require "rails_helper" require "cooked_post_processor" require "file_store/s3_store" describe CookedPostProcessor do context "#post_process" do let(:upload) do Fabricate(:upload, url: '/uploads/default/original/1X/1/1234567890123456.jpg' ) end let(:post) do Fabricate(:post, raw: <<~RAW) RAW end let(:cpp) {, disable_loading_image: true) } let(:post_process) { sequence("post_process") } it "post process in sequence" do cpp.expects(:post_process_oneboxes).in_sequence(post_process) cpp.expects(:post_process_images).in_sequence(post_process) cpp.expects(:optimize_urls).in_sequence(post_process) cpp.expects(:pull_hotlinked_images).in_sequence(post_process) cpp.post_process expect(PostUpload.exists?(post: post, upload: upload)).to eq(true) end describe 'when post contains oneboxes and inline oneboxes' do let(:url_hostname) { '' } let(:url) do "https://#{url_hostname}/t/mini-inline-onebox-support-rfc/66400" end let(:not_oneboxed_url) do "https://#{url_hostname}/t/random-url" end let(:title) { 'some title' } let(:post) do Fabricate(:post, raw: <<~RAW) #{url} This is a #{url} with path #{not_oneboxed_url} This is a https://#{url_hostname}/t/another-random-url test This is a #{url} with path #{url} RAW end before do SiteSetting.enable_inline_onebox_on_all_domains = true %i{head get}.each do |method| stub_request(method, url).to_return( status: 200, body: <<~RAW #{title} RAW ) end end after do InlineOneboxer.purge(url) Oneboxer.invalidate(url) end it 'should respect SiteSetting.max_oneboxes_per_post' do SiteSetting.max_oneboxes_per_post = 2 SiteSetting.add_rel_nofollow_to_user_content = false cpp.post_process expect(cpp.html).to have_tag('a', with: { href: url, class: described_class::INLINE_ONEBOX_CSS_CLASS }, text: title, count: 2 ) expect(cpp.html).to have_tag('aside.onebox a', text: title, count: 2) expect(cpp.html).to have_tag('aside.onebox a', text: url_hostname, count: 2 ) expect(cpp.html).to have_tag('a', without: { class: described_class::INLINE_ONEBOX_LOADING_CSS_CLASS }, text: not_oneboxed_url, count: 1 ) expect(cpp.html).to have_tag('a', without: { class: 'onebox' }, text: not_oneboxed_url, count: 1 ) end end describe 'when post contains inline oneboxes' do let(:loading_css_class) do described_class::INLINE_ONEBOX_LOADING_CSS_CLASS end before do SiteSetting.enable_inline_onebox_on_all_domains = true end describe 'internal links' do let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } let(:url) { topic.url } let(:post) { Fabricate(:post, raw: "Hello #{url}") } it "includes the topic title" do cpp.post_process expect(cpp.html).to have_tag('a', with: { href: UrlHelper.cook_url(url) }, without: { class: loading_css_class }, text: topic.title, count: 1 ) topic.update!(title: "Updated to something else") cpp =, invalidate_oneboxes: true) cpp.post_process expect(cpp.html).to have_tag('a', with: { href: UrlHelper.cook_url(url) }, without: { class: loading_css_class }, text: topic.title, count: 1 ) end end describe 'external links' do let(:url_with_path) do '' end let(:url_with_query_param) do '' end let(:url_no_path) do '' end let(:urls) do [ url_with_path, url_with_query_param, url_no_path ] end let(:title) { 'some title' } let(:escaped_title) { CGI.escapeHTML(title) } let(:post) do Fabricate(:post, raw: <<~RAW) This is a #{url_with_path} topic This should not be inline #{url_no_path} oneboxed - #{url_with_path} - #{url_with_query_param} RAW end before do urls.each do |url| stub_request(:get, url).to_return( status: 200, body: "#{escaped_title}" ) end end after do urls.each { |url| InlineOneboxer.purge(url) } end it 'should convert the right links to inline oneboxes' do cpp.post_process html = cpp.html expect(html).to_not have_tag('a', with: { href: url_no_path }, without: { class: loading_css_class }, text: title ) expect(html).to have_tag('a', with: { href: url_with_path }, without: { class: loading_css_class }, text: title, count: 2 ) expect(html).to have_tag('a', with: { href: url_with_query_param }, without: { class: loading_css_class }, text: title, count: 1 ) end end end end context "#post_process_images" do before do SiteSetting.responsive_post_image_sizes = "" end context "responsive images" do before { SiteSetting.responsive_post_image_sizes = "1|1.5|3" } it "includes responsive images on demand" do upload = Fabricate(:upload, width: 2000, height: 1500, filesize: 10000) post = Fabricate(:post, raw: "hello ") # fake some optimized images OptimizedImage.create!