# frozen_string_literal: true def print_status_with_label(label, current, max) print "\r%s%9d / %d (%5.1f%%)" % [label, current, max, ((current.to_f / max.to_f) * 100).round(1)] end def close_old_topics(category) topics = Topic.where(closed: false, category_id: category.id) if category.auto_close_based_on_last_post topics = topics.where('last_posted_at < ?', category.auto_close_hours.hours.ago) else topics = topics.where('created_at < ?', category.auto_close_hours.hours.ago) end topics_closed = 0 total = topics.count if total == 0 print " all old topics are closed" return end topics.find_each do |topic| topic.update_status("closed", true, Discourse.system_user) print_status_with_label(" closing old topics: ", topics_closed += 1, total) end end def apply_auto_close(category) topics = Topic.where(closed: false, category_id: category.id) .where(<<-SQL, TopicTimer.types[:close]) NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM topic_timers WHERE topic_timers.topic_id = topics.id AND topic_timers.status_type = ? AND topic_timers.deleted_at IS NULL ) SQL topics_closed = 0 total = topics.count if total == 0 print " all topics have auto-close applied" return end topics.find_each do |topic| topic.inherit_auto_close_from_category print_status_with_label(" applying auto-close to topics: ", topics_closed += 1, total) end end task "topics:apply_autoclose" => :environment do categories = Category.where("auto_close_hours > 0") categories.find_each do |category| puts "", "Applying auto-close to category '#{category.name}' ..." close_old_topics(category) puts "" apply_auto_close(category) puts "" end puts "", "Done" end