# frozen_string_literal: true require 'swagger_helper' RSpec.describe 'uploads' do let(:admin) { Fabricate(:admin) } let(:logo_file) { file_from_fixtures("logo.png") } let(:logo) { Rack::Test::UploadedFile.new(logo_file) } before do Jobs.run_immediately! sign_in(admin) end path '/uploads.json' do post 'Creates an upload' do tags 'Uploads' operationId 'createUpload' consumes 'multipart/form-data' expected_request_schema = load_spec_schema('upload_create_request') parameter name: :params, in: :body, schema: expected_request_schema let(:params) { { 'type' => 'avatar', 'user_id' => admin.id, 'synchronous' => true, 'file' => logo } } produces 'application/json' response '200', 'file uploaded' do expected_response_schema = load_spec_schema('upload_create_response') schema(expected_response_schema) # Skipping this test for now until https://github.com/rswag/rswag/issues/348 # is resolved. This still allows the docs to be generated for this endpoint though. xit end end end describe "external and multipart uploads" do before do setup_s3 SiteSetting.enable_direct_s3_uploads = true end path '/uploads/generate-presigned-put.json' do post 'Initiates a direct external upload' do tags 'Uploads' operationId 'generatePresignedPut' consumes 'application/json' description <<~TEXT Direct external uploads bypass the usual method of creating uploads via the POST /uploads route, and upload directly to an external provider, which by default is S3. This route begins the process, and will return a unique identifier for the external upload as well as a presigned URL which is where the file binary blob should be uploaded to. Once the upload is complete to the external service, you must call the POST /complete-external-upload route using the unique identifier returned by this route, which will create any required Upload record in the Discourse database and also move file from its temporary location to the final destination in the external storage service. #{direct_uploads_disclaimer} TEXT expected_request_schema = load_spec_schema('upload_generate_presigned_put_request') parameter name: :params, in: :body, schema: expected_request_schema produces 'application/json' response '200', 'external upload initialized' do expected_response_schema = load_spec_schema('upload_generate_presigned_put_response') schema(expected_response_schema) let(:params) { { 'file_name' => "test.png", 'type' => "composer", 'file_size' => 4096, 'metadata' => { 'sha1-checksum' => "830869e4ed99128e4352aa72ff5b0ffc26fdc390" } } } it_behaves_like "a JSON endpoint", 200 do let(:expected_response_schema) { expected_response_schema } let(:expected_request_schema) { expected_request_schema } end end end end path '/uploads/complete-external-upload.json' do post 'Completes a direct external upload' do let(:unique_identifier) { "66e86218-80d9-4bda-b4d5-2b6def968705" } let!(:external_stub) { Fabricate(:external_upload_stub, created_by: admin) } let!(:upload) { Fabricate(:upload) } before do ExternalUploadManager.any_instance.stubs(:transform!).returns(upload) ExternalUploadManager.any_instance.stubs(:destroy!) external_stub.update(unique_identifier: unique_identifier) end tags 'Uploads' operationId 'completeExternalUpload' consumes 'application/json' description <<~TEXT Completes an external upload initialized with /get-presigned-put. The file will be moved from its temporary location in external storage to a final destination in the S3 bucket. An Upload record will also be created in the database in most cases. If a sha1-checksum was provided in the initial request it will also be compared with the uploaded file in storage to make sure the same file was uploaded. The file size will be compared for the same reason. #{direct_uploads_disclaimer} TEXT expected_request_schema = load_spec_schema('upload_complete_external_upload_request') parameter name: :params, in: :body, schema: expected_request_schema produces 'application/json' response '200', 'external upload initialized' do expected_response_schema = load_spec_schema('upload_create_response') schema(expected_response_schema) let(:params) { { 'unique_identifier' => unique_identifier, } } it_behaves_like "a JSON endpoint", 200 do let(:expected_response_schema) { expected_response_schema } let(:expected_request_schema) { expected_request_schema } end end end end path '/uploads/create-multipart.json' do post 'Creates a multipart external upload' do before do ExternalUploadManager.stubs(:create_direct_multipart_upload).returns({ external_upload_identifier: "66e86218-80d9-4bda-b4d5-2b6def968705", key: "temp/site/uploads/default/12345/67890.jpg", unique_identifier: "84x83tmxy398t3y._Q_z8CoJYVr69bE6D7f8J6Oo0434QquLFoYdGVerWFx9X5HDEI_TP_95c34n853495x35345394.d.ghQ" }) end tags 'Uploads' operationId 'createMultipartUpload' consumes 'application/json' description <<~TEXT Creates a multipart upload in the external storage provider, storing a temporary reference to the external upload similar to /get-presigned-put. #{direct_uploads_disclaimer} TEXT expected_request_schema = load_spec_schema('upload_create_multipart_request') parameter name: :params, in: :body, schema: expected_request_schema produces 'application/json' response '200', 'external upload initialized' do expected_response_schema = load_spec_schema('upload_create_multipart_response') schema(expected_response_schema) let(:params) { { 'file_name' => "test.png", 'upload_type' => "composer", 'file_size' => 4096, 'metadata' => { 'sha1-checksum' => "830869e4ed99128e4352aa72ff5b0ffc26fdc390" } } } it_behaves_like "a JSON endpoint", 200 do let(:expected_response_schema) { expected_response_schema } let(:expected_request_schema) { expected_request_schema } end end end end path '/uploads/batch-presign-multipart-parts.json' do post 'Generates batches of presigned URLs for multipart parts' do let(:unique_identifier) { "66e86218-80d9-4bda-b4d5-2b6def968705" } let!