# frozen_string_literal: true require 'mini_racer' require 'nokogiri' require 'erb' module PrettyText @mutex = Mutex.new @ctx_init = Mutex.new def self.app_root Rails.root end def self.find_file(root, filename) return filename if File.file?("#{root}#{filename}") es6_name = "#{filename}.js.es6" return es6_name if File.file?("#{root}#{es6_name}") js_name = "#{filename}.js" return js_name if File.file?("#{root}#{js_name}") erb_name = "#{filename}.js.es6.erb" return erb_name if File.file?("#{root}#{erb_name}") erb_name = "#{filename}.js.erb" return erb_name if File.file?("#{root}#{erb_name}") end def self.apply_es6_file(ctx, root_path, part_name) filename = find_file(root_path, part_name) if filename source = File.read("#{root_path}#{filename}") source = ERB.new(source).result(binding) if filename =~ /\.erb$/ transpiler = DiscourseJsProcessor::Transpiler.new transpiled = transpiler.perform(source, "#{Rails.root}/app/assets/javascripts/", part_name) ctx.eval(transpiled) else # Look for vendored stuff vendor_root = "#{Rails.root}/vendor/assets/javascripts/" filename = find_file(vendor_root, part_name) if filename ctx.eval(File.read("#{vendor_root}#{filename}")) end end end def self.ctx_load_manifest(ctx, name) manifest = File.read("#{Rails.root}/app/assets/javascripts/#{name}") root_path = "#{Rails.root}/app/assets/javascripts/" manifest.each_line do |l| l = l.chomp if l =~ /\/\/= require (\.\/)?(.*)$/ apply_es6_file(ctx, root_path, Regexp.last_match[2]) elsif l =~ /\/\/= require_tree (\.\/)?(.*)$/ path = Regexp.last_match[2] Dir["#{root_path}/#{path}/**"].sort.each do |f| apply_es6_file(ctx, root_path, f.sub(root_path, '')[1..-1].sub(/\.js(.es6)?$/, '')) end end end end def self.create_es6_context ctx = MiniRacer::Context.new(timeout: 25000, ensure_gc_after_idle: 2000) ctx.eval("window = {}; window.devicePixelRatio = 2;") # hack to make code think stuff is retina if Rails.env.development? || Rails.env.test? ctx.attach("console.log", proc { |l| p l }) ctx.eval('window.console = console;') end ctx.eval("__PRETTY_TEXT = true") PrettyText::Helpers.instance_methods.each do |method| ctx.attach("__helpers.#{method}", PrettyText::Helpers.method(method)) end ctx_load(ctx, "#{Rails.root}/app/assets/javascripts/discourse-loader.js") ctx_load(ctx, "#{Rails.root}/app/assets/javascripts/handlebars-shim.js") ctx_load(ctx, "vendor/assets/javascripts/lodash.js") ctx_load(ctx, "vendor/assets/javascripts/xss.min.js") ctx.load("#{Rails.root}/lib/pretty_text/vendor-shims.js") ctx_load_manifest(ctx, "pretty-text-bundle.js") ctx_load_manifest(ctx, "markdown-it-bundle.js") root_path = "#{Rails.root}/app/assets/javascripts/" apply_es6_file(ctx, root_path, "discourse-common/addon/lib/get-url") apply_es6_file(ctx, root_path, "discourse-common/addon/lib/object") apply_es6_file(ctx, root_path, "discourse-common/addon/lib/deprecated") apply_es6_file(ctx, root_path, "discourse-common/addon/lib/escape") apply_es6_file(ctx, root_path, "discourse/app/lib/to-markdown") apply_es6_file(ctx, root_path, "discourse/app/lib/utilities") ctx.load("#{Rails.root}/lib/pretty_text/shims.js") ctx.eval("__setUnicode(#{Emoji.unicode_replacements_json})") to_load = [] DiscoursePluginRegistry.each_globbed_asset do |a| to_load << a if File.file?(a) && a =~ /discourse-markdown/ end to_load.uniq.each do |f| if f =~ /^.+assets\/javascripts\// root = Regexp.last_match[0] apply_es6_file(ctx, root, f.sub(root, '').sub(/\.js(\.es6)?