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LT" long_date_with_year_with_linebreak: "Y년 M월 D일
LT" wrap_ago: "%{date}전" tiny: half_a_minute: "방금 전" less_than_x_seconds: other: "%{count}초 전" x_seconds: other: "%{count}초" less_than_x_minutes: other: "< %{count}분" x_minutes: other: "%{count}분" about_x_hours: other: "%{count}시간" x_days: other: "%{count}일" x_months: other: "%{count}월" about_x_years: other: "%{count}년" over_x_years: other: "%{count}년보다 오래" almost_x_years: other: "%{count}년" date_month: "M월 D일" date_year: "Y년 M월" medium: x_minutes: other: "%{count}분" x_hours: other: "%{count}시간" x_days: other: "%{count}일" date_year: "Y년 M월 D일" medium_with_ago: x_minutes: other: "%{count}분 전" x_hours: other: "%{count}시간 전" x_days: other: "%{count}일 전" later: x_days: other: "%{count}일 후" x_months: other: "%{count}달 후" x_years: other: "%{count}년 후" previous_month: "이전 달" next_month: "다음 달" share: post: "포스트 #%{postNumber}" close: "닫기" action_codes: public_topic: "이 토픽을 %{when}에 공개" split_topic: "이 토픽을 %{when}에 분할하기" emails_are_disabled: "모든 이메일은 관리자에 의해서 세계적으로 발송 불가합니다. 어떠한 종류의 알림 이메일도 발송되지 않을 것입니다." s3: regions: ap_northeast_1: "아시아 퍼시픽 (도쿄)" ap_northeast_2: "아시아 퍼시픽 (서울)" ap_southeast_1: "아시아 퍼시픽 (싱가폴)" ap_southeast_2: "아시아 퍼시픽 (시드니)" eu_central_1: "유럽연합 (프랑크푸르트)" eu_west_1: "유럽연합 (아일랜드)" us_east_1: "미국 동부 (버지니아 북쪽)" us_west_1: "미국 서부 (캘리포니아 북쪽)" us_west_2: "미국 서부 (오레곤)" edit: "제목과 주제의 카테고리를 편집하세요" not_implemented: "죄송합니다, 이 기능은 아직 시행되지 않았습니다!" no_value: "아니오" yes_value: "예" generic_error: "죄송합니다, 오류가 발생하였습니다." generic_error_with_reason: "오류 발생: %{error}" sign_up: "가입하기" log_in: "로그인" age: "나이" joined: "참여하기" admin_title: "관리자" show_more: "더 보여주기" show_help: "옵션" links: "링크" links_lowercase: other: "링크" faq: "자주묻는질문" guidelines: "안내지침" privacy_policy: "개인정보보호 정책" privacy: "개인정보보호" tos: "서비스 이용조건" mobile_view: "모바일 뷰" desktop_view: "데스크탑 뷰" you: "당신" or: "또는" now: "지금 바로" read_more: "더 읽기" more: "더" less: "덜" never: "절대" every_30_minutes: "30분 마다" every_hour: "매 시간마다" daily: "날마다" weekly: "주마다" alternation: "또는" suggested_topics: title: "추천 주제" pm_title: "추천 메시지" about: stats: "사이트 통계자료" our_admins: "저희 관리자들" our_moderators: "중재자" like_count: "좋아하기" topic_count: "주제" post_count: "게시물" user_count: "사용자" active_user_count: "적극 이용자" contact: "연락하기" bookmarked: title: "북마크" clear_bookmarks: "북마크 없애기" help: bookmark: "이 주제의 첫 번째 게시물에 북마크하기 위해 클릭하기" unbookmark: "이 주제의 첫 번째 게시물에 북마크 없애기 위해 클릭하기" bookmarks: remove: "북마크 없애기" reminders: tomorrow: "내일" preview: "미리보기" cancel: "취소하기" save: "수정사항 저장하기" saving: "저장하는 중입니다..." saved: "저장되었습니다!" upload: "업로드" uploading: "업로드 중입니다..." uploaded: "업로드 되었습니다!" enable: "허용" disable: "거절" undo: "취소" revert: "복귀" failed: "실패되었습니다" switch_to_anon: "익명 모드 실행" switch_from_anon: "익명 모드 종료" banner: close: "이 베너 없애기" edit: "이 베너 수정하기" choose_topic: none_found: "주제를 찾을 수 없습니다." review: settings: save_changes: "수정사항 저장하기" topic: "주제" edit: "편집" cancel: "취소" approval: title: "게시물은 승인이 필요합니다." description: "저희는 당신의 신규 게시물을 받았으나 게시되기 전에 중재자에 의해 승인 되야 합니다. 