import { moduleForWidget, widgetTest } from 'helpers/widget-test';


widgetTest('one post', {
  template: '{{mount-widget widget="topic-participant" args=args}}',

  beforeEach() {
    this.set('args', {
      username: 'test',
      avatar_template: '/images/avatar.png',
      post_count: 1

  test(assert) {
    assert.ok(!exists(''), "don't show count for only 1 post");
    assert.ok(!exists('.avatar-flair'), "no avatar flair");

widgetTest('many posts, a primary group with flair', {
  template: '{{mount-widget widget="topic-participant" args=args}}',

  beforeEach() {
    this.set('args', {
      username: 'test',
      avatar_template: '/images/avatar.png',
      post_count: 5,
      primary_group_name: 'devs',
      primary_group_flair_url: "/images/d-logo-sketch-small.png",
      primary_group_flair_bg_color: "222"

  test(assert) {
    assert.ok(exists(''), "show count for many posts");
    assert.ok(exists('.group-devs a.poster'), "add class for the group outside the link");
    assert.ok(exists('.avatar-flair.avatar-flair-devs'), "show flair with group class");