# frozen_string_literal: true require "execjs" require "mini_racer" class DiscourseJsProcessor class TranspileError < StandardError end # To generate a list of babel plugins used by ember-cli, set # babel: { debug: true } in ember-cli-build.js, then run `yarn ember build -prod` DISCOURSE_COMMON_BABEL_PLUGINS = [ ["proposal-decorators", { legacy: true }], "proposal-class-properties", "proposal-private-methods", "proposal-class-static-block", "transform-parameters", "proposal-export-namespace-from", ] def self.plugin_transpile_paths @@plugin_transpile_paths ||= Set.new end def self.ember_cli?(filename) filename.include?("/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/dist/") end def self.call(input) root_path = input[:load_path] || "" logical_path = (input[:filename] || "").sub(root_path, "").gsub(/\.(js|es6).*$/, "").sub(%r{^/}, "") data = input[:data] data = transpile(data, root_path, logical_path) if should_transpile?(input[:filename]) # add sourceURL until we can do proper source maps if !Rails.env.production? && !ember_cli?(input[:filename]) plugin_name = root_path[%r{/plugins/([\w-]+)/assets}, 1] source_url = if plugin_name "plugins/#{plugin_name}/assets/javascripts/#{logical_path}" else logical_path end data = "eval(#{data.inspect} + \"\\n//# sourceURL=#{source_url}\");\n" end { data: data } end def self.transpile(data, root_path, logical_path, theme_id: nil) transpiler = Transpiler.new(skip_module: skip_module?(data)) transpiler.perform(data, root_path, logical_path, theme_id: theme_id) end def self.should_transpile?(filename) filename ||= "" # skip ember cli return false if ember_cli?(filename) # es6 is always transpiled return true if filename.end_with?(".es6") || filename.end_with?(".es6.erb") # For .js check the path... return false unless filename.end_with?(".js") || filename.end_with?(".js.erb") relative_path = filename.sub(Rails.root.to_s, "").sub(%r{^/*}, "") js_root = "app/assets/javascripts" test_root = "test/javascripts" return false if relative_path.start_with?("#{js_root}/locales/") return false if relative_path.start_with?("#{js_root}/plugins/") if %w[ start-discourse onpopstate-handler google-tag-manager google-universal-analytics-v3 google-universal-analytics-v4 activate-account auto-redirect embed-application app-boot ].any? { |f| relative_path == "#{js_root}/#{f}.js" } return true end return true if plugin_transpile_paths.any? { |prefix| relative_path.start_with?(prefix) } !!(relative_path =~ %r{^#{js_root}/[^/]+/} || relative_path =~ %r{^#{test_root}/[^/]+/}) end def self.skip_module?(data) !!(data.present? && data =~ %r{^// discourse-skip-module$}) end class Transpiler JS_PROCESSOR_PATH = Rails.env.production? ? "tmp/js-processor.js" : "tmp/js-processor/#{Process.pid}.js" @mutex = Mutex.new @ctx_init = Mutex.new @processor_mutex = Mutex.new def self.mutex @mutex end def self.generate_js_processor Discourse::Utils.execute_command( "yarn", "--silent", "esbuild", "--log-level=warning", "--bundle", "--external:fs", "--define:process='{\"env\":{}}'", "app/assets/javascripts/js-processor.js", "--outfile=#{JS_PROCESSOR_PATH}", ) JS_PROCESSOR_PATH end def self.create_new_context # timeout any eval that takes longer than 15 seconds ctx = MiniRacer::Context.new(timeout: 15_000, ensure_gc_after_idle: 2000) # General shims ctx.attach("rails.logger.info", proc { |err| Rails.logger.info(err.to_s) }) ctx.attach("rails.logger.warn", proc { |err| Rails.logger.warn(err.to_s) }) ctx.attach("rails.logger.error", proc { |err| Rails.logger.error(err.to_s) }) # Theme template AST transformation plugins if Rails.env.development? || Rails.env.test? @processor_mutex.synchronize { generate_js_processor } end ctx.eval(File.read(JS_PROCESSOR_PATH), filename: "js-processor.js") ctx end def self.reset_context @ctx&.dispose @ctx = nil end def self.v8 return @ctx if @ctx # ensure we only init one of these @ctx_init.synchronize do return @ctx if @ctx @ctx = create_new_context end @ctx end # Call a method in the global scope of the v8 context. # The `fetch_result_call` kwarg provides a workaround for the lack of mini_racer async # result support. The first call can perform some async operation, and then `fetch_result_call` # will be called to fetch the result. def self.v8_call(*args, **kwargs) fetch_result_call = kwargs.delete(:fetch_result_call) mutex.synchronize do result = v8.call(*args, **kwargs) result = v8.call(fetch_result_call) if fetch_result_call result end rescue MiniRacer::RuntimeError => e message = e.message begin # Workaround for https://github.com/rubyjs/mini_racer/issues/262 possible_encoded_message = message.delete_prefix("Error: ") decoded = JSON.parse("{\"value\": #{possible_encoded_message}}")["value"] message = "Error: #{decoded}" rescue JSON::ParserError message = e.message end transpile_error = TranspileError.new(message) transpile_error.set_backtrace(e.backtrace) raise transpile_error end def initialize(skip_module: false) @skip_module = skip_module end def perform(source, root_path = nil, logical_path = nil, theme_id: nil) self.class.v8_call( "transpile", source, { skipModule: @skip_module, moduleId: module_name(root_path, logical_path), filename: logical_path || "unknown", themeId: theme_id, commonPlugins: DISCOURSE_COMMON_BABEL_PLUGINS, }, ) end def module_name(root_path, logical_path) path = nil root_base = File.basename(Rails.root) # If the resource is a plugin, use the plugin name as a prefix if root_path =~ %r{(.*/#{root_base}/plugins/[^/]+)/} plugin_path = "#{Regexp.last_match[1]}/plugin.rb" plugin = Discourse.plugins.find { |p| p.path == plugin_path } path = "discourse/plugins/#{plugin.name}/#{logical_path.sub(%r{javascripts/}, "")}" if plugin end # We need to strip the app subdirectory to replicate how ember-cli works. path || logical_path&.gsub("app/", "")&.gsub("addon/", "")&.gsub("admin/addon", "admin") end def compile_raw_template(source, theme_id: nil) self.class.v8_call("compileRawTemplate", source, theme_id) end def terser(tree, opts) self.class.v8_call("minify", tree, opts, fetch_result_call: "getMinifyResult") end end end