require_dependency 'distributed_mutex' require_dependency 'user_action_creator' class PostAlerter def self.post_created(post, opts = {}), true) post end def initialize(default_opts = {}) @default_opts = default_opts end def not_allowed?(user, post) user.blank? || < 0 || == post.user_id end def all_allowed_users(post) @all_allowed_users ||= post.topic.all_allowed_users.reject { |u| not_allowed?(u, post) } end def allowed_users(post) @allowed_users ||= post.topic.allowed_users.reject { |u| not_allowed?(u, post) } end def allowed_group_users(post) @allowed_group_users ||= post.topic.allowed_group_users.reject { |u| not_allowed?(u, post) } end def directly_targeted_users(post) allowed_users(post) - allowed_group_users(post) end def indirectly_targeted_users(post) allowed_group_users(post) end def only_allowed_users(users, post) { |u| allowed_users(post).include?(u) || allowed_group_users(post).include?(u) } end def notify_about_reply?(post) post.post_type == Post.types[:regular] || post.post_type == Post.types[:whisper] end def after_save_post(post, new_record = false) notified = [post.user, post.last_editor].uniq # mentions (users/groups) mentioned_groups, mentioned_users = extract_mentions(post) if mentioned_groups || mentioned_users mentioned_opts = {} editor = post.last_editor if post.last_editor_id != post.user_id # Mention comes from an edit by someone else, so notification should say who added the mention. mentioned_opts = { user_id:, original_username: editor.username, display_username: editor.username } end expand_group_mentions(mentioned_groups, post) do |group, users| users = only_allowed_users(users, post) if < 0 notified += notify_users(users - notified, :group_mentioned, post, mentioned_opts.merge(group: group)) end if mentioned_users mentioned_users = only_allowed_users(mentioned_users, post) if < 0 notified += notify_users(mentioned_users - notified, :mentioned, post, mentioned_opts) end end # replies reply_to_user = post.reply_notification_target if new_record && reply_to_user && !notified.include?(reply_to_user) && notify_about_reply?(post) notified += notify_non_pm_users(reply_to_user, :replied, post) end # quotes quoted_users = extract_quoted_users(post) notified += notify_non_pm_users(quoted_users - notified, :quoted, post) # linked linked_users = extract_linked_users(post) notified += notify_non_pm_users(linked_users - notified, :linked, post) # private messages if new_record if post.topic.private_message? notify_pm_users(post, reply_to_user, notified) elsif notify_about_reply?(post) notify_post_users(post, notified) end end sync_group_mentions(post, mentioned_groups) if new_record && post.post_number == 1 topic = post.topic if topic.present? watchers = category_watchers(topic) + tag_watchers(topic) + group_watchers(topic) notify_first_post_watchers(post, watchers) end end end def group_watchers(topic) GroupUser.where( group_id: topic.allowed_groups.pluck(:group_id), notification_level: GroupUser.notification_levels[:watching_first_post] ).pluck(:user_id) end def tag_watchers(topic) topic.tag_users .where(notification_level: TagUser.notification_levels[:watching_first_post]) .pluck(:user_id) end def category_watchers(topic) topic.category_users .where(notification_level: CategoryUser.notification_levels[:watching_first_post]) .pluck(:user_id) end def notify_first_post_watchers(post, user_ids) return if user_ids.blank? user_ids.uniq! warn_if_not_sidekiq # Don't notify the OP user_ids -= [post.user_id] users = User.where(id: user_ids) DiscourseEvent.trigger(:before_create_notifications_for_users, users, post) users.each do |user| create_notification(user, Notification.types[:watching_first_post], post) end end def sync_group_mentions(post, mentioned_groups) GroupMention.where(post_id: return if mentioned_groups.blank? mentioned_groups.each do |group| GroupMention.create(post_id:, group_id: end end def unread_posts(user, topic) Post.secured( .where('post_number > COALESCE(( SELECT last_read_post_number FROM topic_users tu WHERE tu.user_id = ? AND tu.topic_id = ? ),0)',, .where('reply_to_user_id = ? OR exists( SELECT 1 from topic_users tu WHERE tu.user_id = ? AND tu.topic_id = ? AND notification_level = ? )',,,, TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching]) .where(topic_id: end def first_unread_post(user, topic) unread_posts(user, topic).order('post_number').first end def unread_count(user, topic) unread_posts(user, topic).count end def destroy_notifications(user, types, topic) return if user.blank? return unless User.transaction do user.notifications.where( notification_type: types, topic_id: ).destroy_all # Reload so notification counts sync up correctly user.reload end end NOTIFIABLE_TYPES = [:mentioned, :replied, :quoted, :posted, :linked, :private_message, :group_mentioned].map { |t| Notification.types[t] } def group_stats(topic) sql = <<~SQL SELECT COUNT(*) FROM topics t JOIN topic_allowed_groups g ON g.group_id = :group_id AND g.topic_id = LEFT JOIN group_archived_messages a ON a.topic_id = AND a.group_id = g.group_id WHERE IS NULL AND t.deleted_at is NULL AND t.archetype = 'private_message' SQL do |g| { group_id:, group_name:, inbox_count: DB.query_single(sql, group_id: } end end def notify_group_summary(user, post) @group_stats ||= {} stats = (@group_stats[post.topic_id] ||= group_stats(post.topic)) return unless stats group_id = post.topic .topic_allowed_groups .where(group_id: user.groups.pluck(:id)) .pluck(:group_id).first stat = stats.find { |s| s[:group_id] == group_id } return unless stat && stat[:inbox_count] > 0 notification_type = Notification.types[:group_message_summary] DistributedMutex.synchronize("group_message_notify_#{}") do Notification.where(notification_type: notification_type, user_id: do |n| n.destroy if n.data_hash[:group_id] == stat[:group_id] end Notification.create( notification_type: notification_type, user_id:, data: { group_id: stat[:group_id], group_name: stat[:group_name], inbox_count: stat[:inbox_count], username: user.username_lower }.to_json ) end # TODO decide if it makes sense to also publish a desktop notification end def should_notify_edit?(notification, opts) return notification.data_hash["display_username"] != opts[:display_username] end def should_notify_like?(user, notification) return true if user.user_option.like_notification_frequency == UserOption.like_notification_frequency_type[:always] return true if user.user_option.like_notification_frequency == UserOption.like_notification_frequency_type[:first_time_and_daily] && notification.created_at < false end def should_notify_previous?(user, notification, opts) case notification.notification_type when Notification.types[:edited] then should_notify_edit?(notification, opts) when Notification.types[:liked] then should_notify_like?(user, notification) else false end end COLLAPSED_NOTIFICATION_TYPES ||= [ Notification.types[:replied], Notification.types[:quoted], Notification.types[:posted], ] def create_notification(user, type, post, opts = {}) opts = @default_opts.merge(opts) DiscourseEvent.trigger(:before_create_notification, user, type, post, opts) return if user.blank? return if < 0 return if type == Notification.types[:liked] && user.user_option.like_notification_frequency == UserOption.like_notification_frequency_type[:never] # Make sure the user can see the post return unless return if user.staged? && post.topic.category&.mailinglist_mirror? notifier_id = opts[:user_id] || post.user_id # xxxxx look at revision history # apply muting here return if notifier_id && MutedUser.where(user_id:, muted_user_id: notifier_id) .joins(:muted_user) .where('NOT admin AND NOT moderator') .exists? # skip if muted on the topic return if TopicUser.where( topic: post.topic, user: user, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:muted] ).exists? # skip if muted on the group if group = opts[:group] return if GroupUser.where( group_id: opts[:group_id], user_id:, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:muted] ).exists? end # Don't notify the same user about the same notification on the same post existing_notification = user.notifications .order(" DESC") .find_by(topic_id: post.topic_id, post_number: post.post_number, notification_type: type) return if existing_notification && !should_notify_previous?