if Rails.env.development? && !Sidekiq.server? && ENV["RAILS_LOGS_STDOUT"] == "1" console = ActiveSupport::Logger.new(STDOUT) original_logger = Rails.logger.chained.first console.formatter = original_logger.formatter console.level = original_logger.level unless ActiveSupport::Logger.logger_outputs_to?(original_logger, STDOUT) original_logger.extend(ActiveSupport::Logger.broadcast(console)) end end if Rails.env.production? Logster.store.ignore = [ # honestly, Rails should not be logging this, its real noisy /^ActionController::RoutingError \(No route matches/, /^PG::Error: ERROR:\s+duplicate key/, /^ActionController::UnknownFormat/, /^ActionController::UnknownHttpMethod/, /^AbstractController::ActionNotFound/, # ignore any empty JS errors that contain blanks or zeros for line and column fields # # Line: # Column: # /(?m).*?Line: (?:\D|0).*?Column: (?:\D|0)/, # suppress empty JS errors (covers MSIE 9, etc) /^(Syntax|Script) error.*Line: (0|1)\b/m, # CSRF errors are not providing enough data # suppress unconditionally for now /^Can't verify CSRF token authenticity.$/, # Yandex bot triggers this JS error a lot /^Uncaught ReferenceError: I18n is not defined/, # related to browser plugins somehow, we don't care /Error calling method on NPObject/, # 404s can be dealt with elsewhere /^ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound/, # bad asset requested, no need to log /^ActionController::BadRequest/, # we can't do anything about invalid parameters /Rack::QueryParser::InvalidParameterError/, # we handle this cleanly in the message bus middleware # no point logging to logster /RateLimiter::LimitExceeded.*/m ] end # middleware that logs errors sits before multisite # we need to establish a connection so redis connection is good # and db connection is good Logster.config.current_context = lambda { |env, &blk| begin if Rails.configuration.multisite request = Rack::Request.new(env) ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handler.clear_active_connections! RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.establish_connection(host: request['__ws'] || request.host) end blk.call ensure ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handler.clear_active_connections! end } # TODO logster should be able to do this automatically Logster.config.subdirectory = "#{GlobalSetting.relative_url_root}/logs" Logster.config.application_version = Discourse.git_version store = Logster.store redis = Logster.store.redis store.redis_prefix = Proc.new { redis.namespace } store.redis_raw_connection = redis.without_namespace severities = [Logger::WARN, Logger::ERROR, Logger::FATAL, Logger::UNKNOWN] RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.each_connection do error_rate_per_minute = SiteSetting.alert_admins_if_errors_per_minute rescue 0 if (error_rate_per_minute || 0) > 0 store.register_rate_limit_per_minute(severities, error_rate_per_minute) do |rate| MessageBus.publish("/logs_error_rate_exceeded", rate: rate, duration: 'minute', publish_at: Time.current.to_i) end end error_rate_per_hour = SiteSetting.alert_admins_if_errors_per_hour rescue 0 if (error_rate_per_hour || 0) > 0 store.register_rate_limit_per_hour(severities, error_rate_per_hour) do |rate| MessageBus.publish("/logs_error_rate_exceeded", rate: rate, duration: 'hour', publish_at: Time.current.to_i) end end end if Rails.configuration.multisite chained = Rails.logger.chained chained && chained.first.formatter = RailsMultisite::Formatter.new end