require 'sqlite3' module ImportScripts::Mbox class Database SCHEMA_VERSION = 2 def initialize(directory, batch_size) @db ="#{directory}/index.db", results_as_hash: true) @batch_size = batch_size configure_database upgrade_schema_version create_table_for_categories create_table_for_imported_files create_table_for_emails create_table_for_replies create_table_for_users end def transaction @db.transaction yield self @db.commit rescue @db.rollback end def insert_category(category) @db.execute(<<-SQL, category) INSERT OR REPLACE INTO category (name, description) VALUES (:name, :description) SQL end def insert_imported_file(imported_file) @db.execute(<<-SQL, imported_file) INSERT OR REPLACE INTO imported_file (category, filename, checksum) VALUES (:category, :filename, :checksum) SQL end def insert_email(email) @db.execute(<<-SQL, email) INSERT OR REPLACE INTO email (msg_id, from_email, from_name, subject, email_date, raw_message, body, elided, format, attachment_count, charset, category, filename, first_line_number, last_line_number, index_duration) VALUES (:msg_id, :from_email, :from_name, :subject, :email_date, :raw_message, :body, :elided, :format, :attachment_count, :charset, :category, :filename, :first_line_number, :last_line_number, :index_duration) SQL end def insert_replies(msg_id, reply_message_ids) sql = <<-SQL INSERT OR REPLACE INTO reply (msg_id, in_reply_to) VALUES (:msg_id, :in_reply_to) SQL @db.prepare(sql) do |stmt| reply_message_ids.each do |in_reply_to| stmt.execute(msg_id, in_reply_to) end end end def update_in_reply_to_of_emails @db.execute <<-SQL UPDATE email SET in_reply_to = ( SELECT e.msg_id FROM reply r JOIN email e ON (r.in_reply_to = e.msg_id) WHERE r.msg_id = email.msg_id ORDER BY e.email_date DESC LIMIT 1 ) SQL end def update_in_reply_to_by_email_subject @db.execute <<-SQL UPDATE email SET in_reply_to = NULLIF(( SELECT e.msg_id FROM email e JOIN email_order o ON (e.msg_id = o.msg_id) WHERE e.subject = email.subject ORDER BY o.ROWID LIMIT 1 ), msg_id) SQL end def sort_emails_by_date_and_reply_level @db.execute 'DELETE FROM email_order' @db.execute <<-SQL WITH RECURSIVE messages(msg_id, level, email_date, in_reply_to) AS ( SELECT msg_id, 0 AS level, email_date, in_reply_to FROM email WHERE in_reply_to IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT e.msg_id, m.level + 1, e.email_date, e.in_reply_to FROM email e JOIN messages m ON e.in_reply_to = m.msg_id ) INSERT INTO email_order (msg_id) SELECT c.msg_id FROM messages c LEFT OUTER JOIN messages p ON (c.in_reply_to = p.msg_id) ORDER BY MAX(c.email_date, p.email_date), c.level, c.email_date, c.msg_id SQL end def sort_emails_by_subject @db.execute 'DELETE FROM email_order' @db.execute <<-SQL INSERT INTO email_order (msg_id) SELECT msg_id FROM email ORDER BY subject, filename, ROWID SQL end def fill_users_from_emails @db.execute 'DELETE FROM user' @db.execute <<-SQL INSERT INTO user (email, name, date_of_first_message) SELECT from_email, MIN(from_name) AS from_name, MIN(email_date) FROM email WHERE from_email IS NOT NULL AND email_date IS NOT NULL GROUP BY from_email ORDER BY from_email SQL end def fetch_imported_files(category) @db.execute(<<-SQL, category) SELECT filename, checksum FROM imported_file WHERE category = :category SQL end def fetch_categories @db.execute <<-SQL SELECT name, description FROM category ORDER BY name SQL end def count_users @db.get_first_value <<-SQL SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user SQL end def fetch_users(last_email) rows = @db.execute(<<-SQL, last_email) SELECT email, name, date_of_first_message FROM user WHERE email > :last_email LIMIT #{@batch_size} SQL add_last_column_value(rows, 'email') end def count_messages @db.get_first_value <<-SQL SELECT COUNT(*) FROM email SQL end def fetch_messages(last_row_id) rows = @db.execute(<<-SQL, last_row_id) SELECT o.ROWID, e.msg_id, from_email, subject, email_date, in_reply_to, raw_message, body, elided, format, attachment_count, category FROM email e JOIN email_order o USING (msg_id) WHERE o.ROWID > :last_row_id ORDER BY o.ROWID LIMIT #{@batch_size} SQL add_last_column_value(rows, 'rowid') end private def configure_database @db.execute 'PRAGMA journal_mode = OFF' @db.execute 'PRAGMA locking_mode = EXCLUSIVE' end def upgrade_schema_version current_version = @db.get_first_value("PRAGMA user_version") case current_version when 1 @db.execute "ALTER TABLE email ADD COLUMN index_duration REAL" end @db.execute "PRAGMA user_version = #{SCHEMA_VERSION}" end def create_table_for_categories @db.execute <<-SQL CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS category ( name TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, description TEXT ) SQL end def create_table_for_imported_files @db.execute <<-SQL CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS imported_file ( category TEXT NOT NULL, filename TEXT NOT NULL, checksum TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (category, filename), FOREIGN KEY(category) REFERENCES category(name) ) SQL end def create_table_for_emails @db.execute <<-SQL CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS email ( msg_id TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, from_email TEXT, from_name TEXT, subject TEXT, in_reply_to TEXT, email_date DATETIME, raw_message TEXT, body TEXT, elided TEXT, format INTEGER, attachment_count INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, charset TEXT, category TEXT NOT NULL, filename TEXT NOT NULL, first_line_number INTEGER, last_line_number INTEGER, index_duration REAL, FOREIGN KEY(category) REFERENCES category(name) ) SQL @db.execute 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS email_by_from ON email (from_email)' @db.execute 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS email_by_subject ON email (subject)' @db.execute 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS email_by_in_reply_to ON email (in_reply_to)' @db.execute 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS email_by_date ON email (email_date)' @db.execute <<-SQL CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS email_order ( msg_id TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY ) SQL end def create_table_for_replies @db.execute <<-SQL CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS reply ( msg_id TEXT NOT NULL, in_reply_to TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (msg_id, in_reply_to), FOREIGN KEY(msg_id) REFERENCES email(msg_id) ) SQL @db.execute 'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS reply_by_in_reply_to ON reply (in_reply_to)' end def create_table_for_users @db.execute <<-SQL CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user ( email TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, date_of_first_message DATETIME NOT NULL ) SQL end def add_last_column_value(rows, *last_columns) return rows if last_columns.empty? result = [rows] last_row = rows.last last_columns.each { |column| result.push(last_row ? last_row[column] : nil) } result end end end