# frozen_string_literal: true =begin This class is responsible for managing any actions that require second factor authentication before a user is allowed to perform them. Such actions include granting another user admin access, changing password and signing in. In a more technical sense, an action is the logic encapsulated in a Rails controller action without the logic related to 2fa enforcement/handling. When a user attempts to perform a 2fa-protected action, there are 3 possible outcomes: 1. the user doesn't have any suitable 2fa methods enabled, so they should be allowed to perform the action right away. 2. the user has a suitable 2fa method enabled, in which case there are 2 possibilities: a. the user hasn't done 2fa for the action so they should be redirected to the 2fa page and complete the 2fa before they are allowed to proceed. b. the user has done 2fa for the action so they should be allowed to perform the action. This class, the auth manager, contains the logic for deciding which outcome should happen and performing it. To use the auth manager for requiring 2fa for an action, it needs to be invoked from the controller action using the `run_second_factor!` method which is available in all controllers. This method takes a single argument which is a class that inherits from the `SecondFactor::Actions::Base` class and implements at least the following methods: 1. no_second_factors_enabled!(params): This method corresponds to outcome (1) above, i.e. it's called when the user performing the action has no suitable 2fa method enabled. It receives the request params of the controller action. Return value is insignificant. 2. second_factor_auth_required!(params): This method corresponds to outcome (2a) above. It also receives the request params of the controller action. The purpose of this method is to keep track of the params that are needed to perform the action and where they should be redirected after the user completes the 2fa. To communicate this information to the auth manager, the return value of this method is utilized for this purpose. This method must return a Hash that should have 2 keys: :callback_params => another Hash containing the params that are needed to finish the action once 2fa is completed. Everything in this Hash must be serializable to JSON. :redirect_url => where the user should be redirected after they confirm 2fa. A relative path (must be subfolder-aware) is a valid value for this key. :description => optional action-specific description message that's shown on the 2FA page. After this method is called, the auth manager will send a 403 response with a JSON body. It does that by raising an exception that's then rescued by a `rescue_from` handler. The JSON response contains a challenge nonce which the client/frontend will need to complete the 2fa. More on this later. 3. second_factor_auth_completed!(callback_params): This method corresponds to outcome (2b) above. It's called after the user has successfully completed the 2fa for the 2fa-protected action and the purpose of this method is to actually perform that action. The `callback_params` param of this method is the `callback_params` Hash from the return value of the previous method. There are 2 additionals methods in the base class that can be overridden, but they're optional: 4. skip_second_factor_auth?(params): This method returns false by default. As the name implies, this method can be used to skip the 2FA for the action entirely. For example, if your action deletes a user, then you may want to require 2FA only if the deleted user has more than a specific number of posts. If you override this method in your action, you must implement the following method as well. 5. second_factor_auth_skipped!(params): This method is called when the `skip_second_factor_auth?` method above returns true. If there are permission/security checks that the current user must pass in order to perform the 2fa-protected action, it's important to run the checks in all of the 3 methods of the action class and raise errors if the user doesn't pass the checks. Rendering a response to the client in the outcomes (1) and (2b) is a task for the controller action. The return value of the `run_second_factor!` method, which is an instance of `SecondFactor::AuthManagerResult`, can be used to know which outcome the auth manager has picked and render a different response based on the outcome. The results object also has a `data` method that returns the return value of the hook/method of your action class. For example, if `second_factor_auth_required!` is called and it returns a hash object, you can get that hash object by calling the `data` method of the results object. For a real example where the auth manager is used, please refer to: * The `lib/second_factor/actions` directory where all existing actions live. * `Admin::UsersController#grant_admin` controller action. * `SessionController#sso_provider` controller action. =end class SecondFactor::AuthManager MAX_CHALLENGE_AGE = 5.minutes class SecondFactorRequired < StandardError attr_reader :nonce def initialize(nonce:) @nonce = nonce end end attr_reader :allowed_methods def self.find_second_factor_challenge(nonce, secure_session) challenge_json = secure_session["current_second_factor_auth_challenge"] if challenge_json.blank? raise SecondFactor::BadChallenge.new( "second_factor_auth.challenge_not_found", status_code: 404, ) end challenge = JSON.parse(challenge_json).deep_symbolize_keys if challenge[:nonce] != nonce raise SecondFactor::BadChallenge.new( "second_factor_auth.challenge_not_found", status_code: 404, ) end generated_at = challenge[:generated_at] if generated_at < MAX_CHALLENGE_AGE.ago.to_i raise SecondFactor::BadChallenge.new("second_factor_auth.challenge_expired", status_code: 401) end challenge end def initialize(guardian, action) @guardian = guardian @current_user = guardian.user @action = action @allowed_methods = Set.new([UserSecondFactor.methods[:totp], UserSecondFactor.methods[:security_key]]).freeze end def allow_backup_codes! add_method(UserSecondFactor.methods[:backup_codes]) end def run!(request, params, secure_session) if nonce = params[:second_factor_nonce].presence data = verify_second_factor_auth_completed(nonce, secure_session) create_result(:second_factor_auth_completed, data) elsif @action.skip_second_factor_auth?(params) data = @action.second_factor_auth_skipped!(params) create_result(:second_factor_auth_skipped, data) elsif !allowed_methods.any? { |m| @current_user.valid_second_factor_method_for_user?(m) } data = @action.no_second_factors_enabled!(params) create_result(:no_second_factor, data) else nonce = initiate_second_factor_auth(params, secure_session, request) raise SecondFactorRequired.new(nonce: nonce) end end private def initiate_second_factor_auth(params, secure_session, request) config = @action.second_factor_auth_required!(params) nonce = SecureRandom.alphanumeric(32) callback_params = config[:callback_params] || {} challenge = { nonce: nonce, callback_method: config[:callback_method] || request.request_method, callback_path: config[:callback_path] || request.path, callback_params: callback_params, allowed_methods: allowed_methods.to_a, generated_at: Time.zone.now.to_i, } challenge[:description] = config[:description] if config[:description] challenge[:redirect_url] = config[:redirect_url] if config[:redirect_url].present? secure_session["current_second_factor_auth_challenge"] = challenge.to_json nonce end def verify_second_factor_auth_completed(nonce, secure_session) challenge = self.class.find_second_factor_challenge(nonce, secure_session) if !challenge[:successful] raise SecondFactor::BadChallenge.new( "second_factor_auth.challenge_not_completed", status_code: 401, ) end secure_session["current_second_factor_auth_challenge"] = nil callback_params = challenge[:callback_params] data = @action.second_factor_auth_completed!(callback_params) data end def add_method(id) if !@allowed_methods.include?(id) @allowed_methods = Set.new(@allowed_methods) @allowed_methods.add(id) @allowed_methods.freeze end end def create_result(status, data = nil) SecondFactor::AuthManagerResult.new(status, data) end end