# frozen_string_literal: true require "mysql2" require "reverse_markdown" require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/base.rb") class ImportScripts::IPBoard3 < ImportScripts::Base BATCH_SIZE ||= 5000 UPLOADS_DIR ||= "/path/to/uploads" def initialize super @client = Mysql2::Client.new( host: ENV["DB_HOST"] || "localhost", username: ENV["DB_USER"] || "root", password: ENV["DB_PW"], database: ENV["DB_NAME"], ) @client.query("SET character_set_results = binary") end def execute import_users import_categories import_topics import_posts close_topics import_personal_topics import_personal_posts end def import_users puts "", "importing users..." last_user_id = -1 total_users = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) count FROM members").first["count"] batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| users = mysql_query(<<~SQL SELECT member_id id , name , email , joined , ip_address , title , CONCAT(bday_year, '-', bday_month, '-', bday_day) date_of_birth , last_activity , member_banned , g_title , pp_main_photo , pp_about_me FROM members LEFT JOIN groups ON member_group_id = g_id LEFT JOIN profile_portal ON member_id = pp_member_id WHERE member_id > #{last_user_id} ORDER BY member_id LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} SQL ).to_a break if users.empty? last_user_id = users[-1]["id"] create_users(users, total: total_users, offset: offset) do |u| next if user_id_from_imported_user_id(u["id"]) %W{name email title pp_about_me}.each { |k| u[k]&.encode!("utf-8", "utf-8", invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: "") } next if u["name"].blank? && !Email.is_valid?(u["email"]) { id: u["id"], username: u["name"], email: u["email"], created_at: Time.zone.at(u["joined"]), registration_ip_address: u["ip_address"], title: CGI.unescapeHTML(u["title"].presence || ""), date_of_birth: (Date.parse(u["date_of_birth"]) rescue nil), last_seen_at: Time.zone.at(u["last_activity"]), admin: !!(u["g_title"] =~ /admin/i), moderator: !!(u["g_title"] =~ /moderator/i), bio_raw: clean_up(u["pp_about_me"]), post_create_action: proc do |new_user| if u["member_banned"] == 1 new_user.update(suspended_at: DateTime.now, suspended_till: 100.years.from_now) elsif u["pp_main_photo"].present? path = File.join(UPLOADS_DIR, u["pp_main_photo"]) if File.exists?(path) begin upload = create_upload(new_user.id, path, File.basename(path)) if upload.persisted? new_user.create_user_avatar new_user.user_avatar.update(custom_upload_id: upload.id) new_user.update(uploaded_avatar_id: upload.id) end rescue # don't care end end end end } end end end def import_categories puts "", "importing categories..." categories = mysql_query("SELECT id, parent_id, name, description, position FROM forums ORDER BY id").to_a parent_categories = categories.select { |c| c["parent_id"] == -1 } child_categories = categories.select { |c| c["parent_id"] != -1 } create_categories(parent_categories) do |c| next if category_id_from_imported_category_id(c["id"]) { id: c["id"], name: c["name"].encode("utf-8", "utf-8"), description: clean_up(c["description"]), position: c["position"], } end create_categories(child_categories) do |c| next if category_id_from_imported_category_id(c["id"]) { id: c["id"], parent_category_id: category_id_from_imported_category_id(c["parent_id"]), name: c["name"].encode("utf-8", "utf-8"), description: clean_up(c["description"]), position: c["position"], } end end def import_topics puts "", "importing topics..." @closed_topic_ids = [] last_topic_id = -1 total_topics = mysql_query(<<~SQL SELECT COUNT(*) count FROM topics JOIN posts ON tid = topic_id WHERE tdelete_time = 0 AND pdelete_time = 0 AND new_topic = 1 AND approved = 1 AND queued = 0 SQL ).first["count"] batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| topics = mysql_query(<<~SQL SELECT tid id , title , state , starter_id , start_date , views , forum_id , pinned , post FROM topics JOIN posts ON tid = topic_id WHERE tdelete_time = 0 AND pdelete_time = 0 AND new_topic = 1 AND approved = 1 AND queued = 0 AND tid > #{last_topic_id} ORDER BY tid LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} SQL ).to_a break if topics.empty? last_topic_id = topics[-1]["id"] create_posts(topics, total: total_topics, offset: offset) do |t| @closed_topic_ids << "t-#{t["id"]}" if t["state"] != "open" next if post_id_from_imported_post_id("t-#{t["id"]}") created_at = Time.zone.at(t["start_date"]) user_id = user_id_from_imported_user_id(t["starter_id"]) || -1 { id: "t-#{t["id"]}", title: CGI.unescapeHTML(t["title"].encode("utf-8", "utf-8")), user_id: user_id, created_at: created_at, views: t["views"], category: category_id_from_imported_category_id(t["forum_id"]), pinned_at: t["pinned"] == 1 ? created_at : nil, raw: clean_up(t["post"], user_id), } end end end def import_posts puts "", "importing