# frozen_string_literal: true require "uri" require "mini_mime" require_dependency "file_store/base_store" require_dependency "s3_helper" require_dependency "file_helper" module FileStore class S3Store < BaseStore TOMBSTONE_PREFIX ||= "tombstone/" attr_reader :s3_helper def initialize(s3_helper = nil) @s3_helper = s3_helper || S3Helper.new(s3_bucket, Rails.configuration.multisite ? multisite_tombstone_prefix : TOMBSTONE_PREFIX ) end def store_upload(file, upload, content_type = nil) path = get_path_for_upload(upload) url, upload.etag = store_file( file, path, filename: upload.original_filename, content_type: content_type, cache_locally: true, private_acl: upload.secure? ) url end def store_optimized_image(file, optimized_image, content_type = nil, secure: false) path = get_path_for_optimized_image(optimized_image) url, optimized_image.etag = store_file(file, path, content_type: content_type, private_acl: secure) url end # options # - filename # - content_type # - cache_locally def store_file(file, path, opts = {}) path = path.dup filename = opts[:filename].presence || File.basename(path) # cache file locally when needed cache_file(file, File.basename(path)) if opts[:cache_locally] options = { acl: opts[:private_acl] ? "private" : "public-read", cache_control: 'max-age=31556952, public, immutable', content_type: opts[:content_type].presence || MiniMime.lookup_by_filename(filename)&.content_type } # add a "content disposition: attachment" header with the original # filename for everything but safe images (not SVG). audio and video will # still stream correctly in HTML players, and when a direct link is # provided to any file but an image it will download correctly in the # browser. if !FileHelper.is_inline_image?(filename) options[:content_disposition] = ActionDispatch::Http::ContentDisposition.format( disposition: "attachment", filename: filename ) end path.prepend(File.join(upload_path, "/")) if Rails.configuration.multisite # if this fails, it will throw an exception path, etag = @s3_helper.upload(file, path, options) # return the upload url and etag [File.join(absolute_base_url, path), etag] end def remove_file(url, path) return unless has_been_uploaded?(url) # copy the removed file to tombstone @s3_helper.remove(path, true) end def copy_file(url, source, destination) return unless has_been_uploaded?(url) @s3_helper.copy(source, destination) end def has_been_uploaded?(url) return false if url.blank? begin parsed_url = URI.parse(UrlHelper.encode(url)) rescue # There are many exceptions possible here including Addressable::URI:: excpetions # and URI:: exceptions, catch all may seem wide, but it makes no sense to raise ever # on an invalid url here return false end base_hostname = URI.parse(absolute_base_url).hostname if url[base_hostname] # if the hostnames match it means the upload is in the same # bucket on s3. however, the bucket folder path may differ in # some cases, and we do not want to assume the url is uploaded # here. e.g. the path of the current site could be /prod and the # other site could be /staging if s3_bucket_folder_path.present? return parsed_url.path.starts_with?("/#{s3_bucket_folder_path}") else return true end return false end return false if SiteSetting.Upload.s3_cdn_url.blank? cdn_hostname = URI.parse(SiteSetting.Upload.s3_cdn_url || "").hostname return true if cdn_hostname.presence && url[cdn_hostname] false end def s3_bucket_folder_path @s3_helper.s3_bucket_folder_path end def s3_bucket_name @s3_helper.s3_bucket_name end def absolute_base_url @absolute_base_url ||= SiteSetting.Upload.absolute_base_url end def s3_upload_host SiteSetting.Upload.s3_cdn_url.present? ? SiteSetting.Upload.s3_cdn_url : "https:#{absolute_base_url}" end def external? true end def purge_tombstone(grace_period) @s3_helper.update_tombstone_lifecycle(grace_period) end def multisite_tombstone_prefix File.join("uploads", "tombstone", RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_db, "/") end def download_url(upload) return unless upload "#{upload.short_path}?dl=1" end def path_for(upload) url = upload&.url FileStore::LocalStore.new.path_for(upload) if url && url[/^\/[^\/]/] end def url_for(upload, force_download: false) upload.secure? || force_download ? presigned_url(get_upload_key(upload), force_download: force_download, filename: upload.original_filename) : upload.url end def cdn_url(url) return url if SiteSetting.Upload.s3_cdn_url.blank? schema = url[/^(https?:)?