require 'spec_helper' require_dependency 'user' describe User do it { should validate_presence_of :username } it { should validate_presence_of :email } context '.enqueue_welcome_message' do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } it 'enqueues the system message' do Jobs.expects(:enqueue).with(:send_system_message, user_id:, message_type: 'welcome_user') user.enqueue_welcome_message('welcome_user') end it "doesn't enqueue the system message when the site settings disable it" do SiteSetting.expects(:send_welcome_message?).returns(false) Jobs.expects(:enqueue).with(:send_system_message, user_id:, message_type: 'welcome_user').never user.enqueue_welcome_message('welcome_user') end end describe '.approve' do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } let(:admin) { Fabricate(:admin) } it "enqueues a 'signup after approval' email" do Jobs.expects(:enqueue).with( :user_email, has_entries(type: :signup_after_approval) ) user.approve(admin) end context 'after approval' do before do user.approve(admin) end it 'marks the user as approved' do user.should be_approved end it 'has the admin as the approved by' do user.approved_by.should == admin end it 'has a value for approved_at' do user.approved_at.should be_present end end end describe 'bookmark' do before do @post = Fabricate(:post) end it "creates a bookmark with the true parameter" do lambda { PostAction.act(@post.user, @post, PostActionType.types[:bookmark]) }.should change(PostAction, :count).by(1) end describe 'when removing a bookmark' do before do PostAction.act(@post.user, @post, PostActionType.types[:bookmark]) end it 'reduces the bookmark count of the post' do active = PostAction.where(deleted_at: nil) lambda { PostAction.remove_act(@post.user, @post, PostActionType.types[:bookmark]) }.should change(active, :count).by(-1) end end end describe 'change_username' do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } context 'success' do let(:new_username) { "#{user.username}1234" } before do @result = user.change_username(new_username) end it 'returns true' do @result.should == true end it 'should change the username' do user.reload user.username.should == new_username end it 'should change the username_lower' do user.reload user.username_lower.should == new_username.downcase end end context 'failure' do let(:wrong_username) { "" } let(:username_before_change) { user.username } let(:username_lower_before_change) { user.username_lower } before do @result = user.change_username(wrong_username) end it 'returns false' do @result.should == false end it 'should not change the username' do user.reload user.username.should == username_before_change end it 'should not change the username_lower' do user.reload user.username_lower.should == username_lower_before_change end end describe 'change the case of my username' do let!(:myself) { Fabricate(:user, username: 'hansolo') } it 'should return true' do myself.change_username('HanSolo').should == true end it 'should change the username' do myself.change_username('HanSolo') myself.reload.username.should == 'HanSolo' end end describe 'allow custom minimum username length from site settings' do before do @custom_min = 2 SiteSetting.min_username_length = @custom_min end it 'should allow a shorter username than default' do result = user.change_username('a' * @custom_min) result.should_not == false end it 'should not allow a shorter username than limit' do result = user.change_username('a' * (@custom_min - 1)) result.should == false end it 'should not allow a longer username than limit' do result = user.change_username('a' * (User.username_length.end + 1)) result.should == false end end end describe 'delete posts' do before do @post1 = Fabricate(:post) @user = @post1.user @post2 = Fabricate(:post, topic: @post1.topic, user: @user) @post3 = Fabricate(:post, user: @user) @posts = [@post1, @post2, @post3] @guardian = end it 'allows moderator to delete all posts' do @user.delete_all_posts!(@guardian) expect(Post.where(id: be_empty @posts.each do |p| if p.post_number == 1 expect(Topic.find_by(id: p.topic_id)).to be_nil end end end it 'does not allow non moderators to delete all posts' do invalid_guardian = expect do @user.delete_all_posts!