require_dependency "file_helper" require_dependency "url_helper" require_dependency "db_helper" require_dependency "file_store/local_store" class OptimizedImage < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :upload # BUMP UP if optimized image algorithm changes VERSION = 1 def self.create_for(upload, width, height, opts = {}) return unless width > 0 && height > 0 return if upload.try(:sha1).blank? DistributedMutex.synchronize("optimized_image_#{}_#{width}_#{height}") do # do we already have that thumbnail? thumbnail = find_by(upload_id:, width: width, height: height) # make sure we have an url if thumbnail && thumbnail.url.blank? thumbnail.destroy thumbnail = nil end # return the previous thumbnail if any return thumbnail unless thumbnail.nil? # create the thumbnail otherwise original_path = if original_path.blank? external_copy = rescue nil original_path = external_copy.try(:path) end if original_path.blank? Rails.logger.error("Could not find file in the store located at url: #{upload.url}") else # create a temp file with the same extension as the original extension = File.extname(original_path) temp_file =["discourse-thumbnail", extension]) temp_path = temp_file.path if extension =~ /\.svg$/i FileUtils.cp(original_path, temp_path) resized = true elsif opts[:crop] resized = crop(original_path, temp_path, width, height, opts) else resized = resize(original_path, temp_path, width, height, opts) end if resized thumbnail = OptimizedImage.create!( upload_id:, sha1: Upload.generate_digest(temp_path), extension: extension, width: width, height: height, url: "", ) # store the optimized image and update its url do |file| url =, thumbnail) if url.present? thumbnail.url = url end end end # close && remove temp file temp_file.close! end # make sure we remove the cached copy from external stores if external_copy.try(:close!) rescue nil end thumbnail end end def destroy OptimizedImage.transaction do super end end def local? !(url =~ /^(https?:)?\/\//) end def self.safe_path?(path) # this matches instructions which call #to_s path = path.to_s return false if path != File.expand_path(path) return false if path !~ /\A[\w\-\.\/]+\z/m true end def self.ensure_safe_paths!(*paths) paths.each do |path| raise Discourse::InvalidAccess unless safe_path?(path) end end def self.thumbnail_or_resize SiteSetting.strip_image_metadata ? "thumbnail" : "resize" end def self.resize_instructions(from, to, dimensions, opts = {}) ensure_safe_paths!(from, to) # NOTE: ORDER is important! %W{ convert #{from}[0] -auto-orient -gravity center -background transparent -#{thumbnail_or_resize} #{dimensions}^ -extent #{dimensions} -interpolate bicubic -unsharp 2x0.5+0.7+0 -interlace none -quality 98 -profile #{File.join(Rails.root, 'vendor', 'data', 'RT_sRGB.icm')} #{to} } end def self.resize_instructions_animated(from, to, dimensions, opts = {}) ensure_safe_paths!(from, to) %W{ gifsicle --colors=256 --resize-fit #{dimensions} --optimize=3 --output #{to} #{from} } end def self.crop_instructions(from, to, dimensions, opts = {}) ensure_safe_paths!(from, to) %W{ convert #{from}[0] -auto-orient -gravity north -background transparent -#{thumbnail_or_resize} #{opts[:width]} -crop #{dimensions}+0+0 -unsharp 2x0.5+0.7+0 -interlace none -quality 98 -profile #{File.join(Rails.root, 'vendor', 'data', 'RT_sRGB.icm')} #{to} } end def self.crop_instructions_animated(from, to, dimensions, opts = {}) ensure_safe_paths!(from, to) %W{ gifsicle --crop 0,0+#{dimensions} --colors=256 --optimize=3 --output #{to} #{from} } end def self.downsize_instructions(from, to, dimensions, opts = {}) ensure_safe_paths!(from, to) %W{ convert #{from}[0] -auto-orient -gravity center -background transparent -interlace none -resize #{dimensions} -profile #{File.join(Rails.root, 'vendor', 'data', 'RT_sRGB.icm')} #{to} } end def self.downsize_instructions_animated(from, to, dimensions, opts = {}) resize_instructions_animated(from, to, dimensions, opts) end def self.resize(from, to, width, height, opts = {}) optimize("resize", from, to, "#{width}x#{height}", opts) end def self.crop(from, to, width, height, opts = {}) opts[:width] = width optimize("crop", from, to, "#{width}x#{height}", opts) end def self.downsize(from, to, dimensions, opts = {}) optimize("downsize", from, to, dimensions, opts) end def self.optimize(operation, from, to, dimensions, opts = {}) method_name = "#{operation}_instructions" if !!opts[:allow_animation] && (from =~ /\.GIF$/i || opts[:filename] =~ /\.GIF$/i) method_name += "_animated" end instructions = self.send(method_name.to_sym, from, to, dimensions, opts) convert_with(instructions, to) end def self.convert_with(instructions, to) begin Discourse::Utils.execute_command(*instructions) rescue return false end FileHelper.optimize_image!(to) true rescue Rails.logger.error("Could not optimize image: #{to}") false end def self.migrate_to_new_scheme(limit = nil) problems = [] if SiteSetting.migrate_to_new_scheme max_file_size_kb = SiteSetting.max_image_size_kb.kilobytes local_store = scope = OptimizedImage.includes(:upload) .where("url NOT LIKE '%/optimized/_X/%'") .order(id: :desc) scope.limit(limit) if limit scope.each do |optimized_image| begin # keep track of the url previous_url = optimized_image.url.dup # where is the file currently stored? external = previous_url =~ /^\/\// # download if external if external url = SiteSetting.scheme + ":" + previous_url file = url, max_file_size: max_file_size_kb, tmp_file_name: "discourse", follow_redirect: true ) rescue nil path = file.path else path = local_store.path_for(optimized_image) file = end # compute SHA if missing if optimized_image.sha1.blank? optimized_image.sha1 = Upload.generate_digest(path) end # optimize if image FileHelper.optimize_image!(path) # store to new location & update the filesize do |f| optimized_image.url =, optimized_image) end # remap the URLs DbHelper.remap(UrlHelper.absolute(previous_url), optimized_image.url) unless external DbHelper.remap(previous_url, optimized_image.url) # remove the old file (when local) unless external FileUtils.rm(path, force: true) rescue nil end rescue => e problems << { optimized_image: optimized_image, ex: e } # just ditch the optimized image if there was any errors optimized_image.destroy ensure file.try(:unlink) rescue nil file.try(:close) rescue nil end end end problems end end # == Schema Information # # Table name: optimized_images # # id :integer not null, primary key # sha1 :string(40) not null # extension :string(10) not null # width :integer not null # height :integer not null # upload_id :integer not null # url :string(255) not null # # Indexes # # index_optimized_images_on_upload_id (upload_id) # index_optimized_images_on_upload_id_and_width_and_height (upload_id,width,height) UNIQUE #