# frozen_string_literal: true class ThemeField < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :upload has_one :javascript_cache, dependent: :destroy has_one :upload_reference, as: :target, dependent: :destroy after_save do if self.type_id == ThemeField.types[:theme_upload_var] && saved_change_to_upload_id? UploadReference.ensure_exist!(upload_ids: [self.upload_id], target: self) end end scope :find_by_theme_ids, ->(theme_ids) { return none unless theme_ids.present? where(theme_id: theme_ids).joins( "JOIN ( SELECT #{theme_ids.map.with_index { |id, idx| "#{id.to_i} AS theme_id, #{idx} AS theme_sort_column" }.join(" UNION ALL SELECT ")} ) as X ON X.theme_id = theme_fields.theme_id", ).order("theme_sort_column") } scope :filter_locale_fields, ->(locale_codes) { return none unless locale_codes.present? where(target_id: Theme.targets[:translations], name: locale_codes).joins( DB.sql_fragment( "JOIN ( SELECT * FROM (VALUES #{locale_codes.map { "(?)" }.join(",")}) as Y (locale_code, locale_sort_column) ) as Y ON Y.locale_code = theme_fields.name", *locale_codes.map.with_index { |code, index| [code, index] }, ), ).order("Y.locale_sort_column") } scope :find_first_locale_fields, ->(theme_ids, locale_codes) { find_by_theme_ids(theme_ids) .filter_locale_fields(locale_codes) .reorder("X.theme_sort_column", "Y.locale_sort_column") .select("DISTINCT ON (X.theme_sort_column) *") } def self.types @types ||= Enum.new( html: 0, scss: 1, theme_upload_var: 2, theme_color_var: 3, # No longer used theme_var: 4, # No longer used yaml: 5, js: 6, ) end def self.theme_var_type_ids @theme_var_type_ids ||= [2] end def self.css_theme_type_ids @css_theme_type_ids ||= [0, 1] end def self.force_recompilation! find_each do |field| field.compiler_version = 0 field.ensure_baked! end end validates :name, format: { with: /\A[a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*\z/i, }, if: Proc.new { |field| ThemeField.theme_var_type_ids.include?(field.type_id) } belongs_to :theme def process_html(html) errors = [] javascript_cache || build_javascript_cache errors << I18n.t("themes.errors.optimized_link") if contains_optimized_link?(html) js_compiler = ThemeJavascriptCompiler.new(theme_id, self.theme.name) doc = Nokogiri::HTML5.fragment(html) doc .css('script[type="text/x-handlebars"]') .each do |node| name = node["name"] || node["data-template-name"] || "broken" is_raw = name =~ /\.(raw|hbr)\z/ hbs_template = node.inner_html begin if is_raw js_compiler.append_raw_template(name, hbs_template) else js_compiler.append_ember_template("discourse/templates/#{name}", hbs_template) end rescue ThemeJavascriptCompiler::CompileError => ex js_compiler.append_js_error("discourse/templates/#{name}", ex.message) errors << ex.message end node.remove end doc .css('script[type="text/discourse-plugin"]') .each_with_index do |node, index| version = node["version"] next if version.blank? initializer_name = "theme-field" + "-#{self.id}" + "-#{Theme.targets[self.target_id]}" + "-#{ThemeField.types[self.type_id]}" + "-script-#{index + 1}" begin js = <<~JS import { withPluginApi } from "discourse/lib/plugin-api"; export default { name: #{initializer_name.inspect}, after: "inject-objects", initialize() { withPluginApi(#{version.inspect}, (api) => { #{node.inner_html} }); } }; JS js_compiler.append_module( js, "discourse/initializers/#{initializer_name}", include_variables: true, ) rescue ThemeJavascriptCompiler::CompileError => ex js_compiler.append_js_error("discourse/initializers/#{initializer_name}", ex.message) errors << ex.message end node.remove end doc .css("script") .each_with_index do |node, index| next unless inline_javascript?