# frozen_string_literal: true require "html_to_markdown" RSpec.describe HtmlToMarkdown do def html_to_markdown(html, opts = {}) HtmlToMarkdown.new(html, opts).to_markdown end it "remove whitespaces" do html = <<-HTML <div dir="auto">Hello, <div dir="auto"><br></div> <div dir="auto"> This is the 1st paragraph. </div> <div dir="auto"><br></div> <div dir="auto"> This is another paragraph </div> </div> HTML expect(html_to_markdown(html)).to eq( "Hello,\n\nThis is the 1st paragraph.\n\nThis is another paragraph", ) html = <<~HTML <body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <p>Let me see if it happens by answering your message through Thunderbird.</p> <p>Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 </p> </body> HTML markdown = <<~MD Let me see if it happens by answering your message through Thunderbird. Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 Long sentence 1 MD expect(html_to_markdown(html)).to eq(markdown.strip) html = <<~HTML <p> This post has lots<br> of space </p> <pre> This space was left untouched !</pre> HTML markdown = <<~MD This post has lots of space ``` This space was left untouched ! ``` MD expect(html_to_markdown(html)).to eq(markdown.strip) end it "doesn't error on non-inline elements like (aside, section)" do html = <<~HTML <aside class="quote no-group"> <blockquote> <p>Hello,<br>is it me you're looking for?</p> </blockquote> <br> </aside> HTML markdown = <<~MD > Hello, > is it me you're looking for? MD expect(html_to_markdown(html)).to eq(markdown.strip) end it "skips hidden tags" do expect(html_to_markdown("<p>Hello <span hidden>cruel </span>World!</p>")).to eq("Hello World!") end it "converts <strong>" do expect(html_to_markdown("<strong>Strong</strong>")).to eq("**Strong**") expect(html_to_markdown("<strong>Str*ng</strong>")).to eq("__Str*ng__") end it "converts <b>" do expect(html_to_markdown("<b>Bold</b>")).to eq("**Bold**") expect(html_to_markdown("<b>B*ld</b>")).to eq("__B*ld__") html = <<~HTML Before <p><b>Bold <br> <br> </b> </p> After HTML expect(html_to_markdown(html)).to eq("Before\n\n**Bold**\n\nAfter") end it "converts <em>" do expect(html_to_markdown("<em>Emphasis</em>")).to eq("*Emphasis*") expect(html_to_markdown("<em>Emph*sis</em>")).to eq("_Emph*sis_") end it "converts <i>" do expect(html_to_markdown("<i>Italic</i>")).to eq("*Italic*") expect(html_to_markdown("<i>It*lic</i>")).to eq("_It*lic_") end it "converts <a>" do expect(html_to_markdown(%Q{<a href="https://www.discourse.org">Discourse</a>})).to eq( "[Discourse](https://www.discourse.org)", ) end it "supports SiteSetting.allowed_href_schemes" do SiteSetting.allowed_href_schemes = "tel|steam" expect(html_to_markdown(%Q{<a href="steam://store/48000">LIMBO</a>})).to eq( "[LIMBO](steam://store/48000)", ) end it "removes empty & invalid <a>" do expect(html_to_markdown("<a>Discourse</a>")).to eq("Discourse") expect(html_to_markdown(%Q{<a href="">Discourse</a>})).to eq("Discourse") expect(html_to_markdown(%Q{<a href="foo.bar">Discourse</a>})).to eq("Discourse") end HTML_WITH_IMG ||= %Q{<img src="https://www.discourse.org/logo.svg" alt="Discourse Logo">} HTML_WITH_CID_IMG ||= %Q{<img src="cid:ii_1525434659ddb4cb" title="Discourse Logo">} it "converts <img>" do expect(html_to_markdown(HTML_WITH_IMG)).to eq( "", ) end it "keeps <img> with 'keep_img_tags'" do expect(html_to_markdown(HTML_WITH_IMG, keep_img_tags: