module("Discourse.BBCode"); var format = function(input, expected, text) { var cooked = Discourse.Markdown.cook(input, {lookupAvatar: false, sanitize: true}); equal(cooked, "

" + expected + "

", text); }; var formatQ = function(input, expected, text) { var cooked = Discourse.Markdown.cook(input, {lookupAvatar: false, sanitize: true}); equal(cooked, expected, text); }; test('basic bbcode', function() { format("[b]strong[/b]", "strong", "bolds text"); format("[i]emphasis[/i]", "emphasis", "italics text"); format("[u]underlined[/u]", "underlined", "underlines text"); format("[s]strikethrough[/s]", "strikethrough", "strikes-through text"); format("[img][/img]", "", "links images"); format("[email][/email]", "", "supports [email] without a title"); format("[b]evil [i]trout[/i][/b]", "evil trout", "allows embedding of tags"); format("[EMAIL][/EMAIL]", "", "supports upper case bbcode"); format("[b]strong [b]stronger[/b][/b]", "strong stronger", "accepts nested bbcode tags"); }); test('urls', function() { format("[url]not a url[/url]", "not a url", "supports [url] that isn't a url"); format("[url][/url]", "", "supports [url] without parameter"); format("[url=]example[/url]", "example", "supports [url] with given href"); format("[url=][img][/img][/url]", "", "supports [url] with an embedded [img]"); }); test('invalid bbcode', function() { var cooked = Discourse.Markdown.cook("[code]I am not closed\n\nThis text exists.", {lookupAvatar: false}); equal(cooked, "

[code]I am not closed


This text exists.

", "does not raise an error with an open bbcode tag."); }); test('code', function() { format("[code]\nx++\n[/code]", "
", "makes code into pre"); format("[code]\nx++\ny++\nz++\n[/code]", "
", "makes code into pre"); format("[code]abc\n#def\n[/code]", '
', 'it handles headings in a [code] block'); format("[code]\n s[/code]", "
", "it doesn't trim leading whitespace"); }); test('spoiler', function() { format("[spoiler]it's a sled[/spoiler]", "it's a sled", "supports spoiler tags on text"); format("[spoiler][/spoiler]", "
", "supports spoiler tags on images"); }); test('lists', function() { format("[ul][li]option one[/li][/ul]", "", "creates an ul"); format("[ol][li]option one[/li][/ol]", "
  1. option one
", "creates an ol"); format("[ul]\n[li]option one[/li]\n[li]option two[/li]\n[/ul]", "", "suppresses empty lines in lists"); }); test('tags with arguments', function() { format("[url=]better call![/url]", "better call!", "supports [url] with a title"); format("[]evil trout[/email]", "evil trout", "supports [email] with a title"); format("[u][i]abc[/i][/u]", "abc", "can nest tags"); format("[b]first[/b] [b]second[/b]", "first second", "can bold two things on the same line"); }); test("size tags", function() { format("[size=35]BIG [b]whoop[/b][/size]", "BIG whoop", "supports [size=]"); format("[size=asdf]regular[/size]", "regular", "it only supports numbers in bbcode"); format("[size=35]NEWLINE\n\ntest[/size]", "



", "works with newlines"); format("[size=35][quote=\"user\"]quote[/quote][/size]", "", "works with nested complex blocks"); }); test("quotes", function() { var post = Discourse.Post.create({ cooked: "

lorem ipsum

", username: "eviltrout", post_number: 1, topic_id: 2 }); var formatQuote = function(val, expected, text) { equal(, val), expected, text); }; formatQuote(undefined, "", "empty string for undefined content"); formatQuote(null, "", "empty string for null content"); formatQuote("", "", "empty string for empty string content"); formatQuote("lorem", "[quote=\"eviltrout, post:1, topic:2\"]\nlorem\n[/quote]\n\n", "correctly formats quotes"); formatQuote(" lorem \t ", "[quote=\"eviltrout, post:1, topic:2\"]\nlorem\n[/quote]\n\n", "trims white spaces before & after the quoted contents"); formatQuote("lorem ipsum", "[quote=\"eviltrout, post:1, topic:2, full:true\"]\nlorem ipsum\n[/quote]\n\n", "marks quotes as full when the quote is the full message"); formatQuote("**lorem** ipsum", "[quote=\"eviltrout, post:1, topic:2, full:true\"]\n**lorem** ipsum\n[/quote]\n\n", "keeps BBCode formatting"); formatQuote("this is a bug", "[quote=\"eviltrout, post:1, topic:2\"]\nthis is <not> a bug\n[/quote]\n\n", "it escapes the contents of the quote"); format("[quote]test[/quote]", "", "it supports quotes without params"); format("[quote]\n*test*\n[/quote]", "", "it doesn't insert a new line for italics"); format("[quote=,script='a'>