# frozen_string_literal: true require "excon" RSpec.describe Jobs::EmitWebHookEvent do subject(:job) { described_class.new } fab!(:post_hook) { Fabricate(:web_hook) } fab!(:inactive_hook) { Fabricate(:inactive_web_hook) } fab!(:post) fab!(:user) it "raises an error when there is no web hook record" do expect { job.execute(event_type: "post", payload: {}) }.to raise_error( Discourse::InvalidParameters, ) end it "raises an error when there is no event type" do expect { job.execute(web_hook_id: post_hook.id, payload: {}) }.to raise_error( Discourse::InvalidParameters, ) end it "raises an error when there is no payload" do expect { job.execute(web_hook_id: post_hook.id, event_type: "post") }.to raise_error( Discourse::InvalidParameters, ) end it "should not destroy webhook event in case of error" do stub_request(:post, post_hook.payload_url).to_return(status: 500) job.execute( web_hook_id: post_hook.id, payload: { id: post.id }.to_json, event_type: WebHookEventType::TYPES[:post_created], ) expect(WebHookEvent.last.web_hook_id).to eq(post_hook.id) end context "when the web hook is failed" do before { SiteSetting.retry_web_hook_events = true } context "when the webhook has failed for 404 or 410" do before do stub_request(:post, post_hook.payload_url).to_return( body: "Invalid Access", status: response_status, ) end let(:response_status) { 410 } it "disables the webhook" do expect do job.execute( web_hook_id: post_hook.id, event_type: described_class::PING_EVENT, retry_count: described_class::MAX_RETRY_COUNT, ) end.to change { post_hook.reload.active }.to(false) end it "logs webhook deactivation reason" do job.execute( web_hook_id: post_hook.id, event_type: described_class::PING_EVENT, retry_count: described_class::MAX_RETRY_COUNT, ) user_history = UserHistory.find_by( action: UserHistory.actions[:web_hook_deactivate], acting_user: Discourse.system_user, ) expect(user_history).to be_present expect(user_history.context).to eq( ["webhook_id: #{post_hook.id}", "webhook_response_status: #{response_status}"].to_s, ) end end context "when the webhook has failed" do before do stub_request(:post, post_hook.payload_url).to_return(body: "Invalid Access", status: 403) end it "retry if site setting is enabled" do expect do job.execute(web_hook_id: post_hook.id, event_type: described_class::PING_EVENT) end.to change { Jobs::EmitWebHookEvent.jobs.size }.by(1) end it "retries at most 5 times" do Jobs.run_immediately! expect(Jobs::EmitWebHookEvent::MAX_RETRY_COUNT + 1).to eq(5) expect do job.execute(web_hook_id: post_hook.id, event_type: described_class::PING_EVENT) end.to change { WebHookEvent.count }.by(Jobs::EmitWebHookEvent::MAX_RETRY_COUNT + 1) end it "does not retry for more than maximum allowed times" do expect do job.execute( web_hook_id: post_hook.id, event_type: described_class::PING_EVENT, retry_count: described_class::MAX_RETRY_COUNT, ) end.to_not change { Jobs::EmitWebHookEvent.jobs.size } end it "does not retry if site setting is disabled" do SiteSetting.retry_web_hook_events = false expect do job.execute(web_hook_id: post_hook.id, event_type: described_class::PING_EVENT) end.not_to change { Jobs::EmitWebHookEvent.jobs.size } end it "properly logs error on rescue" do stub_request(:post, post_hook.payload_url).to_raise("connection error") job.execute(web_hook_id: post_hook.id, event_type: described_class::PING_EVENT) event = WebHookEvent.last expect(event.payload).to eq(MultiJson.dump(ping: "OK")) expect(event.status).to eq(-1) expect(MultiJson.load(event.response_headers)["error"]).to eq("connection error") end end end it "does not raise an error for a ping event without payload" do stub_request(:post, post_hook.payload_url).to_return(body: "OK", status: 200) job.execute(web_hook_id: post_hook.id, event_type: described_class::PING_EVENT) end it "doesn't emit when the hook is inactive" do job.execute( web_hook_id: inactive_hook.id, event_type: "post", payload: { test: "some payload" }.to_json, ) end it "emits normally with sufficient arguments" do stub_request(:post, post_hook.payload_url).with( body: "{\"post\":{\"test\":\"some payload\"}}", ).to_return(body: "OK", status: 200) job.execute( web_hook_id: post_hook.id, event_type: "post", payload: { test: "some payload" }.to_json, ) end it "doesn't emit if the payload URL resolves to a disallowed IP" do FinalDestination::TestHelper.stub_to_fail do job.execute( web_hook_id: post_hook.id, event_type: "post", payload: { test: "some payload" }.to_json, ) end event = post_hook.web_hook_events.last expect(event.response_headers).to eq( { error: I18n.t("webhooks.payload_url.blocked_or_internal") }.to_json, ) expect(event.response_body).to eq(nil) expect(event.status).to eq(-1) end context "with category filters" do fab!(:category) fab!(:topic) fab!(:topic_with_category) { Fabricate(:topic, category_id: category.id) } fab!(:topic_hook) { Fabricate(:topic_web_hook, categories: [category]) } it "doesn't emit when event is not related with defined categories" do job.execute( web_hook_id: topic_hook.id, event_type: "topic", category_id: topic.category.id, payload: { test: "some payload" }.to_json, ) end it "emit when event is related with defined categories" do stub_request(:post, post_hook.payload_url).with( body: "{\"topic\":{\"test\":\"some payload\"}}", ).to_return(body: "OK", status: 200) job.execute( web_hook_id: topic_hook.id, event_type: "topic", category_id: topic_with_category.category.id, payload: { test: "some payload" }.to_json, ) end end context "with tag filters" do fab!