# Import from Zoho. # Be sure to get the posts CSV file, AND the user list csv file with people's email addresses. # You may need to contact Zoho support for the user list. # # * Zoho data doesn't indicate which users are admins or moderators, so you'll need to grant # those privileges manually after the import finishes. # * The posts and users csv files don't seem to have consistent usernames, and sometimes use # full names instead of usernames. This may cause duplicate users with slightly different # usernames to be created. require 'csv' require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/base.rb") require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/base/csv_helper.rb") # Call it like this: # bundle exec ruby script/import_scripts/zoho.rb class ImportScripts::Zoho < ImportScripts::Base include ImportScripts::CsvHelper BATCH_SIZE = 1000 def initialize(path) @path = path @all_posts = [] @categories = {} # key is the parent category, value is an array of sub-categories @topic_mapping = {} @current_row = nil super() end def execute import_users import_posts update_tl0 update_user_signup_date_based_on_first_post end def cleanup_zoho_username(s) s.strip.gsub(/[^A-Za-z0-9_\.\-]/, '') end def import_users puts "", "Importing users" create_users( CSV.parse(File.read(File.join(@path, 'users.csv'))) ) do |u| username = cleanup_zoho_username(u[0]) { id: username, username: username, email: u[1], created_at: Time.zone.now } end end def import_posts # 0 Forum Name # 1 Category Name # 2 Topic Title # 3 Permalink # 4 Posted Time # 5 Content # 6 Author # 7 Attachments # 8 Votes count = 0 puts "", "Parsing posts CSV" csv_parse(File.join(@path, "posts.csv")) do |row| @all_posts << row.dup if @categories[row.forum_name].nil? @categories[row.forum_name] = [] end unless @categories[row.forum_name].include?(row.category_name) @categories[row.forum_name] << row.category_name end end puts "", "Creating categories" # Create categories @categories.each do |parent, subcats| c = create_category({name: parent}, parent) subcats.each do |subcat| next if subcat == "Uncategorized" || subcat == "Uncategorised" create_category({name: subcat, parent_category_id: c.id}, "#{parent}:#{subcat}") end end puts "", "Creating topics and posts" created, skipped = create_posts(@all_posts, total: @all_posts.size) do |row| @current_row = row # fetch user username = cleanup_zoho_username(row.author) next if username.blank? # no author for this post, so skip user_id = user_id_from_imported_user_id(username) if user_id.nil? # user CSV file didn't have a user with this username. create it now with an invalid email address. u = create_user( { id: username, username: username, email: "#{username}@example.com", created_at: Time.zone.parse(row.posted_time) }, username ) user_id = u.id end if @topic_mapping[row.permalink].nil? category_id = nil if row.category_name != "Uncategorized" && row.category_name != "Uncategorised" category_id = category_id_from_imported_category_id("#{row.forum_name}:#{row.category_name}") else category_id = category_id_from_imported_category_id(row.forum_name) end # create topic { id: import_post_id(row), user_id: user_id, category: category_id, title: CGI.unescapeHTML(row.topic_title), raw: cleanup_post(row.content), created_at: Time.zone.parse(row.posted_time) } # created_post callback will be called else { id: import_post_id(row), user_id: user_id, raw: cleanup_post(row.content), created_at: Time.zone.parse(row.posted_time), topic_id: @topic_mapping[row.permalink] } end end puts "" puts "Created: #{created}" puts "Skipped: #{skipped}" puts "" end def created_post(post) unless @topic_mapping[@current_row.permalink] @topic_mapping[@current_row.permalink] = post.topic_id end end # Note that Zoho doesn't render code blocks the same way all the time, # but this seems to catch the most common format: ZOHO_CODE_BLOCK_START = /
    / TOO_MANY_LINE_BREAKS = /[\n ]{3,}/ STYLE_ATTR = /(\s)*style="(.)*"/ def cleanup_post(raw) # Check if Zoho's most common form of a code block is present. # If so, don't clean up the post as much because we can't tell which markup # is inside the code block. These posts will look worse than others. has_code_block = !!(raw =~ ZOHO_CODE_BLOCK_START) x = raw.gsub(STYLE_ATTR, '') if has_code_block # We have to assume all lists in this post are meant to be code blocks # to make it somewhat readable. x.gsub!(/( )*
      (\s)*/, "") x.gsub!(/( )*<\/ol>/, "") x.gsub!('
    1. ', '') x.gsub!('
    2. ', '') else # No code block (probably...) so clean up more aggressively. x.gsub!("\n", " ") x.gsub!('
      ', "\n\n") x.gsub('
      ', ' ') x.gsub!("
      ", "\n") x.gsub!('', '') x.gsub!('', '') x.gsub!(/]*)>/, '') x.gsub!('', '') end x.gsub!(TOO_MANY_LINE_BREAKS, "\n\n") CGI.unescapeHTML(x) end def import_post_id(row) # Try to make up a unique id based on the data Zoho gives us. # The posted_time seems to be the same for all posts in a topic, so we can't use that. Digest::SHA1.hexdigest "#{row.permalink}:#{row.content}" end end unless ARGV[0] && Dir.exist?(ARGV[0]) if ARGV[0] && !Dir.exist?(ARGV[0]) puts "", "ERROR! Dir #{ARGV[0]} not found.", "" end puts "", "Usage:", "", " bundle exec ruby script/import_scripts/zoho.rb DIRNAME", "" exit 1 end ImportScripts::Zoho.new(ARGV[0]).perform