(node) js_compiler.append_raw_script( "_html/#{Theme.targets[self.target_id]}/#{name}_#{index + 1}.js", node.inner_html, ) node.remove end settings_hash = theme.build_settings_hash if js_compiler.has_content? && settings_hash.present? js_compiler.prepend_settings(settings_hash) end javascript_cache.content = js_compiler.content javascript_cache.source_map = js_compiler.source_map javascript_cache.save! doc.add_child(<<~HTML.html_safe) if javascript_cache.content.present? HTML [doc.to_s, errors&.join("\n")] end def validate_svg_sprite_xml upload = begin Upload.find(self.upload_id) rescue StandardError nil end if Discourse.store.external? external_copy = begin Discourse.store.download(upload) rescue StandardError nil end path = external_copy.try(:path) else path = Discourse.store.path_for(upload) end error = nil begin content = File.read(path) Nokogiri.XML(content) { |config| config.options = Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions::NOBLANKS } rescue => e error = "Error with #{self.name}: #{e.inspect}" end error end def raw_translation_data(internal: false) # Might raise ThemeTranslationParser::InvalidYaml ThemeTranslationParser.new(self, internal: internal).load end def translation_data(with_overrides: true, internal: false, fallback_fields: nil) fallback_fields ||= theme.theme_fields.filter_locale_fields(I18n.fallbacks[name]) fallback_data = fallback_fields.each_with_index.map do |field, index| begin field.raw_translation_data(internal: internal) rescue ThemeTranslationParser::InvalidYaml # If this is the locale with the error, raise it. # If not, let the other theme_field raise the error when it processes itself raise if field.id == id {} end end # TODO: Deduplicate the fallback data in the same way as JSLocaleHelper#load_translations_merged # this would reduce the size of the payload, without affecting functionality data = {} fallback_data.each { |hash| data.merge!(hash) } if with_overrides overrides = theme.translation_override_hash.deep_symbolize_keys data.deep_merge!(overrides) end data end def process_translation errors = [] javascript_cache || build_javascript_cache js_compiler = ThemeJavascriptCompiler.new(theme_id, self.theme.name) begin data = translation_data js = <<~JS export default { name: "theme-#{theme_id}-translations", initialize() { /* Translation data for theme #{self.theme_id} (#{self.name})*/ const data = #{data.to_json}; for (let lang in data){ let cursor = I18n.translations; for (let key of [lang, "js", "theme_translations"]){ cursor = cursor[key] = cursor[key] || {}; } cursor[#{self.theme_id}] = data[lang]; } } }; JS js_compiler.append_module( js, "discourse/pre-initializers/theme-#{theme_id}-translations", include_variables: false, ) rescue ThemeTranslationParser::InvalidYaml => e errors << e.message end javascript_cache.content = js_compiler.content javascript_cache.source_map = js_compiler.source_map javascript_cache.save! doc = "" doc = <<~HTML.html_safe if javascript_cache.content.present? HTML [doc, errors&.join("\n")] end def validate_yaml! return unless self.name == "yaml" errors = [] begin ThemeSettingsParser .new(self) .load do |name, default, type, opts| setting = ThemeSetting.new(name: name, data_type: type, theme: theme) translation_key = "themes.settings_errors" if setting.invalid? setting.errors.details.each_pair do |attribute, _errors| _errors.each do |hash| errors << I18n.t("#{translation_key}.#{attribute}_#{hash[:error]}", name: name) end end end errors << I18n.t("#{translation_key}.default_value_missing", name: name) if default.nil? if (min = opts[:min]) && (max = opts[:max]) unless ThemeSetting.value_in_range?(default, (min..max), type) errors << I18n.t("#{translation_key}.default_out_range", name: name) end end unless ThemeSetting.acceptable_value_for_type?(default, type) errors << I18n.t("#{translation_key}.default_not_match_type", name: name) end end rescue ThemeSettingsParser::InvalidYaml => e errors << e.message end self.error = errors.join("\n").presence end def self.guess_type(name:, target:) if basic_targets.include?(target.to_s) && html_fields.include?(name.to_s) types[:html] elsif basic_targets.include?(target.to_s) && scss_fields.include?(name.to_s) types[:scss] elsif target.to_s == "extra_scss" types[:scss] elsif target.to_s == "extra_js" types[:js] elsif target.to_s == "settings" || target.to_s == "translations" types[:yaml] end end def self.html_fields @html_fields ||= %w[body_tag head_tag header footer after_header embedded_header] end def self.scss_fields @scss_fields ||= %w[scss embedded_scss color_definitions] end def self.basic_targets @basic_targets ||= %w[common desktop mobile] end def basic_html_field? ThemeField.basic_targets.include?(Theme.targets[self.target_id].to_s) && ThemeField.html_fields.include?(self.name) end def extra_js_field? Theme.targets[self.target_id] == :extra_js end def js_tests_field? Theme.targets[self.target_id] == :tests_js end def basic_scss_field? ThemeField.basic_targets.include?