\/\//, 1] folder = @s3_helper.s3_bucket_folder_path.nil? ? "" : "#{@s3_helper.s3_bucket_folder_path}/" url.sub(File.join("#{schema}#{absolute_base_url}", folder), File.join(SiteSetting.Upload.s3_cdn_url, "/")) end def signed_url_for_path(path, expires_in: S3Helper::DOWNLOAD_URL_EXPIRES_AFTER_SECONDS, force_download: false) key = path.sub(absolute_base_url + "/", "") presigned_url(key, expires_in: expires_in, force_download: force_download) end def cache_avatar(avatar, user_id) source = avatar.url.sub(absolute_base_url + "/", "") destination = avatar_template(avatar, user_id).sub(absolute_base_url + "/", "") @s3_helper.copy(source, destination) end def avatar_template(avatar, user_id) UserAvatar.external_avatar_url(user_id, avatar.upload_id, avatar.width) end def s3_bucket raise Discourse::SiteSettingMissing.new("s3_upload_bucket") if SiteSetting.Upload.s3_upload_bucket.blank? SiteSetting.Upload.s3_upload_bucket.downcase end def list_missing_uploads(skip_optimized: false) if SiteSetting.enable_s3_inventory require 's3_inventory' S3Inventory.new(s3_helper, :upload).backfill_etags_and_list_missing S3Inventory.new(s3_helper, :optimized).backfill_etags_and_list_missing unless skip_optimized else list_missing(Upload.by_users, "original/") list_missing(OptimizedImage, "optimized/") unless skip_optimized end end def update_upload_ACL(upload) key = get_upload_key(upload) update_ACL(key, upload.secure?) upload.optimized_images.find_each do |optimized_image| optimized_image_key = get_path_for_optimized_image(optimized_image) update_ACL(optimized_image_key, upload.secure?) end true end def download_file(upload, destination_path) @s3_helper.download_file(get_upload_key(upload), destination_path) end def copy_from(source_path) local_store = FileStore::LocalStore.new public_upload_path = File.join(local_store.public_dir, local_store.upload_path) # The migration to S3 and lots of other code expects files to exist in public/uploads, # so lets move them there before executing the migration. if public_upload_path != source_path if Dir.exist?(public_upload_path) old_upload_path = "#{public_upload_path}_#{SecureRandom.hex}" FileUtils.mv(public_upload_path, old_upload_path) end end FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.expand_path("..", public_upload_path)) FileUtils.symlink(source_path, public_upload_path) FileStore::ToS3Migration.new( s3_options: FileStore::ToS3Migration.s3_options_from_site_settings, migrate_to_multisite: Rails.configuration.multisite, ).migrate ensure FileUtils.rm(public_upload_path) if File.symlink?(public_upload_path) FileUtils.mv(old_upload_path, public_upload_path) if old_upload_path end private def presigned_url( url, force_download: false, filename: false, expires_in: S3Helper::DOWNLOAD_URL_EXPIRES_AFTER_SECONDS ) opts = { expires_in: expires_in } if force_download && filename opts[:response_content_disposition] = ActionDispatch::Http::ContentDisposition.format( disposition: "attachment", filename: filename ) end obj = @s3_helper.object(url) obj.presigned_url(:get, opts) end def get_upload_key(upload) if Rails.configuration.multisite File.join(upload_path, "/", get_path_for_upload(upload)) else get_path_for_upload(upload) end end def update_ACL(key, secure) begin @s3_helper.object(key).acl.put(acl: secure ? "private" : "public-read") rescue Aws::S3::Errors::NoSuchKey Rails.logger.warn("Could not update ACL on upload with key: '#{key}'. Upload is missing.") end end def list_missing(model, prefix) connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.raw_connection connection.exec('CREATE TEMP TABLE verified_ids(val integer PRIMARY KEY)') marker = nil files = @s3_helper.list(prefix, marker) while files.count > 0 do verified_ids = [] files.each do |f| id = model.where("url LIKE '%#{f.key}' AND etag = '#{f.etag}'").pluck_first(:id) verified_ids << id if id.present? marker = f.key end verified_id_clause = verified_ids.map { |id| "('#{PG::Connection.escape_string(id.to_s)}')" }.join(",") connection.exec("INSERT INTO verified_ids VALUES #{verified_id_clause}") files = @s3_helper.list(prefix, marker) end missing_uploads = model.joins('LEFT JOIN verified_ids ON verified_ids.val = id').where("verified_ids.val IS NULL") missing_count = missing_uploads.count if missing_count > 0 missing_uploads.find_each do |upload| puts upload.url end puts "#{missing_count} of #{model.count} #{model.name.underscore.pluralize} are missing" end ensure connection.exec('DROP TABLE verified_ids') unless connection.nil? end end end