# frozen_string_literal: true class TopicEmbed < ActiveRecord::Base include Trashable belongs_to :topic belongs_to :post validates_presence_of :embed_url validates_uniqueness_of :embed_url before_validation(on: :create) do unless ( topic_embed = TopicEmbed .with_deleted .where("deleted_at IS NOT NULL AND embed_url = ?", embed_url) .first ).nil? topic_embed.destroy! end end class FetchResponse attr_accessor :title, :body, :author end def self.normalize_url(url) url.downcase.sub(%r{/\z}, "").sub(/\-+/, "-").strip end def self.imported_from_html(url) I18n.with_locale(SiteSetting.default_locale) do "\n
\n#{I18n.t("embed.imported_from", link: "#{url}")}\n" end end # Import an article from a source (RSS/Atom/Other) def self.import(user, url, title, contents, category_id: nil, cook_method: nil, tags: nil) return unless url =~ %r{\Ahttps?\://} contents = first_paragraph_from(contents) if SiteSetting.embed_truncate && cook_method.nil? contents ||= "" contents = contents.dup << imported_from_html(url) url = normalize_url(url) embed = TopicEmbed.find_by("lower(embed_url) = ?", url) content_sha1 = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(contents) post = nil # If there is no embed, create a topic, post and the embed. if embed.blank? Topic.transaction do eh = EmbeddableHost.record_for_url(url) cook_method ||= if SiteSetting.embed_support_markdown Post.cook_methods[:regular] else Post.cook_methods[:raw_html] end create_args = { title: title, raw: absolutize_urls(url, contents), skip_validations: true, cook_method: cook_method, category: category_id || eh.try(:category_id), tags: SiteSetting.tagging_enabled ? tags : nil, } create_args[:visible] = false if SiteSetting.embed_unlisted? creator = PostCreator.new(user, create_args) post = creator.create if post.present? TopicEmbed.create!( topic_id: post.topic_id, embed_url: url, content_sha1: content_sha1, post_id: post.id, ) end end else absolutize_urls(url, contents) post = embed.post # Update the topic if it changed if post&.topic if post.user != user PostOwnerChanger.new( post_ids: [post.id], topic_id: post.topic_id, new_owner: user, acting_user: Discourse.system_user, ).change_owner! # make sure the post returned has the right author post.reload end if (content_sha1 != embed.content_sha1) || (title && title != post&.topic&.title) changes = { raw: absolutize_urls(url, contents) } changes[:title] = title if title.present? post.revise(user, changes, skip_validations: true, bypass_rate_limiter: true) embed.update!(content_sha1: content_sha1) end end end post end def self.find_remote(url) require "ruby-readability" url = UrlHelper.normalized_encode(url) original_uri = URI.parse(url) fd = FinalDestination.new(url, validate_uri: true, max_redirects: 5, follow_canonical: true) uri = fd.resolve return if uri.blank? opts = { tags: %w[div p code pre h1 h2 h3 b em i strong a img ul li ol blockquote], attributes: %w[href src class], remove_empty_nodes: false, } opts[ :whitelist ] = SiteSetting.allowed_embed_selectors if SiteSetting.allowed_embed_selectors.present? opts[ :blacklist ] = SiteSetting.blocked_embed_selectors if SiteSetting.blocked_embed_selectors.present? allowed_embed_classnames = SiteSetting.allowed_embed_classnames if SiteSetting.allowed_embed_classnames.present? response = FetchResponse.new begin html = uri.read rescue OpenURI::HTTPError, Net::OpenTimeout return end raw_doc = Nokogiri.HTML5(html) auth_element = raw_doc.at('meta[@name="author"]') if auth_element.present? response.author = User.where(username_lower: auth_element[:content].strip).first end read_doc = Readability::Document.new(html, opts) title = +(raw_doc.title || "") title.strip! if SiteSetting.embed_title_scrubber.present? title.sub!(Regexp.new(SiteSetting.embed_title_scrubber), "") title.strip! end response.title = title doc = Nokogiri.HTML5(read_doc.content) tags = { "img" => "src", "script" => "src", "a" => "href" } doc .search(tags.keys.join(",")) .each do |node| url_param = tags[node.name] src = node[url_param] unless (src.nil? || src.empty?) begin # convert URL to absolute form node[url_param] = URI.join(url, UrlHelper.normalized_encode(src)).to_s rescue URI::Error, Addressable::URI::InvalidURIError # If there is a mistyped URL, just do nothing end end # only allow classes in the allowlist allowed_classes = if allowed_embed_classnames.blank? [] else allowed_embed_classnames.split(/[ ,]+/i) end doc .search('[class]:not([class=""])') .each do |classnode| classes = classnode[:class] .split(" ") .select { |classname| allowed_classes.include?(classname) } if classes.length === 0 classnode.delete("class") else classnode[:class] = classes.join(" ") end end end response.body = doc.to_html response end def self.import_remote(import_user, url, opts = nil) opts = opts || {} response = find_remote(url) return if response.nil? response.title = opts[:title] if opts[:title].present? import_user = response.author if response.author.present? TopicEmbed.import(import_user, url, response.title, response.body) end # Convert any relative URLs to absolute. RSS is annoying for this. def self.absolutize_urls(url, contents) url = normalize_url(url) begin uri = URI(UrlHelper.normalized_encode(url)) rescue URI::Error return contents end prefix = "#{uri.scheme}://#{uri.host}" prefix += ":#{uri.port}" if uri.port != 80 && uri.port != 443 fragment = Nokogiri::HTML5.fragment("
") fragment .css("a") .each do |a| if a["href"].present? begin a["href"] = URI.join(prefix, a["href"]).to_s rescue URI::InvalidURIError # NOOP, URL is malformed end end end fragment .css("img") .each do |a| if a["src"].present? begin a["src"] = URI.join(prefix, a["src"]).to_s rescue URI::InvalidURIError # NOOP, URL is malformed end end end fragment.at("div").inner_html end def self.topic_id_for_embed(embed_url) embed_url = normalize_url(embed_url).sub(%r{\Ahttps?\://}, "") TopicEmbed.where("embed_url ~* ?", "^https?://#{Regexp.escape(embed_url)}$").pluck_first( :topic_id, ) end def self.first_paragraph_from(html) doc = Nokogiri.HTML5(html) result = +"" doc .css("p") .each do |p| if p.text.present? result << p.to_s return result if result.size >= 100 end end return result unless result.blank? # If there is no first paragraph, return the first div (onebox) doc.css("div").first.to_s end def self.expanded_for(post) Discourse .cache .fetch("embed-topic:#{post.topic_id}", expires_in: 10.minutes) do url = TopicEmbed.where(topic_id: post.topic_id).pluck_first(:embed_url) response = TopicEmbed.find_remote(url) body = response.body body << TopicEmbed.imported_from_html(url) body end end end # == Schema Information # # Table name: topic_embeds # # id :integer not null, primary key # topic_id :integer not null # post_id :integer not null # embed_url :string(1000) not null # content_sha1 :string(40) # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # deleted_at :datetime # deleted_by_id :integer # # Indexes # # index_topic_embeds_on_embed_url (embed_url) UNIQUE #