( url: '/uploads/default/666x500.jpg', width: 666, height: 500, upload_id:, sha1: SecureRandom.hex, extension: '.jpg', filesize: 500, version: OptimizedImage::VERSION ) # fake 3x optimized image, we lose 2 pixels here over original due to rounding on downsize OptimizedImage.create!( url: '/uploads/default/1998x1500.jpg', width: 1998, height: 1500, upload_id:, sha1: SecureRandom.hex, extension: '.jpg', filesize: 800 ) # Fake a loading image optimized_image = OptimizedImage.create!( url: '/uploads/default/10x10.png', width: CookedPostProcessor::LOADING_SIZE, height: CookedPostProcessor::LOADING_SIZE, upload_id:, sha1: SecureRandom.hex, extension: '.png', filesize: 123 ) cpp = cpp.add_to_size_cache(upload.url, 2000, 1500) cpp.post_process_images cpp.optimize_urls html = cpp.html expect(html).to include(%Q|data-small-upload="//test.localhost/uploads/default/10x10.png"|) # 1.5x is skipped cause we have a missing thumb expect(html).to include('srcset="//test.localhost/uploads/default/666x500.jpg, //test.localhost/uploads/default/1998x1500.jpg 3x"') expect(html).to include('src="//test.localhost/uploads/default/666x500.jpg"') # works with CDN set_cdn_url("http://cdn.localhost") cpp = cpp.add_to_size_cache(upload.url, 2000, 1500) cpp.post_process_images cpp.optimize_urls html = cpp.html expect(html).to include(%Q|data-small-upload="//cdn.localhost/uploads/default/10x10.png"|) expect(html).to include('srcset="//cdn.localhost/uploads/default/666x500.jpg, //cdn.localhost/uploads/default/1998x1500.jpg 3x"') expect(html).to include('src="//cdn.localhost/uploads/default/666x500.jpg"') end it "doesn't include response images for cropped images" do upload = Fabricate(:upload, width: 200, height: 4000, filesize: 12345) post = Fabricate(:post, raw: "hello ") # fake some optimized images OptimizedImage.create!( url: 'http://a.b.c/200x500.jpg', width: 200, height: 500, upload_id:, sha1: SecureRandom.hex, extension: '.jpg', filesize: 500 ) cpp = cpp.add_to_size_cache(upload.url, 200, 4000) cpp.post_process_images cpp.optimize_urls expect(cpp.html).to_not include('srcset="') end end shared_examples "leave dimensions alone" do it "doesn't use them" do expect(cpp.html).to match(/src="http:\/\/\/image.png" width="" height=""/) expect(cpp.html).to match(/src="http:\/\/\/picture.jpg" width="50" height="42"/) expect(cpp).to be_dirty end end context "with image_sizes" do let(:post) { Fabricate(:post_with_image_urls) } let(:cpp) {, image_sizes: image_sizes) } before do cpp.post_process_images cpp.optimize_urls end context "valid" do let(:image_sizes) { { "" => { "width" => 111, "height" => 222 } } } it "uses them" do expect(cpp.html).to match(/src="http:\/\/\/image.png" width="111" height="222"/) expect(cpp.html).to match(/src="http:\/\/\/picture.jpg" width="50" height="42"/) expect(cpp).to be_dirty end end context "invalid width" do let(:image_sizes) { { "" => { "width" => 0, "height" => 222 } } } include_examples "leave dimensions alone" end context "invalid height" do let(:image_sizes) { { "" => { "width" => 111, "height" => 0 } } } include_examples "leave dimensions alone" end context "invalid width & height" do let(:image_sizes) { { "" => { "width" => 0, "height" => 0 } } } include_examples "leave dimensions alone" end end context "with unsized images" do let(:post) { Fabricate(:post_with_unsized_images) } let(:cpp) { } it "adds the width and height to images that don't have them" do FastImage.expects(:size).returns([123, 456]) cpp.post_process_images expect(cpp.html).to match(/width="123" height="456"/) expect(cpp).to be_dirty end end context "with large images" do let(:upload) { Fabricate(:upload) } let(:post) { Fabricate(:post_with_large_image) } let(:cpp) {, disable_loading_image: true) } before do SiteSetting.max_image_height = 2000 SiteSetting.create_thumbnails = true FastImage.expects(:size).returns([1750, 2000]) end it "generates overlay information" do Upload.expects(:get_from_url).returns(upload) OptimizedImage.expects(:resize).returns(true) FileStore::BaseStore.any_instance.expects(:get_depth_for).returns(0) cpp.post_process_images cpp.optimize_urls expect(cpp.html).to match_html <<~HTML