(invalid_guardian) raise_error Discourse::InvalidAccess @posts.each do |p| p.reload p.should be_present p.topic.should be_present end end end describe 'new' do subject { } it { should be_valid } it { should_not be_admin } it { should_not be_approved } it "is properly initialized" do subject.approved_at.should be_blank subject.approved_by_id.should be_blank subject.email_private_messages.should == true subject.email_direct.should == true end context 'digest emails' do it 'defaults to digests every week' do subject.email_digests.should == true subject.digest_after_days.should == 7 end it 'uses default_digest_email_frequency' do SiteSetting.stubs(:default_digest_email_frequency).returns(1) subject.email_digests.should == true subject.digest_after_days.should == 1 end it 'disables digests by default if site setting says so' do SiteSetting.stubs(:default_digest_email_frequency).returns('') subject.email_digests.should == false end end context 'after_save' do before { } it "has an email token" do subject.email_tokens.should be_present end end it "downcases email addresses" do user =, email: '') == '' end end describe 'ip address validation' do it 'validates ip_address for new users' do u = AllowedIpAddressValidator.any_instance.expects(:validate_each).with(u, :ip_address, u.ip_address) u.valid? end it 'does not validate ip_address when updating an existing user' do u = Fabricate(:user) u.ip_address = '' AllowedIpAddressValidator.any_instance.expects(:validate_each).never u.valid? end end describe "trust levels" do # NOTE be sure to use build to avoid db calls let(:user) {, trust_level: TrustLevel[0]) } it "sets to the default trust level setting" do SiteSetting.default_trust_level = TrustLevel[4] == TrustLevel[4] end describe 'has_trust_level?' do it "raises an error with an invalid level" do lambda { user.has_trust_level?(:wat) }.should raise_error end it "is true for your basic level" do user.has_trust_level?(TrustLevel[0]).should == true end it "is false for a higher level" do user.has_trust_level?(TrustLevel[2]).should == false end it "is true if you exceed the level" do user.trust_level = TrustLevel[4] user.has_trust_level?(TrustLevel[1]).should == true end it "is true for an admin even with a low trust level" do user.trust_level = TrustLevel[0] user.admin = true user.has_trust_level?(TrustLevel[1]).should == true end end describe 'moderator' do it "isn't a moderator by default" do user.moderator?.should == false end it "is a moderator if the user level is moderator" do user.moderator = true user.has_trust_level?(TrustLevel[4]).should == true end it "is staff if the user is an admin" do user.admin = true user.staff?.should == true end end end describe 'staff and regular users' do let(:user) { } describe '#staff?' do subject { user.staff? } it { should == false } context 'for a moderator user' do before { user.moderator = true } it { should == true } end context 'for an admin user' do before { user.admin = true } it { should == true } end end describe '#regular?' do subject { user.regular? } it { should == true } context 'for a moderator user' do before { user.moderator = true } it { should == false } end context 'for an admin user' do before { user.admin = true } it { should == false } end end end describe 'temporary_key' do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } let!(:temporary_key) { user.temporary_key} it 'has a temporary key' do temporary_key.should be_present end describe 'User#find_by_temporary_key' do it 'can be used to find the user' do User.find_by_temporary_key(temporary_key).should == user end it 'returns nil with an invalid key' do User.find_by_temporary_key('asdfasdf').should be_blank end end end describe 'email_hash' do before do @user = Fabricate(:user) end it 'should have a sane email hash' do @user.email_hash.should =~ /^[0-9a-f]{32}$/ end it 'should use downcase email' do = "" @user2 = Fabricate(:user) = "" @user.email_hash.should == @user2.email_hash end it 'should trim whitespace before hashing' do = "" @user2 = Fabricate(:user) = " " @user.email_hash.should == @user2.email_hash end end describe 'associated_accounts' do it 'should correctly find social associations' do user = Fabricate(:user) user.associated_accounts.should == I18n.t("user.no_accounts_associated") TwitterUserInfo.create(user_id:, screen_name: "sam", twitter_user_id: 1) FacebookUserInfo.create(user_id:, username: "sam", facebook_user_id: 1) GoogleUserInfo.create(user_id:, email: "", google_user_id: 1) GithubUserInfo.create(user_id:, screen_name: "sam", github_user_id: 1) user.reload user.associated_accounts.should == "Twitter(sam), Facebook(sam), Google(, Github(sam)" end end describe 'name heuristics' do it 'is able to guess a decent name from an email' do User.suggest_name('').should == 'Sam Saffron' end end describe 'username format' do it "should be #{SiteSetting.min_username_length} chars or longer" do @user = @user.username = 'ss' == false end it "should never