import { acceptance } from "helpers/qunit-helpers"; acceptance("Composer", { loggedIn: true, settings: { enable_whispers: true } }); test("Tests the Composer controls", () => { visit("/"); andThen(() => { ok(exists('#create-topic'), 'the create button is visible'); }); click('#create-topic'); andThen(() => { ok(exists('.d-editor-input'), 'the composer input is visible'); ok(exists('.title-input .popup-tip.bad.hide'), 'title errors are hidden by default'); ok(exists('.d-editor-textarea-wrapper .popup-tip.bad.hide'), 'body errors are hidden by default'); }); click('a.toggle-preview'); andThen(() => { ok(!exists('.d-editor-preview:visible'), "clicking the toggle hides the preview"); }); click('a.toggle-preview'); andThen(() => { ok(exists('.d-editor-preview:visible'), "clicking the toggle shows the preview again"); }); click('#reply-control button.create'); andThen(() => { ok(!exists('.title-input .popup-tip.bad.hide'), 'it shows the empty title error'); ok(!exists('.d-editor-wrapper .popup-tip.bad.hide'), 'it shows the empty body error'); }); fillIn('#reply-title', "this is my new topic title"); andThen(() => { ok(exists('.title-input .popup-tip.good'), 'the title is now good'); }); fillIn('.d-editor-input', "this is the *content* of a post"); andThen(() => { equal(find('.d-editor-preview').html().trim(), "

this is the content of a post

", "it previews content"); ok(exists('.d-editor-textarea-wrapper .popup-tip.good'), 'the body is now good'); }); andThen(() => { const textarea = find('#reply-control .d-editor-input')[0]; textarea.selectionStart = textarea.value.length; textarea.selectionEnd = textarea.value.length; // Testing keyboard events is tough! const mac = /Mac|iPod|iPhone|iPad/.test(navigator.platform); const event = document.createEvent('Event'); event.initEvent('keydown', true, true); event[mac ? 'metaKey' : 'ctrlKey'] = true; event.keyCode = 66; textarea.dispatchEvent(event); }); andThen(() => { const example = I18n.t(`composer.bold_text`); equal(find('#reply-control .d-editor-input').val().trim(), `this is the *content* of a post**${example}**`, "it supports keyboard shortcuts"); }); click('#reply-control a.cancel'); andThen(() => { ok(exists('.bootbox.modal'), 'it pops up a confirmation dialog'); }); click('.modal-footer a:eq(1)'); andThen(() => { ok(!exists('.bootbox.modal'), 'the confirmation can be cancelled'); }); }); test("Create a topic with server side errors", () => { visit("/"); click('#create-topic'); fillIn('#reply-title', "this title triggers an error"); fillIn('.d-editor-input', "this is the *content* of a post"); click('#reply-control button.create'); andThen(() => { ok(exists('.bootbox.modal'), 'it pops up an error message'); }); click('.bootbox.modal a.btn-primary'); andThen(() => { ok(!exists('.bootbox.modal'), 'it dismisses the error'); ok(exists('.d-editor-input'), 'the composer input is visible'); }); }); test("Create a Topic", () => { visit("/"); click('#create-topic'); fillIn('#reply-title', "Internationalization Localization"); fillIn('.d-editor-input', "this is the *content* of a new topic post"); click('#reply-control button.create'); andThen(() => { equal(currentURL(), "/t/internationalization-localization/280", "it transitions to the newly created topic URL"); }); }); test("Create an enqueued Topic", () => { visit("/"); click('#create-topic'); fillIn('#reply-title', "Internationalization Localization"); fillIn('.d-editor-input', "enqueue this content please"); click('#reply-control button.create'); andThen(() => { ok(visible('#discourse-modal'), 'it pops up a modal'); equal(currentURL(), "/", "it doesn't change routes"); }); click('.modal-footer button'); andThen(() => { ok(invisible('#discourse-modal'), 'the modal can be dismissed'); }); }); test("Create a Reply", () => { visit("/t/internationalization-localization/280"); andThen(() => { ok(!exists('article[data-post-id=12345]'), 'the post is not in the DOM'); }); click('#topic-footer-buttons .btn.create'); andThen(() => { ok(exists('.d-editor-input'), 'the composer input is visible'); ok(!exists('#reply-title'), 'there is no title since this is a reply'); }); fillIn('.d-editor-input', 'this is the content of my reply'); click('#reply-control button.create'); andThen(() => { equal(find('.cooked:last p').text(), 'this is the content of my reply'); }); }); test("Posting on a different topic", (assert) => { visit("/t/internationalization-localization/280"); click('#topic-footer-buttons .btn.create'); fillIn('.d-editor-input', 'this is the content for a different topic'); visit("/t/1-3-0beta9-no-rate-limit-popups/28830"); andThen(function() { assert.equal(currentURL(), "/t/1-3-0beta9-no-rate-limit-popups/28830"); }); click('#reply-control button.create'); andThen(function() { assert.ok(visible('.reply-where-modal'), 'it pops up a modal'); }); click('.btn-reply-here'); andThen(() => { assert.equal(find('.cooked:last p').text(), 'this is the content for a different topic'); }); }); test("Create an enqueued Reply", () => { visit("/t/internationalization-localization/280"); click('#topic-footer-buttons .btn.create'); andThen(() => { ok(exists('.d-editor-input'), 'the composer input is visible'); ok(!exists('#reply-title'), 'there is no title since this is a reply'); }); fillIn('.d-editor-input', 'enqueue this content please'); click('#reply-control button.create'); andThen(() => { ok(find('.cooked:last p').text() !