HTML expect(cpp).to be_dirty end describe 'when image is inside onebox' do let(:url) { '' } let(:post) { Fabricate(:post, raw: url) } before do Oneboxer.stubs(:onebox).with(url, anything).returns("") end it 'should not add lightbox' do cpp.post_process_oneboxes cpp.post_process_images cpp.optimize_urls expect(cpp.html).to match_html <<~HTML

HTML end end describe 'when image is an svg' do let(:post) do Fabricate(:post, raw: '') end it 'should not add lightbox' do cpp.post_process_images cpp.optimize_urls expect(cpp.html).to match_html <<~HTML

HTML end describe 'when image src is an URL' do let(:post) do Fabricate(:post, raw: '') end it 'should not add lightbox' do SiteSetting.crawl_images = true cpp.post_process_images cpp.optimize_urls expect(cpp.html).to match_html("

") end end end end context "with tall images" do let(:upload) { Fabricate(:upload) } let(:post) { Fabricate(:post_with_large_image) } let(:cpp) {, disable_loading_image: true) } before do SiteSetting.create_thumbnails = true Upload.expects(:get_from_url).returns(upload) FastImage.expects(:size).returns([860, 2000]) OptimizedImage.expects(:resize).never OptimizedImage.expects(:crop).returns(true) FileStore::BaseStore.any_instance.expects(:get_depth_for).returns(0) end it "crops the image" do cpp.post_process_images expect(cpp.html).to match(/width="690" height="500">/) expect(cpp).to be_dirty end end context "with iPhone X screenshots" do let(:upload) { Fabricate(:upload) } let(:post) { Fabricate(:post_with_large_image) } let(:cpp) {, disable_loading_image: true) } before do SiteSetting.create_thumbnails = true Upload.expects(:get_from_url).returns(upload) FastImage.expects(:size).returns([1125, 2436]) OptimizedImage.expects(:resize).returns(true) OptimizedImage.expects(:crop).never FileStore::BaseStore.any_instance.expects(:get_depth_for).returns(0) end it "crops the image" do cpp.post_process_images cpp.optimize_urls expect(cpp.html).to match_html <<~HTML

HTML expect(cpp).to be_dirty end end context "with large images when using subfolders" do let(:upload) { Fabricate(:upload) } let(:post) { Fabricate(:post_with_large_image_on_subfolder) } let(:cpp) {, disable_loading_image: true) } let(:base_url) { "http://test.localhost/subfolder" } let(:base_uri) { "/subfolder" } before do SiteSetting.max_image_height = 2000 SiteSetting.create_thumbnails = true Discourse.stubs(:base_url).returns(base_url) Discourse.stubs(:base_uri).returns(base_uri) Upload.expects(:get_from_url).returns(upload) FastImage.expects(:size).returns([1750, 2000]) OptimizedImage.expects(:resize).returns(true) FileStore::BaseStore.any_instance.expects(:get_depth_for).returns(0) end it "generates overlay information" do cpp.post_process_images cpp.optimize_urls expect(cpp.html). to match_html <<~HTML

HTML expect(cpp).to be_dirty end it "should escape the filename" do upload.update_attributes!(original_filename: ">.png") cpp.post_process_images cpp.optimize_urls expect(cpp.html).to match_html <<~HTML

HTML end end context "with title" do let(:upload) { Fabricate(:upload) } let(:post) { Fabricate(:post_with_large_image_and_title) } let(:cpp) {, disable_loading_image: true) } before do SiteSetting.max_image_height = 2000 SiteSetting.create_thumbnails = true Upload.expects(:get_from_url).returns(upload) FastImage.expects(:size).returns([1750, 2000]) OptimizedImage.expects(:resize).returns(true) FileStore::BaseStore.any_instance.expects(:get_depth_for).returns(0) end it "generates overlay information" do cpp.post_process_images cpp.optimize_urls expect(cpp.html).to match_html <<~HTML

