# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' describe RetrieveTitle do context "extract_title" do it "will extract the value from the title tag" do title = RetrieveTitle.extract_title( "My Cool Title" ) expect(title).to eq("My Cool Title") end it "will strip whitespace" do title = RetrieveTitle.extract_title( " Another Title\n\n " ) expect(title).to eq("Another Title") end it "will pick og:title if title is missing" do title = RetrieveTitle.extract_title(<<~HTML HTML ) expect(title).to eq("Good Title") end it "will prefer the title over the opengraph tag" do title = RetrieveTitle.extract_title(<<~HTML Good Title HTML ) expect(title).to eq("Good Title") end it "will parse a YouTube url from javascript" do title = RetrieveTitle.extract_title(<<~HTML YouTube HTML ) expect(title).to eq("Video Title") end end context "crawl" do it "can properly extract a title from a url" do stub_request(:get, "https://brelksdjflaskfj.com/amazing") .to_return(status: 200, body: "very amazing") # we still resolve the IP address for every host IPSocket.stubs(:getaddress).returns('') expect(RetrieveTitle.crawl("https://brelksdjflaskfj.com/amazing")).to eq("very amazing") end it "detects and uses encoding from Content-Type header" do stub_request(:get, "https://brelksdjflaskfj.com/amazing") .to_return( status: 200, body: "fancy apostrophes ’’’".dup.force_encoding('ASCII-8BIT'), headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html; charset="utf-8"' } ) IPSocket.stubs(:getaddress).returns('') expect(RetrieveTitle.crawl("https://brelksdjflaskfj.com/amazing")).to eq("fancy apostrophes ’’’") stub_request(:get, "https://brelksdjflaskfj.com/amazing") .to_return( status: 200, body: "japanese こんにちは website".encode('EUC-JP').force_encoding('ASCII-8BIT'), headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html;charset=euc-jp' } ) IPSocket.stubs(:getaddress).returns('') expect(RetrieveTitle.crawl("https://brelksdjflaskfj.com/amazing")).to eq("japanese こんにちは website") end it "can follow redirect" do stub_request(:get, "http://foobar.com/amazing"). to_return(status: 301, body: "", headers: { "location" => "https://wikipedia.com/amazing" }) stub_request(:get, "https://wikipedia.com/amazing"). to_return(status: 200, body: "very amazing", headers: {}) IPSocket.stubs(:getaddress).returns('') expect(RetrieveTitle.crawl("http://foobar.com/amazing")).to eq("very amazing") end it "returns empty title if redirect uri is in blacklist" do SiteSetting.blocked_onebox_domains = "wikipedia.com" stub_request(:get, "http://foobar.com/amazing") .to_return(status: 301, body: "", headers: { "location" => "https://wikipedia.com/amazing" }) stub_request(:get, "https://wikipedia.com/amazing") .to_return(status: 200, body: "very amazing", headers: {}) expect(RetrieveTitle.crawl("http://foobar.com/amazing")).to eq(nil) end it "returns title if 'midway redirect' is blocked but final redirect uri is not blocked" do SiteSetting.blocked_onebox_domains = "wikipedia.com" stub_request(:get, "http://foobar.com/amazing") .to_return(status: 301, body: "", headers: { "location" => "https://wikipedia.com/amazing" }) stub_request(:get, "https://wikipedia.com/amazing") .to_return(status: 301, body: "", headers: { "location" => "https://cat.com/meow" }) stub_request(:get, "https://cat.com/meow") .to_return(status: 200, body: "very amazing", headers: {}) expect(RetrieveTitle.crawl("http://foobar.com/amazing")).to eq("very amazing") end end context 'fetch_title' do it "does not parse broken title tag" do # webmock does not do chunks stub_request(:get, "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet"). to_return(status: 200, body: "Internet - Wikipedia</ti" , headers: {}) title = RetrieveTitle.fetch_title("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet") expect(title).to eq(nil) end it "can parse correct title tag" do # webmock does not do chunks stub_request(:get, "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet"). to_return(status: 200, body: "<html><head><title>Internet - Wikipedia" , headers: {}) title = RetrieveTitle.fetch_title("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet") expect(title).to eq("Internet - Wikipedia") end end end