posts..." last_post_id = -1 total_posts = mysql_query(<<~SQL SELECT COUNT(*) count FROM posts WHERE new_topic = 0 AND pdelete_time = 0 AND queued = 0 SQL ).first["count"] batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| posts = mysql_query(<<~SQL SELECT pid id , author_id , post_date , post , topic_id FROM posts WHERE new_topic = 0 AND pdelete_time = 0 AND queued = 0 AND pid > #{last_post_id} ORDER BY pid LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} SQL ).to_a break if posts.empty? last_post_id = posts[-1]["id"] create_posts(posts, total: total_posts, offset: offset) do |p| next if post_id_from_imported_post_id(p["id"]) next unless t = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id("t-#{p["topic_id"]}") user_id = user_id_from_imported_user_id(p["author_id"]) || -1 { id: p["id"], user_id: user_id, created_at: Time.zone.at(p["post_date"]), raw: clean_up(p["post"], user_id), topic_id: t[:topic_id], } end end end def close_topics puts "", "closing #{@closed_topic_ids.size} topics..." sql = <<~SQL WITH closed_topic_ids AS ( SELECT t.id AS topic_id FROM post_custom_fields pcf JOIN posts p ON p.id = pcf.post_id JOIN topics t ON t.id = p.topic_id WHERE pcf.name = 'import_id' AND pcf.value IN (?) ) UPDATE topics SET closed = true WHERE id IN (SELECT topic_id FROM closed_topic_ids) SQL DB.exec(sql, @closed_topic_ids) end def import_personal_topics puts "", "import personal topics..." last_personal_topic_id = -1 total_personal_topics = mysql_query(<<~SQL SELECT COUNT(*) count FROM message_topics JOIN message_posts ON msg_topic_id = mt_id WHERE mt_is_deleted = 0 AND msg_is_first_post = 1 SQL ).first["count"] batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| personal_topics = mysql_query(<<~SQL SELECT mt_id id , mt_date , mt_title , mt_starter_id , mt_to_member_id , mt_invited_members , msg_post FROM message_topics JOIN message_posts ON msg_topic_id = mt_id WHERE mt_is_deleted = 0 AND msg_is_first_post = 1 AND mt_id > #{last_personal_topic_id} ORDER BY mt_id LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} SQL ).to_a break if personal_topics.empty? last_personal_topic_id = personal_topics[-1]["id"] create_posts(personal_topics, total: total_personal_topics, offset: offset) do |pt| next if post_id_from_imported_post_id("pt-#{pt["id"]}") user_id = user_id_from_imported_user_id(pt["mt_starter_id"]) || -1 user_ids = [pt["mt_to_member_id"]] + pt["mt_invited_members"].scan(/i:(\d+);/).flatten.map(&:to_i) user_ids.map! { |id| user_id_from_imported_user_id(id) } user_ids.compact! user_ids.uniq! { archetype: Archetype.private_message, id: "pt-#{pt["id"]}", created_at: Time.zone.at(pt["mt_date"]), title: CGI.unescapeHTML(pt["mt_title"].encode("utf-8", "utf-8")), user_id: user_id, target_usernames: User.where(id: user_ids).pluck(:username), raw: clean_up(pt["msg_post"], user_id), } end end end def import_personal_posts puts "", "importing personal posts..." last_personal_post_id = -1 total_personal_posts = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) count FROM message_posts WHERE msg_is_first_post = 0").first["count"] batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| personal_posts = mysql_query(<<~SQL SELECT msg_id id , msg_topic_id , msg_date , msg_post , msg_author_id FROM message_posts WHERE msg_is_first_post = 0 AND msg_id > #{last_personal_post_id} ORDER BY msg_id LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} SQL ).to_a break if personal_posts.empty? last_personal_post_id = personal_posts[-1]["id"] create_posts(personal_posts, total: total_personal_posts, offset: offset) do |pp| next if post_id_from_imported_post_id("pp-#{pp["id"]}") next unless t = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id("pt-#{pp["msg_topic_id"]}") user_id = user_id_from_imported_user_id(pp["msg_author_id"]) || -1 { id: "pp-#{pp["id"]}", topic_id: t[:topic_id], created_at: Time.zone.at(pp["msg_date"]), raw: clean_up(pp["msg_post"], user_id), user_id: user_id, } end end end def clean_up(raw, user_id = -1) raw.encode!("utf-8", "utf-8", invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: "") raw.gsub!(/<(.+)> <\/\1>/, "\n\n") doc = Nokogiri::HTML5.fragment(raw) doc.css("blockquote.ipsBlockquote").each do |bq| post_id = post_id_from_imported_post_id(bq["data-cid"]) if post = Post.find_by(id: post_id) bq.replace %{
} end end markdown = ReverseMarkdown.convert(doc.to_html) markdown.gsub!(/\[attachment=(\d+):.+\]/) do if a = mysql_query("SELECT attach_file, attach_location FROM attachments WHERE attach_id = #{$1}").first path = File.join(UPLOADS_DIR, a["attach_location"]) if File.exists?(path) begin upload = create_upload(user_id, path, a["attach_file"]) return html_for_upload(upload, a["attach_file"]) if upload.persisted? rescue end end end end markdown end def mysql_query(sql) @client.query(sql) end end ImportScripts::IPBoard3.new.perform