CLOSED_POLL_PREFIXES = { "ar" => "هذا التصويت مغلق", "ca" => "Enquesta tancada", "de" => "Beendete Umfrage", "es" => "Encuesta cerrada", "fi" => "Suljettu kysely", "fr" => "Sondage fermé", "he" => "הצבעה סגורה", "it" => "Sondaggio Chiuso", "ko" => "투표 닫기", "pl_PL" => "Zamknięta ankieta", "pt" => "Votação encerrada", "pt_BR" => "Votação encerrada", "ru" => "Завершившийся опрос", "sq" => "Sondazh i Mbyllur", "te" => "మూసేసిన ఓటు", "tr_TR" => "Bitmiş Anket", "zh_CN" => "已关闭的投票:", } def poll_was_closed?(title) prefix = CLOSED_POLL_PREFIXES[SiteSetting.default_locale] || "Closed Poll" title.start_with?(prefix) end desc "Migrate old polls to new syntax" task "poll:migrate_old_polls" => :environment do require "timecop" # iterate over all polls PluginStoreRow.where(plugin_name: "poll") .where("key LIKE 'poll_options_%'") .pluck(:key) .each do |poll_options_key| # extract the post_id post_id = poll_options_key["poll_options_".length..-1].to_i # load the post from the db if post = Post.find_by(id: post_id) putc "." # skip if already migrated next if post.custom_fields.include?("polls") # go back in time Timecop.freeze(post.created_at + 1.minute) do raw = post.raw.gsub(/\n\n([ ]*[-\*\+] )/, "\n\\1") + "\n\n" # fix the RAW when needed if raw !~ /\[poll\]/ lists = /^[ ]*[-\*\+] .+?$\n\n/m.match(raw) next if lists.blank? || lists.length == 0 first_list = lists[0] raw = raw.sub(first_list, "\n[poll]\n#{first_list}\n[/poll]\n") end # save the poll post.raw = raw # make sure we have a poll next if post.custom_fields.blank? || !post.custom_fields.include?("polls") # retrieve the new options options = post.custom_fields["polls"]["poll"]["options"] # iterate over all votes PluginStoreRow.where(plugin_name: "poll") .where("key LIKE 'poll_vote_#{post_id}_%'") .pluck(:key, :value) .each do |poll_vote_key, vote| # extract the user_id user_id = poll_vote_key["poll_vote_#{post_id}_%".length..-1].to_i # find the selected option vote = vote.strip selected_option = options.detect { |o| o["html"].strip === vote } # make sure we have a match next if selected_option.blank? # submit vote, "poll", [selected_option["id"]], user_id) rescue nil end # close the poll if post.topic.archived? || post.topic.closed? || poll_was_closed?(post.topic.title) post.custom_fields["polls"]["poll"]["status"] = "closed" post.save_custom_fields(true) end end end end puts "", "Done!" end