HTML expect(cpp).to be_dirty end end context "topic image" do let(:topic) { build(:topic, id: 1) } let(:post) { Fabricate(:post_with_uploaded_image, topic: topic) } let(:cpp) { } it "adds a topic image if there's one in the first post" do FastImage.stubs(:size) expect(post.topic.image_url).to eq(nil) cpp.update_post_image post.topic.reload expect(post.topic.image_url).to be_present end end context "post image" do let(:reply) { Fabricate(:post_with_uploaded_image, post_number: 2) } let(:cpp) { } it "adds a post image if there's one in the post" do FastImage.stubs(:size) expect(reply.image_url).to eq(nil) cpp.update_post_image reply.reload expect(reply.image_url).to be_present end end end context "#extract_images" do let(:post) { build(:post_with_plenty_of_images) } let(:cpp) { } it "does not extract emojis or images inside oneboxes or quotes" do expect(cpp.extract_images.length).to eq(0) end end context "#get_size_from_attributes" do let(:post) { build(:post) } let(:cpp) { } it "returns the size when width and height are specified" do img = { 'src' => '', 'width' => 50, 'height' => 70 } expect(cpp.get_size_from_attributes(img)).to eq([50, 70]) end it "returns the size when width and height are floats" do img = { 'src' => '', 'width' => 50.2, 'height' => 70.1 } expect(cpp.get_size_from_attributes(img)).to eq([50, 70]) end it "resizes when only width is specified" do img = { 'src' => '', 'width' => 100 } SiteSetting.crawl_images = true FastImage.expects(:size).returns([200, 400]) expect(cpp.get_size_from_attributes(img)).to eq([100, 200]) end it "resizes when only height is specified" do img = { 'src' => '', 'height' => 100 } SiteSetting.crawl_images = true FastImage.expects(:size).returns([100, 300]) expect(cpp.get_size_from_attributes(img)).to eq([33, 100]) end it "doesn't raise an error with a weird url" do img = { 'src' => nil, 'height' => 100 } SiteSetting.crawl_images = true expect(cpp.get_size_from_attributes(img)).to be_nil end end context "#get_size_from_image_sizes" do let(:post) { build(:post) } let(:cpp) { } it "returns the size" do image_sizes = { "" => { "width" => 111, "height" => 222 } } expect(cpp.get_size_from_image_sizes("/image.png", image_sizes)).to eq([111, 222]) end end context "#get_size" do let(:post) { build(:post) } let(:cpp) { } it "ensures urls are absolute" do cpp.expects(:is_valid_image_url?).with("http://test.localhost/relative/url/image.png") cpp.get_size("/relative/url/image.png") end it "ensures urls have a default scheme" do cpp.expects(:is_valid_image_url?).with("http://schemaless.url/image.jpg") cpp.get_size("//schemaless.url/image.jpg") end it "caches the results" do SiteSetting.crawl_images = true FastImage.expects(:size).returns([200, 400]) cpp.get_size("") expect(cpp.get_size("")).to eq([200, 400]) end context "when crawl_images is disabled" do before do SiteSetting.crawl_images = false end it "doesn't call FastImage" do FastImage.expects(:size).never expect(cpp.get_size("")).to eq(nil) end it "is always allowed to crawl our own images" do store = stub store.expects(:has_been_uploaded?).returns(true) Discourse.expects(:store).returns(store) FastImage.expects(:size).returns([100, 200]) expect(cpp.get_size("")).to eq([100, 200]) end it "returns nil if FastImage can't get the original size" do FastImage.expects(:size).returns(nil) expect(cpp.get_size("")).to eq(nil) end end end context "#is_valid_image_url?" do let(:post) { build(:post) } let(:cpp) { } it "validates HTTP(s) urls" do expect(cpp.is_valid_image_url?("")).to eq(true) expect(cpp.is_valid_image_url?("")).to eq(true) end it "doesn't validate other urls" do expect(cpp.is_valid_image_url?("")).to eq(false) expect(cpp.is_valid_image_url?("ftps://")).to eq(false) expect(cpp.is_valid_image_url?("/tmp/image.png")).to eq(false) expect(cpp.is_valid_image_url?("//")).to eq(false) end it "doesn't throw an exception with a bad URI" do expect(cpp.is_valid_image_url?("http://doGANGNAM STYLE") cpp.post_process_oneboxes end it "inserts the onebox without wrapping p" do expect(cpp).to be_dirty expect(cpp.html).to match_html "
" end it "replaces downloaded onebox image" do url = '' image_url = '' Oneboxer.stubs(:onebox).with(url, anything).returns("") post = Fabricate(:post, raw: url) upload = Fabricate(:upload, url: "") post.custom_fields[Post::DOWNLOADED_IMAGES] = { "//": } post.save_custom_fields cpp =, invalidate_oneboxes: true) cpp.post_process_oneboxes expect(cpp.doc.to_s).to eq("

