# encoding: utf-8 # frozen_string_literal: true # # Author: Erick Guan # # This script import the data from latest Discuz! X # Should work among Discuz! X3.x # This script is tested only on Simplified Chinese Discuz! X instances # If you want to import data other than Simplified Chinese, email me. require 'php_serialize' require 'miro' require 'mysql2' require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/base.rb") class ImportScripts::DiscuzX < ImportScripts::Base DISCUZX_DB = "ultrax" DB_TABLE_PREFIX = 'pre_' BATCH_SIZE = 1000 ORIGINAL_SITE_PREFIX = "oldsite.example.com/forums" # without http(s):// NEW_SITE_PREFIX = "http://discourse.example.com" # with http:// or https:// # Set DISCUZX_BASE_DIR to the base directory of your discuz installation. DISCUZX_BASE_DIR = '/var/www/discuz/upload' AVATAR_DIR = '/uc_server/data/avatar' ATTACHMENT_DIR = '/data/attachment/forum' AUTHORIZED_EXTENSIONS = ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'zip', 'rar', 'pdf'] def initialize super @client = Mysql2::Client.new( host: "localhost", username: "root", #password: "password", database: DISCUZX_DB ) @first_post_id_by_topic_id = {} @internal_url_regexps = [ /http(?:s)?:\/\/#{ORIGINAL_SITE_PREFIX.gsub('.', '\.')}\/forum\.php\?mod=viewthread(?:&|&)tid=(?\d+)(?:[^\[\]\s]*)(?:pid=?(?\d+))?(?:[^\[\]\s]*)/, /http(?:s)?:\/\/#{ORIGINAL_SITE_PREFIX.gsub('.', '\.')}\/viewthread\.php\?tid=(?\d+)(?:[^\[\]\s]*)(?:pid=?(?\d+))?(?:[^\[\]\s]*)/, /http(?:s)?:\/\/#{ORIGINAL_SITE_PREFIX.gsub('.', '\.')}\/forum\.php\?mod=redirect(?:&|&)goto=findpost(?:&|&)pid=(?\d+)(?:&|&)ptid=(?\d+)(?:[^\[\]\s]*)/, /http(?:s)?:\/\/#{ORIGINAL_SITE_PREFIX.gsub('.', '\.')}\/redirect\.php\?goto=findpost(?:&|&)pid=(?\d+)(?:&|&)ptid=(?\d+)(?:[^\[\]\s]*)/, /http(?:s)?:\/\/#{ORIGINAL_SITE_PREFIX.gsub('.', '\.')}\/forumdisplay\.php\?fid=(?\d+)(?:[^\[\]\s]*)/, /http(?:s)?:\/\/#{ORIGINAL_SITE_PREFIX.gsub('.', '\.')}\/forum\.php\?mod=forumdisplay(?:&|&)fid=(?\d+)(?:[^\[\]\s]*)/, /http(?:s)?:\/\/#{ORIGINAL_SITE_PREFIX.gsub('.', '\.')}\/(?index)\.php(?:[^\[\]\s]*)/, /http(?:s)?:\/\/#{ORIGINAL_SITE_PREFIX.gsub('.', '\.')}\/(?stats)\.php(?:[^\[\]\s]*)/, /http(?:s)?:\/\/#{ORIGINAL_SITE_PREFIX.gsub('.', '\.')}\/misc.php\?mod=(?stat|ranklist)(?:[^\[\]\s]*)/ ] end def execute get_knowledge_about_duplicated_email import_users import_categories import_posts import_private_messages import_attachments end # add the prefix to the table name def table_name(name = nil) DB_TABLE_PREFIX + name end # find which group members can be granted as admin def get_knowledge_about_group group_table = table_name 'common_usergroup' result = mysql_query( "SELECT groupid group_id, radminid role_id FROM #{group_table};") @moderator_group_id = [] @admin_group_id = [] #@banned_group_id = [4,5] # 禁止的用户及其帖子均不导入,如果你想导入这些用户和帖子,请把这个数组清空。 result.each do |group| case group['role_id'] when 1 # 管理员 @admin_group_id << group['group_id'] when 2, 3 # 超级版主、版主。如果你不希望原普通版主成为Discourse版主,把3去掉。 @moderator_group_id << group['group_id'] end end end def get_knowledge_about_category_slug @category_slug = {} results = mysql_query("SELECT svalue value FROM #{table_name 'common_setting'} WHERE skey = 'forumkeys'") return if results.size < 1 value = results.first['value'] return if value.blank? PHP.unserialize(value).each do |category_import_id, slug| next if slug.blank? @category_slug[category_import_id] = slug end end def get_knowledge_about_duplicated_email @duplicated_email = {} results = mysql_query( "select a.uid uid, b.uid import_id from pre_common_member a join (select uid, email from pre_common_member group by email having count(email) > 1 order by uid asc) b USING(email) where a.uid != b.uid") users = @lookup.instance_variable_get :@users results.each do |row| @duplicated_email[row['uid']] = row['import_id'] user_id = users[row['import_id']] if user_id users[row['uid']] = user_id