잠시만 기다려 주세요." ok: "예" directory: filter_name: "사용자 이름으로 걸러내기" title: "사용자" likes_given: "주어짐" likes_received: "받았음" topic_count: "주제" topic_count_long: "주제 생성됨" post_count: "댓글" post_count_long: "댓글 게시됨" no_results: "결과를 찾지 못했습니다." days_visited: "방문" days_visited_long: "방문한 날" posts_read: "읽기" posts_read_long: "게시물 읽기" group_histories: actions: add_user_to_group: "사용자 추가" remove_user_from_group: "사용자 삭제" groups: add: "추가" user_count: "사용자" members: title: "회원" topics: "주제" posts: "게시물" mentions: "언급" messages: "메시지" alias_levels: nobody: "아무도 없습니다" only_admins: "관리자만" mods_and_admins: "중재자와 관리자만" members_mods_and_admins: "그룹회원, 중재자와 관리자만" everyone: "모두" user_action_groups: "1": "좋아하기" "2": "좋아하기" "3": "Bookmarks" "4": "주제" "5": "댓글" "6": "Responses" "7": "언급" "9": "Quotes" "11": "Edits" "12": "Sent Items" "13": "Inbox" "14": "Pending" "15": "Drafts" categories: posts: "게시물" topics: "주제" user: private_messages: "메시지" user_notifications: filters: all: "모든" read: "읽기" unread_message_count: "메시지" users: "사용자" messages: all: "모든" preferences_nav: users: "사용자" second_factor_backup: disable: "거절" enable: "허용" second_factor: disable: "거절" edit: "편집" associated_accounts: cancel: "취소" created: "참여하기" email_previous_replies: never: "절대" email_digests: every_30_minutes: "30분 마다" daily: "날마다" weekly: "주마다" email_level: never: "절대" auto_track_options: never: "절대" invited: posts_read_count: "게시물 읽기" days_visited: "방문한 날" links_tab: "링크" summary: topics: "주제" replies: "댓글" filters: all: "모든" modal: close: "닫기" time_read: 읽기 signup_cta: sign_up: "가입하기" forgot_password: button_ok: "예" login: title: "로그인" emoji_picker: flags: 표시하기 composer: cancel: "취소" saved: "저장되었습니다!" uploading: "업로드 중입니다..." upload_title: "업로드" modal_ok: "예" modal_cancel: "취소" composer_actions: edit: 편집 topic: edit_message: title: "편집" list: "주제" auto_update_input: tomorrow: "내일" progress: jump_prompt_or: "또는" notifications: reasons: "3": "You will receive notifications because you are watching this topic." "2": 'You will see a count of new replies because you read this topic.' "1": "You will be notified if someone mentions your @name or replies to you." "0": "You are ignoring all notifications on this topic." share: help: "이 주제에 대해 링크 공유하기" post: controls: edit_action: "편집" more: "더" category: edit: "편집" sort_options: likes: "좋아하기" posts: "게시물" posts: "게시물" replies: "댓글" likes: "좋아하기" users: "사용자" filters: read: title: "읽기" top: today: "오늘" tagging: add_synonyms: "추가" cancel_delete_unused: "취소" admin_js: admin: tags: remove_muted_tags_from_latest: never: "절대" dashboard: private_messages_title: "메시지" reports: today: "오늘" all: "모든" groups: manage: interaction: visibility_levels: public: "모두" add: "추가" web_hooks: delivery_status: failed: "실패되었습니다" backups: upload: label: "업로드" uploading: "업로드 중입니다..." operations: cancel: label: "취소" customize: preview: "미리보기" theme: edit: "편집" upload: "업로드" enable: "허용" disable: "거절" add: "추가" email: received: "받았음" logs: edit: "편집" screened_ips: form: add: "추가" watched_words: form: add: "추가" users: title: "사용자" titles: active: "적극 이용자" new: "신규 이용자" user: show_admin_profile: "관리자" posts_read_count: 게시물 읽기 approve: "승인" delete: "회원 삭제" merge: prompt: cancel: "취소" confirmation: cancel: "취소" tl3_requirements: visits: "방문" posts_read: "게시물 읽기" user_fields: edit: "편집" cancel: "취소" site_settings: uploaded_image_list: upload: label: "업로드" categories: all_results: "모든" users: "사용자" default_categories: modal_yes: "예" emoji: uploading: "업로드 중입니다..." permalink: form: add: "추가" reseed: modal: topics: "주제" wizard_js: wizard: upload: "업로드" uploading: "업로드 중입니다..." invites: roles: admin: "관리자"