# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe User do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } let(:profile_page_url) { "#{Discourse.base_url}/users/#{user.username}" } def i18n_post_args(extra = {}) { base_uri: "" }.merge(extra) end def i18n_t(key, params = {}) I18n.t(key, i18n_post_args.merge(params)) end before do stub_image_size Jobs.run_immediately! SiteSetting.discourse_narrative_bot_enabled = true end describe "when a user is created" do it "should initiate the bot" do NotificationEmailer.expects(:process_notification).never user expected_raw = i18n_t( "discourse_narrative_bot.new_user_narrative.hello.message", username: user.username, title: SiteSetting.title, ) expect(Post.last.raw).to include(expected_raw.chomp) end describe "welcome post" do context "when disabled" do before { SiteSetting.disable_discourse_narrative_bot_welcome_post = true } it "should not initiate the bot" do expect { user }.to_not change { Post.count } end end context "with title emoji disabled" do before do SiteSetting.disable_discourse_narrative_bot_welcome_post = false SiteSetting.max_emojis_in_title = 0 end it "initiates the bot" do expect { user }.to change { Topic.count }.by(1) expect(Topic.last.title).to eq( i18n_t("discourse_narrative_bot.new_user_narrative.hello.title").gsub( /:robot:/, "", ).strip, ) end end context "when enabled" do before { SiteSetting.disable_discourse_narrative_bot_welcome_post = false } it "initiate the bot" do expect { user }.to change { Topic.count }.by(1) expect(Topic.last.title).to eq( i18n_t("discourse_narrative_bot.new_user_narrative.hello.title"), ) end describe "when send welcome message is selected" do before { SiteSetting.discourse_narrative_bot_welcome_post_type = "welcome_message" } it "should send the right welcome message" do expect { user }.to change { Topic.count }.by(1) expect(Topic.last.title).to eq( i18n_t("system_messages.welcome_user.subject_template", site_name: SiteSetting.title), ) end end describe "when welcome message is configured to be delayed" do before { SiteSetting.discourse_narrative_bot_welcome_post_delay = 100 } it "should delay the welcome post until user logs in" do user expect(Jobs::NarrativeInit.jobs.count).to eq(0) end end end end context "when user is staged" do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user, staged: true) } it "should not initiate the bot" do expect { user }.to_not change { Post.count } end end context "when user skipped the new user tips" do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } it "should not initiate the bot" do SiteSetting.default_other_skip_new_user_tips = true expect { user }.to_not change { Post.count } end it "should delete the existing PM" do user.user_option.skip_new_user_tips = true expect { user.user_option.save! }.to change { Topic.count }.by(-1).and not_change { UserHistory.count }.and change { user.unread_high_priority_notifications }.by(-1).and change { user.notifications.count }.by(-1) end end context "when user is anonymous?" do before { SiteSetting.allow_anonymous_posting = true } it "should initiate bot for real user only" do user = Fabricate(:user, trust_level: 1) shadow = AnonymousShadowCreator.get(user) expect(TopicAllowedUser.where(user_id: shadow.id).count).to eq(0) expect(TopicAllowedUser.where(user_id: user.id).count).to eq(1) end end context "when user's username should be ignored" do let(:user) { Fabricate.build(:user) } before { SiteSetting.discourse_narrative_bot_ignored_usernames = "discourse|test" } %w[discourse test].each do |username| it "should not initiate the bot" do expect { user.update!(username: username) }.to_not change { Post.count } end end end end describe "when a user has been destroyed" do it "should clean up plugin's store" do DiscourseNarrativeBot::Store.set(user.id, "test") user.destroy! expect(DiscourseNarrativeBot::Store.get(user.id)).to eq(nil) end end describe "#manually_disabled_discobot?" do it "returns true if the user manually disabled new user tips" do user.user_option.skip_new_user_tips = true expect(user.manually_disabled_discobot?).to eq(true) end end end