end end end def import_users puts '', "creating users" get_knowledge_about_group sensitive_user_table = table_name 'ucenter_members' user_table = table_name 'common_member' profile_table = table_name 'common_member_profile' status_table = table_name 'common_member_status' forum_table = table_name 'common_member_field_forum' home_table = table_name 'common_member_field_home' total_count = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) count FROM #{user_table};").first['count'] batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| results = mysql_query( "SELECT u.uid id, u.username username, u.email email, u.groupid group_id, su.regdate regdate, su.password password_hash, su.salt salt, s.regip regip, s.lastip last_visit_ip, s.lastvisit last_visit_time, s.lastpost last_posted_at, s.lastsendmail last_emailed_at, u.emailstatus email_confirmed, u.avatarstatus avatar_exists, p.site website, p.address address, p.bio bio, p.realname realname, p.qq qq, p.resideprovince resideprovince, p.residecity residecity, p.residedist residedist, p.residecommunity residecommunity, p.resideprovince birthprovince, p.birthcity birthcity, p.birthdist birthdist, p.birthcommunity birthcommunity, h.spacecss spacecss, h.spacenote spacenote, f.customstatus customstatus, f.sightml sightml FROM #{user_table} u LEFT JOIN #{sensitive_user_table} su USING(uid) LEFT JOIN #{profile_table} p USING(uid) LEFT JOIN #{status_table} s USING(uid) LEFT JOIN #{forum_table} f USING(uid) LEFT JOIN #{home_table} h USING(uid) ORDER BY u.uid ASC LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} OFFSET #{offset};") break if results.size < 1 # TODO: breaks the scipt reported by some users # next if all_records_exist? :users, users.map {|u| u["id"].to_i} create_users(results, total: total_count, offset: offset) do |user| { id: user['id'], email: user['email'], username: user['username'], name: first_exists(user['realname'], user['customstatus'], user['username']), import_pass: user['password_hash'], active: true, salt: user['salt'], # TODO: title: user['customstatus'], # move custom title to name since discourse can't let user custom title https://meta.discourse.org/t/let-users-custom-their-title/37626 created_at: user['regdate'] ? Time.zone.at(user['regdate']) : nil, registration_ip_address: user['regip'], ip_address: user['last_visit_ip'], last_seen_at: user['last_visit_time'], last_emailed_at: user['last_emailed_at'], last_posted_at: user['last_posted_at'], moderator: @moderator_group_id.include?(user['group_id']), admin: @admin_group_id.include?(user['group_id']), website: (user['website'] && user['website'].include?('.')) ? user['website'].strip : (user['qq'] && user['qq'].strip == (user['qq'].strip.to_i) && user['qq'].strip.to_i > (10000)) ? 'http://user.qzone.qq.com/' + user['qq'].strip : nil, bio_raw: first_exists((user['bio'] && CGI.unescapeHTML(user['bio'])), user['sightml'], user['spacenote']).strip[0, 3000], location: first_exists(user['address'], (!user['resideprovince'].blank? ? [user['resideprovince'], user['residecity'], user['residedist'], user['residecommunity']] : [user['birthprovince'], user['birthcity'], user['birthdist'], user['birthcommunity']]).reject { |location|location.blank? }.join(' ')), post_create_action: lambda do |newmember| if user['avatar_exists'] == (1) && newmember.uploaded_avatar_id.blank? path, filename = discuzx_avatar_fullpath(user['id']) if path begin upload = create_upload(newmember.id, path, filename) if !upload.nil? && upload.persisted? newmember.import_mode = false newmember.create_user_avatar newmember.import_mode = true newmember.user_avatar.update(custom_upload_id: upload.id) newmember.update(uploaded_avatar_id: upload.id) else puts "Error: Upload did not persist!" end rescue SystemCallError => err puts "Could not import avatar: #{err.message}" end end end if !user['spacecss'].blank? && newmember.user_profile.profile_background_upload.blank? # profile background if matched = user['spacecss'].match(/body\s*{[^}]*url\('?