require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../config/environment") require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/base.rb") require_dependency 'url_helper' require_dependency 'file_helper' require "mysql2" class ImportScripts::PhpBB3 < ImportScripts::Base include ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper PHPBB_DB = "phpbb" BATCH_SIZE = 1000 ORIGINAL_SITE_PREFIX = "" # without http(s):// NEW_SITE_PREFIX = "" # with http:// or https:// # Set PHPBB_BASE_DIR to the base directory of your phpBB installation. # When importing, you should place the subdirectories "files" (containing all # attachments) and "images" (containing avatars) in PHPBB_BASE_DIR. # If nil, [attachment] tags and avatars won't be processed. # Edit AUTHORIZED_EXTENSIONS as needed. # If you used ATTACHMENTS_BASE_DIR before, e.g. ATTACHMENTS_BASE_DIR = '/var/www/phpbb/files/' # would become PHPBB_BASE_DIR = '/var/www/phpbb' # now. PHPBB_BASE_DIR = '/var/www/phpbb' AUTHORIZED_EXTENSIONS = ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'zip', 'rar', 'pdf'] # Avatar types to import.: # 1 = uploaded avatars (you should probably leave this here) # 2 = hotlinked avatars - WARNING: this will considerably slow down your import # if there are many hotlinked avatars and some of them unavailable! # 3 = galery avatars (the predefined avatars phpBB offers. They will be converted to uploaded avatars) IMPORT_AVATARS = [1, 3] def initialize super @client = host: "localhost", username: "root", #password: "password", database: PHPBB_DB ) phpbb_read_config end def execute import_users import_categories import_posts import_private_messages import_attachments unless PHPBB_BASE_DIR.nil? suspend_users end def import_users puts '', "creating users" total_count = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) count FROM phpbb_users u JOIN phpbb_groups g ON g.group_id = u.group_id WHERE g.group_name != 'BOTS' AND u.user_type != 1;").first['count'] batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| results = mysql_query( "SELECT user_id id, user_email email, username, user_regdate, group_name, user_avatar_type, user_avatar FROM phpbb_users u JOIN phpbb_groups g ON g.group_id = u.group_id WHERE g.group_name != 'BOTS' AND u.user_type != 1 ORDER BY u.user_id ASC LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} OFFSET #{offset};") break if results.size < 1 create_users(results, total: total_count, offset: offset) do |user| { id: user['id'], email: user['email'], username: user['username'], created_at:['user_regdate']), moderator: user['group_name'] == 'GLOBAL_MODERATORS', admin: user['group_name'] == 'ADMINISTRATORS', post_create_action: proc do |newmember| if not PHPBB_BASE_DIR.nil? and IMPORT_AVATARS.include?(user['user_avatar_type']) and newmember.uploaded_avatar_id.blank? path = phpbb_avatar_fullpath(user['user_avatar_type'], user['user_avatar']) and begin upload = create_upload(, path, user['user_avatar']) if upload.persisted? newmember.import_mode = false newmember.create_user_avatar newmember.import_mode = true newmember.user_avatar.update(custom_upload_id: newmember.update(uploaded_avatar_id: else puts "Error: Upload did not persist!" end rescue SystemCallError => err puts "Could not import avatar: #{err.message}" end end end } end end end def import_categories results = mysql_query(" SELECT forum_id id, parent_id, left(forum_name, 50) name, forum_desc description FROM phpbb_forums ORDER BY parent_id ASC, forum_id ASC ") create_categories(results) do |row| h = {id: row['id'], name: CGI.unescapeHTML(row['name']), description: CGI.unescapeHTML(row['description'])} if row['parent_id'].to_i > 0 parent = category_from_imported_category_id(row['parent_id']) h[:parent_category_id] = if parent end h end end def import_posts puts "", "creating topics and posts" total_count = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) count from phpbb_posts").first["count"] batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| results = mysql_query(" SELECT p.post_id id, p.topic_id topic_id, t.forum_id category_id, t.topic_title title, t.topic_first_post_id first_post_id, p.poster_id user_id, p.post_text raw, p.post_time post_time FROM phpbb_posts p, phpbb_topics t WHERE p.topic_id = t.topic_id ORDER BY id LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} OFFSET #{offset}; ") break if results.size < 1 create_posts(results, total: total_count, offset: offset) do |m| skip = false mapped = {} mapped[:id] = m['id'] mapped[:user_id] = user_id_from_imported_user_id(m['user_id']) || -1 