebake_all_quoted_posts(user_id) return if user_id.blank? DB.exec(<<~SQL, user_id) WITH user_quoted_posts AS ( SELECT post_id FROM quoted_posts WHERE quoted_post_id IN (SELECT id FROM posts WHERE user_id = ?) ) UPDATE posts SET baked_version = NULL WHERE baked_version IS NOT NULL AND id IN (SELECT post_id FROM user_quoted_posts) SQL end def seen?(user) PostTiming.where(topic_id: topic_id, post_number: post_number, user_id: user.id).exists? end def index_search Scheduler::Defer.later "Index post for search" do SearchIndexer.index(self) end end def locked? locked_by_id.present? end def link_post_uploads(fragments: nil) upload_ids = [] each_upload_url(fragments: fragments) do |src, _, sha1| upload = nil upload = Upload.find_by(sha1: sha1) if sha1.present? upload ||= Upload.get_from_url(src) upload_ids << upload.id if upload.present? end upload_references = upload_ids.map do |upload_id| { target_id: self.id, target_type: self.class.name, upload_id: upload_id, created_at: Time.zone.now, updated_at: Time.zone.now } end UploadReference.transaction do UploadReference.where(target: self).delete_all UploadReference.insert_all(upload_references) if upload_references.size > 0 if SiteSetting.secure_uploads? Upload.where( id: upload_ids, access_control_post_id: nil ).where( 'id NOT IN (SELECT upload_id FROM custom_emojis)' ).update_all( access_control_post_id: self.id ) end end end def update_uploads_secure_status(source:) if Discourse.store.external? Jobs.enqueue(:update_post_uploads_secure_status, post_id: self.id, source: source) end end def each_upload_url(fragments: nil, include_local_upload: true) current_db = RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_db upload_patterns = [ /\/uploads\/#{current_db}\//, /\/original\//, /\/optimized\//, /\/uploads\/short-url\/[a-zA-Z0-9]+(\.[a-z0-9]+)?/ ] fragments ||= Nokogiri::HTML5::fragment(self.cooked) selectors = fragments.css("a/@href", "img/@src", "source/@src", "track/@src", "video/@poster") links = selectors.map do |media| src = media.value next if src.blank? if src.end_with?("/images/transparent.png") && (parent = media.parent)["data-orig-src"].present? parent["data-orig-src"] else src end end.compact.uniq links.each do |src| src = src.split("?")[0] if src.start_with?("upload://") sha1 = Upload.sha1_from_short_url(src) yield(src, nil, sha1) next elsif src.include?("/uploads/short-url/") sha1 = Upload.sha1_from_short_path(src) yield(src, nil, sha1) next end next if upload_patterns.none? { |pattern| src =~ pattern } next if Rails.configuration.multisite && src.exclude?(current_db) src = "#{SiteSetting.force_https ? "https" : "http"}:#{src}" if src.start_with?("//") next unless Discourse.store.has_been_uploaded?(src) || Upload.secure_uploads_url?(src) || (include_local_upload && src =~ /\A\/[^\/]/i) path = begin URI(UrlHelper.unencode(GlobalSetting.cdn_url ? src.sub(GlobalSetting.cdn_url, "") : src))&.path rescue URI::Error end next if path.blank? sha1 = if path.include? "optimized" OptimizedImage.extract_sha1(path) else Upload.extract_sha1(path) || Upload.sha1_from_short_path(path) end yield(src, path, sha1) end end def self.find_missing_uploads(include_local_upload: true) missing_uploads = [] missing_post_uploads = {} count = 0 DistributedMutex.synchronize("find_missing_uploads", validity: 30.minutes) do PostCustomField.where(name: Post::MISSING_UPLOADS).delete_all query = Post .have_uploads .joins(:topic) .joins("LEFT JOIN post_custom_fields ON posts.id = post_custom_fields.post_id AND post_custom_fields.name = '#{Post::MISSING_UPLOADS_IGNORED}'") .where("post_custom_fields.id IS NULL") .select(:id, :cooked) query.find_in_batches do |posts| ids = posts.pluck(:id) sha1s = Upload .joins(:upload_references) .where(upload_references: { target_type: "Post" }) .where("upload_references.target_id BETWEEN ? AND ?", ids.min, ids.max) .pluck(:sha1) posts.each do |post| post.each_upload_url do |src, path, sha1| next if sha1.present? && sha1s.include?(sha1) missing_post_uploads[post.id] ||= [] if missing_uploads.include?(src) missing_post_uploads[post.id] << src next end upload_id = nil upload_id = Upload.where(sha1: sha1).pluck_first(:id) if sha1.present? upload_id ||= yield(post, src, path, sha1) if upload_id.blank? missing_uploads << src missing_post_uploads[post.id] << src end end end end missing_post_uploads = missing_post_uploads.reject do |post_id, uploads| if uploads.present? PostCustomField.create!