# encoding: utf-8 require 'rails_helper' describe ThemeField do after(:all) do ThemeField.destroy_all end describe "scope: find_by_theme_ids" do it "returns result in the specified order" do theme = Fabricate(:theme) theme2 = Fabricate(:theme) theme3 = Fabricate(:theme) (0..1).each do |num| ThemeField.create!(theme: theme, target_id: num, name: "header", value: "html") ThemeField.create!(theme: theme2, target_id: num, name: "header", value: "html") ThemeField.create!(theme: theme3, target_id: num, name: "header", value: "html") end expect(ThemeField.find_by_theme_ids( [theme3.id, theme.id, theme2.id] ).pluck(:theme_id)).to eq( [theme3.id, theme3.id, theme.id, theme.id, theme2.id, theme2.id] ) end end it 'does not insert a script tag when there are no inline script' do theme_field = ThemeField.create!(theme_id: 1, target_id: 0, name: "body_tag", value: '
new div
') expect(theme_field.value_baked).to_not include(' var a = "inline discourse plugin"; HTML theme_field = ThemeField.create!(theme_id: 1, target_id: 0, name: "header", value: html) expect(theme_field.value_baked).to include("") expect(theme_field.value_baked).to include("external-script.js") expect(theme_field.value_baked).to include(' HTML extracted = <<~JavaScript var a = 10 var b = 10 JavaScript theme_field = ThemeField.create!(theme_id: 1, target_id: 0, name: "header", value: html) expect(theme_field.javascript_cache.content).to include(extracted) end it "correctly extracts and generates errors for transpiled js" do html = < badJavaScript(; HTML field = ThemeField.create!(theme_id: 1, target_id: 0, name: "header", value: html) expect(field.error).not_to eq(nil) expect(field.value_baked).to include("") expect(field.javascript_cache.content).to include("Theme Transpilation Error:") field.update!(value: '') expect(field.error).to eq(nil) end it "allows us to use theme settings in handlebars templates" do html = <
HTML ThemeField.create!(theme_id: 1, target_id: 3, name: "yaml", value: "string_setting: \"test text \\\" 123!\"") theme_field = ThemeField.create!(theme_id: 1, target_id: 0, name: "head_tag", value: html) javascript_cache = theme_field.javascript_cache expect(theme_field.value_baked).to include("") expect(javascript_cache.content).to include("testing-div") expect(javascript_cache.content).to include("string_setting") expect(javascript_cache.content).to include("test text \\\" 123!") end it "correctly generates errors for transpiled css" do css = "body {" field = ThemeField.create!(theme_id: 1, target_id: 0, name: "scss", value: css) field.reload expect(field.error).not_to eq(nil) field.value = "body {color: blue};" field.save! field.reload expect(field.error).to eq(nil) end def create_upload_theme_field!(name) ThemeField.create!( theme_id: 1, target_id: 0, value: "", type_id: ThemeField.types[:theme_upload_var], name: name, ) end it "ensures we don't use invalid SCSS variable names" do expect { create_upload_theme_field!("42") }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) expect { create_upload_theme_field!("a42") }.not_to raise_error end def get_fixture(type) File.read("#{Rails.root}/spec/fixtures/theme_settings/#{type}_settings.yaml") end def create_yaml_field(value) field = ThemeField.create!(theme_id: 1, target_id: Theme.targets[:settings], name: "yaml", value: value) field.reload field end let(:key) { "themes.settings_errors" } it "generates errors for bad YAML" do yaml = "invalid_setting 5" field = create_yaml_field(yaml) expect(field.error).to eq(I18n.t("#{key}.invalid_yaml")) field.value = "valid_setting: true" field.save! field.reload expect(field.error).to eq(nil) end it "generates errors when default value's type doesn't match setting type" do field = create_yaml_field(get_fixture("invalid")) expect(field.error).to include(I18n.t("#{key}.default_not_match_type", name: "no_match_setting")) end it "generates errors when no default value is passed" do field = create_yaml_field(get_fixture("invalid")) expect(field.error).to include(I18n.t("#{key}.default_value_missing", name: "no_default_setting")) end it "generates errors when invalid type is passed" do field = create_yaml_field(get_fixture("invalid")) expect(field.error).to include(I18n.t("#{key}.data_type_not_a_number", name: "invalid_type_setting")) end it "generates errors when default value is not within allowed range" do field = create_yaml_field(get_fixture("invalid")) expect(field.error).to include(I18n.t("#{key}.default_out_range", name: "default_out_of_range")) expect(field.error).to include(I18n.t("#{key}.default_out_range", name: "string_default_out_of_range")) end it "works correctly when valid yaml is provided" do field = create_yaml_field(get_fixture("valid")) expect(field.error).to be_nil end describe "locale fields" do let!