true)).to eq(HTML_WITH_IMG) end it "removes empty & invalid <img>" do expect(html_to_markdown("<img>")).to eq("") expect(html_to_markdown(%Q{<img src="">})).to eq("") expect(html_to_markdown(%Q{<img src="foo.bar">})).to eq("") end it "keeps <img> with src='cid:' with 'keep_cid_imgs'" do expect(html_to_markdown(HTML_WITH_CID_IMG, keep_cid_imgs: true)).to eq(HTML_WITH_CID_IMG) end it "skips hidden <img>" do expect(html_to_markdown(%Q{<img src="https://www.discourse.org/logo.svg" width=0>})).to eq("") expect(html_to_markdown(%Q{<img src="https://www.discourse.org/logo.svg" height="0">})).to eq( "", ) end it "supports width/height on <img>" do expect(html_to_markdown(%Q{<img src="https://www.discourse.org/logo.svg" height=100>})).to eq( "", ) expect(html_to_markdown(%Q{<img src="https://www.discourse.org/logo.svg" width=200>})).to eq( "", ) expect( html_to_markdown(%Q{<img src="https://www.discourse.org/logo.svg" height=100 width=200>}), ).to eq("") end (1..6).each do |n| it "converts <h#{n}>" do expect(html_to_markdown("<h#{n}>Header #{n}</h#{n}>")).to eq("#" * n + " Header #{n}") end end it "converts <br>" do expect(html_to_markdown("Before<br>Inside<br>After")).to eq("Before\nInside\nAfter") end it "skips <br> inside <p> if next character is \n" do expect(html_to_markdown("<p>Before<br>\nInside<br>After</p>")).to eq("Before\nInside\nAfter") end it "converts <hr>" do expect(html_to_markdown("Before<hr>Inside<hr>After")).to eq( "Before\n\n---\n\nInside\n\n---\n\nAfter", ) end it "converts <tt>" do expect(html_to_markdown("<tt>Teletype</tt>")).to eq("`Teletype`") end it "converts <code>" do expect(html_to_markdown("<code>Code</code>")).to eq("`Code`") end it "supports <ins>" do expect(html_to_markdown("This is an <ins>insertion</ins>")).to eq( "This is an <ins>insertion</ins>", ) end it "supports <del>" do expect(html_to_markdown("This is a <del>deletion</del>")).to eq("This is a <del>deletion</del>") end it "supports <sub>" do expect(html_to_markdown("H<sub>2</sub>O")).to eq("H<sub>2</sub>O") end it "supports <mark>" do expect(html_to_markdown("<mark>This is highlighted!</mark>")).to eq( "<mark>This is highlighted!</mark>", ) end it "supports <sup>" do expect(html_to_markdown("<sup>Super Script!</sup>")).to eq("<sup>Super Script!</sup>") end it "supports <small>" do expect(html_to_markdown("<small>Small</small>")).to eq("<small>Small</small>") end it "supports <kbd>" do expect(html_to_markdown("<kbd>CTRL</kbd>+<kbd>C</kbd>")).to eq("<kbd>CTRL</kbd>+<kbd>C</kbd>") end it "supports <abbr>" do expect( html_to_markdown(%Q{<abbr title="Civilized Discourse Construction Kit, Inc.">CDCK</abbr>}), ).to eq(%Q{<abbr title="Civilized Discourse Construction Kit, Inc.">CDCK</abbr>}) end it "supports <s>" do expect(html_to_markdown("<s>Strike Through</s>")).to eq("~~Strike Through~~") end it "supports <strike>" do expect(html_to_markdown("<strike>Strike Through</strike>")).to eq("~~Strike Through~~") end it "supports <blockquote>" do expect(html_to_markdown("<blockquote>Quote</blockquote>")).to eq("> Quote") end it "supports <ul>" do expect(html_to_markdown("<ul><li>🍏</li><li>🍐</li><li>🍌</li></ul>")).to eq("- 🍏\n- 🍐\n- 🍌") expect(html_to_markdown("<ul>\n<li>🍏</li>\n<li>🍐</li>\n<li>🍌</li>\n</ul>")).to eq( "- 🍏\n- 🍐\n- 🍌", ) end it "supports <ol>" do expect(html_to_markdown("<ol><li>🍆</li><li>🍅</li><li>🍄</li></ol>")).to eq("1. 