import { observes } from 'ember-addons/ember-computed-decorators'; import { createPreviewComponent, loadImage, darkLightDiff, chooseBrighter, drawHeader } from 'wizard/lib/preview'; const LINE_HEIGHT = 12.0; const LOREM = ` Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eget sem non elit tincidunt rhoncus. Fusce velit nisl, porttitor sed nisl ac, consectetur interdum metus. Fusce in consequat augue, vel facilisis felis. Nunc tellus elit, and semper vitae orci nec, blandit pharetra enim. Aenean a ebus posuere nunc. Maecenas ultrices viverra enim ac commodo Vestibulum nec quam sit amet libero ultricies sollicitudin. Nulla quis scelerisque sem, eget volutpat velit. Fusce eget accumsan sapien, nec feugiat quam. Quisque non risus. placerat lacus vitae, lacinia nisi. Sed metus arcu, iaculis sit amet cursus nec, sodales at eros.`; export default createPreviewComponent(400, 220, { logo: null, avatar: null, @observes('step.fieldsById.theme_id.value') themeChanged() { this.triggerRepaint(); }, load() { return Ember.RSVP.Promise.all([loadImage('/images/wizard/discourse-small.png'), loadImage('/images/wizard/trout.png')]).then(result => { this.logo = result[0]; this.avatar = result[1]; }); }, paint(ctx, colors, width, height) { const headerHeight = height * 0.15; drawHeader(ctx, colors, width, headerHeight); const margin = width * 0.02; const avatarSize = height * 0.1; // Logo const headerMargin = headerHeight * 0.2; const logoHeight = headerHeight - (headerMargin * 2); const logoWidth = (logoHeight / this.logo.height) * this.logo.width; ctx.drawImage(this.logo, headerMargin, headerMargin, logoWidth, logoHeight); // Top right menu ctx.drawImage(this.avatar, width - avatarSize - headerMargin, headerMargin, avatarSize, avatarSize); ctx.fillStyle = darkLightDiff(colors.primary, colors.secondary, 45, 55); ctx.font = "0.75em FontAwesome"; ctx.fillText("\uf0c9", width - (avatarSize * 2) - (headerMargin * 0.5), avatarSize); ctx.fillText("\uf002", width - (avatarSize * 3) - (headerMargin * 0.5), avatarSize); // Draw a fake topic ctx.drawImage(this.avatar, margin, headerHeight + (height * 0.17), avatarSize, avatarSize); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.fillStyle = colors.primary; ctx.font = "bold 0.75em 'Arial'"; ctx.fillText("Welcome to Discourse", margin, (height * 0.25)); ctx.font = "0.5em 'Arial'"; let line = 0; const lines = LOREM.split("\n"); for (let i=0; i<10; i++) { line = (height * 0.3) + (i * LINE_HEIGHT); ctx.fillText(lines[i], margin + avatarSize + margin, line); } // Reply Button ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(width * 0.57, line + LINE_HEIGHT, width * 0.1, height * 0.07); ctx.fillStyle = colors.tertiary; ctx.fill(); ctx.fillStyle = chooseBrighter(colors.primary, colors.secondary); ctx.font = "8px 'Arial'"; ctx.fillText("Reply", width * 0.595, line + (LINE_HEIGHT * 1.8)); // Icons ctx.font = "0.5em FontAwesome"; ctx.fillStyle =; ctx.fillText("\uf004", width * 0.48, line + (LINE_HEIGHT * 1.8)); ctx.fillStyle = darkLightDiff(colors.primary, colors.secondary, 65, 55); ctx.fillText("\uf040", width * 0.525, line + (LINE_HEIGHT * 1.8)); // Draw Timeline const timelineX = width * 0.8; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = colors.tertiary; ctx.lineWidth = 0.5; ctx.moveTo(timelineX, height * 0.3); ctx.lineTo(timelineX, height * 0.6); ctx.stroke(); // Timeline ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = colors.tertiary; ctx.lineWidth = 2; ctx.moveTo(timelineX, height * 0.3); ctx.lineTo(timelineX, height * 0.4); ctx.stroke(); ctx.font = "Bold 0.5em Arial"; ctx.fillStyle = colors.primary; ctx.fillText("1 / 20", timelineX + margin, (height * 0.3) + (margin * 1.5)); } });