# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' describe Admin::ThemesController do fab!(:admin) { Fabricate(:admin) } it "is a subclass of AdminController" do expect(Admin::UsersController < Admin::AdminController).to eq(true) end before do sign_in(admin) end describe '#generate_key_pair' do it 'can generate key pairs' do post "/admin/themes/generate_key_pair.json" expect(response.status).to eq(200) json = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(json["private_key"]).to include("RSA PRIVATE KEY") expect(json["public_key"]).to include("ssh-rsa ") end end describe '#upload_asset' do let(:upload) do Rack::Test::UploadedFile.new(file_from_fixtures("fake.woff2", "woff2")) end it 'can create a theme upload' do post "/admin/themes/upload_asset.json", params: { file: upload } expect(response.status).to eq(201) upload = Upload.find_by(original_filename: "fake.woff2") expect(upload.id).not_to be_nil expect(JSON.parse(response.body)["upload_id"]).to eq(upload.id) end end describe '#export' do it "exports correctly" do theme = Fabricate(:theme, name: "Awesome Theme") theme.set_field(target: :common, name: :scss, value: '.body{color: black;}') theme.set_field(target: :desktop, name: :after_header, value: 'test') theme.save! get "/admin/customize/themes/#{theme.id}/export" expect(response.status).to eq(200) # Save the output in a temp file (automatically cleaned up) file = Tempfile.new('archive.tar.zip') file.write(response.body) file.rewind uploaded_file = Rack::Test::UploadedFile.new(file.path, "application/zip") # Now import it again expect do post "/admin/themes/import.json", params: { theme: uploaded_file } expect(response.status).to eq(201) end.to change { Theme.count }.by (1) json = ::JSON.parse(response.body) expect(json["theme"]["name"]).to eq("Awesome Theme") expect(json["theme"]["theme_fields"].length).to eq(2) end end describe '#import' do let(:theme_json_file) do Rack::Test::UploadedFile.new(file_from_fixtures("sam-s-simple-theme.dcstyle.json", "json"), "application/json") end let(:theme_archive) do Rack::Test::UploadedFile.new(file_from_fixtures("discourse-test-theme.tar.gz", "themes"), "application/x-gzip") end let(:image) do file_from_fixtures("logo.png") end it 'can import a theme from Git' do RemoteTheme.stubs(:import_theme) post "/admin/themes/import.json", params: { remote: ' https://github.com/discourse/discourse-brand-header ' } expect(response.status).to eq(201) end it 'imports a theme' do post "/admin/themes/import.json", params: { theme: theme_json_file } expect(response.status).to eq(201) json = ::JSON.parse(response.body) expect(json["theme"]["name"]).to eq("Sam's Simple Theme") expect(json["theme"]["theme_fields"].length).to eq(2) expect(UserHistory.where(action: UserHistory.actions[:change_theme]).count).to eq(1) end it 'imports a theme from an archive' do existing_theme = Fabricate(:theme, name: "Header Icons") expect do post "/admin/themes/import.json", params: { theme: theme_archive } end.to change { Theme.count }.by (1) expect(response.status).to eq(201) json = ::JSON.parse(response.body) expect(json["theme"]["name"]).to eq("Header Icons") expect(json["theme"]["theme_fields"].length).to eq(5) expect(UserHistory.where(action: UserHistory.actions[:change_theme]).count).to eq(1) end it 'updates an existing theme from an archive by name' do # Old theme CLI method, remove Jan 2020 existing_theme = Fabricate(:theme, name: "Header Icons") expect do post "/admin/themes/import.json", params: { bundle: theme_archive } end.to change { Theme.count }.by (0) expect(response.status).to eq(201) json = ::JSON.parse(response.body) expect(json["theme"]["name"]).to eq("Header Icons") expect(json["theme"]["theme_fields"].length).to eq(5) expect(UserHistory.where(action: UserHistory.actions[:change_theme]).count).to eq(1) end it 'updates an existing theme from an archive by id' do # Used by theme CLI existing_theme = Fabricate(:theme, name: "Header Icons") other_existing_theme = Fabricate(:theme, name: "Some other name") messages = MessageBus.track_publish do expect do post "/admin/themes/import.json", params: { bundle: theme_archive, theme_id: other_existing_theme.id } end.to change { Theme.count }.by (0) end expect(response.status).to eq(201) json = ::JSON.parse(response.body) # Ensure only one refresh message is sent. # More than 1 is wasteful, and can trigger unusual race conditions in the client # If this test fails, it probably means `theme.save` is being called twice - check any 'autosave' relations file_change_messages = messages.filter { |m| m[:channel] == "/file-change" } expect(file_change_messages.count).to eq(1) expect(json["theme"]["name"]).to eq("Some other name") expect(json["theme"]["id"]).to