directory 'plugins' desc 'install plugin' task 'plugin:install', :repo do |t, args| repo = ENV['REPO'] || ENV['repo'] || args[:repo] name = ENV['NAME'] || ENV['name'] || File.basename(repo, '.git') plugin_path = File.expand_path('plugins/' + name) if abort('Plugin directory, ' + plugin_path + ', already exists.') end clone_status = system('git clone ' + repo + ' ' + plugin_path) unless clone_status FileUtils.rm_rf(plugin_path) abort('Unable to clone plugin') end end desc 'update all plugins' task 'plugin:update_all' do |t| # Loop through each directory plugins = Dir.glob(File.expand_path('plugins/*')).select { |f| f } # run plugin:update plugins.each { |plugin| Rake::Task['plugin:update'].invoke(plugin) } end desc 'update a plugin' task 'plugin:update', :plugin do |t, args| plugin = ENV['PLUGIN'] || ENV['plugin'] || args[:plugin] plugin_path = plugin plugin = File.basename(plugin) unless if'plugins/' + plugin) plugin_path = File.expand_path('plugins/' + plugin) else abort('Plugin ' + plugin + ' not found') end end update_status = system('git --git-dir "' + plugin_path + '/.git" --work-tree "' + plugin_path + '" pull') abort('Unable to pull latest version of plugin') unless update_status end desc 'run plugin specs' task 'plugin:spec', :plugin do |t, args| args.with_defaults(plugin: "*") ruby = `which ruby`.strip files = Dir.glob("./plugins/#{args[:plugin]}/spec/**/*.rb") if files.length > 0 sh "LOAD_PLUGINS=1 #{ruby} -S rspec #{files.join(' ')}" else abort "No specs found." end end