# frozen_string_literal: true require "discourse_js_processor" RSpec.describe DiscourseJsProcessor do describe "should_transpile?" do it "returns false for empty strings" do expect(DiscourseJsProcessor.should_transpile?(nil)).to eq(false) expect(DiscourseJsProcessor.should_transpile?("")).to eq(false) end it "returns false for a regular js file" do expect(DiscourseJsProcessor.should_transpile?("file.js")).to eq(false) end it "returns true for deprecated .es6 files" do expect(DiscourseJsProcessor.should_transpile?("file.es6")).to eq(true) expect(DiscourseJsProcessor.should_transpile?("file.js.es6")).to eq(true) expect(DiscourseJsProcessor.should_transpile?("file.js.es6.erb")).to eq(true) end end describe "skip_module?" do it "returns false for empty strings" do expect(DiscourseJsProcessor.skip_module?(nil)).to eq(false) expect(DiscourseJsProcessor.skip_module?("")).to eq(false) end it "returns true if the header is present" do expect(DiscourseJsProcessor.skip_module?("// cool comment\n// discourse-skip-module")).to eq( true, ) end it "returns false if the header is not present" do expect(DiscourseJsProcessor.skip_module?("// just some JS\nconsole.log()")).to eq(false) end end it "passes through modern JS syntaxes which are supported in our target browsers" do script = <<~JS.chomp optional?.chaining; const template = func`test`; let numericSeparator = 100_000_000; logicalAssignment ||= 2; nullishCoalescing ?? 'works'; try { "optional catch binding"; } catch { "works"; } async function* asyncGeneratorFunction() { yield await Promise.resolve('a'); } let a = { x, y, ...spreadRest }; JS result = DiscourseJsProcessor.transpile(script, "blah", "blah/mymodule") expect(result).to eq <<~JS.strip define("blah/mymodule", [], function () { "use strict"; #{script.indent(2)} }); JS end it "supports decorators and class properties without error" do script = <<~JS.chomp class MyClass { classProperty = 1; #privateProperty = 1; #privateMethod() { console.log("hello world"); } @decorated myMethod(){ } } JS result = DiscourseJsProcessor.transpile(script, "blah", "blah/mymodule") expect(result).to include("_applyDecoratedDescriptor") end it "correctly transpiles widget hbs" do result = DiscourseJsProcessor.transpile(<<~JS, "blah", "blah/mymodule") import hbs from "discourse/widgets/hbs-compiler"; const template = hbs`{{somevalue}}`; JS expect(result).to eq <<~JS.strip define("blah/mymodule", [], function () { "use strict"; const template = function (attrs, state) { var _r = []; _r.push(somevalue); return _r; }; }); JS end it "correctly transpiles ember hbs" do result = DiscourseJsProcessor.transpile(<<~JS, "blah", "blah/mymodule") import { hbs } from 'ember-cli-htmlbars'; const template = hbs`{{somevalue}}`; JS expect(result).to eq <<~JS.strip define("blah/mymodule", ["@ember/template-factory"], function (_templateFactory) { "use strict"; const template = (0, _templateFactory.createTemplateFactory)( /* {{somevalue}} */ { "id": null, "block": "[[[1,[34,0]]],[],false,[\\"somevalue\\"]]", "moduleName": "(unknown template module)", "isStrictMode": false }); }); JS end describe "Raw template theme transformations" do # For the raw templates, we can easily render them serverside, so let's do that let(:compiler) { DiscourseJsProcessor::Transpiler.new } let(:theme_id) { 22 } let(:helpers) { <<~JS } Handlebars.registerHelper('theme-prefix', function(themeId, string) { return `theme_translations.${themeId}.${string}` }) Handlebars.registerHelper('theme-i18n', function(themeId, string) { return `translated(theme_translations.${themeId}.