== 'enqueue this content please', "it doesn't insert the post"); }); andThen(() => { ok(visible('#discourse-modal'), 'it pops up a modal'); }); click('.modal-footer button'); andThen(() => { ok(invisible('#discourse-modal'), 'the modal can be dismissed'); }); }); test("Edit the first post", () => { visit("/t/internationalization-localization/280"); ok(!exists('.topic-post:eq(0) .post-info.edits'), 'it has no edits icon at first'); click('.topic-post:eq(0)'); click('.topic-post:eq(0) button.edit'); andThen(() => { equal(find('.d-editor-input').val().indexOf('Any plans to support'), 0, 'it populates the input with the post text'); }); fillIn('.d-editor-input', "This is the new text for the post"); fillIn('#reply-title', "This is the new text for the title"); click('#reply-control button.create'); andThen(() => { ok(!exists('.d-editor-input'), 'it closes the composer'); ok(exists('.topic-post:eq(0) .post-info.edits'), 'it has the edits icon'); ok(find('#topic-title h1').text().indexOf('This is the new text for the title') !== -1, 'it shows the new title'); ok(find('.topic-post:eq(0) .cooked').text().indexOf('This is the new text for the post') !== -1, 'it updates the post'); }); }); test("Composer can switch between edits", () => { visit("/t/this-is-a-test-topic/9"); click('.topic-post:eq(0) button.edit'); andThen(() => { equal(find('.d-editor-input').val().indexOf('This is the first post.'), 0, 'it populates the input with the post text'); }); click('.topic-post:eq(1) button.edit'); andThen(() => { equal(find('.d-editor-input').val().indexOf('This is the second post.'), 0, 'it populates the input with the post text'); }); }); test("Composer with dirty edit can toggle to another edit", () => { visit("/t/this-is-a-test-topic/9"); click('.topic-post:eq(0) button.edit'); fillIn('.d-editor-input', 'This is a dirty reply'); click('.topic-post:eq(1) button.edit'); andThen(() => { ok(exists('.bootbox.modal'), 'it pops up a confirmation dialog'); }); click('.modal-footer a:eq(0)'); andThen(() => { equal(find('.d-editor-input').val().indexOf('This is the second post.'), 0, 'it populates the input with the post text'); }); }); test("Composer can toggle between edit and reply", () => { visit("/t/this-is-a-test-topic/9"); click('.topic-post:eq(0) button.edit'); andThen(() => { equal(find('.d-editor-input').val().indexOf('This is the first post.'), 0, 'it populates the input with the post text'); }); click('.topic-post:eq(0) button.reply'); andThen(() => { equal(find('.d-editor-input').val(), "", 'it clears the input'); }); click('.topic-post:eq(0) button.edit'); andThen(() => { equal(find('.d-editor-input').val().indexOf('This is the first post.'), 0, 'it populates the input with the post text'); }); }); test("Composer can toggle between reply and createTopic", () => { visit("/t/this-is-a-test-topic/9"); click('.topic-post:eq(0) button.reply'); click('button.options'); click('.popup-menu .fa-eye-slash'); andThen(() => { ok( find('.composer-fields .whisper').text().indexOf(I18n.t("composer.whisper")) > 0, 'it sets the post type to whisper' ); }); visit("/"); andThen(() => { ok(exists('#create-topic'), 'the create topic button is visible'); }); click('#create-topic'); andThen(() => { ok( find('.composer-fields .whisper').text().indexOf(I18n.t("composer.whisper")) === -1, "it should reset the state of the composer's model" ); }); click('button.options'); click('.popup-menu .fa-eye-slash'); andThen(() => { ok( find('.composer-fields .whisper').text().indexOf(I18n.t("composer.unlist")) > 0, 'it sets the topic to unlisted' ); }); visit("/t/this-is-a-test-topic/9"); click('.topic-post:eq(0) button.reply'); andThen(() => { ok( find('.composer-fields .whisper').text().indexOf(I18n.t("composer.unlist")) === -1, "it should reset the state of the composer's model" ); }); }); test("Composer with dirty reply can toggle to edit", () => { visit("/t/this-is-a-test-topic/9"); click('.topic-post:eq(0) button.reply'); fillIn('.d-editor-input', 'This is a dirty reply'); click('.topic-post:eq(0) button.edit'); andThen(() => { ok(exists('.bootbox.modal'), 'it pops up a confirmation dialog'); }); click('.modal-footer a:eq(0)'); andThen(() => { equal(find('.d-editor-input').val().indexOf('This is the first post.'), 0, 'it populates the input with the post text'); }); }); test("Composer draft with dirty reply can toggle to edit", () => { visit("/t/this-is-a-test-topic/9"); click('.topic-post:eq(0) button.reply'); fillIn('.d-editor-input', 'This is a dirty reply'); click('.toggler'); click('.topic-post:eq(0) button.edit'); andThen(() => { ok(exists('.bootbox.modal'), 'it pops up a confirmation dialog'); }); click('.modal-footer a:eq(0)'); andThen(() => { equal(find('.d-editor-input').val().indexOf('This is the first post.'), 0, 'it populates the input with the post text'); }); });