(user, existing_notification, opts) notification_data = {} if existing_notification && existing_notification.created_at > && user.user_option.like_notification_frequency == UserOption.like_notification_frequency_type[:always] data = existing_notification.data_hash notification_data["username2"] = data["display_username"] notification_data["count"] = (data["count"] || 1).to_i + 1 # don't use destroy so we don't trigger a notification count refresh Notification.where(id: end collapsed = false if COLLAPSED_NOTIFICATION_TYPES.include?(type) destroy_notifications(user, COLLAPSED_NOTIFICATION_TYPES, post.topic) collapsed = true end if type == Notification.types[:private_message] destroy_notifications(user, type, post.topic) collapsed = true end original_post = post original_username = opts[:display_username] || post.username # xxxxx need something here too if collapsed post = first_unread_post(user, post.topic) || post count = unread_count(user, post.topic) if count > 1 I18n.with_locale(user.effective_locale) do opts[:display_username] = I18n.t('embed.replies', count: count) end end end UserActionCreator.log_notification(original_post, user, type, opts[:acting_user_id]) topic_title = post.topic.title # when sending a private message email, keep the original title if post.topic.private_message? && modifications = if first_title_modification = modifications.find { |m| m.has_key?("title") } topic_title = first_title_modification["title"][0] end end notification_data.merge!(topic_title: topic_title, original_post_id:, original_post_type: original_post.post_type, original_username: original_username, revision_number: opts[:revision_number], display_username: opts[:display_username] || post.user.username) if group = opts[:group] notification_data[:group_id] = notification_data[:group_name] = end if original_post.via_email && (incoming_email = original_post.incoming_email) skip_send_email = contains_email_address?(incoming_email.to_addresses, user) || contains_email_address?(incoming_email.cc_addresses, user) else skip_send_email = opts[:skip_send_email] end # Create the notification created = user.notifications.create!( notification_type: type, topic_id: post.topic_id, post_number: post.post_number, post_action_id: opts[:post_action_id], data: notification_data.to_json, skip_send_email: skip_send_email ) if && !existing_notification && NOTIFIABLE_TYPES.include?(type) && !user.suspended? post_url = original_post.url if post_url payload = { notification_type: type, post_number: original_post.post_number, topic_title: original_post.topic.title, topic_id:, excerpt: original_post.excerpt(400, text_entities: true, strip_links: true, remap_emoji: true), username: original_username, post_url: post_url } MessageBus.publish("/notification-alert/#{}", payload, user_ids: []) push_notification(user, payload) DiscourseEvent.trigger(:post_notification_alert, user, payload) end end ? created : nil end def contains_email_address?(addresses, user) return false if addresses.blank? addresses.split(";").include?( end def push_notification(user, payload) if user.push_subscriptions.exists? Jobs.enqueue(:send_push_notification, user_id:, payload: payload) end if SiteSetting.allow_user_api_key_scopes.split("|").include?("push") && SiteSetting.allowed_user_api_push_urls.present? clients = user.user_api_keys .where("('push' = ANY(scopes) OR 'notifications' = ANY(scopes))") .where("push_url IS NOT NULL") .where("position(push_url IN ?) > 0", SiteSetting.allowed_user_api_push_urls) .where("revoked_at IS NULL") .pluck(:client_id, :push_url) if clients.length > 0 Jobs.enqueue(:push_notification, clients: clients, payload: payload, user_id: end end end def expand_group_mentions(groups, post) return unless post.user && groups Group.mentionable(post.user).where(id: do |group| next if group.user_count >= SiteSetting.max_users_notified_per_group_mention yield group, group.users end end # TODO: Move to post-analyzer? def extract_mentions(post) mentions = post.raw_mentions return unless mentions && mentions.length > 0 groups = Group.where('LOWER(name) IN (?)', mentions) mentions -= return [groups, nil] unless mentions && mentions.length > 0 users = User.where(username_lower: mentions).where.not(id: post.user_id) [groups, users] end # TODO: Move to post-analyzer? # Returns a list of users who were quoted in the post def extract_quoted_users(post) post.raw.scan(/\[quote=\"([^,]+),.