end with a ." do @user = @user.username = 'sam.' == false end it "should never contain spaces" do @user = @user.username = 'sam s' == false end ['Bad One', 'Giraf%fe', 'Hello!', '@twitter', '', 'no.dots', 'purple.', '.bilbo', '_nope', 'sa$sy'].each do |bad_nickname| it "should not allow username '#{bad_nickname}'" do @user = @user.username = bad_nickname == false end end end describe 'username uniqueness' do before do @user =! @codinghorror = end it "should not allow saving if username is reused" do @codinghorror.username = @user.username == false end it "should not allow saving if username is reused in different casing" do @codinghorror.username = @user.username.upcase == false end end context '.username_available?' do it "returns true for a username that is available" do User.username_available?('BruceWayne').should == true end it 'returns false when a username is taken' do User.username_available?(Fabricate(:user).username).should == false end end describe 'email_validator' do it 'should allow good emails' do user =, email: '') user.should be_valid end it 'should reject some emails based on the email_domains_blacklist site setting' do SiteSetting.stubs(:email_domains_blacklist).returns(''), email: '').should_not be_valid, email: '').should be_valid end it 'should reject some emails based on the email_domains_blacklist site setting' do SiteSetting.stubs(:email_domains_blacklist).returns('|'), email: '').should_not be_valid, email: '').should_not be_valid, email: '').should be_valid end it 'should not reject partial matches' do SiteSetting.stubs(:email_domains_blacklist).returns(''), email: '').should be_valid end it 'should reject some emails based on the email_domains_blacklist site setting ignoring case' do SiteSetting.stubs(:email_domains_blacklist).returns(''), email: 'notgood@TRASHMAIL.NET').should_not be_valid end it 'should not interpret a period as a wildcard' do SiteSetting.stubs(:email_domains_blacklist).returns(''), email: '').should be_valid end it 'should not be used to validate existing records' do u = Fabricate(:user, email: '') SiteSetting.stubs(:email_domains_blacklist).returns('') u.should be_valid end it 'should be used when email is being changed' do SiteSetting.stubs(:email_domains_blacklist).returns('') u = Fabricate(:user, email: '') = '' u.should_not be_valid end it 'whitelist should reject some emails based on the email_domains_whitelist site setting' do SiteSetting.stubs(:email_domains_whitelist).returns(''), email: '').should_not be_valid, email: '').should be_valid end it 'should reject some emails based on the email_domains_whitelist site setting when whitelisting multiple domains' do SiteSetting.stubs(:email_domains_whitelist).returns('|'), email: '').should_not be_valid, email: '').should_not be_valid, email: '').should be_valid, email: '').should be_valid end it 'should accept some emails based on the email_domains_whitelist site setting ignoring case' do SiteSetting.stubs(:email_domains_whitelist).returns(''), email: 'good@VAYNERMEDIA.COM').should be_valid end it 'email whitelist should not be used to validate existing records' do u = Fabricate(:user, email: '') SiteSetting.stubs(:email_domains_blacklist).returns('') u.should be_valid end it 'email whitelist should be used when email is being changed' do SiteSetting.stubs(:email_domains_whitelist).returns('') u = Fabricate(:user, email: '') = '' u.should_not be_valid end end describe 'passwords' do before do @user =, active: false) @user.password = "ilovepasta"! end it "should have a valid password after the initial save" do @user.confirm_password?("ilovepasta").should == true end it "should not have an active account after initial save" do == false end end describe "previous_visit_at" do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } let!(:first_visit_date) { } let!(:second_visit_date) { 2.hours.from_now } let!(:third_visit_date) { 5.hours.from_now } before do SiteSetting.stubs(:active_user_rate_limit_secs).returns(0) SiteSetting.stubs(:previous_visit_timeout_hours).returns(1) end it "should act correctly" do user.previous_visit_at.should == nil # first visit user.update_last_seen!(first_visit_date) user.previous_visit_at.should == nil # updated same time user.update_last_seen!(first_visit_date) user.reload user.previous_visit_at.should == nil # second visit user.update_last_seen!(second_visit_date) user.reload user.previous_visit_at.should be_within_one_second_of(first_visit_date) # third visit user.update_last_seen!