(.+?)'?\)/i) body_background = matched[1].split(ORIGINAL_SITE_PREFIX, 2).last end if matched = user['spacecss'].match(/#hd\s*{[^}]*url\('?(.+?)'?\)/i) header_background = matched[1].split(ORIGINAL_SITE_PREFIX, 2).last end if matched = user['spacecss'].match(/.blocktitle\s*{[^}]*url\('?(.+?)'?\)/i) blocktitle_background = matched[1].split(ORIGINAL_SITE_PREFIX, 2).last end if matched = user['spacecss'].match(/#ct\s*{[^}]*url\('?(.+?)'?\)/i) content_background = matched[1].split(ORIGINAL_SITE_PREFIX, 2).last end if body_background || header_background || blocktitle_background || content_background profile_background = first_exists(header_background, body_background, content_background, blocktitle_background) card_background = first_exists(content_background, body_background, header_background, blocktitle_background) upload = create_upload(newmember.id, File.join(DISCUZX_BASE_DIR, profile_background), File.basename(profile_background)) if upload newmember.user_profile.upload_profile_background upload else puts "WARNING: #{user['username']} (UID: #{user['id']}) profile_background file did not persist!" end upload = create_upload(newmember.id, File.join(DISCUZX_BASE_DIR, card_background), File.basename(card_background)) if upload newmember.user_profile.upload_card_background upload else puts "WARNING: #{user['username']} (UID: #{user['id']}) card_background file did not persist!" end end end # we don't send email to the unconfirmed user newmember.update(email_digests: user['email_confirmed'] == 1) if newmember.email_digests newmember.update(name: '') if !newmember.name.blank? && newmember.name == (newmember.username) end } end end end def import_categories puts '', "creating categories" get_knowledge_about_category_slug forums_table = table_name 'forum_forum' forums_data_table = table_name 'forum_forumfield' results = mysql_query(" SELECT f.fid id, f.fup parent_id, f.name, f.type type, f.status status, f.displayorder position, d.description description, d.rules rules, d.icon, d.extra extra FROM #{forums_table} f LEFT JOIN #{forums_data_table} d USING(fid) ORDER BY parent_id ASC, id ASC ") max_position = Category.all.max_by(&:position).position create_categories(results) do |row| next if row['type'] == ('group') || row['status'] == (2) # or row['status'].to_i == 3 # 如果不想导入群组,取消注释 extra = PHP.unserialize(row['extra']) if !row['extra'].blank? if extra && !extra["namecolor"].blank? color = extra["namecolor"][1, 6] end Category.all.max_by(&:position).position h = { id: row['id'], name: row['name'], description: row['description'], position: row['position'].to_i + max_position, color: color, suppress_from_latest: (row['status'] == (0) || row['status'] == (3)), post_create_action: lambda do |category| if slug = @category_slug[row['id']] category.update(slug: slug) end raw = process_discuzx_post(row['rules'], nil) if @bbcode_to_md raw = raw.bbcode_to_md(false) rescue raw end category.topic.posts.first.update_attribute(:raw, raw) if !row['icon'].empty? upload = create_upload(Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID, File.join(DISCUZX_BASE_DIR, ATTACHMENT_DIR, '../common', row['icon']), File.basename(row['icon'])) if upload category.uploaded_logo_id = upload.id # FIXME: I don't know how to get '/shared' by script. May change to Rails.root category.color = Miro::DominantColors.new(File.join('/shared', upload.url)).to_hex.first[1, 6] if !color category.save! end end category end } if row['parent_id'].to_i > 0 h[:parent_category_id] = category_id_from_imported_category_id(row['parent_id']) end h end end def import_posts puts "", "creating topics and posts" users_table = table_name 'common_member' posts_table = table_name 'forum_post' topics_table = table_name 'forum_thread' total_count = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) count FROM #{posts_table}").first['count'] batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| results = mysql_query(" SELECT p.pid id, p.tid topic_id, t.fid category_id, t.subject title, p.authorid user_id, p.message raw, p.dateline post_time, p2.pid first_id, p.invisible status, t.special special FROM #{posts_table} p JOIN #{posts_table} p2 ON p2.first AND p2.tid = p.tid JOIN #{topics_table} t ON t.tid = p.tid where t.tid < 10000 ORDER BY id ASC, topic_id ASC LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} OFFSET #{offset}; ") # u.status != -1 AND u.groupid != 4 AND u.groupid != 5 用户未被锁定、禁访或禁言。在现实中的 Discuz 论坛,禁止的用户通常是广告机或驱逐的用户,这些不需要导入。 break if results.size < 1 next if all_records_exist? :posts, results.map { |p| p["id"].to_i } create_posts(results, total: total_count, offset: offset) do |m| skip = false mapped = {} mapped[:id] = m['id'] mapped[:user_id] = user_id_from_imported_user_id(m['user_id']) || -1 mapped[:raw] = process_discuzx_post(m['raw'], m['id']) mapped[:created_at] = Time.zone.at(m['post_time']) mapped[:tags] = m['tags'] if m['id'] == m['first_id'] mapped[:category] = category_id_from_imported_category_id(m['category_id']) mapped[:title] = CGI.unescapeHTML(m['title']) if m['special'] == 1 results = mysql_query(" SELECT multiple, maxchoices FROM #{table_name 'forum_poll'} WHERE tid = #{m['topic_id']}") poll = results.first || {} results = mysql_query(" SELECT polloption FROM #{table_name 'forum_polloption'} WHERE tid = #{m['topic_id']} ORDER BY displayorder") if results.empty? puts "WARNING: can't find poll options for topic #{m['topic_id']}, skip poll" else mapped[:raw].prepend "[poll#{poll['multiple'] ? ' type=multiple' : ''}#{poll['maxchoices'] > 0 ? " max=#{poll['maxchoices']}" : ''}]\n#{results.map { |option|'- ' + option['polloption'] }.join("\n")}\n[/poll]\n" end end else parent = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id(m['first_id']) if parent mapped[:topic_id] = parent[:topic_id] reply_post_import_id = find_post_id_by_quote_number(m['raw']) if reply_post_import_id post_id = post_id_from_imported_post_id(reply_post_import_id.to_i) if (post = Post.find_by(id: post_id)) if post.topic_id == mapped[:topic_id] mapped[:reply_to_post_number] = post.post_number else puts "post #{m['id']} reply to another topic, skip reply" end else puts "post #{m['id']} reply to not exists post #{reply_post_import_id}, skip reply" end end else puts "Parent topic #{m['topic_id']} doesn't exist. Skipping #{m['id']}: #{m['title'][0..40]}" skip = true end end if m['status'] & 1 == 1 || mapped[:raw].blank? mapped[:post_create_action] = lambda do |action_post| PostDestroyer.new(Discourse.system_user, action_post).perform_delete end elsif (m['status'] & 2) >> 1 == 1 # waiting for approve mapped[:post_create_action] = lambda do |action_post| PostActionCreator.notify_user(Discourse.system_user, action_post) end end skip ? nil : mapped end end end def import_bookmarks puts '', 'creating bookmarks' favorites_table = table_name 'home_favorite' posts_table = table_name 'forum_post' total_count = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) count FROM #{favorites_table} WHERE idtype = 'tid'").first['count'] batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| results = mysql_query(" SELECT p.pid post_id, f.uid user_id FROM #{favorites_table} f JOIN #{posts_table} p ON f.id = p.tid WHERE f.idtype = 'tid' AND p.first LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} OFFSET #{offset};") break if results.size < 1 # next if all_records_exist? create_bookmarks(results, total: total_count, offset: offset) do |row| { user_id: row['user_id'], post_id: row['post_id'] } end end end def import_private_messages puts '', 'creating private messages' pm_indexes = table_name 'ucenter_pm_indexes' pm_messages = table_name 'ucenter_pm_messages' total_count = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) count FROM #{pm_indexes}").first['count'] batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| results = mysql_query(" SELECT pmid id, plid thread_id, authorid user_id, message, dateline created_at FROM #{pm_messages}_1 UNION SELECT pmid id, plid thread_id, authorid user_id, message, dateline created_at FROM #{pm_messages}_2 UNION SELECT pmid id, plid thread_id, authorid user_id, message, dateline created_at FROM #{pm_messages}_3 UNION SELECT pmid id, plid thread_id, authorid user_id, message, dateline created_at FROM #{pm_messages}_4 UNION SELECT pmid id, plid thread_id, authorid user_id, message, dateline created_at FROM #{pm_messages}_5 UNION SELECT pmid id, plid thread_id, authorid user_id, message, dateline created_at FROM #{pm_messages}_6 UNION SELECT pmid id, plid thread_id, authorid user_id, message, dateline created_at FROM #{pm_messages}_7 UNION SELECT pmid id, plid thread_id, authorid user_id, message, dateline created_at FROM #{pm_messages}_8 UNION SELECT pmid id, plid thread_id, authorid user_id, message, dateline created_at FROM #{pm_messages}_9 ORDER BY thread_id ASC, id ASC LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} OFFSET #{offset};") break if results.size < 1 # next if all_records_exist? :posts, results.map {|m| "pm:#{m['id']}"} create_posts(results, total: total_count, offset: offset) do |m| skip = false mapped = {} mapped[:id] = "pm:#{m['id']}" mapped[:user_id] = user_id_from_imported_user_id(m['user_id']) || -1 mapped[:raw] = process_discuzx_post(m['message'], m['id']) mapped[:created_at] = Time.zone.at(m['created_at']) thread_id = "pm_#{m['thread_id']}" if is_first_pm(m['id'], m['thread_id']) # find the title from list table pm_thread = mysql_query(" SELECT plid thread_id, subject FROM #{table_name 'ucenter_pm_lists'} WHERE plid = #{m['thread_id']};").first mapped[:title] = pm_thread['subject'] mapped[:archetype] = Archetype.private_message # Find the users who are part of this private message. import_user_ids = mysql_query(" SELECT plid thread_id, uid user_id FROM #{table_name 'ucenter_pm_members'} WHERE plid = #{m['thread_id']}; ").map { |r| r['user_id'] }.uniq mapped[:target_usernames] = import_user_ids.map! do |import_user_id| import_user_id.to_s == m['user_id'].to_s ? nil : User.find_by(id: user_id_from_imported_user_id(import_user_id)).try(:username) end.compact if mapped[:target_usernames].empty? # pm with yourself? skip = true puts "Skipping pm:#{m['id']} due to no target" else @first_post_id_by_topic_id[thread_id] = mapped[:id] end else parent = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id(@first_post_id_by_topic_id[thread_id]) if parent mapped[:topic_id] = parent[:topic_id] else puts "Parent post pm thread:#{thread_id} doesn't exist. Skipping #{m["id"]}: #{m["message"][0..40]}" skip = true end end skip ? nil : mapped end end end # search for first pm id for the series of pm def is_first_pm(pm_id, thread_id) result = mysql_query(" SELECT pmid id FROM #{table_name 'ucenter_pm_indexes'} WHERE plid = #{thread_id} ORDER BY id") result.first['id'].to_s == pm_id.to_s end def process_and_upload_inline_images(raw) inline_image_regex = /\[img\]([\s\S]*?)\[\/img\]/ s = raw.dup s.gsub!(inline_image_regex) do |d| matches = inline_image_regex.match(d) data = matches[1] upload, filename = upload_inline_image data upload ? html_for_upload(upload, filename) : nil end end def process_discuzx_post(raw, import_id) # raw = process_and_upload_inline_images(raw) s = raw.dup # Strip the quote # [quote] quotation includes the topic which is the same as reply to in Discourse # We get the pid to find the post number the post reply to. So it can be stripped s = s.gsub(/\[b\]回复 \[url=forum.php\?