(:theme) { Fabricate(:theme) } let!(:theme2) { Fabricate(:theme) } let!(:theme3) { Fabricate(:theme) } let!(:en1) { ThemeField.create!(theme: theme, target_id: Theme.targets[:translations], name: "en", value: { en: { somestring1: "helloworld", group: { key1: "enval1" } } } .deep_stringify_keys.to_yaml ) } let!(:fr1) { ThemeField.create!(theme: theme, target_id: Theme.targets[:translations], name: "fr", value: { fr: { somestring1: "bonjourworld", group: { key2: "frval2" } } } .deep_stringify_keys.to_yaml ) } let!(:fr2) { ThemeField.create!(theme: theme2, target_id: Theme.targets[:translations], name: "fr", value: "") } let!(:en2) { ThemeField.create!(theme: theme2, target_id: Theme.targets[:translations], name: "en", value: "") } let!(:ca3) { ThemeField.create!(theme: theme3, target_id: Theme.targets[:translations], name: "ca", value: "") } let!(:en3) { ThemeField.create!(theme: theme3, target_id: Theme.targets[:translations], name: "en", value: "") } describe "scopes" do it "find_locale_fields returns results in the correct order" do expect(ThemeField.find_locale_fields( [theme3.id, theme.id, theme2.id], ["en", "fr"] )).to eq([en3, en1, fr1, en2, fr2]) end it "find_first_locale_fields returns only the first locale for each theme" do expect(ThemeField.find_first_locale_fields( [theme3.id, theme.id, theme2.id], ["ca", "en", "fr"] )).to eq([ca3, en1, en2]) end end describe "#raw_translation_data" do it "errors if the top level key is incorrect" do fr1.update(value: { wrongkey: { somestring1: "bonjourworld" } }.deep_stringify_keys.to_yaml) expect { fr1.raw_translation_data }.to raise_error(ThemeTranslationParser::InvalidYaml) end it "errors if there are multiple top level keys" do fr1.update(value: { fr: { somestring1: "bonjourworld" }, otherkey: "hello" }.deep_stringify_keys.to_yaml) expect { fr1.raw_translation_data }.to raise_error(ThemeTranslationParser::InvalidYaml) end it "errors if YAML includes arrays" do fr1.update(value: { fr: ["val1", "val2"] }.deep_stringify_keys.to_yaml) expect { fr1.raw_translation_data }.to raise_error(ThemeTranslationParser::InvalidYaml) end it "errors if YAML has invalid syntax" do fr1.update(value: "fr: 'valuewithoutclosequote") expect { fr1.raw_translation_data }.to raise_error(ThemeTranslationParser::InvalidYaml) end end describe "#translation_data" do it "loads correctly" do expect(fr1.translation_data).to eq( fr: { somestring1: "bonjourworld", group: { key2: "frval2" } }, en: { somestring1: "helloworld", group: { key1: "enval1" } } ) end it "raises errors for the current locale" do fr1.update(value: { wrongkey: "hello" }.deep_stringify_keys.to_yaml) expect { fr1.translation_data }.to raise_error(ThemeTranslationParser::InvalidYaml) end it "doesn't raise errors for the fallback locale" do en1.update(value: { wrongkey: "hello" }.deep_stringify_keys.to_yaml) expect(fr1.translation_data).to eq( fr: { somestring1: "bonjourworld", group: { key2: "frval2" } } ) end it "merges any overrides" do # Overrides in the current locale (so in tests that will be english) theme.update_translation("group.key1", "overriddentest1") theme.reload expect(fr1.translation_data).to eq( fr: { somestring1: "bonjourworld", group: { key2: "frval2" } }, en: { somestring1: "helloworld", group: { key1: "overriddentest1" } } ) end end describe "javascript cache" do it "is generated correctly" do fr1.ensure_baked! expect(fr1.value_baked).to include("") expect(fr1.javascript_cache.content).to include("bonjourworld") expect(fr1.javascript_cache.content).to include("helloworld") expect(fr1.javascript_cache.content).to include("enval1") end end describe "prefix injection" do it "injects into JS" do html = <<~HTML HTML theme_field = ThemeField.create!(theme_id: theme.id, target_id: 0, name: "head_tag", value: html) javascript_cache = theme_field.javascript_cache expect(javascript_cache.content).to include("inline discourse plugin") expect(javascript_cache.content).to include("theme_translations.#{theme.id}.") end end end end