(third_visit_date) user.reload user.previous_visit_at.should be_within_one_second_of(second_visit_date) end end describe "last_seen_at" do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } it "should have a blank last seen on creation" do user.last_seen_at.should == nil end it "should have 0 for days_visited" do user.user_stat.days_visited.should == 0 end describe 'with no previous values' do let!(:date) { } before do Timecop.freeze(date) user.update_last_seen! end after do Timecop.return end it "updates last_seen_at" do user.last_seen_at.should be_within_one_second_of(date) end it "should have 0 for days_visited" do user.reload user.user_stat.days_visited.should == 1 end it "should log a user_visit with the date" do user.user_visits.first.visited_at.should == date.to_date end context "called twice" do before do Timecop.freeze(date) user.update_last_seen! user.update_last_seen! user.reload end after do Timecop.return end it "doesn't increase days_visited twice" do user.user_stat.days_visited.should == 1 end end describe "after 3 days" do let!(:future_date) { 3.days.from_now } before do Timecop.freeze(future_date) user.update_last_seen! end after do Timecop.return end it "should log a second visited_at record when we log an update later" do user.user_visits.count.should == 2 end end end end describe 'email_confirmed?' do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } context 'when email has not been confirmed yet' do it 'should return false' do user.email_confirmed?.should == false end end context 'when email has been confirmed' do it 'should return true' do token = user.email_tokens.find_by(email: EmailToken.confirm(token.token) user.email_confirmed?.should == true end end context 'when user has no email tokens for some reason' do it 'should return false' do user.email_tokens.each {|t| t.destroy} user.reload user.email_confirmed?.should == true end end end describe "flag_linked_posts_as_spam" do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } let!(:admin) { Fabricate(:admin) } let!(:post) {, title: "this topic contains spam", raw: "this post has a link:").create } let!(:another_post) {, title: "this topic also contains spam", raw: "this post has a link:").create } let!(:post_without_link) {, title: "this topic shouldn't be spam", raw: "this post has no links in it.").create } it "has flagged all the user's posts as spam" do user.flag_linked_posts_as_spam post.reload post.spam_count.should == 1 another_post.reload another_post.spam_count.should == 1 post_without_link.reload post_without_link.spam_count.should == 0 # It doesn't raise an exception if called again user.flag_linked_posts_as_spam end end describe '#readable_name' do context 'when name is missing' do it 'returns just the username' do Fabricate(:user, username: 'foo', name: nil).readable_name.should == 'foo' end end context 'when name and username are identical' do it 'returns just the username' do Fabricate(:user, username: 'foo', name: 'foo').readable_name.should == 'foo' end end context 'when name and username are not identical' do it 'returns the name and username' do Fabricate(:user, username: 'foo', name: 'Bar Baz').readable_name.should == 'Bar Baz (foo)' end end end describe '.find_by_username_or_email' do it 'finds users' do bob = Fabricate(:user, username: 'bob', email: '') found_user = User.find_by_username_or_email('Bob') expect(found_user).to eq bob found_user = User.find_by_username_or_email('') expect(found_user).to eq bob found_user = User.find_by_username_or_email('') expect(found_user).to eq bob found_user = User.find_by_username_or_email('bob1') expect(found_user).to be_nil found_user = User.find_by_email('') expect(found_user).to eq bob found_user = User.find_by_email('') expect(found_user).to eq bob found_user = User.find_by_email('bob') expect(found_user).to be_nil found_user = User.find_by_username('bOb') expect(found_user).to eq bob end end describe "#added_a_day_ago?" do context "when user is more than a day old" do subject(:user) { Fabricate(:user, created_at: - 2.days) } it "returns false" do expect(user).to_not be_added_a_day_ago end end context "is less than a day old" do subject(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } it "returns true" do expect(user).to be_added_a_day_ago end end end describe 'api keys' do let(:admin) { Fabricate(:admin) } let(:other_admin) { Fabricate(:admin) } let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } describe '.generate_api_key' do it "generates an api key when none exists, and regenerates when it does" do expect(user.api_key).to be_blank # Generate a key api_key = user.generate_api_key(admin) expect(api_key.user).to eq(user) expect(api_key.key).to