mapped[:raw] = process_phpbb_post(m['raw'], m['id']) mapped[:created_at] =['post_time']) if m['id'] == m['first_post_id'] mapped[:category] = category_from_imported_category_id(m['category_id']).try(:name) mapped[:title] = CGI.unescapeHTML(m['title']) else parent = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id(m['first_post_id']) if parent mapped[:topic_id] = parent[:topic_id] else puts "Parent post #{m['first_post_id']} doesn't exist. Skipping #{m["id"]}: #{m["title"][0..40]}" skip = true end end skip ? nil : mapped end end end def import_private_messages puts "", "creating private messages" total_count = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) count from phpbb_privmsgs").first["count"] batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| results = mysql_query(" SELECT msg_id id, root_level, author_id user_id, message_time, message_subject, message_text FROM phpbb_privmsgs ORDER BY root_level ASC, msg_id ASC LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} OFFSET #{offset}; ") break if results.size < 1 create_posts(results, total: total_count, offset: offset) do |m| skip = false mapped = {} mapped[:id] = "pm:#{m['id']}" mapped[:user_id] = user_id_from_imported_user_id(m['user_id']) || -1 mapped[:raw] = process_phpbb_post(m['message_text'], m['id']) mapped[:created_at] =['message_time']) if m['root_level'] == 0 mapped[:title] = CGI.unescapeHTML(m['message_subject']) mapped[:archetype] = Archetype.private_message # Find the users who are part of this private message. # Found from the to_address of phpbb_privmsgs, by looking at # all the rows with the same root_level. # to_address looks like this: "u_91:u_1234:u_200" # The "u_" prefix is discarded and the rest is a user_id. import_user_ids = mysql_query(" SELECT to_address FROM phpbb_privmsgs WHERE msg_id = #{m['id']} OR root_level = #{m['id']}").map { |r| r['to_address'].split(':') }.flatten!.map! { |u| u[2..-1] } mapped[:target_usernames] =! do |import_user_id| import_user_id.to_s == m['user_id'].to_s ? nil : User.find_by_id(user_id_from_imported_user_id(import_user_id)).try(:username) end.compact.uniq skip = true if mapped[:target_usernames].empty? # pm with yourself? else parent = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id("pm:#{m['root_level']}") if parent mapped[:topic_id] = parent[:topic_id] else puts "Parent post pm:#{m['root_level']} doesn't exist. Skipping #{m["id"]}: #{m["message_subject"][0..40]}" skip = true end end skip ? nil : mapped end end end def suspend_users puts '', "updating banned users" where = "ban_userid > 0 AND (ban_end = 0 OR ban_end > #{})" banned = 0 failed = 0 total = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) count FROM phpbb_banlist WHERE #{where}").first['count'] system_user = Discourse.system_user mysql_query("SELECT ban_userid, ban_start, ban_end, ban_give_reason FROM phpbb_banlist WHERE #{where}").each do |b| user = find_user_by_import_id(b['ban_userid']) if user user.suspended_at =['ban_start']) user.suspended_till = b['ban_end'] > 0 ?['ban_end']) : 200.years.from_now if, b['ban_give_reason']) banned += 1 else puts "Failed to suspend user #{user.username}. #{user.errors.try(:full_messages).try(:inspect)}" failed += 1 end else puts "Not found: #{b['ban_userid']}" failed += 1 end print_status banned + failed, total end end def process_phpbb_post(raw, import_id) s = raw.dup # :) is encoded as :) s.gsub!(/(?:.*)/, '\1') # Internal forum links of this form: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=3412 s.gsub!(/viewtopic(?:.*)t=(\d+)<\/a>/) do |phpbb_link| replace_internal_link(phpbb_link, $1, import_id) end # Some links look like this: s.gsub!(/(.+)<\/a>/, '[\2](\1)') # Many phpbb bbcode tags have a hash attached to them. Examples: # [url=]click here[/url:1qh1i7ky] # [quote="cybereality":b0wtlzex]Some text.[/quote:b0wtlzex] s.gsub!(/:(?:\w{8})\]/, ']') s = CGI.unescapeHTML(s) # phpBB shortens link text like this, which breaks our markdown processing: # [ ... 223AAkkPli]( # # Work around it for now: s.gsub!(/\[http(s)?:\/\/(www\.)?/, '[') # Replace internal forum links that aren't in the format s.gsub!(internal_url_regexp) do |phpbb_link| replace_internal_link(phpbb_link, $1, import_id) end # convert list tags to ul and list=1 tags to ol # (basically, we're only missing list=a here...) s.gsub!(/\[list\](.*?)\[\/list:u\]/m, '[ul]\1[/ul]') s.gsub!(/\[list=1\](.*?)\[\/list:o\]/m, '[ol]\1[/ol]') # convert *-tags to li-tags so bbcode-to-md can do its magic on phpBB's lists: s.gsub!(/\[\*\](.*?)