(post_id: post_id, name: Post::MISSING_UPLOADS, value: uploads.to_json) count += uploads.count end uploads.empty? end end { uploads: missing_uploads, post_uploads: missing_post_uploads, count: count } end def owned_uploads_via_access_control Upload.where(access_control_post_id: self.id) end def image_url raw_url = image_upload&.url UrlHelper.cook_url(raw_url, secure: image_upload&.secure?, local: true) if raw_url end def cannot_permanently_delete_reason(user) if self.deleted_by_id == user&.id && self.deleted_at >= Post::PERMANENT_DELETE_TIMER.ago time_left = RateLimiter.time_left(Post::PERMANENT_DELETE_TIMER.to_i - Time.zone.now.to_i + self.deleted_at.to_i) I18n.t('post.cannot_permanently_delete.wait_or_different_admin', time_left: time_left) end end private def parse_quote_into_arguments(quote) return {} unless quote.present? args = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new quote.first.scan(/([a-z]+)\:(\d+)/).each do |arg| args[arg[0]] = arg[1].to_i end args end def add_to_quoted_post_numbers(num) return unless num.present? self.quoted_post_numbers ||= [] self.quoted_post_numbers << num end def create_reply_relationship_with(post) return if post.nil? || self.deleted_at.present? post_reply = post.post_replies.new(reply_post_id: id) if post_reply.save if Topic.visible_post_types.include?(self.post_type) Post.where(id: post.id).update_all ['reply_count = reply_count + 1'] end end end end # == Schema Information # # Table name: posts # # id :integer not null, primary key # user_id :integer # topic_id :integer not null # post_number :integer not null # raw :text not null # cooked :text not null # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # reply_to_post_number :integer # reply_count :integer default(0), not null # quote_count :integer default(0), not null # deleted_at :datetime # off_topic_count :integer default(0), not null # like_count :integer default(0), not null # incoming_link_count :integer default(0), not null # bookmark_count :integer default(0), not null # score :float # reads :integer default(0), not null # post_type :integer default(1), not null # sort_order :integer # last_editor_id :integer # hidden :boolean default(FALSE), not null # hidden_reason_id :integer # notify_moderators_count :integer default(0), not null # spam_count :integer default(0), not null # illegal_count :integer default(0), not null # inappropriate_count :integer default(0), not null # last_version_at :datetime not null # user_deleted :boolean default(FALSE), not null # reply_to_user_id :integer # percent_rank :float default(1.0) # notify_user_count :integer default(0), not null # like_score :integer default(0), not null # deleted_by_id :integer # edit_reason :string # word_count :integer # version :integer default(1), not null # cook_method :integer default(1), not null # wiki :boolean default(FALSE), not null # baked_at :datetime # baked_version :integer # hidden_at :datetime # self_edits :integer default(0), not null # reply_quoted :boolean default(FALSE), not null # via_email :boolean default(FALSE), not null # raw_email :text # public_version :integer default(1), not null # action_code :string # locked_by_id :integer # image_upload_id :bigint # outbound_message_id :string # # Indexes # # idx_posts_created_at_topic_id (created_at,topic_id) WHERE (deleted_at IS NULL) # idx_posts_deleted_posts (topic_id,post_number) WHERE (deleted_at IS NOT NULL) # idx_posts_user_id_deleted_at (user_id) WHERE (deleted_at IS NULL) # index_for_rebake_old (id) WHERE (((baked_version IS NULL) OR (baked_version < 2)) AND (deleted_at IS NULL)) # index_posts_on_id_and_baked_version (id DESC,baked_version) WHERE (deleted_at IS NULL) # index_posts_on_image_upload_id (image_upload_id) # index_posts_on_reply_to_post_number (reply_to_post_number) # index_posts_on_topic_id_and_percent_rank (topic_id,percent_rank) # index_posts_on_topic_id_and_post_number (topic_id,post_number) UNIQUE # index_posts_on_topic_id_and_sort_order (topic_id,sort_order) # index_posts_on_user_id_and_created_at (user_id,created_at) # index_posts_user_and_likes (user_id,like_count DESC,created_at DESC) WHERE (post_number > 1) #