be_present expect(api_key.created_by).to eq(admin) user.reload expect(user.api_key).to eq(api_key) # Regenerate a key. Keeps the same record, updates the key new_key = user.generate_api_key(other_admin) expect( eq( expect(new_key.key).to_not eq(api_key.key) expect(new_key.created_by).to eq(other_admin) end end describe '.revoke_api_key' do it "revokes an api key when exists" do expect(user.api_key).to be_blank # Revoke nothing does nothing user.revoke_api_key user.reload expect(user.api_key).to be_blank # When a key is present it is removed user.generate_api_key(admin) user.reload user.revoke_api_key user.reload expect(user.api_key).to be_blank end end end describe "posted too much in topic" do let!(:user) { Fabricate(:user, trust_level: TrustLevel[0]) } let!(:topic) { Fabricate(:post).topic } before do # To make testing easier, say 1 reply is too much SiteSetting.stubs(:newuser_max_replies_per_topic).returns(1) end context "for a user who didn't create the topic" do let!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: user) } it "does not return true for staff" do user.stubs(:staff?).returns(true) user.posted_too_much_in_topic?( == false end it "returns true when the user has posted too much" do user.posted_too_much_in_topic?( == true end context "with a reply" do before do, raw: 'whatever this is a raw post', topic_id:, reply_to_post_number: post.post_number).create end it "resets the `posted_too_much` threshold" do user.posted_too_much_in_topic?( == false end end end it "returns false for a user who created the topic" do topic_user = topic.user topic_user.trust_level = TrustLevel[0] topic.user.posted_too_much_in_topic?( == false end end describe "#find_email" do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user, email: "") } context "when email is exists in the email logs" do before { user.stubs(:last_sent_email_address).returns("") } it "returns email from the logs" do expect(user.find_email).to eq("") end end context "when email does not exist in the email logs" do before { user.stubs(:last_sent_email_address).returns(nil) } it "fetches the user's email" do expect(user.find_email).to eq( end end end describe "#gravatar_template" do it "returns a gravatar based template" do User.gravatar_template("").should == "//{size}&r=pg&d=identicon" end end describe ".small_avatar_url" do let(:user) { build(:user, username: 'Sam') } it "returns a 45-pixel-wide avatar" do user.small_avatar_url.should == "//test.localhost/letter_avatar/sam/45/#{LetterAvatar::VERSION}.png" end end describe ".avatar_template_url" do let(:user) { build(:user, uploaded_avatar_id: 99, username: 'Sam') } it "returns a schemaless avatar template with correct id" do user.avatar_template_url.should == "//test.localhost/user_avatar/test.localhost/sam/{size}/99.png" end it "returns a schemaless cdn-based avatar template" do Rails.configuration.action_controller.stubs(:asset_host).returns("") user.avatar_template_url.should == "//{size}/99.png" end end describe "update_posts_read!" do context "with a UserVisit record" do let!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } let!(:now) { } before { user.update_last_seen!(now) } it "with existing UserVisit record, increments the posts_read value" do expect { user_visit = user.update_posts_read!(2) user_visit.posts_read.should == 2 }.to_not change { UserVisit.count } end it "with no existing UserVisit record, creates a new UserVisit record and increments the posts_read count" do expect { user_visit = user.update_posts_read!(3, 5.days.ago) user_visit.posts_read.should == 3 }.to change { UserVisit.count }.by(1) end end end describe "primary_group_id" do let!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } it "has no primary_group_id by default" do user.primary_group_id.should == nil end context "when the user has a group" do let!(:group) { Fabricate(:group) } before do group.usernames = user.username user.primary_group_id = user.reload end it "should allow us to use it as a primary group" do user.primary_group_id.should == # If we remove the user from the group group.usernames = "" # It should unset it from the primary_group_id user.reload user.primary_group_id.should == nil end end end describe "should_be_redirected_to_top" do let!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } it "should be redirected to top when there is a reason to" do user.expects(:redirected_to_top_reason).returns("42") user.should_be_redirected_to_top.should == true end it "should not be redirected to top when there is no reason to" do user.expects(:redirected_to_top_reason).returns(nil) user.should_be_redirected_to_top.should == false end end describe ".redirected_to_top_reason" do let!