+\"\]/) do |m| User.find_by("username_lower = :username AND id != :id", username: m.first.strip.downcase, id: post.user_id) end.compact end def extract_linked_users(post) post.topic_links.where(reflection: false).map do |link| linked_post = link.link_post if !linked_post && topic = link.link_topic linked_post = topic.posts.find_by(post_number: 1) end (linked_post && post.user_id != linked_post.user_id && linked_post.user) || nil end.compact end # Notify a bunch of users def notify_non_pm_users(users, type, post, opts = {}) return [] if post.topic&.private_message? notify_users(users, type, post, opts) end def notify_users(users, type, post, opts = {}) users = [users] unless users.is_a?(Array) users = users.reject { |u| u.staged? } if post.topic&.private_message? warn_if_not_sidekiq DiscourseEvent.trigger(:before_create_notifications_for_users, users, post) users.each do |u| create_notification(u, Notification.types[type], post, opts) end users end def notify_pm_users(post, reply_to_user, notified) return unless post.topic warn_if_not_sidekiq # users that aren't part of any mentioned groups users = directly_targeted_users(post).reject { |u| notified.include?(u) } DiscourseEvent.trigger(:before_create_notifications_for_users, users, post) users.each do |user| notification_level = TopicUser.get(post.topic, user)&.notification_level if reply_to_user == user || notification_level == TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching] || user.staged? create_notification(user, Notification.types[:private_message], post) end end # users that are part of all mentionned groups users = indirectly_targeted_users(post).reject { |u| notified.include?(u) } DiscourseEvent.trigger(:before_create_notifications_for_users, users, post) users.each do |user| case TopicUser.get(post.topic, user)&.notification_level when TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching] # only create a notification when watching the group create_notification(user, Notification.types[:private_message], post) when TopicUser.notification_levels[:tracking] notify_group_summary(user, post) end end end def notify_post_users(post, notified) return unless post.topic warn_if_not_sidekiq condition = <<~SQL id IN ( SELECT user_id FROM topic_users WHERE notification_level = :watching AND topic_id = :topic_id UNION SELECT cu.user_id FROM category_users cu LEFT JOIN topic_users tu ON tu.user_id = cu.user_id AND tu.topic_id = :topic_id WHERE cu.notification_level = :watching AND cu.category_id = :category_id AND tu.user_id IS NULL /*tags*/ ) SQL tag_ids = post.topic.topic_tags.pluck('topic_tags.tag_id') if tag_ids.present? condition.sub! "/*tags*/", <<~SQL UNION SELECT tag_users.user_id FROM tag_users LEFT JOIN topic_users tu ON tu.user_id = tag_users.user_id AND tu.topic_id = :topic_id WHERE tag_users.notification_level = :watching AND tag_users.tag_id IN (:tag_ids) AND tu.user_id IS NULL SQL end notify = User.where(condition, watching: TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching], topic_id: post.topic_id, category_id: post.topic.category_id, tag_ids: tag_ids ) exclude_user_ids = notify = notify.where("id NOT IN (?)", exclude_user_ids) if exclude_user_ids.present? DiscourseEvent.trigger(:before_create_notifications_for_users, notify, post) notify.pluck(:id).each do |user_id| user = User.find_by(id: user_id) create_notification(user, Notification.types[:posted], post) end end def warn_if_not_sidekiq Rails.logger.warn("PostAlerter.#{caller_locations(1, 1)[0].label} was called outside of sidekiq") unless Sidekiq.server? end end