") upload.destroy! cpp =, invalidate_oneboxes: true) cpp.post_process_oneboxes expect(cpp.doc.to_s).to eq("

") end it "replaces large image placeholder" do url = '' image_url = '' Oneboxer.stubs(:onebox).with(url, anything).returns("") post = Fabricate(:post, raw: url) post.custom_fields[Post::LARGE_IMAGES] = "[\"//\"]" post.save_custom_fields cpp =, invalidate_oneboxes: true) cpp.post_process_oneboxes cpp.post_process_images cpp.optimize_urls expect(cpp.doc.to_s).to match(/
/) end end context "#post_process_oneboxes removes nofollow if add_rel_nofollow_to_user_content is disabled" do let(:post) { build(:post_with_youtube, id: 123) } let(:cpp) {, invalidate_oneboxes: true) } before do SiteSetting.add_rel_nofollow_to_user_content = false Oneboxer.expects(:onebox) .with("", invalidate_oneboxes: true, user_id: nil, category_id: post.topic.category_id) .returns('') cpp.post_process_oneboxes end it "removes nofollow noopener from links" do expect(cpp).to be_dirty expect(cpp.html).to match_html '' end end context "#post_process_oneboxes with square image" do it "generates a onebox-avatar class" do SiteSetting.crawl_images = true url = '' body = <<~HTML HTML stub_request(:head, url) stub_request(:get , url).to_return(body: body) FinalDestination.stubs(:lookup_ip).returns('') # not an ideal stub but shipping the whole image to fast image can add # a lot of cost to this test FastImage.stubs(:size).returns([200, 200]) post =, raw: url) cpp =, invalidate_oneboxes: true) cpp.post_process_oneboxes expect(cpp.doc.to_s).not_to include('aspect-image') expect(cpp.doc.to_s).to include('onebox-avatar') end end context "#optimize_urls" do let(:post) { build(:post_with_uploads_and_links) } let(:cpp) { } it "uses schemaless url for uploads" do cpp.optimize_urls expect(cpp.html).to match_html <<~HTML



text.txt (20 Bytes)

HTML end context "when CDN is enabled" do it "uses schemaless CDN url for http uploads" do Rails.configuration.action_controller.stubs(:asset_host).returns("") cpp.optimize_urls expect(cpp.html).to match_html <<~HTML



text.txt (20 Bytes)

HTML end it "doesn't use schemaless CDN url for https uploads" do Rails.configuration.action_controller.stubs(:asset_host).returns("") cpp.optimize_urls expect(cpp.html).to match_html <<~HTML



text.txt (20 Bytes)

HTML end it "doesn't use CDN when login is required" do SiteSetting.login_required = true Rails.configuration.action_controller.stubs(:asset_host).returns("") cpp.optimize_urls expect(cpp.html).to match_html <<~HTML



text.txt (20 Bytes)

HTML end it "doesn't use CDN when preventing anons from downloading files" do SiteSetting.prevent_anons_from_downloading_files = true Rails.configuration.action_controller.stubs(:asset_host).returns("") cpp.optimize_urls expect(cpp.html).to match_html <<~HTML



text.txt (20 Bytes)