\[\/\*:m\]/, '[li]\1[/li]') s end def replace_internal_link(phpbb_link, import_topic_id, from_import_post_id) results = mysql_query("select topic_first_post_id from phpbb_topics where topic_id = #{import_topic_id}") return phpbb_link unless results.size > 0 linked_topic_id = results.first['topic_first_post_id'] lookup = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id(linked_topic_id) return phpbb_link unless lookup t = Topic.find_by_id(lookup[:topic_id]) if t "#{NEW_SITE_PREFIX}/t/#{t.slug}/#{}" else phpbb_link end end def internal_url_regexp @internal_url_regexp ||="http(?:s)?://#{ORIGINAL_SITE_PREFIX.gsub('.', '\.')}/viewtopic\\.php?(?:\\S*)t=(\\d+)") end # This step is done separately because it can take multiple attempts to get right (because of # missing files, wrong paths, authorized extensions, etc.). def import_attachments setting = AUTHORIZED_EXTENSIONS.join('|') SiteSetting.authorized_extensions = setting if setting != SiteSetting.authorized_extensions r = /\[attachment=[\d]+\]<\!-- [\w]+ --\>([^<]+)<\!-- [\w]+ --\>\[\/attachment\]/ user = Discourse.system_user current_count = 0 total_count = Post.count success_count = 0 fail_count = 0 puts '', "Importing attachments...", '' Post.find_each do |post| current_count += 1 print_status current_count, total_count new_raw = post.raw.dup new_raw.gsub!(r) do |s| matches = r.match(s) real_filename = matches[1] # note: currently, we do not import PM attachments. # If this should be desired, this has to be fixed, # otherwise, the SQL state coughs up an error for the # clause "WHERE post_msg_id = pm12345"... next s if post.custom_fields['import_id'].start_with?('pm:') sql = "SELECT physical_filename, mimetype FROM phpbb_attachments WHERE post_msg_id = #{post.custom_fields['import_id']} AND real_filename = '#{real_filename}';" begin results = mysql_query(sql) rescue Mysql2::Error => e puts "SQL Error" puts e.message puts sql fail_count += 1 next s end row = results.first if !row puts "Couldn't find phpbb_attachments record for = #{}, import_id = #{post.custom_fields['import_id']}, real_filename = #{real_filename}" fail_count += 1 next s end filename = File.join(PHPBB_BASE_DIR+'/files', row['physical_filename']) if !File.exists?(filename) puts "Attachment file doesn't exist: #{filename}" fail_count += 1 next s end upload = create_upload(, filename, real_filename) if upload.nil? || !upload.valid? puts "Upload not valid :(" puts upload.errors.inspect if upload fail_count += 1 next s end success_count += 1 if FileHelper.is_image?(upload.url) %Q[
] else "#{real_filename} (#{number_to_human_size(upload.filesize)})" end end if new_raw != post.raw!(post.user, { raw: new_raw }, { bypass_bump: true, edit_reason: 'Migrate from PHPBB3' }) end end puts '', '' puts "succeeded: #{success_count}" puts " failed: #{fail_count}" if fail_count > 0 puts '' end # Read avatar config from phpBB configuration table. # Stored there: - paths relative to the phpBB install path # - "salt", i.e. base filename for uploaded avatars # def phpbb_read_config results = mysql_query("SELECT config_name, config_value FROM phpbb_config;") if results.size<1 puts "could not read config... no avatars and attachments will be imported!" return end results.each do |result| if result['config_name']=='avatar_gallery_path' @avatar_gallery_path = result['config_value'] elsif result['config_name']=='avatar_path' @avatar_path = result['config_value'] elsif result['config_name']=='avatar_salt' @avatar_salt = result['config_value'] end end end # Create the full path to the phpBB avatar specified by avatar_type and filename. # def phpbb_avatar_fullpath(avatar_type, filename) case avatar_type when 1 # uploaded avatar filename.gsub!(/_[0-9]+\./,'.') # we need 1337.jpg, not 1337_2983745.jpg path=@avatar_path PHPBB_BASE_DIR+'/'+path+'/'+@avatar_salt+'_'+filename when 3 # gallery avatar path=@avatar_gallery_path PHPBB_BASE_DIR+'/'+path+'/'+filename when 2 # hotlinked avatar begin hotlinked =, SiteSetting.max_image_size_kb.kilobytes, "discourse-hotlinked") rescue StandardError => err puts "Error downloading avatar: #{err.message}. Skipping..." return nil end if hotlinked if hotlinked.size <= SiteSetting.max_image_size_kb.kilobytes return hotlinked else Rails.logger.error("Failed to pull hotlinked image: #{filename} - Image is bigger than #{@max_size}") nil end else Rails.logger.error("There was an error while downloading '#{filename}' locally.") nil end else puts 'Invalid avatar type #{avatar_type}, skipping' nil end end def mysql_query(sql) @client.query(sql, cache_rows: false) end end