(:tag) fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag]) } fab!(:topic_hook) { Fabricate(:topic_web_hook, tags: [tag]) } it "doesn't emit when event is not included any tags" do job.execute( web_hook_id: topic_hook.id, event_type: "topic", payload: { test: "some payload" }.to_json, ) end it "doesn't emit when event is not related with defined tags" do job.execute( web_hook_id: topic_hook.id, event_type: "topic", tag_ids: [Fabricate(:tag).id], payload: { test: "some payload" }.to_json, ) end it "emit when event is related with defined tags" do stub_request(:post, post_hook.payload_url).with( body: "{\"topic\":{\"test\":\"some payload\"}}", ).to_return(body: "OK", status: 200) job.execute( web_hook_id: topic_hook.id, event_type: "topic", tag_ids: topic.tags.pluck(:id), payload: { test: "some payload" }.to_json, ) end end context "with group filters" do fab!(:group) fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user, groups: [group]) } fab!(:like_hook) { Fabricate(:like_web_hook, groups: [group]) } it "doesn't emit when event is not included any groups" do job.execute( web_hook_id: like_hook.id, event_type: "like", payload: { test: "some payload" }.to_json, ) end it "doesn't emit when event is not related with defined groups" do job.execute( web_hook_id: like_hook.id, event_type: "like", group_ids: [Fabricate(:group).id], payload: { test: "some payload" }.to_json, ) end it "emit when event is related with defined groups" do stub_request(:post, like_hook.payload_url).with( body: "{\"like\":{\"test\":\"some payload\"}}", ).to_return(body: "OK", status: 200) job.execute( web_hook_id: like_hook.id, event_type: "like", group_ids: user.groups.pluck(:id), payload: { test: "some payload" }.to_json, ) end end describe "#send_webhook!" do it "creates delivery event record" do stub_request(:post, post_hook.payload_url).to_return(body: "OK", status: 200) topic_event_type = WebHookEventType.all.first web_hook_id = Fabricate("#{topic_event_type.name.gsub("_created", "")}_web_hook").id expect do job.execute( web_hook_id: web_hook_id, event_type: topic_event_type.name, payload: { test: "some payload" }.to_json, ) end.to change(WebHookEvent, :count).by(1) end it "sets up proper request headers" do stub_request(:post, post_hook.payload_url).to_return( headers: { test: "string", }, body: "OK", status: 200, ) job.execute( web_hook_id: post_hook.id, event_type: described_class::PING_EVENT, event_name: described_class::PING_EVENT, payload: { test: "this payload shouldn't appear" }.to_json, ) event = WebHookEvent.last headers = MultiJson.load(event.headers) expect(headers["Content-Length"]).to eq("13") expect(headers["Host"]).to eq("meta.discourse.org") expect(headers["X-Discourse-Event-Id"]).to eq(event.id.to_s) expect(headers["X-Discourse-Event-Type"]).to eq(described_class::PING_EVENT) expect(headers["X-Discourse-Event"]).to eq(described_class::PING_EVENT) expect(headers["X-Discourse-Event-Signature"]).to eq( "sha256=162f107f6b5022353274eb1a7197885cfd35744d8d08e5bcea025d309386b7d6", ) expect(event.payload).to eq(MultiJson.dump(ping: "OK")) expect(event.status).to eq(200) expect(MultiJson.load(event.response_headers)["test"]).to eq("string") expect(event.response_body).to eq("OK") end it "sets up proper request headers when an error raised" do stub_request(:post, post_hook.payload_url).to_raise("error") job.execute( web_hook_id: post_hook.id, event_type: described_class::PING_EVENT, event_name: described_class::PING_EVENT, payload: { test: "this payload shouldn't appear" }.to_json, ) event = WebHookEvent.last headers = MultiJson.load(event.headers) expect(headers["Content-Length"]).to eq("13") expect(headers["Host"]).to eq("meta.discourse.org") expect(headers["X-Discourse-Event-Id"]).to eq(event.id.to_s) expect(headers["X-Discourse-Event-Type"]).to eq(described_class::PING_EVENT) expect(headers["X-Discourse-Event"]).to eq(described_class::PING_EVENT) expect(headers["X-Discourse-Event-Signature"]).to eq( "sha256=162f107f6b5022353274eb1a7197885cfd35744d8d08e5bcea025d309386b7d6", ) expect(event.payload).to eq(MultiJson.dump(ping: "OK")) end context "with `webhook_event_headers` modifier" do let(:modifier_block) do Proc.new do |headers, _, _| headers["D-Test-Woo"] = "xyz" headers end end it "Allows for header modifications" do plugin_instance = Plugin::Instance.new plugin_instance.register_modifier(:web_hook_event_headers, &modifier_block) stub_request(:post, post_hook.payload_url).to_return(body: "OK", status: 200) topic_event_type = WebHookEventType.all.first web_hook_id = Fabricate("#{topic_event_type.name.gsub("_created", "")}_web_hook").id job.execute( web_hook_id: web_hook_id, event_type: topic_event_type.name, payload: { test: "some payload" }.to_json, ) webhook_event = WebHookEvent.last expect(JSON.parse(webhook_event.headers)).to include("D-Test-Woo" => "xyz") ensure DiscoursePluginRegistry.unregister_modifier( plugin_instance, :web_hook_event_headers, &modifier_block ) end end end end