HTML end it "uses the right CDN when uploads are on S3" do Rails.configuration.action_controller.stubs(:asset_host).returns("") SiteSetting.s3_upload_bucket = "some-bucket-on-s3" SiteSetting.s3_access_key_id = "s3-access-key-id" SiteSetting.s3_secret_access_key = "s3-secret-access-key" SiteSetting.s3_cdn_url = "" SiteSetting.enable_s3_uploads = true uploaded_file = file_from_fixtures("smallest.png") upload_sha1 = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest( upload = Fabricate(:upload, original_filename: "smallest.png", width: 10, height: 20, sha1: upload_sha1, extension: "png", ) stored_path = upload.update_column(:url, "#{SiteSetting.Upload.absolute_base_url}/#{stored_path}") the_post = Fabricate(:post, raw: %Q{This post has a local emoji :+1: and an external upload\n\n![smallest.png|10x20](#{upload.short_url})}) cpp = cpp.optimize_urls expect(cpp.html).to match_html <<~HTML

This post has a local emoji :+1: and an external upload


HTML end end end context "#pull_hotlinked_images" do let(:post) { build(:post, created_at: 20.days.ago) } let(:cpp) { } before { cpp.stubs(:available_disk_space).returns(90) } it "does not run when download_remote_images_to_local is disabled" do SiteSetting.download_remote_images_to_local = false Jobs.expects(:cancel_scheduled_job).never cpp.pull_hotlinked_images end context "when download_remote_images_to_local? is enabled" do before do SiteSetting.download_remote_images_to_local = true end it "does not run when there is not enough disk space" do cpp.expects(:disable_if_low_on_disk_space).returns(true) Jobs.expects(:cancel_scheduled_job).never cpp.pull_hotlinked_images end context "and there is enough disk space" do before { cpp.expects(:disable_if_low_on_disk_space).returns(false) } it "does not run when the system user updated the post" do post.last_editor_id = Jobs.expects(:cancel_scheduled_job).never cpp.pull_hotlinked_images end context "and the post has been updated by an actual user" do before { = 42 } it "ensures only one job is scheduled right after the editing_grace_period" do Jobs.expects(:cancel_scheduled_job).with(:pull_hotlinked_images, post_id: delay = SiteSetting.editing_grace_period + 1 Jobs.expects(:enqueue_in).with(delay.seconds, :pull_hotlinked_images, post_id:, bypass_bump: false).once cpp.pull_hotlinked_images end end end end end context "#disable_if_low_on_disk_space" do let(:post) { build(:post, created_at: 20.days.ago) } let(:cpp) { } before { cpp.expects(:available_disk_space).returns(50) } it "does nothing when there's enough disk space" do SiteSetting.expects(:download_remote_images_threshold).returns(20) SiteSetting.expects(:download_remote_images_to_local).never expect(cpp.disable_if_low_on_disk_space).to eq(false) end context "when there's not enough disk space" do before { SiteSetting.expects(:download_remote_images_threshold).returns(75) } it "disables download_remote_images_threshold and send a notification to the admin" do StaffActionLogger.any_instance.expects(:log_site_setting_change).once SystemMessage.expects(:create_from_system_user).with(Discourse.site_contact_user, :download_remote_images_disabled).once expect(cpp.disable_if_low_on_disk_space).to eq(true) expect(SiteSetting.download_remote_images_to_local).to eq(false) end end end context "#download_remote_images_max_days_old" do let(:post) { build(:post, created_at: 20.days.ago) } let(:cpp) { } before do SiteSetting.download_remote_images_to_local = true cpp.expects(:disable_if_low_on_disk_space).returns(false) end it "does not run when download_remote_images_max_days_old is not satisfied" do SiteSetting.download_remote_images_max_days_old = 15 Jobs.expects(:cancel_scheduled_job).never cpp.pull_hotlinked_images end it "runs when download_remote_images_max_days_old is satisfied" do SiteSetting.download_remote_images_max_days_old = 30 Jobs.expects(:cancel_scheduled_job).with(:pull_hotlinked_images, post_id: delay = SiteSetting.editing_grace_period + 1 Jobs.expects(:enqueue_in).with(delay.seconds, :pull_hotlinked_images, post_id:, bypass_bump: false).once cpp.pull_hotlinked_images end end context "#is_a_hyperlink?" do let(:post) { build(:post) } let(:cpp) { } let(:doc) { Nokogiri::HTML::fragment('