(:external_stub) { Fabricate(:multipart_external_upload_stub, created_by: admin) } let!(:upload) { Fabricate(:upload) } before do stub_s3_store external_stub.update(unique_identifier: unique_identifier) end tags 'Uploads' operationId 'batchPresignMultipartParts' consumes 'application/json' description <<~TEXT Multipart uploads are uploaded in chunks or parts to individual presigned URLs, similar to the one generated by /generate-presigned-put. The part numbers provided must be between 1 and 10000. The total number of parts will depend on the chunk size in bytes that you intend to use to upload each chunk. For example a 12MB file may have 2 5MB chunks and a final 2MB chunk, for part numbers 1, 2, and 3. This endpoint will return a presigned URL for each part number provided, which you can then use to send PUT requests for the binary chunk corresponding to that part. When the part is uploaded, the provider should return an ETag for the part, and this should be stored along with the part number, because this is needed to complete the multipart upload. #{direct_uploads_disclaimer} TEXT expected_request_schema = load_spec_schema('upload_batch_presign_multipart_parts_request') parameter name: :params, in: :body, schema: expected_request_schema produces 'application/json' response '200', 'external upload initialized' do expected_response_schema = load_spec_schema('upload_batch_presign_multipart_parts_response') schema(expected_response_schema) let(:params) { { 'part_numbers' => [1, 2, 3], 'unique_identifier' => "66e86218-80d9-4bda-b4d5-2b6def968705" } } it_behaves_like "a JSON endpoint", 200 do let(:expected_response_schema) { expected_response_schema } let(:expected_request_schema) { expected_request_schema } end end end end path '/uploads/abort-multipart.json' do post 'Abort multipart upload' do let(:unique_identifier) { "66e86218-80d9-4bda-b4d5-2b6def968705" } let!(:external_stub) { Fabricate(:multipart_external_upload_stub, created_by: admin) } let!(:upload) { Fabricate(:upload) } before do stub_s3_store external_stub.update( unique_identifier: unique_identifier, external_upload_identifier: "84x83tmxy398t3y._Q_z8CoJYVr69bE6D7f8J6Oo0434QquLFoYdGVerWFx9X5HDEI_TP_95c34n853495x35345394.d.ghQ" ) end tags 'Uploads' operationId 'abortMultipart' consumes 'application/json' description <<~TEXT This endpoint aborts the multipart upload initiated with /create-multipart. This should be used when cancelling the upload. It does not matter if parts were already uploaded into the external storage provider. #{direct_uploads_disclaimer} TEXT expected_request_schema = load_spec_schema('upload_abort_multipart_request') parameter name: :params, in: :body, schema: expected_request_schema produces 'application/json' response '200', 'external upload initialized' do expected_response_schema = load_spec_schema('success_ok_response') schema(expected_response_schema) let(:params) { { 'external_upload_identifier' => "84x83tmxy398t3y._Q_z8CoJYVr69bE6D7f8J6Oo0434QquLFoYdGVerWFx9X5HDEI_TP_95c34n853495x35345394.d.ghQ" } } it_behaves_like "a JSON endpoint", 200 do let(:expected_response_schema) { expected_response_schema } let(:expected_request_schema) { expected_request_schema } end end end end path '/uploads/complete-multipart.json' do post 'Complete multipart upload' do let(:unique_identifier) { "66e86218-80d9-4bda-b4d5-2b6def968705" } let!(:external_stub) { Fabricate(:multipart_external_upload_stub, created_by: admin) } let!(:upload) { Fabricate(:upload) } before do ExternalUploadManager.any_instance.stubs(:transform!).returns(upload) ExternalUploadManager.any_instance.stubs(:destroy!) stub_s3_store external_stub.update(unique_identifier: unique_identifier) end tags 'Uploads' operationId 'completeMultipart' consumes 'application/json' description <<~TEXT Completes the multipart upload in the external store, and copies the file from its temporary location to its final location in the store. All of the parts must have been uploaded to the external storage provider. An Upload record will be completed in most cases once the file is copied to its final location. #{direct_uploads_disclaimer} TEXT expected_request_schema = load_spec_schema('upload_complete_multipart_request') parameter name: :params, in: :body, schema: expected_request_schema produces 'application/json' response '200', 'external upload initialized' do expected_response_schema = load_spec_schema('upload_create_response') schema(expected_response_schema) let(:params) { { 'unique_identifier' => unique_identifier, 'parts' => [ { 'part_number' => 1, 'etag' => '0c376dcfcc2606f4335bbc732de93344' } ] } } it_behaves_like "a JSON endpoint", 200 do let(:expected_response_schema) { expected_response_schema } let(:expected_request_schema) { expected_request_schema } end end end end end end