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&pid=\d+&ptid=\d+\].* 的帖子\[\/url\]\[\/b\]/i, '').strip s = s.gsub(/\[b\]回复 \[url=https?:\/\/#{ORIGINAL_SITE_PREFIX}\/redirect.php\?goto=findpost&pid=\d+&ptid=\d+\].*?\[\/url\].*?\[\/b\]/i, '').strip s.gsub!(/\[quote\](.*)?\[\/quote\]/im) do |matched| content = $1 post_import_id = find_post_id_by_quote_number(content) if post_import_id post_id = post_id_from_imported_post_id(post_import_id.to_i) if (post = Post.find_by(id: post_id)) "[quote=\"#{post.user.username}\", post: #{post.post_number}, topic: #{post.topic_id}]\n#{content}\n[/quote]" else puts "post #{import_id} quote to not exists post #{post_import_id}, skip reply" matched[0] end else matched[0] end end s.gsub!(/\[size=2\]\[color=#999999\].*? 发表于 [\d\-\: ]*\[\/color\] \[url=forum.php\?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&pid=\d+&ptid=\d+\].*?\[\/url\]\[\/size\]/i, '') s.gsub!(/\[size=2\]\[color=#999999\].*? 发表于 [\d\-\: ]*\[\/color\] \[url=https?:\/\/#{ORIGINAL_SITE_PREFIX}\/redirect.php\?goto=findpost&pid=\d+&ptid=\d+\].*?\[\/url\]\[\/size\]/i, '') # convert quote s.gsub!(/\[quote\](.*?)\[\/quote\]/m) { "\n" + ($1.strip).gsub(/^/, '> ') + "\n" } # truncate line space, preventing line starting with many blanks to be parsed as code blocks s.gsub!(/^ {4,}/, ' ') # TODO: Much better to use bbcode-to-md gem # Convert image bbcode with width and height s.gsub!(/\[img[^\]]*\]https?:\/\/#{ORIGINAL_SITE_PREFIX}\/(.*)\[\/img\]/i, '[x-attach]\1[/x-attach]') # dont convert attachment s.gsub!(/]*src="https?:\/\/#{ORIGINAL_SITE_PREFIX}\/(.*)".*?>/i, '[x-attach]\1[/x-attach]') # dont convert attachment s.gsub!(/\[img[^\]]*\]https?:\/\/www\.touhou\.cc\/blog\/(.*)\[\/img\]/i, '[x-attach]../blog/\1[/x-attach]') # 私货 s.gsub!(/\[img[^\]]*\]https?:\/\/www\.touhou\.cc\/ucenter\/avatar.php\?uid=(\d+)[^\]]*\[\/img\]/i) { "[x-attach]#{discuzx_avatar_fullpath($1, false)[0]}[/x-attach]" } # 私货 s.gsub!(/\[img=(\d+),(\d+)\]([^\]]*)\[\/img\]/i, '') s.gsub!(/\[img\]([^\]]*)\[\/img\]/i, '') s.gsub!(/\[qq\]([^\]]*)\[\/qq\]/i, 'QQ 交谈') s.gsub!(/\[email\]([^\]]*)\[\/email\]/i, '[url=mailto:\1]\1[/url]') # bbcode-to-md can convert it s.gsub!(/\[s\]([^\]]*)\[\/s\]/i, '\1') s.gsub!(/\[sup\]([^\]]*)\[\/sup\]/i, '\1') s.gsub!(/\[sub\]([^\]]*)\[\/sub\]/i, '\1') s.gsub!(/\[hr\]/i, "\n---\n") # remove the media tag s.gsub!(/\[\/?media[^\]]*\]/i, "\n") s.gsub!(/\[\/?flash[^\]]*\]/i, "\n") s.gsub!(/\[\/?audio[^\]]*\]/i, "\n") s.gsub!(/\[\/?video[^\]]*\]/i, "\n") # Remove the font, p and backcolor tag # Discourse doesn't support the font tag s.gsub!(/\[font=[^\]]*?\]/i, '') s.gsub!(/\[\/font\]/i, '') s.gsub!(/\[p=[^\]]*?\]/i, '') s.gsub!(/\[\/p\]/i, '') s.gsub!(/\[backcolor=[^\]]*?\]/i, '') s.gsub!(/\[\/backcolor\]/i, '') # Remove the size tag # I really have no idea what is this s.gsub!(/\[size=[^\]]*?\]/i, '') s.gsub!(/\[\/size\]/i, '') # Remove the color tag s.gsub!(/\[color=[^\]]*?\]/i, '') s.gsub!(/\[\/color\]/i, '') # Remove the hide tag s.gsub!(/\[\/?hide\]/i, '') s.gsub!(/\[\/?free[^\]]*\]/i, "\n") # Remove the align tag # still don't know what it is s.gsub!(/\[align=[^\]]*?\]/i, "\n") s.gsub!(/\[\/align\]/i, "\n") s.gsub!(/\[float=[^\]]*?\]/i, "\n") s.gsub!(/\[\/float\]/i, "\n") # Convert code s.gsub!(/\[\/?code\]/i, "\n```\n") # The edit notice should be removed # example: 本帖最后由 Helloworld 于 2015-1-28 22:05 编辑 s.gsub!(/\[i=s\] 本帖最后由[\s\S]*?编辑 \[\/i\]/, '') # Convert the custom smileys to emojis # `{:cry:}` to `:cry` s.gsub!(/\{(\:\S*?\:)\}/, '\1') # Replace internal forum links that aren't in the format # convert list tags to ul and list=1 tags to ol # (basically, we're only missing list=a here...) s.gsub!(/\[list\](.*?)\[\/list:u\]/m, '[ul]\1[/ul]') s.gsub!(/\[list=1\](.*?)\[\/list:o\]/m, '[ol]\1[/ol]') # convert *-tags to li-tags so bbcode-to-md can do its magic on phpBB's lists: s.gsub!(/\[\*\](.*?)