$/, '')) end end DiscoursePluginRegistry.vendored_core_pretty_text.each do |vpt| ctx.eval(File.read(vpt)) end DiscoursePluginRegistry.vendored_pretty_text.each do |vpt| ctx.eval(File.read(vpt)) end ctx end def self.v8 return @ctx if @ctx # ensure we only init one of these @ctx_init.synchronize do return @ctx if @ctx @ctx = create_es6_context end @ctx end def self.reset_translations v8.eval("__resetTranslationTree()") end def self.reset_context @ctx_init.synchronize do @ctx&.dispose @ctx = nil end end def self.markdown(text, opts = {}) # we use the exact same markdown converter as the client # TODO: use the same extensions on both client and server (in particular the template for mentions) baked = nil text = text || "" protect do context = v8 custom_emoji = {} Emoji.custom.map { |e| custom_emoji[e.name] = e.url } buffer = +<<~JS __optInput = {}; __optInput.siteSettings = #{SiteSetting.client_settings_json}; #{"__optInput.disableEmojis = true" if opts[:disable_emojis]} __paths = #{paths_json}; __optInput.getURL = __getURL; #{"__optInput.features = #{opts[:features].to_json};" if opts[:features]} __optInput.getCurrentUser = __getCurrentUser; __optInput.lookupAvatar = __lookupAvatar; __optInput.lookupPrimaryUserGroup = __lookupPrimaryUserGroup; __optInput.formatUsername = __formatUsername; __optInput.getTopicInfo = __getTopicInfo; __optInput.categoryHashtagLookup = __categoryLookup; __optInput.customEmoji = #{custom_emoji.to_json}; __optInput.customEmojiTranslation = #{Plugin::CustomEmoji.translations.to_json}; __optInput.emojiUnicodeReplacer = __emojiUnicodeReplacer; __optInput.lookupUploadUrls = __lookupUploadUrls; __optInput.censoredRegexp = #{WordWatcher.word_matcher_regexp(:censor)&.source.to_json}; __optInput.watchedWordsReplace = #{WordWatcher.word_matcher_regexps(:replace).to_json}; __optInput.watchedWordsLink = #{WordWatcher.word_matcher_regexps(:link).to_json}; JS if opts[:topicId] buffer << "__optInput.topicId = #{opts[:topicId].to_i};\n" end if opts[:user_id] buffer << "__optInput.userId = #{opts[:user_id].to_i};\n" end buffer << "__textOptions = __buildOptions(__optInput);\n" buffer << ("__pt = new __PrettyText(__textOptions);") # Be careful disabling sanitization. We allow for custom emails if opts[:sanitize] == false buffer << ('__pt.disableSanitizer();') end opts = context.eval(buffer) DiscourseEvent.trigger(:markdown_context, context) baked = context.eval("__pt.cook(#{text.inspect})") end baked end def self.paths_json paths = { baseUri: Discourse.base_path, CDN: Rails.configuration.action_controller.asset_host, } if SiteSetting.Upload.enable_s3_uploads if SiteSetting.Upload.s3_cdn_url.present? paths[:S3CDN] = SiteSetting.Upload.s3_cdn_url end paths[:S3BaseUrl] = Discourse.store.absolute_base_url end paths.to_json end # leaving this here, cause it invokes v8, don't want to implement twice def self.avatar_img(avatar_template, size) protect do v8.eval(<<~JS) __paths = #{paths_json}; __utils.avatarImg({size: #{size.inspect}, avatarTemplate: #{avatar_template.inspect}}, __getURL); JS end end def self.unescape_emoji(title) return title unless SiteSetting.enable_emoji? && title set = SiteSetting.emoji_set.inspect custom = Emoji.custom.map { |e| [e.name, e.url] }.to_h.to_json protect do v8.eval(<<~JS) __paths = #{paths_json}; __performEmojiUnescape(#{title.inspect}, { getURL: __getURL, emojiSet: #{set}, emojiCDNUrl: "#{SiteSetting.external_emoji_url.blank? ? "" : SiteSetting.external_emoji_url}", customEmoji: #{custom}, enableEmojiShortcuts: #{SiteSetting.enable_emoji_shortcuts}, inlineEmoji: #{SiteSetting.enable_inline_emoji_translation} }); JS end end def self.escape_emoji(title) return unless title replace_emoji_shortcuts = SiteSetting.enable_emoji && SiteSetting.enable_emoji_shortcuts protect do v8.eval(<<~JS) __performEmojiEscape(#{title.inspect}, { emojiShortcuts: #{replace_emoji_shortcuts}, inlineEmoji: #{SiteSetting.enable_inline_emoji_translation} }); JS end end def self.cook(text, opts = {}) options = opts.dup # we have a minor inconsistency options[:topicId] = opts[:topic_id] working_text = text.dup sanitized = markdown(working_text, options) doc = Nokogiri::HTML5.fragment(sanitized) add_nofollow = !options[:omit_nofollow] && SiteSetting.add_rel_nofollow_to_user_content add_rel_attributes_to_user_content(doc, add_nofollow) if SiteSetting.enable_mentions add_mentions(doc, user_id: opts[:user_id]) end scrubber = Loofah::Scrubber.new do |node| node.remove if node.name == 'script' end loofah_fragment = Loofah.fragment(doc.to_html) loofah_fragment.scrub!