') } it "is true when the image is inside a link" do img = doc.css("img#linked_image").first expect(cpp.is_a_hyperlink?(img)).to eq(true) end it "is false when the image is not inside a link" do img = doc.css("img#standard_image").first expect(cpp.is_a_hyperlink?(img)).to eq(false) end end context "grant badges" do let(:cpp) { } context "emoji inside a quote" do let(:post) { Fabricate(:post, raw: "time to eat some sweet \n[quote]\n:candy:\n[/quote]\n mmmm") } it "doesn't award a badge when the emoji is in a quote" do cpp.grant_badges expect(post.user.user_badges.where(badge_id: Badge::FirstEmoji).exists?).to eq(false) end end context "emoji in the text" do let(:post) { Fabricate(:post, raw: "time to eat some sweet :candy: mmmm") } it "awards a badge for using an emoji" do cpp.grant_badges expect(post.user.user_badges.where(badge_id: Badge::FirstEmoji).exists?).to eq(true) end end context "onebox" do let(:post) { Fabricate(:post, raw: "onebox me:\n\n\n") } before { Oneboxer.stubs(:onebox) } it "awards a badge for using an onebox" do cpp.post_process_oneboxes cpp.grant_badges expect(post.user.user_badges.where(badge_id: Badge::FirstOnebox).exists?).to eq(true) end it "doesn't award the badge when the badge is disabled" do Badge.where(id: Badge::FirstOnebox).update_all(enabled: false) cpp.post_process_oneboxes cpp.grant_badges expect(post.user.user_badges.where(badge_id: Badge::FirstOnebox).exists?).to eq(false) end end context "reply_by_email" do let(:post) { Fabricate(:post, raw: "This is a **reply** via email ;)", via_email: true, post_number: 2) } it "awards a badge for replying via email" do cpp.grant_badges expect(post.user.user_badges.where(badge_id: Badge::FirstReplyByEmail).exists?).to eq(true) end end end context "quote processing" do let(:cpp) { } let(:pp) { Fabricate(:post, raw: "This post is ripe for quoting!") } context "with an unmodified quote" do let(:cp) do Fabricate( :post, raw: "[quote=\"#{pp.user.username}, post: #{pp.post_number}, topic:#{pp.topic_id}]\nripe for quoting\n[/quote]\ntest" ) end it "should not be marked as modified" do cpp.post_process_quotes expect(cpp.doc.css('aside.quote.quote-modified')).to be_blank end end context "with a modified quote" do let(:cp) do Fabricate( :post, raw: "[quote=\"#{pp.user.username}, post: #{pp.post_number}, topic:#{pp.topic_id}]\nmodified\n[/quote]\ntest" ) end it "should be marked as modified" do cpp.post_process_quotes expect(cpp.doc.css('aside.quote.quote-modified')).to be_present end end end context "remove direct reply full quote" do let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } let!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: "this is the first post") } let(:raw) do <<~RAW.strip [quote="#{post.user.username}, post:#{post.post_number}, topic:#{}"] this is the first post [/quote] and this is the third reply RAW end let(:raw2) do <<~RAW.strip and this is the third reply [quote="#{post.user.username}, post:#{post.post_number}, topic:#{}"] this is the first post [/quote] RAW end before do SiteSetting.remove_full_quote = true end it 'works' do hidden = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, hidden: true, raw: "this is the second post after") small_action = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_type: Post.types[:small_action]) reply = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: raw) freeze_time do topic.bumped_at = expect(topic.posts).to eq([post, hidden, small_action, reply]) expect(topic.bumped_at).to eq( expect(reply.raw).to eq("and this is the third reply") expect(reply.revisions.count).to eq(1) expect(reply.revisions.first.modifications["raw"]).to eq([raw, reply.raw]) expect(reply.revisions.first.modifications["edit_reason"][1]).to eq(I18n.t(:removed_direct_reply_full_quotes)) end end it 'does not delete quote if not first paragraph' do reply = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: raw2) expect(topic.posts).to eq([post, reply]) expect(reply.raw).to eq(raw2) end it "does nothing when 'remove_full_quote' is disabled" do SiteSetting.remove_full_quote = false reply = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: raw) expect(reply.raw).to eq(raw) end it "works only on new posts" do Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, hidden: true, raw: "this is the second post after") Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_type: Post.types[:small_action]) reply = PostCreator.create!(topic.user, topic_id:, raw: raw) expect(reply.raw).to eq(raw)!(Discourse.system_user, raw: raw, edit_reason: "put back full quote") true) expect(reply.raw).to eq("and this is the third reply") end end end