# Use http://tatiyants.com/pev/#/plans/new if you want to optimize a query task "import:ensure_consistency" => :environment do log "Starting..." insert_post_timings insert_post_replies insert_topic_users insert_topic_views insert_user_actions insert_user_options insert_user_stats insert_user_visits insert_draft_sequences update_user_stats update_posts update_topics update_categories update_users update_groups update_tag_stats log "Done!" end MS_SPEND_CREATING_POST ||= 5000 def insert_post_timings log "Inserting post timings..." DB.exec <<-SQL INSERT INTO post_timings (topic_id, post_number, user_id, msecs) SELECT topic_id, post_number, user_id, #{MS_SPEND_CREATING_POST} FROM posts WHERE user_id > 0 ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING SQL end def insert_post_replies log "Inserting post replies..." DB.exec <<-SQL INSERT INTO post_replies (post_id, reply_id, created_at, updated_at) SELECT p2.id, p.id, p.created_at, p.created_at FROM posts p INNER JOIN posts p2 ON p2.post_number = p.reply_to_post_number AND p2.topic_id = p.topic_id ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING SQL end def insert_topic_users log "Inserting topic users..." DB.exec <<-SQL INSERT INTO topic_users (user_id, topic_id, posted, last_read_post_number, highest_seen_post_number, first_visited_at, last_visited_at, total_msecs_viewed) SELECT user_id, topic_id, 't' , MAX(post_number), MAX(post_number), MIN(created_at), MAX(created_at), COUNT(id) * #{MS_SPEND_CREATING_POST} FROM posts WHERE user_id > 0 GROUP BY user_id, topic_id ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING SQL end def insert_topic_views log "Inserting topic views..." DB.exec <<-SQL WITH X AS ( SELECT topic_id, user_id, DATE(p.created_at) posted_at FROM posts p JOIN users u ON u.id = p.user_id WHERE user_id > 0 GROUP BY topic_id, user_id, DATE(p.created_at) ) INSERT INTO topic_views (topic_id, user_id, viewed_at, ip_address) SELECT X.topic_id, X.user_id, X.posted_at, ip_address FROM X JOIN users u ON u.id = X.user_id WHERE ip_address IS NOT NULL ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING SQL end def insert_user_actions log "Inserting user actions for NEW_TOPIC = 4..." DB.exec <<-SQL INSERT INTO user_actions (action_type, user_id, target_topic_id, target_post_id, acting_user_id, created_at, updated_at) SELECT 4, p.user_id, topic_id, p.id, p.user_id, p.created_at, p.created_at FROM posts p JOIN topics t ON t.id = p.topic_id WHERE post_number = 1 AND archetype <> 'private_message' AND p.deleted_at IS NULL AND t.deleted_at IS NULL ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING SQL log "Inserting user actions for REPLY = 5..." DB.exec <<-SQL INSERT INTO user_actions (action_type, user_id, target_topic_id, target_post_id, acting_user_id, created_at, updated_at) SELECT 5, p.user_id, topic_id, p.id, p.user_id, p.created_at, p.created_at FROM posts p JOIN topics t ON t.id = p.topic_id WHERE post_number > 1 AND archetype <> 'private_message' AND p.deleted_at IS NULL AND t.deleted_at IS NULL ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING SQL log "Inserting user actions for RESPONSE = 6..." DB.exec <<-SQL INSERT INTO user_actions (action_type, user_id, target_topic_id, target_post_id, acting_user_id, created_at, updated_at) SELECT 6, p.user_id, p.topic_id, p.id, p2.user_id, p.created_at, p.created_at FROM posts p JOIN topics t ON t.id = p.topic_id INNER JOIN posts p2 ON p2.post_number = p.reply_to_post_number WHERE p.post_number > 1 AND archetype <> 'private_message' AND p.deleted_at IS NULL AND t.deleted_at IS NULL AND p2.topic_id = p.topic_id AND p2.user_id <> p.user_id ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING SQL # TODO: # - NEW_PRIVATE_MESSAGE # - GOT_PRIVATE_MESSAGE end def insert_user_options log "Inserting user options..." DB.exec <<-SQL INSERT INTO user_options ( user_id, email_always, mailing_list_mode, mailing_list_mode_frequency, email_direct, email_private_messages, email_previous_replies, email_in_reply_to, email_digests, digest_after_minutes, include_tl0_in_digests, automatically_unpin_topics, enable_quoting, external_links_in_new_tab, dynamic_favicon, disable_jump_reply, new_topic_duration_minutes, auto_track_topics_after_msecs, notification_level_when_replying, like_notification_frequency ) SELECT u.id , #{SiteSetting.default_email_always} , #{SiteSetting.default_email_mailing_list_mode} , #{SiteSetting.default_email_mailing_list_mode_frequency} , #{SiteSetting.default_email_direct} , #{SiteSetting.default_email_personal_messages} , #{SiteSetting.default_email_previous_replies} , #{SiteSetting.default_email_in_reply_to} , #{SiteSetting.default_email_digest_frequency.to_i > 0} , #{SiteSetting.default_email_digest_frequency} , #{SiteSetting.default_include_tl0_in_digests} , #{SiteSetting.default_topics_automatic_unpin} , #{SiteSetting.default_other_enable_quoting} , #{SiteSetting.default_other_external_links_in_new_tab} , #{SiteSetting.default_other_dynamic_favicon} , #{SiteSetting.default_other_disable_jump_reply} , #{SiteSetting.default_other_new_topic_duration_minutes} , #{SiteSetting.default_other_auto_track_topics_after_msecs} , #{SiteSetting.default_other_notification_level_when_replying} , #{SiteSetting.default_other_like_notification_frequency} FROM users u LEFT JOIN user_options uo ON uo.user_id = u.id WHERE uo.user_id IS NULL SQL end def insert_user_stats log "Inserting user stats..." DB.exec <<-SQL INSERT INTO user_stats (user_id, new_since) SELECT id, created_at FROM users ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING SQL end def insert_user_visits log "Inserting user visits..." DB.exec <<-SQL INSERT INTO user_visits (user_id, visited_at, posts_read) SELECT user_id, DATE(created_at), COUNT(*) FROM posts WHERE user_id > 0 GROUP BY user_id, DATE(created_at) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING SQL end def insert_draft_sequences log "Inserting draft sequences..." DB.exec <<-SQL INSERT INTO draft_sequences (user_id, draft_key, sequence) SELECT user_id, CONCAT('#{Draft::EXISTING_TOPIC}', id), 1 FROM topics WHERE user_id > 0 AND archetype = 'regular' ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING SQL end def update_user_stats log "Updating user stats..." # TODO: topic_count is counting all topics you replied in as if you started the topic. # TODO: post_count is counting first posts. # TODO: topic_reply_count is never used, and is counting PMs here. DB.exec <<-SQL WITH X AS ( SELECT p.user_id , COUNT(p.id) posts , COUNT(DISTINCT p.topic_id) topics , MIN(p.created_at) min_created_at , COALESCE(COUNT(DISTINCT DATE(p.created_at)), 0) days , COALESCE(( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM topics WHERE id IN ( SELECT topic_id FROM posts p2 JOIN topics t2 ON t2.id = p2.topic_id WHERE p2.deleted_at IS NULL AND p2.post_type = 1 AND NOT COALESCE(p2.hidden, 't') AND p2.user_id <> t2.user_id AND p2.user_id = p.user_id ) ), 0) topic_replies FROM posts p JOIN topics t ON t.id = p.topic_id WHERE p.deleted_at IS NULL AND NOT COALESCE(p.hidden, 't') AND p.post_type = 1 AND t.deleted_at IS NULL AND COALESCE(t.visible, 't') AND t.archetype <> 'private_message' AND p.user_id > 0 GROUP BY p.user_id ) UPDATE user_stats SET post_count = X.posts , posts_read_count = X.posts , time_read = X.posts * 5 , topic_count = X.topics , topics_entered = X.topics , first_post_created_at = X.min_created_at , days_visited = X.days , topic_reply_count = X.topic_replies FROM X WHERE user_stats.user_id = X.user_id AND (post_count <> X.posts OR posts_read_count <> X.posts OR time_read <> X.posts * 5 OR topic_count <> X.topics OR topics_entered <> X.topics OR COALESCE(first_post_created_at, '1970-01-01') <> X.min_created_at OR days_visited <> X.days OR topic_reply_count <> X.topic_replies) SQL end def update_posts log "Updating posts..." DB.exec <<-SQL WITH Y AS ( SELECT post_id, COUNT(*) replies FROM post_replies GROUP BY post_id ) UPDATE posts SET reply_count = Y.replies FROM Y WHERE posts.id = Y.post_id AND reply_count <> Y.replies SQL # -- TODO: ensure this is how this works! # WITH X AS ( # SELECT pr.post_id, p.user_id # FROM post_replies pr # JOIN posts p ON p.id = pr.reply_id # ) # UPDATE posts # SET reply_to_user_id = X.user_id # FROM X # WHERE id = X.post_id # AND COALESCE(reply_to_user_id, -9999) <> X.user_id end def update_topics log "Updating topics..." DB.exec <<-SQL WITH X AS ( SELECT topic_id , COUNT(*) posts , MAX(created_at) last_post_date , COALESCE(SUM(word_count), 0) words , COALESCE(SUM(reply_count), 0) replies , ( SELECT user_id FROM posts WHERE NOT hidden AND deleted_at IS NULL AND topic_id = p.topic_id ORDER BY post_number DESC LIMIT 1) last_poster FROM posts p WHERE NOT hidden AND deleted_at IS NULL GROUP BY topic_id ) UPDATE topics SET posts_count = X.posts , last_posted_at = X.last_post_date , bumped_at = X.last_post_date , word_count = X.words , reply_count = X.replies , last_post_user_id = X.last_poster FROM X WHERE id = X.topic_id AND (posts_count <> X.posts OR COALESCE(last_posted_at, '1970-01-01') <> X.last_post_date OR bumped_at <> X.last_post_date OR COALESCE(word_count, -1) <> X.words OR COALESCE(reply_count, -1) <> X.replies OR COALESCE(last_post_user_id, -9999) <> X.last_poster) SQL end def update_categories log "Updating categories..." DB.exec <<-SQL WITH X AS ( SELECT category_id , MAX(p.id) post_id , MAX(t.id) topic_id , COUNT(p.id) posts , COUNT(DISTINCT p.topic_id) topics FROM posts p JOIN topics t ON t.id = p.topic_id WHERE p.deleted_at IS NULL AND t.deleted_at IS NULL AND NOT p.hidden AND t.visible GROUP BY category_id ) UPDATE categories SET latest_post_id = X.post_id , latest_topic_id = X.topic_id , post_count = X.posts , topic_count = X.topics FROM X WHERE id = X.category_id AND (COALESCE(latest_post_id, -1) <> X.post_id OR COALESCE(latest_topic_id, -1) <> X.topic_id OR post_count <> X.posts OR topic_count <> X.topics) SQL end def update_users log "Updating users..." DB.exec <<-SQL WITH X AS ( SELECT user_id , MIN(created_at) min_created_at , MAX(created_at) max_created_at FROM posts WHERE deleted_at IS NULL GROUP BY user_id ) UPDATE users SET first_seen_at = X.min_created_at , last_seen_at = X.max_created_at , last_posted_at = X.max_created_at FROM X WHERE id = X.user_id AND (COALESCE(first_seen_at, '1970-01-01') <> X.min_created_at OR COALESCE(last_seen_at, '1970-01-01') <> X.max_created_at OR COALESCE(last_posted_at, '1970-01-01') <> X.max_created_at) SQL end def update_groups log "Updating groups..." DB.exec <<-SQL WITH X AS ( SELECT group_id, COUNT(*) count FROM group_users GROUP BY group_id ) UPDATE groups SET user_count = X.count FROM X WHERE id = X.group_id AND user_count <> X.count SQL end def update_tag_stats Tag.ensure_consistency! end def log(message) puts "[#{DateTime.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")}] #{message}" end task "import:create_phpbb_permalinks" => :environment do log 'Creating Permalinks...' # /[^\/]+\/.*-t(\d+).html/ SiteSetting.permalink_normalizations = '/[^\/]+\/.*-t(\d+).html/thread/\1' Topic.listable_topics.find_each do |topic| tcf = topic.custom_fields if tcf && tcf["import_id"] Permalink.create(url: "thread/#{tcf["import_id"]}", topic_id: topic.id) rescue nil end end log "Done!" end task "import:remap_old_phpbb_permalinks" => :environment do log 'Remapping Permalinks...' i = 0 Post.where("raw LIKE ?", "%discussions.example.com%").each do |p| begin new_raw = p.raw.dup # \((https?:\/\/discussions\.example\.com\/\S*-t\d+.html)\) new_raw.gsub!(/\((https?:\/\/discussions\.example\.com\/\S*-t\d+.html)\)/) do normalized_url = Permalink.normalize_url($1) permalink = Permalink.find_by_url(normalized_url) rescue nil if permalink && permalink.target_url "(#{permalink.target_url})" else "(#{$1})" end end if new_raw != p.raw p.revise(Discourse.system_user, { raw: new_raw }, bypass_bump: true, skip_revision: true) putc "." i += 1 end rescue # skip end end log "Done! #{i} posts remapped." end task "import:create_vbulletin_permalinks" => :environment do log 'Creating Permalinks...' # /showthread.php\?t=(\d+).*/ SiteSetting.permalink_normalizations = '/showthread.php\?t=(\d+).*/showthread.php?t=\1' Topic.listable_topics.find_each do |topic| tcf = topic.custom_fields if tcf && tcf["import_id"] Permalink.create(url: "showthread.php?t=#{tcf["import_id"]}", topic_id: topic.id) rescue nil end end Category.find_each do |cat| ccf = cat.custom_fields if ccf && ccf["import_id"] Permalink.create(url: "forumdisplay.php?f=#{ccf["import_id"]}", category_id: cat.id) rescue nil end end log "Done!" end desc 'Import existing exported file' task 'import:file', [:file_name] => [:environment] do |_, args| require "import_export/import_export" ImportExport.import(args[:file_name]) puts "", "Done", "" end