\[\/\*:m\]/, '[li]\1[/li]') # Discuz can create PM out of a post, which will generates like # [url=http://example.com/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&pid=111&ptid=11][b]关于您在“主题名称”的帖子[/b][/url] s.gsub!(pm_url_regexp) do |discuzx_link| replace_internal_link(discuzx_link, $1) end # [url][b]text[/b][/url] to **[url]text[/url]** s.gsub!(/(\[url=[^\[\]]*?\])\[b\](\S*)\[\/b\](\[\/url\])/, '**\1\2\3**') @internal_url_regexps.each do |internal_url_regexp| s.gsub!(internal_url_regexp) do |discuzx_link| replace_internal_link(discuzx_link, ($~[:tid].to_i rescue nil), ($~[:pid].to_i rescue nil), ($~[:fid].to_i rescue nil), ($~[:action] rescue nil)) end end # @someone without the url s.gsub!(/@\[url=[^\[\]]*?\](\S*)\[\/url\]/i, '@\1') s.scan(/http(?:s)?:\/\/#{ORIGINAL_SITE_PREFIX.gsub('.', '\.')}\/[^\[\]\s]*/) { |link|puts "WARNING: post #{import_id} can't replace internal url #{link}" } s.strip end def replace_internal_link(discuzx_link, import_topic_id, import_post_id, import_category_id, action) if import_post_id post_id = post_id_from_imported_post_id import_post_id if post_id post = Post.find post_id return post.full_url if post end end if import_topic_id results = mysql_query("SELECT pid FROM #{table_name 'forum_post'} WHERE tid = #{import_topic_id} AND first LIMIT 1") return discuzx_link unless results.size > 0 linked_post_id = results.first['pid'] lookup = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id(linked_post_id) if lookup return "#{NEW_SITE_PREFIX}#{lookup[:url]}" else return discuzx_link end end if import_category_id category_id = category_id_from_imported_category_id import_category_id if category_id category = Category.find category_id return category.url if category end end case action when 'index' return "#{NEW_SITE_PREFIX}/" when 'stat', 'stats', 'ranklist' return "#{NEW_SITE_PREFIX}/users" end discuzx_link end def pm_url_regexp @pm_url_regexp ||= Regexp.new("http(?:s)?://#{ORIGINAL_SITE_PREFIX.gsub('.', '\.')}/forum\\.php\\?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&pid=\\d+&ptid=(\\d+)") end # This step is done separately because it can take multiple attempts to get right (because of # missing files, wrong paths, authorized extensions, etc.). def import_attachments setting = AUTHORIZED_EXTENSIONS.join('|') SiteSetting.authorized_extensions = setting if setting != SiteSetting.authorized_extensions attachment_regex = /\[attach\](\d+)\[\/attach\]/ attachment_link_regex = /\[x-attach\](.+)\[\/x-attach\]/ current_count = 0 total_count = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) count FROM #{table_name 'forum_post'};").first['count'] success_count = 0 fail_count = 0 puts '', "Importing attachments...", '' Post.find_each do |post| next unless post.custom_fields['import_id'] == post.custom_fields['import_id'].to_i.to_s user = post.user current_count += 1 print_status current_count, total_count new_raw = post.raw.dup inline_attachments = [] new_raw.gsub!(attachment_regex) do |s| attachment_id = $1.to_i inline_attachments.push attachment_id upload, filename = find_upload(user, post, attachment_id) unless upload fail_count += 1 next end html_for_upload(upload, filename) end new_raw.gsub!(attachment_link_regex) do |s| attachment_file = $1 filename = File.basename(attachment_file) upload = create_upload(user.id, File.join(DISCUZX_BASE_DIR, attachment_file), filename) unless upload fail_count += 1 next end html_for_upload(upload, filename) end sql = "SELECT aid FROM #{table_name 'forum_attachment'} WHERE pid = #{post.custom_fields['import_id']}" if !inline_attachments.empty? sql << " AND aid NOT IN (#{inline_attachments.join(',')})" end results = mysql_query(sql) results.each do |attachment| attachment_id = attachment['aid'] upload, filename = find_upload(user, post, attachment_id) unless upload fail_count += 1 next end html = html_for_upload(upload, filename) unless new_raw.include? html new_raw << "\n" new_raw << html end end if new_raw != post.raw PostRevisor.new(post).revise!