(scrubber).to_html end def self.add_rel_attributes_to_user_content(doc, add_nofollow) allowlist = [] domains = SiteSetting.exclude_rel_nofollow_domains allowlist = domains.split('|') if domains.present? site_uri = nil doc.css("a").each do |l| href = l["href"].to_s l["rel"] = "noopener" if l["target"] == "_blank" begin uri = URI(UrlHelper.encode_component(href)) site_uri ||= URI(Discourse.base_url) same_domain = !uri.host.present? || uri.host == site_uri.host || uri.host.ends_with?(".#{site_uri.host}") || allowlist.any? { |u| uri.host == u || uri.host.ends_with?(".#{u}") } l["rel"] = "noopener nofollow ugc" if add_nofollow && !same_domain rescue URI::Error # add a nofollow anyway l["rel"] = "noopener nofollow ugc" end end end class DetectedLink < Struct.new(:url, :is_quote); end def self.extract_links(html) links = [] doc = Nokogiri::HTML5.fragment(html) # extract onebox links doc.css("aside.onebox[data-onebox-src]").each { |onebox| links << DetectedLink.new(onebox["data-onebox-src"], false) } # remove href inside quotes & oneboxes & elided part doc.css("aside.quote a, aside.onebox a, .elided a").remove # extract all links doc.css("a").each do |a| if a["href"].present? && a["href"][0] != "#" links << DetectedLink.new(a["href"], false) end end # extract quotes doc.css("aside.quote[data-topic]").each do |aside| if aside["data-topic"].present? url = +"/t/#{aside["data-topic"]}" url << "/#{aside["data-post"]}" if aside["data-post"].present? links << DetectedLink.new(url, true) end end # extract Youtube links doc.css("div[data-youtube-id]").each do |div| if div["data-youtube-id"].present? links << DetectedLink.new("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=#{div['data-youtube-id']}", false) end end links end def self.excerpt(html, max_length, options = {}) # TODO: properly fix this HACK in ExcerptParser without introducing XSS doc = Nokogiri::HTML5.fragment(html) DiscourseEvent.trigger(:reduce_excerpt, doc, options) strip_image_wrapping(doc) strip_oneboxed_media(doc) html = doc.to_html ExcerptParser.get_excerpt(html, max_length, options) end def self.strip_links(string) return string if string.blank? # If the user is not basic, strip links from their bio fragment = Nokogiri::HTML5.fragment(string) fragment.css('a').each { |a| a.replace(a.inner_html) } fragment.to_html end def self.make_all_links_absolute(doc) site_uri = nil doc.css("a").each do |link| href = link["href"].to_s begin uri = URI(href) site_uri ||= URI(Discourse.base_url) unless uri.host.present? || href.start_with?('mailto') link["href"] = "#{site_uri}#{link['href']}" end rescue URI::Error # leave it end end end def self.strip_image_wrapping(doc) doc.css(".lightbox-wrapper .meta").remove end def self.strip_oneboxed_media(doc) doc.css("audio").remove doc.css(".video-onebox,video").remove end def self.convert_vimeo_iframes(doc) doc.css("iframe[src*='player.vimeo.com']").each do |iframe| if iframe["data-original-href"].present? vimeo_url = UrlHelper.escape_uri(iframe["data-original-href"]) else vimeo_id = iframe['src'].split('/').last vimeo_url = "https://vimeo.com/#{vimeo_id}" end iframe.replace Nokogiri::HTML5.fragment("


") end end def self.strip_secure_media(doc) # images inside a lightbox or other link doc.css('a[href]').each do |a| next if !Upload.secure_media_url?(a['href']) non_image_media = %w(video audio).include?(a&.parent&.name) target = non_image_media ? a.parent : a next if target.to_s.include?('stripped-secure-view-media') next if a.css('img[src]').empty? && !non_image_media if a.classes.include?