# encoding: utf-8 # frozen_string_literal: true require "slug" RSpec.describe Slug do describe "#for" do let(:default_slug) { "topic" } let(:very_long_string) { "内容似乎不清晰,这是个完整的句子吗?内容似乎不清晰,这是个完整的句子吗?" * 10 } it "returns topic by default" do expect(Slug.for("")).to eq default_slug end it "return topic by default if the string boils down to a number" do expect(Slug.for("=213=-!(@#+@)(!*_(@#&(!)#")).to eq default_slug end it "accepts fallback" do expect(Slug.for("", "king")).to eq "king" end it "replaces the underscore" do expect(Slug.for("o_o_o")).to eq("o-o-o") end it "strips emoji string" do expect(Slug.for(":smile: To Infinity and beyond! 🚀 :woman:t5:")).to eq( "to-infinity-and-beyond", ) end context "with ascii generator" do before { SiteSetting.slug_generation_method = "ascii" } it "generates the slug" do expect(Slug.for("hello world")).to eq("hello-world") end it "generates default slug when nothing" do expect(Slug.for("")).to eq(default_slug) end it "doesn't generate slugs that are just numbers" do expect(Slug.for("123")).to eq(default_slug) end it "fallbacks to empty string if it's too long" do expect(Slug.for(very_long_string)).to eq(default_slug) end it "transliterates with the default locale" do SiteSetting.default_locale = :de I18n.locale = :en expect(Slug.for("löwe")).to eq("loewe") end end context "with encoded generator" do before { SiteSetting.slug_generation_method = "encoded" } after { SiteSetting.slug_generation_method = "ascii" } it "generates the slug" do expect(Slug.for("熱帶風暴畫眉")).to eq("%E7%86%B1%E5%B8%B6%E9%A2%A8%E6%9A%B4%E7%95%AB%E7%9C%89") expect(Slug.for("Jeff hate's !~-_|,=#this")).to eq("jeff-hates-this") end it "generates default slug when nothing" do expect(Slug.for("")).to eq(default_slug) end it "doesn't generate slugs that are just numbers" do expect(Slug.for("123")).to eq(default_slug) end it "handles the special characters" do expect( Slug.for( " - English and Chinese title with special characters / 中文标题 !@:?\\:'`#^& $%&*()` -- ", ), ).to eq( "english-and-chinese-title-with-special-characters-%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87%E6%A0%87%E9%A2%98", ) end it "kills the trailing dash" do expect(Slug.for("2- -this!~-_|,we-#-=^-")).to eq("2-this-we") end it "returns a slug that can be used in a valid URL" do slug = Slug.for("Γνωμη για αγορα μπουζουκιου μεσω ιντερνετ και εκτίμηση") expect { URI.parse("http://example.com/#{slug}") }.not_to raise_error end end context "with none generator" do before { SiteSetting.slug_generation_method = "none" } after { SiteSetting.slug_generation_method = "ascii" } it "generates the slug" do expect(Slug.for("hello world", "category")).to eq("category") expect(Slug.for("hello world")).to eq(default_slug) expect(Slug.for("")).to eq(default_slug) expect(Slug.for("123")).to eq(default_slug) end end end describe "#ascii_generator" do before { SiteSetting.slug_generation_method = "ascii" } it "replaces spaces with hyphens" do expect(Slug.ascii_generator("hello world")).to eq("hello-world") end it "changes accented characters" do expect(Slug.ascii_generator("àllo")).to eq("allo") end it "replaces symbols" do expect(Slug.ascii_generator("evil#trout")).to eq("evil-trout") end it "handles a.b.c properly" do expect(Slug.ascii_generator("a.b.c")).to eq("a-b-c") end it "handles double dots right" do expect(Slug.ascii_generator("a....b.....c")).to eq("a-b-c") end it "strips trailing punctuation" do expect(Slug.ascii_generator("hello...")).to eq("hello") end it "strips leading punctuation" do expect(Slug.ascii_generator("...hello")).to eq("hello") end it "handles our initial transliteration" do from = "àáäâčďèéëěêìíïîľĺňòóöôŕřšťůùúüûýžñç" to = "aaaacdeeeeeiiiillnoooorrstuuuuuyznc" expect(Slug.ascii_generator(from)).to eq(to) end it "doesn't keep single quotes within word" do expect(Slug.ascii_generator("Jeff hate's this")).to eq("jeff-hates-this") end it "generates null when nothing" do expect(Slug.ascii_generator("")).to eq("") end it "keeps number unchanged" do expect(Slug.ascii_generator("123")).to eq("123") end end describe "#encoded_generator" do before { SiteSetting.slug_generation_method = "encoded" } after { SiteSetting.slug_generation_method = "ascii" } it "generates percentage encoded string" do expect(Slug.encoded_generator("뉴스피드")).to eq("%EB%89%B4%EC%8A%A4%ED%94%BC%EB%93%9C") expect(Slug.encoded_generator("آموزش اضافه کردن لینک اختیاری به هدر")).to eq( "%D8%A2%D9%85%D9%88%D8%B2%D8%B4-%D8%A7%D8%B6%D8%A7%D9%81%D9%87-%DA%A9%D8%B1%D8%AF%D9%86-%D9%84%DB%8C%D9%86%DA%A9-%D8%A7%D8%AE%D8%AA%DB%8C%D8%A7%D8%B1%DB%8C-%D8%A8%D9%87-%D9%87%D8%AF%D8%B1", ) expect(Slug.encoded_generator("熱帶風暴畫眉")).to eq( "%E7%86%B1%E5%B8%B6%E9%A2%A8%E6%9A%B4%E7%95%AB%E7%9C%89", ) end it "reject RFC 3986 reserved character and blank" do expect(Slug.encoded_generator(":/?#[]@!$ &'()*+,;=% -_`~.")).to eq("---") # will be clear by #for end it "generates null when nothing" do expect(Slug.encoded_generator("")).to eq("") end it "keeps number unchanged" do expect(Slug.encoded_generator("123")).to eq("123") end it "downcase the string" do expect(Slug.encoded_generator("LoWer")).to eq("lower") end end describe "#none_generator" do before { SiteSetting.slug_generation_method = "none" } after { SiteSetting.slug_generation_method = "ascii" } it "generates nothing" do expect(Slug.none_generator("Jeff hate's this")).to eq("") expect(Slug.none_generator(nil)).to eq("") expect(Slug.none_generator("")).to eq("") expect(Slug.none_generator("31")).to eq("") end end end