# frozen_string_literal: true # we should set the locale before the migration task 'set_locale' do begin I18n.locale = (SiteSetting.default_locale || :en) rescue :en rescue I18n::InvalidLocale I18n.locale = :en end end module MultisiteTestHelpers def self.load_multisite? Rails.env.test? && !ENV["RAILS_DB"] && !ENV["SKIP_MULTISITE"] end def self.create_multisite? (ENV["RAILS_ENV"] == "test" || !ENV["RAILS_ENV"]) && !ENV["RAILS_DB"] && !ENV["SKIP_MULTISITE"] end end task 'db:environment:set' => [:load_config] do |_, args| if MultisiteTestHelpers.load_multisite? system("RAILS_ENV=test RAILS_DB=discourse_test_multisite rake db:environment:set") end end task 'db:force_skip_persist' do GlobalSetting.skip_db = true GlobalSetting.skip_redis = true end task 'db:create' => [:load_config] do |_, args| if MultisiteTestHelpers.create_multisite? unless system("RAILS_ENV=test RAILS_DB=discourse_test_multisite rake db:create") STDERR.puts "-" * 80 STDERR.puts "ERROR: Could not create multisite DB. A common cause of this is a plugin" STDERR.puts "checking the column structure when initializing, which raises an error." STDERR.puts "-" * 80 raise "Could not initialize discourse_test_multisite" end end end begin reqs = Rake::Task['db:create'].prerequisites.map(&:to_sym) Rake::Task['db:create'].clear_prerequisites Rake::Task['db:create'].enhance(["db:force_skip_persist"] + reqs) end task 'db:drop' => [:load_config] do |_, args| if MultisiteTestHelpers.create_multisite? system("RAILS_DB=discourse_test_multisite RAILS_ENV=test rake db:drop") end end begin Rake::Task["db:migrate"].clear Rake::Task["db:rollback"].clear end task 'db:rollback' => ['environment', 'set_locale'] do |_, args| step = ENV["STEP"] ? ENV["STEP"].to_i : 1 ActiveRecord::Base.connection.migration_context.rollback(step) Rake::Task['db:_dump'].invoke end # we need to run seed_fu every time we run rake db:migrate task 'db:migrate' => ['load_config', 'environment', 'set_locale'] do |_, args| ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.migrate if !Discourse.is_parallel_test? Rake::Task['db:_dump'].invoke end SeedFu.seed(DiscoursePluginRegistry.seed_paths) if !Discourse.skip_post_deployment_migrations? puts print "Optimizing site icons... " SiteIconManager.ensure_optimized! puts "Done" end if !Discourse.is_parallel_test? && MultisiteTestHelpers.load_multisite? system("RAILS_DB=discourse_test_multisite rake db:migrate") end end task 'test:prepare' => 'environment' do I18n.locale = SiteSetting.default_locale rescue :en SeedFu.seed(DiscoursePluginRegistry.seed_paths) end task 'db:api_test_seed' => 'environment' do puts "Loading test data for discourse_api" load Rails.root + 'db/api_test_seeds.rb' end def print_table(array) width = array[0].keys.map { |k| k.to_s.length } cols = array[0].keys.length array.each do |row| row.each_with_index do |(_, val), i| width[i] = [width[i].to_i, val.to_s.length].max end end array[0].keys.each_with_index do |col, i| print col.to_s.ljust(width[i], ' ') if i == cols - 1 puts else print ' | ' end end puts "-" * (width.sum + width.length) array.each do |row| row.each_with_index do |(_, val), i| print val.to_s.ljust(width[i], ' ') if i == cols - 1 puts else print ' | ' end end end end desc 'Statistics about database' task 'db:stats' => 'environment' do sql = <<~SQL select table_name, ( select reltuples::bigint from pg_class where oid = ('public.' || table_name)::regclass ) AS row_estimate, pg_size_pretty(pg_table_size(quote_ident(table_name))) table_size, pg_size_pretty(pg_indexes_size(quote_ident(table_name))) index_size, pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size(quote_ident(table_name))) total_size from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'public' order by pg_total_relation_size(quote_ident(table_name)) DESC SQL puts print_table(DB.query_hash(sql)) end desc 'Rebuild indexes' task 'db:rebuild_indexes' => 'environment' do if Import::backup_tables_count > 0 raise "Backup from a previous import exists. Drop them before running this job with rake import:remove_backup, or move them to another schema." end Discourse.enable_readonly_mode backup_schema = Jobs::Importer::BACKUP_SCHEMA table_names = DB.query_single("select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'public'") begin # Move all tables to the backup schema: DB.exec("DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS #{backup_schema} CASCADE") DB.exec("CREATE SCHEMA #{backup_schema}") table_names.each do |table_name| DB.exec("ALTER TABLE public.#{table_name} SET SCHEMA #{backup_schema}") end # Create a new empty db Rake::Task["db:migrate"].invoke # Fetch index definitions from the new db index_definitions = {} table_names.each do |table_name| index_definitions[table_name] = DB.query_single("SELECT indexdef FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = '#{table_name}' and schemaname = 'public';") end # Drop the new tables table_names.each do |table_name| DB.exec("DROP TABLE public.#{table_name}") end # Move the old tables back to the public schema table_names.each do |table_name| DB.exec("ALTER TABLE #{backup_schema}.#{table_name} SET SCHEMA public") end # Drop their indexes index_names = DB.query_single("SELECT indexname FROM pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename IN ('#{table_names.join("', '")}')") index_names.each do |index_name| begin puts index_name DB.exec("DROP INDEX public.#{index_name}") rescue ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid # It's this: # PG::Error: ERROR: cannot drop index category_users_pkey because constraint category_users_pkey on table category_users requires it # HINT: You can drop constraint category_users_pkey on table category_users instead. end end # Create the indexes table_names.each do |table_name| index_definitions[table_name].each do |index_def| begin DB.exec(index_def) rescue ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid # Trying to recreate a primary key end end end rescue # Can we roll this back? raise ensure Discourse.disable_readonly_mode end end