🍆\n1. 🍅\n1. 🍄") end it "supports <p> inside <li>" do expect(html_to_markdown("<ul><li><p>🍏</p></li><li><p>🍐</p></li><li><p>🍌</p></li></ul>")).to eq( "- 🍏\n\n- 🍐\n\n- 🍌", ) end it "supports <ul> inside <ul>" do expect(html_to_markdown(<<-HTML)).to eq( <ul> <li>Fruits <ul> <li>🍏</li> <li>🍐</li> <li>🍌</li> </ul> </li> <li>Vegetables <ul> <li>🍆</li> <li>🍅</li> <li>🍄</li> </ul> </li> </ul> HTML "- Fruits\n - 🍏\n - 🍐\n - 🍌\n- Vegetables\n - 🍆\n - 🍅\n - 🍄", ) end it "supports bare <li>" do expect(html_to_markdown("<li>I'm alone</li>")).to eq("- I'm alone") end it "supports <pre>" do expect(html_to_markdown("<pre>var foo = 'bar';</pre>")).to eq("```\nvar foo = 'bar';\n```") expect(html_to_markdown("<pre><code>var foo = 'bar';</code></pre>")).to eq( "```\nvar foo = 'bar';\n```", ) expect( html_to_markdown(%Q{<pre><code class="lang-javascript">var foo = 'bar';</code></pre>}), ).to eq("```javascript\nvar foo = 'bar';\n```") expect( html_to_markdown( "<pre> function f() {\n console.log('Hello world!');\n }</pre>", ), ).to eq("```\n function f() {\n console.log('Hello world!');\n }\n```") end it "supports <pre> inside <blockquote>" do expect( html_to_markdown("<blockquote><pre><code>var foo = 'bar';</code></pre></blockquote>"), ).to eq("> ```\n> var foo = 'bar';\n> ```") end it "works" do expect( html_to_markdown( "<ul><li><p>A list item with a blockquote:</p><blockquote><p>This is a <strong>blockquote</strong><br>inside a list item.</p></blockquote></li></ul>", ), ).to eq( "- A list item with a blockquote:\n\n > This is a **blockquote**\n > inside a list item.", ) end it "supports html document" do expect(html_to_markdown("<html><body>Hello<div>World</div></body></html>")).to eq( "Hello\nWorld", ) end it "handles <p>" do expect(html_to_markdown("<p>1st paragraph</p><p>2nd paragraph</p>")).to eq( "1st paragraph\n\n2nd paragraph", ) expect( html_to_markdown( "<body><p>1st paragraph</p>\n <p> 2nd paragraph\n 2nd paragraph</p>\n<p>3rd paragraph</p></body>", ), ).to eq("1st paragraph\n\n2nd paragraph 2nd paragraph\n\n3rd paragraph") end it "handles <div>" do expect(html_to_markdown("<div>1st div</div><div>2nd div</div>")).to eq("1st div\n2nd div") end it "swallows <span>" do expect(html_to_markdown("<span>Span</span>")).to eq("Span") end it "swallows <u>" do expect(html_to_markdown("<u>Underline</u>")).to eq("Underline") end it "removes <script>" do expect(html_to_markdown("<script>var foo = 'bar'</script>")).to eq("") end it "removes <style>" do expect(html_to_markdown("<style>* { margin: 0 }</style>")).to eq("") end it "handles <p> and <div> within <span>" do html = "<div>1st paragraph<span><div>2nd paragraph</div><p>3rd paragraph</p></span></div>" expect(html_to_markdown(html)).to eq("1st paragraph\n2nd paragraph\n\n3rd paragraph") end it "handles <p> and <div> within <font>" do html = "<font>1st paragraph<br><span>2nd paragraph</span><div>3rd paragraph</div><p>4th paragraph</p></font>" expect(html_to_markdown(html)).to eq( "1st paragraph\n2nd paragraph\n3rd paragraph\n\n4th paragraph", ) end context "with an oddly placed <br>" do it "handles <strong>" do expect(html_to_markdown("Hello <strong><br>Bold</strong> World")).to eq( "Hello\n**Bold** World", ) expect(html_to_markdown("Hello <strong>Bold<br></strong> World")).to eq( "Hello **Bold**\nWorld", ) expect(html_to_markdown("Hello <strong>Bold<br>text</strong> World")).to