eq(other_existing_theme.id) expect(json["theme"]["theme_fields"].length).to eq(5) expect(UserHistory.where(action: UserHistory.actions[:change_theme]).count).to eq(1) end it 'creates a new theme when id specified as nil' do # Used by theme CLI existing_theme = Fabricate(:theme, name: "Header Icons") expect do post "/admin/themes/import.json", params: { bundle: theme_archive, theme_id: nil } end.to change { Theme.count }.by (1) expect(response.status).to eq(201) json = ::JSON.parse(response.body) expect(json["theme"]["name"]).to eq("Header Icons") expect(json["theme"]["id"]).not_to eq(existing_theme.id) expect(json["theme"]["theme_fields"].length).to eq(5) expect(UserHistory.where(action: UserHistory.actions[:change_theme]).count).to eq(1) end end describe '#index' do it 'correctly returns themes' do ColorScheme.destroy_all Theme.destroy_all theme = Fabricate(:theme) theme.set_field(target: :common, name: :scss, value: '.body{color: black;}') theme.set_field(target: :desktop, name: :after_header, value: 'test') theme.remote_theme = RemoteTheme.new( remote_url: 'awesome.git', remote_version: '7', local_version: '8', remote_updated_at: Time.zone.now ) theme.save! # this will get serialized as well ColorScheme.create_from_base(name: "test", colors: []) get "/admin/themes.json" expect(response.status).to eq(200) json = ::JSON.parse(response.body) expect(json["extras"]["color_schemes"].length).to eq(2) theme_json = json["themes"].find { |t| t["id"] == theme.id } expect(theme_json["theme_fields"].length).to eq(2) expect(theme_json["remote_theme"]["remote_version"]).to eq("7") end end describe '#create' do it 'creates a theme' do post "/admin/themes.json", params: { theme: { name: 'my test name', theme_fields: [name: 'scss', target: 'common', value: 'body{color: red;}'] } } expect(response.status).to eq(201) json = ::JSON.parse(response.body) expect(json["theme"]["theme_fields"].length).to eq(1) expect(UserHistory.where(action: UserHistory.actions[:change_theme]).count).to eq(1) end end describe '#update' do let!(:theme) { Fabricate(:theme) } it 'returns the right response when an invalid id is given' do put "/admin/themes/99999.json" expect(response.status).to eq(400) end it 'can change default theme' do SiteSetting.default_theme_id = -1 put "/admin/themes/#{theme.id}.json", params: { id: theme.id, theme: { default: true } } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(SiteSetting.default_theme_id).to eq(theme.id) end it 'can unset default theme' do SiteSetting.default_theme_id = theme.id put "/admin/themes/#{theme.id}.json", params: { theme: { default: false } } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(SiteSetting.default_theme_id).to eq(-1) end it 'updates a theme' do theme.set_field(target: :common, name: :scss, value: '.body{color: black;}') theme.save child_theme = Fabricate(:theme, component: true) upload = Fabricate(:upload) put "/admin/themes/#{theme.id}.json", params: { theme: { child_theme_ids: [child_theme.id], name: 'my test name', theme_fields: [ { name: 'scss', target: 'common', value: '' }, { name: 'scss', target: 'desktop', value: 'body{color: blue;}' }, { name: 'bob', target: 'common', value: '', type_id: 2, upload_id: upload.id }, ] } } expect(response.status).to eq(200) json = ::JSON.parse(response.body) fields = json["theme"]["theme_fields"].sort { |a, b| a["value"] <=> b["value"] } expect(fields[0]["value"]).to eq('') expect(fields[0]["upload_id"]).to eq(upload.id) expect(fields[1]["value"]).to eq('body{color: blue;}') expect(fields.length).to eq(2) expect(json["theme"]["child_themes"].length).to eq(1) expect(UserHistory.where(action: UserHistory.actions[:change_theme]).count).to eq(1) end it 'can update translations' do theme.set_field(target: :translations, name: :en, value: { en: { somegroup: { somestring: "defaultstring" } } }.deep_stringify_keys.to_yaml) theme.save! put "/admin/themes/#{theme.id}.json", params: { theme: { translations: { "somegroup.somestring" => "overridenstring" } } } # Response correct expect(response.status).to eq(200) json = ::JSON.parse(response.body) expect(json["theme"]["translations"][0]["value"]).to eq("overridenstring") # Database correct theme.reload expect(theme.theme_translation_overrides.count).to eq(1) expect(theme.theme_translation_overrides.first.translation_key).to eq("somegroup.somestring") # Set back to default put "/admin/themes/#{theme.id}.json", params: { theme: { translations: { "somegroup.somestring" => "defaultstring" } } } # Response correct expect(response.status).to eq(200) json = ::JSON.parse(response.body) expect(json["theme"]["translations"][0]["value"]).to eq("defaultstring") # Database correct theme.reload expect(theme.theme_translation_overrides.count).to eq(0) end it 'checking for updates saves the remote_theme record' do theme.remote_theme = RemoteTheme.create!