require 'v8' require 'nokogiri' require_dependency 'excerpt_parser' require_dependency 'post' module PrettyText class Helpers def t(key, opts) str = I18n.t("js." + key) if opts # TODO: server localisation has no parity with client # should be fixed opts.each do |k,v| str.gsub!("{{#{k}}}", v) end end str end # function here are available to v8 def avatar_template(username) return "" unless username user = User.where(username_lower: username.downcase).first user.avatar_template if user.present? end def is_username_valid(username) return false unless username username = username.downcase return User.exec_sql('select 1 from users where username_lower = ?', username).values.length == 1 end end @mutex = @ctx_init = def self.mention_matcher"(\@[a-zA-Z0-9_]{#{User.username_length.begin},#{User.username_length.end}})") end def self.app_root Rails.root end def self.create_new_context # timeout any eval that takes longer that 5 seconds ctx = 5000) ctx["helpers"] = ctx_load(ctx, "vendor/assets/javascripts/md5.js", "vendor/assets/javascripts/lodash.js", "vendor/assets/javascripts/Markdown.Converter.js", "lib/headless-ember.js", "vendor/assets/javascripts/rsvp.js", Rails.configuration.ember.handlebars_location) ctx.eval("var Discourse = {}; Discourse.SiteSettings = {};") ctx.eval("var window = {}; window.devicePixelRatio = 2;") # hack to make code think stuff is retina ctx.eval("var I18n = {}; I18n.t = function(a,b){ return helpers.t(a,b); }"); decorate_context(ctx) ctx_load(ctx, "vendor/assets/javascripts/better_markdown.js", "app/assets/javascripts/defer/html-sanitizer-bundle.js", "app/assets/javascripts/discourse/dialects/dialect.js", "app/assets/javascripts/discourse/lib/utilities.js", "app/assets/javascripts/discourse/lib/markdown.js") Dir["#{Rails.root}/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/dialects/**.js"].each do |dialect| unless dialect =~ /\/dialect\.js$/ ctx.load(dialect) end end # Load server side javascripts if DiscoursePluginRegistry.server_side_javascripts.present? DiscoursePluginRegistry.server_side_javascripts.each do |ssjs| if(ssjs =~ /\.erb/) erb = erb.filename = ssjs ctx.eval(erb.result) else ctx.load(ssjs) end end end ctx['quoteTemplate'] = + 'app/assets/javascripts/discourse/templates/quote.js.handlebars') {|f|} ctx['quoteEmailTemplate'] = + 'lib/assets/quote_email.js.handlebars') {|f|} ctx.eval("HANDLEBARS_TEMPLATES = { 'quote': Handlebars.compile(quoteTemplate), 'quote_email': Handlebars.compile(quoteEmailTemplate), };") ctx end def self.v8 return @ctx if @ctx # ensure we only init one of these @ctx_init.synchronize do return @ctx if @ctx @ctx = create_new_context end @ctx end def self.decorate_context(context) context.eval("Discourse.SiteSettings = #{SiteSetting.client_settings_json};") context.eval("Discourse.CDN = '#{Rails.configuration.action_controller.asset_host}';") context.eval("Discourse.BaseUrl = 'http://#{RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_hostname}';") context.eval("Discourse.getURL = function(url) {return '#{Discourse::base_uri}' + url};") end def self.markdown(text, opts=nil) # we use the exact same markdown converter as the client # TODO: use the same extensions on both client and server (in particular the template for mentions) baked = nil protect do context = v8 # we need to do this to work in a multi site environment, many sites, many settings decorate_context(context) context_opts = opts || {} context_opts[:sanitize] ||= true context['opts'] = context_opts context['raw'] = text if Post.white_listed_image_classes.present? Post.white_listed_image_classes.each do |klass| context.eval("Discourse.Markdown.whiteListClass('#{klass}')") end end context.eval('opts["mentionLookup"] = function(u){return helpers.is_username_valid(u);}') context.eval('opts["lookupAvatar"] = function(p){return Discourse.Utilities.avatarImg({size: "tiny", avatarTemplate: helpers.avatar_template(p)});}') baked = context.eval('Discourse.Markdown.markdownConverter(opts).makeHtml(raw)') end baked end # leaving this here, cause it invokes v8, don't want to implement twice def self.avatar_img(avatar_template, size) protect do v8['avatarTemplate'] = avatar_template v8['size'] = size decorate_context(v8) v8.eval("Discourse.Utilities.avatarImg({ avatarTemplate: avatarTemplate, size: size });") end end def self.cook(text, opts={}) cloned = opts.dup # we have a minor inconsistency cloned[:topicId] = opts[:topic_id] sanitized = markdown(text.dup, cloned) sanitized = add_rel_nofollow_to_user_content(sanitized) if !cloned[:omit_nofollow] && SiteSetting.add_rel_nofollow_to_user_content sanitized end def self.add_rel_nofollow_to_user_content(html) whitelist = [] domains = SiteSetting.exclude_rel_nofollow_domains whitelist = domains.split(",") if domains.present? site_uri = nil doc = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(html) doc.css("a").each do |l| href = l["href"].to_s begin uri = URI(href) site_uri ||= URI(Discourse.base_url) if ! || || whitelist.any?{|u|} # we are good no need for nofollow else l["rel"] = "nofollow" end rescue URI::InvalidURIError # add a nofollow anyway l["rel"] = "nofollow" end end doc.to_html end def self.extract_links(html) links = [] doc = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(html) # remove href inside quotes doc.css("aside.quote a").each { |l| l["href"] = "" } # extract all links from the post doc.css("a").each { |l| links << l["href"] unless l["href"].blank? } # extract links to quotes doc.css("aside.quote").each do |a| topic_id = a['data-topic'] url = "/t/topic/#{topic_id}" if post_number = a['data-post'] url << "/#{post_number}" end links << url end links end def self.excerpt(html, max_length, options={}) ExcerptParser.get_excerpt(html, max_length, options) end def self.strip_links(string) return string if string.blank? # If the user is not basic, strip links from their bio fragment = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(string) fragment.css('a').each {|a| a.replace(a.text) } fragment.to_html end def self.make_all_links_absolute(html) site_uri = nil doc = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(html) doc.css("a").each do |link| href = link["href"].to_s begin uri = URI(href) site_uri ||= URI(Discourse.base_url) link["href"] = "#{site_uri}#{link['href']}" unless rescue URI::InvalidURIError # leave it end end doc.to_html end protected class JavaScriptError < StandardError attr_accessor :message, :backtrace def initialize(message, backtrace) @message = message @backtrace = backtrace end end def self.protect rval = nil @mutex.synchronize do begin rval = yield # This may seem a bit odd, but we don't want to leak out # objects that require locks on the v8 vm, to get a backtrace # you need a lock, if this happens in the wrong spot you can # deadlock a process rescue V8::Error => e raise, e.backtrace) end end rval end def self.ctx_load(ctx, *files) files.each do |file| ctx.load(app_root + file) end end end