eq( "Hello **Bold**\n**text** World", ) end it "handles <em>" do expect(html_to_markdown("Hello <em><br>Italic</em> World")).to eq("Hello\n*Italic* World") expect(html_to_markdown("Hello <em>Italic<br></em> World")).to eq("Hello *Italic*\nWorld") expect(html_to_markdown("Hello <em>Italic<br>text</em> World")).to eq( "Hello *Italic*\n*text* World", ) end it "works" do expect(html_to_markdown("<div>A <b> B <i> C <br> D </i> E <br> F </b> G</div>")).to eq( "A __B *C*__\n__*D* E__\n**F** G", ) end end context "with an empty tag" do it "handles <strong>" do expect(html_to_markdown("<strong></strong>")).to eq("") expect(html_to_markdown("<strong> </strong>")).to eq("") expect(html_to_markdown("Some<strong> </strong>text")).to eq("Some text") expect(html_to_markdown("Some<strong> </strong>text")).to eq("Some text") end it "handles <em>" do expect(html_to_markdown("<em></em>")).to eq("") expect(html_to_markdown("<em> </em>")).to eq("") expect(html_to_markdown("Some<em> </em>text")).to eq("Some text") expect(html_to_markdown("Some<em> </em>text")).to eq("Some text") end end context "with spaces around text" do it "handles <strong>" do expect(html_to_markdown("<strong> Bold</strong>")).to eq("**Bold**") expect(html_to_markdown("<strong> Bold</strong>")).to eq("**Bold**") expect(html_to_markdown("<strong>Bold </strong>")).to eq("**Bold**") expect(html_to_markdown("<strong>Bold </strong>")).to eq("**Bold**") expect(html_to_markdown("Some<strong> bold</strong> text")).to eq("Some **bold** text") expect(html_to_markdown("Some<strong> bold</strong> text")).to eq("Some **bold** text") expect(html_to_markdown("Some <strong>bold </strong>text")).to eq("Some **bold** text") expect(html_to_markdown("Some <strong>bold </strong>text")).to eq("Some **bold** text") end it "handles <em>" do expect(html_to_markdown("<em> Italic</em>")).to eq("*Italic*") expect(html_to_markdown("<em> Italic</em>")).to eq("*Italic*") expect(html_to_markdown("<em>Italic </em>")).to eq("*Italic*") expect(html_to_markdown("<em>Italic </em>")).to eq("*Italic*") expect(html_to_markdown("Some<em> italic</em> text")).to eq("Some *italic* text") expect(html_to_markdown("Some<em> italic</em> text")).to eq("Some *italic* text") expect(html_to_markdown("Some <em>italic </em>text")).to eq("Some *italic* text") expect(html_to_markdown("Some <em>italic </em>text")).to eq("Some *italic* text") end end it "supports <table>" do html = <<~HTML <table> <thead> <tr> <th>This</th> <th>is</th> <th>the</th> <th><i>headers</i></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>I am</td> <td>the</td> <td><b>first</b></td> <td>row</td> </tr> <tr> <td>And this</td> <td>is the</td> <td>2<sup>nd</sup></td> <td>line</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> HTML markdown = <<~MD | This | is | the | *headers* | | - | - | - | - | | I am | the | **first** | row | | And this | is the | 2<sup>nd</sup> | line | MD expect(html_to_markdown(html)).to eq(markdown.strip) expect(html_to_markdown("<table><tr><td>Hello</td><td>World</td></tr></table>")).to eq( "| Hello | World |\n| - | - |", ) end it "doesn't swallow badly formatted <table>" do html = <<~HTML <table> <tr> <th>1</th> <th>2</th> <th>3</th> <th>4</th> </tr> <tr> <td>One</td> <td>Two</td> <td>Three</td> </tr> </table> HTML expect(html_to_markdown(html)).to eq("1 2 3 4 \nOne Two Three") end end