(remote_url: "http://discourse.org", remote_version: "a", local_version: "a", commits_behind: 0) theme.save! ThemeStore::GitImporter.any_instance.stubs(:import!) ThemeStore::GitImporter.any_instance.stubs(:commits_since).returns(["b", 1]) put "/admin/themes/#{theme.id}.json", params: { theme: { remote_check: true } } theme.reload expect(theme.remote_theme.remote_version).to eq("b") expect(theme.remote_theme.commits_behind).to eq(1) end it 'can disable component' do child = Fabricate(:theme, component: true) put "/admin/themes/#{child.id}.json", params: { theme: { enabled: false } } expect(response.status).to eq(200) json = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(json["theme"]["enabled"]).to eq(false) expect(UserHistory.where( context: child.id.to_s, action: UserHistory.actions[:disable_theme_component] ).size).to eq(1) expect(json["theme"]["disabled_by"]["id"]).to eq(admin.id) end it "enabling/disabling a component creates the correct staff action log" do child = Fabricate(:theme, component: true) UserHistory.destroy_all put "/admin/themes/#{child.id}.json", params: { theme: { enabled: false } } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(UserHistory.where( context: child.id.to_s, action: UserHistory.actions[:disable_theme_component] ).size).to eq(1) expect(UserHistory.where( context: child.id.to_s, action: UserHistory.actions[:enable_theme_component] ).size).to eq(0) put "/admin/themes/#{child.id}.json", params: { theme: { enabled: true } } expect(response.status).to eq(200) json = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(UserHistory.where( context: child.id.to_s, action: UserHistory.actions[:disable_theme_component] ).size).to eq(1) expect(UserHistory.where( context: child.id.to_s, action: UserHistory.actions[:enable_theme_component] ).size).to eq(1) expect(json["theme"]["disabled_by"]).to eq(nil) expect(json["theme"]["enabled"]).to eq(true) end it 'handles import errors on update' do theme.create_remote_theme!(remote_url: "https://example.com/repository") theme.save! # RemoteTheme is extensively tested, and setting up the test scaffold is a large overhead # So use a stub here to test the controller RemoteTheme.any_instance.stubs(:update_from_remote).raises(RemoteTheme::ImportError.new("error message")) put "/admin/themes/#{theme.id}.json", params: { theme: { remote_update: true } } expect(response.status).to eq(422) expect(JSON.parse(response.body)["errors"].first).to eq("error message") end it 'returns the right error message' do theme.update!(component: true) put "/admin/themes/#{theme.id}.json", params: { theme: { default: true } } expect(response.status).to eq(400) expect(JSON.parse(response.body)["errors"].first).to include(I18n.t("themes.errors.component_no_default")) end end describe '#destroy' do let!(:theme) { Fabricate(:theme) } it 'returns the right response when an invalid id is given' do delete "/admin/themes/9999.json" expect(response.status).to eq(400) end it "deletes the field's javascript cache" do theme.set_field(target: :common, name: :header, value: '') theme.save! javascript_cache = theme.theme_fields.find_by(target_id: Theme.targets[:common], name: :header).javascript_cache expect(javascript_cache).to_not eq(nil) delete "/admin/themes/#{theme.id}.json" expect(response.status).to eq(204) expect { theme.reload }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) expect { javascript_cache.reload }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end end describe '#preview' do it "should return the right response when an invalid id is given" do get "/admin/themes/9999/preview.json" expect(response.status).to eq(400) end end describe '#diff_local_changes' do let(:theme) { Fabricate(:theme) } it "should return empty for a default theme" do get "/admin/themes/#{theme.id}/diff_local_changes.json" expect(response.body).to eq("{}") end end describe '#update_single_setting' do let(:theme) { Fabricate(:theme) } before do theme.set_field(target: :settings, name: :yaml, value: "bg: red") theme.save! end it "should update a theme setting" do put "/admin/themes/#{theme.id}/setting.json", params: { name: "bg", value: "green" } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(JSON.parse(response.body)["bg"]).to eq("green") theme.reload expect(theme.included_settings[:bg]).to eq("green") user_history = UserHistory.last expect(user_history.action).to eq( UserHistory.actions[:change_theme_setting] ) end it "should clear a theme setting" do put "/admin/themes/#{theme.id}/setting.json", params: { name: "bg" } theme.reload expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(theme.included_settings[:bg]).to eq("") end end end