('lightbox') img = a.css('img[src]').first srcset = img&.attributes['srcset']&.value if srcset # if available, use the first image from the srcset here # so we get the optimized image instead of the possibly huge original url = srcset.split(',').first else url = img['src'] end a.add_next_sibling secure_media_placeholder(doc, url, width: img['width'], height: img['height']) a.remove else width = non_image_media ? nil : a.at_css('img').attr('width') height = non_image_media ? nil : a.at_css('img').attr('height') target.add_next_sibling secure_media_placeholder(doc, a['href'], width: width, height: height) target.remove end end # images by themselves or inside a onebox doc.css('img[src]').each do |img| url = if img.parent.classes.include?("aspect-image") && img.attributes["srcset"].present? # we are using the first image from the srcset here so we get the # optimized image instead of the original, because an optimized # image may be used for the onebox thumbnail srcset = img.attributes["srcset"].value srcset.split(",").first else img['src'] end width = img['width'] height = img['height'] onebox_type = nil if img.ancestors.css(".onebox-body").any? if img.classes.include?("onebox-avatar-inline") onebox_type = "avatar-inline" else onebox_type = "thumbnail" end end # we always want this to be tiny and without any special styles if img.classes.include?('site-icon') onebox_type = nil width = 16 height = 16 end if Upload.secure_media_url?(url) img.add_next_sibling secure_media_placeholder(doc, url, onebox_type: onebox_type, width: width, height: height) img.remove end end end def self.secure_media_placeholder(doc, url, onebox_type: false, width: nil, height: nil) data_width = width ? "data-width=#{width}" : '' data_height = height ? "data-height=#{height}" : '' data_onebox_type = onebox_type ? "data-onebox-type='#{onebox_type}'" : '' <<~HTML
#{I18n.t('emails.secure_media_placeholder')} #{I18n.t("emails.view_redacted_media")}.
HTML end def self.format_for_email(html, post = nil) doc = Nokogiri::HTML5.fragment(html) DiscourseEvent.trigger(:reduce_cooked, doc, post) strip_secure_media(doc) if post&.with_secure_media? strip_image_wrapping(doc) convert_vimeo_iframes(doc) make_all_links_absolute(doc) doc.to_html end protected class JavaScriptError < StandardError attr_accessor :message, :backtrace def initialize(message, backtrace) @message = message @backtrace = backtrace end end def self.protect rval = nil @mutex.synchronize do rval = yield end rval end def self.ctx_load(ctx, *files) files.each do |file| ctx.load(app_root + file) end end private USER_TYPE ||= 'user' GROUP_TYPE ||= 'group' GROUP_MENTIONABLE_TYPE ||= 'group-mentionable' def self.add_mentions(doc, user_id: nil) elements = doc.css("span.mention") names = elements.map { |element| element.text[1..-1] } mentions = lookup_mentions(names, user_id: user_id) elements.each do |element| name = element.text[1..-1] name.downcase! if type = mentions[name] element.name = 'a' element.children = PrettyText::Helpers.format_username( element.children.text ) case type when USER_TYPE element['href'] = "#{Discourse.base_path}/u/#{UrlHelper.encode_component(name)}" when GROUP_MENTIONABLE_TYPE element['class'] = 'mention-group notify' element['href'] = "#{Discourse.base_path}/groups/#{UrlHelper.encode_component(name)}" when GROUP_TYPE element['class'] = 'mention-group' element['href'] = "#{Discourse.base_path}/groups/#{UrlHelper.encode_component(name)}" end end end end def self.lookup_mentions(names, user_id: nil) return {} if names.blank? sql = <<~SQL ( SELECT :user_type AS type, username_lower AS name FROM users WHERE username_lower IN (:names) AND staged = false ) UNION ( SELECT :group_type AS type, lower(name) AS name FROM groups ) UNION ( SELECT :group_mentionable_type AS type, lower(name) AS name FROM groups WHERE lower(name) IN (:names) AND (#{Group.mentionable_sql_clause(include_public: false)}) ) ORDER BY type SQL user = User.find_by(id: user_id) names.each(&:downcase!) results = DB.query(sql, names: names, user_type: USER_TYPE, group_type: GROUP_TYPE, group_mentionable_type: GROUP_MENTIONABLE_TYPE, levels: Group.alias_levels(user), user_id: user_id ) mentions = {} results.each { |result| mentions[result.name] = result.type } mentions end end