# This custom importer is used for site customizations. This is similar to the # Sprockets::SassImporter implementation provided in sass-rails since that is used # during asset precompilation. class DiscourseSassImporter < Sass::Importers::Filesystem GLOB = /\*|\[.+\]/ def initialize(*args) @root = Rails.root.join('app', 'assets', 'stylesheets').to_s @same_name_warnings = Set.new end def extensions { 'css' => :scss, 'css.scss' => :scss, 'css.sass' => :sass, 'css.erb' => :scss, 'scss.erb' => :scss, 'sass.erb' => :sass, 'css.scss.erb' => :scss, 'css.sass.erb' => :sass }.merge!(super) end def find_relative(name, base, options) if name =~ GLOB glob_imports(name, Pathname.new(base), options) else engine_from_path(name, File.dirname(base), options) end end def find(name, options) if name =~ GLOB nil # globs must be relative else engine_from_path(name, root, options) end end def each_globbed_file(glob, base_pathname, options) Dir["#{base_pathname}/#{glob}"].sort.each do |filename| next if filename == options[:filename] yield filename # assume all matching files are requirable end end def glob_imports(glob, base_pathname, options) contents = "" each_globbed_file(glob, base_pathname.dirname, options) do |filename| unless File.directory?(filename) contents << "@import #{Pathname.new(filename).relative_path_from(base_pathname.dirname).to_s.inspect};\n" end end return nil if contents.empty? Sass::Engine.new(contents, options.merge( filename: base_pathname.to_s, importer: self, syntax: :scss )) end private def engine_from_path(name, dir, options) full_filename, syntax = Sass::Util.destructure(find_real_file(dir, name, options)) return unless full_filename && File.readable?(full_filename) Sass::Engine.for_file(full_filename, options) end end