(post.user, { raw: new_raw }, bypass_bump: true, edit_reason: '从 Discuz 中导入附件') end success_count += 1 end puts '', '' puts "succeeded: #{success_count}" puts " failed: #{fail_count}" if fail_count > 0 puts '' end # Create the full path to the discuz avatar specified from user id def discuzx_avatar_fullpath(user_id, absolute = true) padded_id = user_id.to_s.rjust(9, '0') part_1 = padded_id[0..2] part_2 = padded_id[3..4] part_3 = padded_id[5..6] part_4 = padded_id[-2..-1] file_name = "#{part_4}_avatar_big.jpg" if absolute return File.join(DISCUZX_BASE_DIR, AVATAR_DIR, part_1, part_2, part_3, file_name), file_name else return File.join(AVATAR_DIR, part_1, part_2, part_3, file_name), file_name end end # post id is in the quote block def find_post_id_by_quote_number(raw) case raw when /\[url=forum.php\?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&pid=(\d+)&ptid=\d+\]/ #standard $1 when /\[url=https?:\/\/#{ORIGINAL_SITE_PREFIX}\/redirect.php\?goto=findpost&pid=(\d+)&ptid=\d+\]/ # old discuz 7 format $1 when /\[quote\][\S\s]*pid=(\d+)[\S\s]*\[\/quote\]/ # quote $1 end end # for some reason, discuz inlined some png file # the corresponding image stored is broken in a way def upload_inline_image(data) return unless data puts 'Creating inline image' encoded_photo = data['data:image/png;base64,'.length .. -1] if encoded_photo raw_file = Base64.decode64(encoded_photo) else puts 'Error parsed inline photo', data[0..20] return end real_filename = "#{SecureRandom.hex}.png" filename = Tempfile.new(['inline', '.png']) begin filename.binmode filename.write(raw_file) filename.rewind upload = create_upload(Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID, filename, real_filename) ensure filename.close rescue nil filename.unlink rescue nil end if upload.nil? || !upload.valid? puts "Upload not valid :(" puts upload.errors.inspect if upload return nil end return upload, real_filename end # find the uploaded file and real name from the db def find_upload(user, post, upload_id) attachment_table = table_name 'forum_attachment' # search for table id sql = "SELECT a.pid post_id, a.aid upload_id, a.tableid table_id FROM #{attachment_table} a WHERE a.pid = #{post.custom_fields['import_id']} AND a.aid = #{upload_id};" results = mysql_query(sql) unless (meta_data = results.first) puts "Couldn't find forum_attachment record meta data for post.id = #{post.id}, import_id = #{post.custom_fields['import_id']}" return nil end # search for uploaded file meta data sql = "SELECT a.pid post_id, a.aid upload_id, a.tid topic_id, a.uid user_id, a.dateline uploaded_time, a.filename real_filename, a.attachment attachment_path, a.remote is_remote, a.description description, a.isimage is_image, a.thumb is_thumb FROM #{attachment_table}_#{meta_data['table_id']} a WHERE a.aid = #{upload_id};" results = mysql_query(sql) unless (row = results.first) puts "Couldn't find attachment record for post.id = #{post.id}, import_id = #{post.custom_fields['import_id']}" return nil end filename = File.join(DISCUZX_BASE_DIR, ATTACHMENT_DIR, row['attachment_path']) unless File.exists?(filename) puts "Attachment file doesn't exist: #{filename}" return nil end real_filename = row['real_filename'] real_filename.prepend SecureRandom.hex if real_filename[0] == '.' upload = create_upload(user.id, filename, real_filename) if upload.nil? || !upload.valid? puts "Upload not valid :(" puts upload.errors.inspect if upload return nil end return upload, real_filename rescue Mysql2::Error => e puts "SQL Error" puts e.message puts sql return nil end def first_exists(*items) items.find { |item|!item.blank? } || '' end def mysql_query(sql) @client.query(sql, cache_rows: false) end end ImportScripts::DiscuzX.new.perform