var controller, view; var appendView = function() { { view.appendTo(fixture()); }); }; var noItemsMessageSelector = "div.none"; var itemListSelector = "ul"; var itemSelector = "li"; module("controller:notifications", { setup: function() { sinon.stub(I18n, "t", function (scope, options) { options = options || {}; return [scope, options.username,].join(" ").trim(); }); controller = testController('notifications'); view = Ember.View.create({ container: Discourse.__container__, controller: controller, templateName: "notifications" }); }, teardown: function() { I18n.t.restore(); } }); test("mixes in HasCurrentUser", function() { ok(Discourse.HasCurrentUser.detect(controller)); }); test("by default uses NotificationController as its item controller", function() { equal(controller.get("itemController"), "notification"); }); test("shows proper info when there are no notifications", function() { controller.set("content", null); appendView(); ok(exists(fixture(noItemsMessageSelector)), "special 'no notifications' message is displayed"); equal(fixture(noItemsMessageSelector).text(), "notifications.none", "'no notifications' message contains proper internationalized text"); equal(count(fixture(itemListSelector)), 0, "a list of notifications is not displayed"); }); test("displays a list of notifications and a 'more' link when there are notifications", function() { controller.set("itemController", null); controller.set("content", [ { read: false, scope: "scope_1", username: "username_1", link: "link_1" }, { read: true, scope: "scope_2", username: "username_2", link: "link_2" } ]); appendView(); var items = fixture(itemSelector); equal(count(items), 3, "number of list items is correct"); equal(items.eq(0).attr("class"), "", "first (unread) item has proper class"); equal(items.eq(0).text(), "scope_1 username_1 link_1", "first item has correct content"); equal(items.eq(1).attr("class"), "read", "second (read) item has proper class"); equal(items.eq(1).text(), "scope_2 username_2 link_2", "second item has correct content"); var moreLink = items.eq(2).find("> a"); equal(moreLink.attr("href"), Discourse.User.current().get("path"), "'more' link points to a correct URL"); equal(moreLink.text(), "notifications.more …", "'more' link has correct text"); });