${string})` }) Handlebars.registerHelper('theme-setting', function(themeId, string) { return `setting(${themeId}:${string})` }) Handlebars.registerHelper('dummy-helper', function(string) { return `dummy(${string})` }) JS let(:mini_racer) do ctx = MiniRacer::Context.new ctx.eval( File.open( "#{Rails.root}/app/assets/javascripts/node_modules/handlebars/dist/handlebars.js", ).read, ) ctx.eval(helpers) ctx end def render(template) compiled = compiler.compile_raw_template(template, theme_id: theme_id) mini_racer.eval "Handlebars.template(#{compiled.squish})({})" end it "adds the theme id to the helpers" do # Works normally expect(render("{{theme-prefix 'translation_key'}}")).to eq( "theme_translations.22.translation_key", ) expect(render("{{theme-i18n 'translation_key'}}")).to eq( "translated(theme_translations.22.translation_key)", ) expect(render("{{theme-setting 'setting_key'}}")).to eq("setting(22:setting_key)") # Works when used inside other statements expect(render("{{dummy-helper (theme-prefix 'translation_key')}}")).to eq( "dummy(theme_translations.22.translation_key)", ) end it "doesn't duplicate number parameter inside {{each}}" do expect( compiler.compile_raw_template( "{{#each item as |test test2|}}{{theme-setting 'setting_key'}}{{/each}}", theme_id: theme_id, ), ).to include( '{"name":"theme-setting","hash":{},"hashTypes":{},"hashContexts":{},"types":["NumberLiteral","StringLiteral"]', ) # Fail would be if theme-setting is defined with types:["NumberLiteral","NumberLiteral","StringLiteral"] end end describe "Ember template transformations" do # For the Ember (Glimmer) templates, serverside rendering is not trivial, # so we compile the expected result with the standard compiler and compare to the theme compiler let(:theme_id) { 22 } def theme_compile(template) script = <<~JS import { hbs } from 'ember-cli-htmlbars'; export default hbs(#{template.to_json}); JS result = DiscourseJsProcessor.transpile(script, "", "theme/blah", theme_id: theme_id) result.gsub(%r{/\*(.*)\*/}m, "/* (js comment stripped) */") end def standard_compile(template) script = <<~JS import { hbs } from 'ember-cli-htmlbars'; export default hbs(#{template.to_json}); JS result = DiscourseJsProcessor.transpile(script, "", "theme/blah") result.gsub(%r{/\*(.*)\*/}m, "/* (js comment stripped) */") end it "adds the theme id to the helpers" do expect(theme_compile "{{theme-prefix 'translation_key'}}").to eq( standard_compile "{{theme-prefix #{theme_id} 'translation_key'}}" ) expect(theme_compile "{{theme-i18n 'translation_key'}}").to eq( standard_compile "{{theme-i18n #{theme_id} 'translation_key'}}" ) expect(theme_compile "{{theme-setting 'setting_key'}}").to eq( standard_compile "{{theme-setting #{theme_id} 'setting_key'}}" ) # Works when used inside other statements expect(theme_compile "{{dummy-helper (theme-prefix 'translation_key')}}").to eq( standard_compile "{{dummy-helper (theme-prefix #{theme_id} 'translation_key')}}" ) end end describe "Transpiler#terser" do it "can minify code and provide sourcemaps" do sources = { "multiply.js" => "let multiply = (firstValue, secondValue) => firstValue * secondValue;", "add.js" => "let add = (firstValue, secondValue) => firstValue + secondValue;", } result = DiscourseJsProcessor::Transpiler.new.terser( sources, { sourceMap: { includeSources: true } }, ) expect(result.keys).to contain_exactly("code", "decoded_map", "map") begin # Check the code still works ctx = MiniRacer::Context.new ctx.eval(result["code"]) expect(ctx.eval("multiply(2, 3)")).to eq(6) expect(ctx.eval("add(2, 3)")).to eq(5) ensure ctx.dispose end map = JSON.parse(result["map"]) expect(map["sources"]).to contain_exactly(*sources.keys) expect(map["sourcesContent"]).to contain_exactly(*sources.values) end end end