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } it "should have no reason when `SiteSetting.redirect_users_to_top_page` is disabled" do SiteSetting.expects(:redirect_users_to_top_page).returns(false) user.redirected_to_top_reason.should == nil end context "when `SiteSetting.redirect_users_to_top_page` is enabled" do before { SiteSetting.expects(:redirect_users_to_top_page).returns(true) } it "should have no reason when top is not in the `SiteSetting.top_menu`" do SiteSetting.expects(:top_menu).returns("latest") user.redirected_to_top_reason.should == nil end context "and when top is in the `SiteSetting.top_menu`" do before { SiteSetting.expects(:top_menu).returns("latest|top") } it "should have no reason when there aren't enough topics" do SiteSetting.expects(:has_enough_topics_to_redirect_to_top).returns(false) user.redirected_to_top_reason.should == nil end context "and when there are enough topics" do before { SiteSetting.expects(:has_enough_topics_to_redirect_to_top).returns(true) } describe "a new user" do before do user.stubs(:trust_level).returns(0) user.stubs(:last_seen_at).returns(5.minutes.ago) end it "should have a reason for the first visit" do user.expects(:last_redirected_to_top_at).returns(nil) user.expects(:update_last_redirected_to_top!).once user.redirected_to_top_reason.should == I18n.t('redirected_to_top_reasons.new_user') end it "should not have a reason for next visits" do user.expects(:last_redirected_to_top_at).returns(10.minutes.ago) user.expects(:update_last_redirected_to_top!).never user.redirected_to_top_reason.should == nil end end describe "an older user" do before { user.stubs(:trust_level).returns(1) } it "should have a reason when the user hasn't been seen in a month" do user.last_seen_at = 2.months.ago user.expects(:update_last_redirected_to_top!).once user.redirected_to_top_reason.should == I18n.t('redirected_to_top_reasons.not_seen_in_a_month') end end end end end end describe "automatic avatar creation" do it "sets a system avatar for new users" do SiteSetting.enable_system_avatars = true u = User.create!(username: "bob", email: "") u.reload u.uploaded_avatar_id.should == nil u.avatar_template.should == "/letter_avatar/bob/{size}/#{LetterAvatar::VERSION}.png" end end describe "custom fields" do it "allows modification of custom fields" do user = Fabricate(:user) user.custom_fields["a"].should == nil user.custom_fields["bob"] = "marley" user.custom_fields["jack"] = "black" user = User.find( user.custom_fields["bob"].should == "marley" user.custom_fields["jack"].should == "black" user.custom_fields.delete("bob") user.custom_fields["jack"] = "jill" user = User.find( user.custom_fields.should == {"jack" => "jill"} end end describe "refresh_avatar" do it "picks gravatar if system avatar is picked and gravatar was just downloaded" do png = Base64.decode64("R0lGODlhAQABALMAAAAAAIAAAACAAICAAAAAgIAAgACAgMDAwICAgP8AAAD/AP//AAAA//8A/wD//wBiZCH5BAEAAA8ALAAAAAABAAEAAAQC8EUAOw==") FakeWeb.register_uri( :get, "", body: png ) user = User.create!(username: "bob", name: "bob", email: "") user.reload SiteSetting.automatically_download_gravatars = true SiteSetting.enable_system_avatars = true user.refresh_avatar user.reload user.user_avatar.gravatar_upload_id.should == user.uploaded_avatar_id user.uploaded_avatar_id = nil user.refresh_avatar user.reload user.uploaded_avatar_id.should == nil end end describe "#purge_inactive" do let!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } let!(:inactive) { Fabricate(:user, active: false) } let!(:inactive_old) { Fabricate(:user, active: false, created_at: 1.month.ago) } it 'should only remove old, inactive users' do User.purge_inactive all_users = User.all all_users.include?(user).should == true all_users.include?(inactive).should == true all_users.include?(inactive_old).should == false end end describe "hash_passwords" do let(:too_long) { "x" * (User.max_password_length + 1) } def hash(password, salt), password, salt) end it "returns the same hash for the same password and salt" do hash('poutine', 'gravy').should == hash('poutine', 'gravy') end it "returns a different hash for the same salt and different password" do hash('poutine', 'gravy').should_not == hash('fries', 'gravy') end it "returns a different hash for the same password and different salt" do hash('poutine', 'gravy').should_not == hash('poutine', 'cheese') end it "raises an error when passwords are too long" do -> { hash(too_long, 'gravy') }.should raise_error end end end