(Theme.targets[self.target_id].to_s) && ThemeField.scss_fields.include?(self.name) end def extra_scss_field? Theme.targets[self.target_id] == :extra_scss end def settings_field? Theme.targets[:settings] == self.target_id end def translation_field? Theme.targets[:translations] == self.target_id end def svg_sprite_field? ThemeField.theme_var_type_ids.include?(self.type_id) && self.name == SvgSprite.theme_sprite_variable_name end def ensure_baked! needs_baking = !self.value_baked || compiler_version != Theme.compiler_version return unless needs_baking if basic_html_field? || translation_field? self.value_baked, self.error = translation_field? ? process_translation : process_html(self.value) self.error = nil unless self.error.present? self.compiler_version = Theme.compiler_version DB.after_commit { CSP::Extension.clear_theme_extensions_cache! } elsif extra_js_field? || js_tests_field? self.error = nil self.value_baked = "baked" self.compiler_version = Theme.compiler_version elsif basic_scss_field? ensure_scss_compiles! DB.after_commit { Stylesheet::Manager.clear_theme_cache! } elsif settings_field? validate_yaml! DB.after_commit { CSP::Extension.clear_theme_extensions_cache! } DB.after_commit { SvgSprite.expire_cache } self.value_baked = "baked" self.compiler_version = Theme.compiler_version elsif svg_sprite_field? DB.after_commit { SvgSprite.expire_cache } self.error = validate_svg_sprite_xml self.value_baked = "baked" self.compiler_version = Theme.compiler_version end if self.will_save_change_to_value_baked? || self.will_save_change_to_compiler_version? || self.will_save_change_to_error? self.update_columns( value_baked: value_baked, compiler_version: compiler_version, error: error, ) end end def compile_scss(prepended_scss = nil) prepended_scss ||= Stylesheet::Importer.new({}).prepended_scss self.theme.with_scss_load_paths do |load_paths| Stylesheet::Compiler.compile( "#{prepended_scss} #{self.theme.scss_variables.to_s} #{self.value}", "#{Theme.targets[self.target_id]}.scss", theme: self.theme, load_paths: load_paths, ) end end def compiled_css(prepended_scss) css, _source_map = begin compile_scss(prepended_scss) rescue SassC::SyntaxError => e # We don't want to raise a blocking error here # admin theme editor or discourse_theme CLI will show it nonetheless Rails.logger.error "SCSS compilation error: #{e.message}" ["", nil] end css end def ensure_scss_compiles! result = ["failed"] begin result = compile_scss if contains_optimized_link?(self.value) self.error = I18n.t("themes.errors.optimized_link") elsif contains_ember_css_selector?(self.value) self.error = I18n.t("themes.ember_selector_error") else self.error = nil unless error.nil? end rescue SassC::SyntaxError, SassC::NotRenderedError => e self.error = e.message unless self.destroyed? end self.compiler_version = Theme.compiler_version self.value_baked = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(result.join(",")) # We don't use the compiled CSS here, we just use it to invalidate the stylesheet cache end def target_name Theme.targets[target_id].to_s end def contains_optimized_link?(text) OptimizedImage::URL_REGEX.match?(text) end def contains_ember_css_selector?(text) text.match(/#ember\d+|[.]ember-view/) end class ThemeFileMatcher OPTIONS = %i[name type target] # regex: used to match file names to fields (import). # can contain named capture groups for name/type/target # canonical: a lambda which converts name/type/target # to filename (export) # targets/names/types: can be nil if any value is allowed # single value # array of allowed values def initialize(regex:, canonical:, targets:, names:, types:) @allowed_values = {} @allowed_values[:names] = Array(names) if names @allowed_values[:targets] = Array(targets) if targets @allowed_values[:types] = Array(types) if types @canonical = canonical @regex = regex end def opts_from_filename(filename) match = @regex.match(filename) return false unless match hash = {} OPTIONS.each do |option| plural = :"#{option}s" hash[option] = @allowed_values[plural][0] if @allowed_values[plural]&.length == 1 hash[option] = match[option] if hash[option].nil? end hash end def filename_from_opts(opts) is_match = OPTIONS.all? do |option| plural = :"#{option}s" next true if @allowed_values[plural] == nil # Allows any value next true if @allowed_values[plural].include?