# frozen_string_literal: true module BackupRestore class OperationRunningError < RuntimeError; end VERSION_PREFIX = "v" DUMP_FILE = "dump.sql.gz" LOGS_CHANNEL = "/admin/backups/logs" def self.backup!(user_id, opts = {}) if opts[:fork] == false BackupRestore::Backuper.new(user_id, opts).run else spawn_process!(:backup, user_id, opts) end end def self.restore!(user_id, opts = {}) spawn_process!(:restore, user_id, opts) end def self.rollback! raise BackupRestore::OperationRunningError if BackupRestore.is_operation_running? if can_rollback? move_tables_between_schemas("backup", "public") end end def self.cancel! set_shutdown_signal! true end def self.mark_as_running! Discourse.redis.setex(running_key, 60, "1") save_start_logs_message_id keep_it_running end def self.is_operation_running? !!Discourse.redis.get(running_key) end def self.mark_as_not_running! Discourse.redis.del(running_key) end def self.should_shutdown? !!Discourse.redis.get(shutdown_signal_key) end def self.can_rollback? backup_tables_count > 0 end def self.operations_status { is_operation_running: is_operation_running?, can_rollback: can_rollback?, allow_restore: Rails.env.development? || SiteSetting.allow_restore } end def self.logs id = start_logs_message_id MessageBus.backlog(LOGS_CHANNEL, id).map { |m| m.data } end def self.current_version ActiveRecord::Migrator.current_version end def self.postgresql_major_version DB.query_single("SHOW server_version").first[/\d+/].to_i end def self.move_tables_between_schemas(source, destination) owner = database_configuration.username ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do DB.exec(move_tables_between_schemas_sql(source, destination, owner)) end end def self.move_tables_between_schemas_sql(source, destination, owner) <<~SQL DO $$DECLARE row record; BEGIN -- create schema if it does not exists already -- NOTE: DROP & CREATE SCHEMA is easier, but we don't want to drop the public schema -- otherwise extensions (like hstore & pg_trgm) won't work anymore... CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS #{destination}; -- move all tables to schema FOR row IN SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = '#{source}' AND tableowner = '#{owner}' LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #{destination}.' || quote_ident(row.tablename) || ' CASCADE;'; EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE #{source}.' || quote_ident(row.tablename) || ' SET SCHEMA #{destination};'; END LOOP; -- move all views to schema FOR row IN SELECT viewname FROM pg_views WHERE schemaname = '#{source}' AND viewowner = '#{owner}' LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS #{destination}.' || quote_ident(row.viewname) || ' CASCADE;'; EXECUTE 'ALTER VIEW #{source}.' || quote_ident(row.viewname) || ' SET SCHEMA #{destination};'; END LOOP; -- move all enums to enums FOR row IN ( SELECT typname FROM pg_type t LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = t.typnamespace WHERE typcategory = 'E' AND n.nspname = '#{source}' AND pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(typowner) = '#{owner}' ) LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP TYPE IF EXISTS #{destination}.' || quote_ident(row.typname) || ' CASCADE;'; EXECUTE 'ALTER TYPE #{source}.' || quote_ident(row.typname) || ' SET SCHEMA #{destination};'; END LOOP; END$$; SQL end DatabaseConfiguration = Struct.new(:host, :port, :username, :password, :database) def self.database_configuration config = ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.db_config.configuration_hash config = config.with_indifferent_access # credentials for PostgreSQL in CI environment if Rails.env.test? username = ENV["PGUSER"] password = ENV["PGPASSWORD"] end DatabaseConfiguration.new( config["backup_host"] || config["host"], config["backup_port"] || config["port"], config["username"] || username || ENV["USER"] || "postgres", config["password"] || password, config["database"] ) end private def self.running_key "backup_restore_operation_is_running" end def self.keep_it_running db = RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_db # extend the expiry by 1 minute every 30 seconds Thread.new do RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.with_connection(db) do Thread.current.name = "keep_op_running" # this thread will be killed when the fork dies while true Discourse.redis.expire(running_key, 1.minute) sleep 30.seconds end end end end def self.shutdown_signal_key "backup_restore_operation_should_shutdown" end def self.set_shutdown_signal! Discourse.redis.set(shutdown_signal_key, "1") end def self.clear_shutdown_signal! Discourse.redis.del(shutdown_signal_key) end def self.save_start_logs_message_id id = MessageBus.last_id(LOGS_CHANNEL) Discourse.redis.set(start_logs_message_id_key, id) end def self.start_logs_message_id Discourse.redis.get(start_logs_message_id_key).to_i end def self.start_logs_message_id_key "start_logs_message_id" end def self.spawn_process!(type, user_id, opts) script = File.join(Rails.root, "script", "spawn_backup_restore.rb") command = ["bundle", "exec", "ruby", script, type, user_id, opts.to_json].map(&:to_s) pid = spawn({ "RAILS_DB" => RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_db }, *command) Process.detach(pid) end def self.backup_tables_count DB.query_single("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'backup'").first.to_i end end