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February EmberTO Meet-up

  • Feb 5, 2015 · 6:30 PM
  • This location is shown only to members

Hey Folks, 

We're trying new (read: bigger) venues on for size in 2015, starting with the wonderful new ExChange space in the BrightLane building for our February meet-up. 

This month we have our own Jorge Villalobos waxing on building faux-dynamic, SEO-friendly sites with Ember + Middleman, Precision Nutrition's Justin Giancola will be giving a lightning talk on using redis as a proxy when developing ember applications, and Taras Mankovski will be sharing some tips and tricks regarding Ember Table. 

Also, special thanks to Brightlane (an awesome new co-working facility) for donating their gorgeous new space to us for the evening as well! Check them out at  

See you soon! And as another aside, sign up for the mailing list at start getting the 411 of our meet-ups directly, including more in-depth insights into our speaker content and more info. on Toronto Ember happenings in 2015. 

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  • Peter C.

    Sorry, can't make it to this meetup. I'll see you all at the next one!

    February 2, 2015

  • Gianni C.

    hello i used ember once and i plan to do it again in the future

    8 · January 21, 2015

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