(opts[option]) # Value is allowed end is_match ? @canonical.call(opts) : nil end end FILE_MATCHERS = [ ThemeFileMatcher.new( regex: %r{\A(?(?:mobile|desktop|common))/(?(?:head_tag|header|after_header|body_tag|footer))\.html\z}, targets: %i[mobile desktop common], names: %w[head_tag header after_header body_tag footer], types: :html, canonical: ->(h) { "#{h[:target]}/#{h[:name]}.html" }, ), ThemeFileMatcher.new( regex: %r{\A(?(?:mobile|desktop|common))/(?:\k)\.scss\z}, targets: %i[mobile desktop common], names: "scss", types: :scss, canonical: ->(h) { "#{h[:target]}/#{h[:target]}.scss" }, ), ThemeFileMatcher.new( regex: %r{\Acommon/embedded\.scss\z}, targets: :common, names: "embedded_scss", types: :scss, canonical: ->(h) { "common/embedded.scss" }, ), ThemeFileMatcher.new( regex: %r{\Acommon/color_definitions\.scss\z}, targets: :common, names: "color_definitions", types: :scss, canonical: ->(h) { "common/color_definitions.scss" }, ), ThemeFileMatcher.new( regex: %r{\A(?:scss|stylesheets)/(?.+)\.scss\z}, targets: :extra_scss, names: nil, types: :scss, canonical: ->(h) { "stylesheets/#{h[:name]}.scss" }, ), ThemeFileMatcher.new( regex: %r{\Ajavascripts/(?.+)\z}, targets: :extra_js, names: nil, types: :js, canonical: ->(h) { "javascripts/#{h[:name]}" }, ), ThemeFileMatcher.new( regex: %r{\Atest/(?.+)\z}, targets: :tests_js, names: nil, types: :js, canonical: ->(h) { "test/#{h[:name]}" }, ), ThemeFileMatcher.new( regex: /\Asettings\.ya?ml\z/, names: "yaml", types: :yaml, targets: :settings, canonical: ->(h) { "settings.yml" }, ), ThemeFileMatcher.new( regex: %r{\Alocales/(?(?:#{I18n.available_locales.join("|")}))\.yml\z}, names: I18n.available_locales.map(&:to_s), types: :yaml, targets: :translations, canonical: ->(h) { "locales/#{h[:name]}.yml" }, ), ThemeFileMatcher.new( regex: /(?!)/, # Never match uploads by filename, they must be named in about.json names: nil, types: :theme_upload_var, targets: :common, canonical: ->(h) { "assets/#{h[:name]}#{File.extname(h[:filename])}" }, ), ] # For now just work for standard fields def file_path FILE_MATCHERS.each do |matcher| if filename = matcher.filename_from_opts( target: target_name.to_sym, name: name, type: ThemeField.types[type_id], filename: upload&.original_filename, ) return filename end end nil # Not a file (e.g. a theme variable/color) end def self.opts_from_file_path(filename) FILE_MATCHERS.each do |matcher| if opts = matcher.opts_from_filename(filename) return opts end end nil end def dependent_fields if extra_scss_field? return( theme.theme_fields.where( target_id: ThemeField.basic_targets.map { |t| Theme.targets[t.to_sym] }, name: ThemeField.scss_fields, ) ) elsif settings_field? return( theme.theme_fields.where( target_id: ThemeField.basic_targets.map { |t| Theme.targets[t.to_sym] }, name: ThemeField.scss_fields + ThemeField.html_fields, ) ) end ThemeField.none end def invalidate_baked! update_column(:value_baked, nil) dependent_fields.update_all(value_baked: nil) end before_save do if (will_save_change_to_value? || will_save_change_to_upload_id?) && !will_save_change_to_value_baked? self.value_baked = nil end if upload && upload.extension == "js" if will_save_change_to_upload_id? || !javascript_cache javascript_cache ||= build_javascript_cache javascript_cache.content = upload.content end end end after_save { dependent_fields.each(&:invalidate_baked!) } after_destroy { DB.after_commit { SvgSprite.expire_cache } if svg_sprite_field? } private JAVASCRIPT_TYPES = %w[text/javascript application/javascript application/ecmascript] def inline_javascript?(node) if node["src"].present? false elsif node["type"].present? JAVASCRIPT_TYPES.include?(node["type"].downcase) else true end end end # == Schema Information # # Table name: theme_fields # # id :integer not null, primary key # theme_id :integer not null # target_id :integer not null # name :string(255) not null # value :text not null # value_baked :text # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # compiler_version :string(50) default("0"), not null # error :string # upload_id :integer # type_id :integer default(0), not null # # Indexes # # theme_field_unique_index (theme_id,target_id,type_id,name) UNIQUE #