require "demon/rails_autospec" module Autospec class QunitRunner < BaseRunner WATCHERS = {} def, &blk); WATCHERS[pattern] = blk; end def watchers; WATCHERS; end # Discourse specific watch(%r{^app/assets/javascripts/discourse/(.+)\.js.es6$}) { |m| "test/javascripts/#{m[1]}-test.js.es6" } watch(%r{^app/assets/javascripts/admin/(.+)\.js.es6$}) { |m| "test/javascripts/admin/#{m[1]}-test.js.es6" } watch(%r{^test/javascripts/.+\.js.es6$}) RELOADERS = def self.reload(pattern); RELOADERS << pattern; end def reloaders; RELOADERS; end # Discourse specific reload(%r{^test/javascripts/fixtures/.+_fixtures\.js(\.es6)?$}) reload(%r{^test/javascripts/(helpers|mixins)/.+\.js(\.es6)?$}) reload("test/javascripts/test_helper.js") require "socket" class PhantomJsNotInstalled < StandardError; end def initialize ensure_phantomjs_is_installed end def start # ensure we can launch the rails server unless port_available?(port) puts "Port #{port} is not available" puts "Either kill the process using that port or use the `TEST_SERVER_PORT` environment variable" return end # start rails start_rails_server @running = true end def running? @running end def run(specs) puts "Running Qunit: #{specs}" Demon::RailsAutospec.ensure_running abort qunit_url = "http://localhost:#{port}/qunit" if specs != "spec" module_or_filename, test_id, _name = specs.strip.split(":::") module_name = module_or_filename if !test_id module_name = try_to_find_module_name(module_or_filename) qunit_url << "?module=#{module_name}" if module_name else qunit_url << "?testId=#{test_id}" end end cmd = "phantomjs #{Rails.root}/lib/autospec/run-qunit.js \"#{qunit_url}\"" @pid = Process.spawn(cmd) _, status = Process.wait2(@pid) status.exitstatus end def reload stop_rails_server sleep 1 start_rails_server end def abort if @pid children_processes(@pid).each { |pid| kill_process(pid) } kill_process(@pid) @pid = nil end end def failed_specs specs = [] path = './tmp/qunit_result' specs = File.readlines(path) if File.exist?(path) specs end def stop # kill phantomjs first abort stop_rails_server @running = false end private def ensure_phantomjs_is_installed raise unless system("command -v phantomjs >/dev/null;") end def port_available?(port) true rescue Errno::EADDRINUSE false end def port @port ||= ENV["TEST_SERVER_PORT"] || 60099 end def start_rails_server Demon::RailsAutospec.start(1) end def stop_rails_server Demon::RailsAutospec.stop end def children_processes(base = process_tree = { |hash, key| hash[key] = [key] } Hash[*`ps -eo pid,ppid`.scan(/\d+/).map(&:to_i)].each do |pid, ppid| process_tree[ppid] << process_tree[pid] end process_tree[base].flatten - [base] end def kill_process(pid) return unless pid Process.kill("INT", pid) rescue nil while (Process.getpgid(pid) rescue nil) sleep 0.001 end end def try_to_find_module_name(file) file,_ = file.split(/:\d+$/) return unless File.exists?(file), "r").each_line do |line| if m = /module\(['"]([^'"]+)/i.match(line) return m[1] end if m = /moduleForWidget\(['"]([^"']+)/i.match(line) return "widget:#{m[1]}" end if m = /acceptance\(['"]([^"']+)/i.match(line) return "Acceptance: #{m[1]}" end if m = /moduleFor\(['"]([^'"]+)/i.match(line) return m[1] end end end end end