module JsLocaleHelper def self.output_locale(locale, translations = nil) locale_str = locale.to_s # load default translations translations ||= YAML::load("#{Rails.root}/config/locales/client.#{locale_str}.yml")) # load plugins translations plugin_translations = {} Dir["#{Rails.root}/plugins/*/config/locales/client.#{locale_str}.yml"].each do |file| plugin_translations.deep_merge! YAML::load( end # merge translations (plugin translations overwrite default translations) translations[locale_str]['js'].deep_merge!(plugin_translations[locale_str]['js']) if translations[locale_str] && plugin_translations[locale_str] && plugin_translations[locale_str]['js'] # We used to split the admin versus the client side, but it's much simpler to just # include both for now due to the small size of the admin section. # # For now, let's leave it split out in the translation file in case we want to split # it again later, so we'll merge the JSON ourselves. admin_contents = translations[locale_str].delete('admin_js') translations[locale_str]['js'].merge!(admin_contents) if admin_contents.present? translations[locale_str]['js'].deep_merge!(plugin_translations[locale_str]['admin_js']) if translations[locale_str] && plugin_translations[locale_str] && plugin_translations[locale_str]['admin_js'] message_formats = strip_out_message_formats!(translations[locale_str]['js']) result = generate_message_format(message_formats, locale_str) result << "I18n.translations = #{translations.to_json};\n" result << "I18n.locale = '#{locale_str}';\n" # loading moment here cause we must customize it result <<"#{Rails.root}/lib/javascripts/moment.js") result << moment_locale(locale_str) result << moment_formats result end def self.moment_formats result = "" result << moment_format_function('short_date_no_year') result << moment_format_function('short_date') result << moment_format_function('long_date') result << "moment.fn.relativeAge = function(opts){ return Discourse.Formatter.relativeAge(this.toDate(), opts)};\n" end def self.moment_format_function(name) format = I18n.t("dates." << name) result = "moment.fn.#{name.camelize(:lower)} = function(){ return this.format('#{format}'); };\n" end def self.moment_locale(locale_str) filename = Rails.root + "lib/javascripts/moment_locale/#{locale_str}.js" if File.exists?(filename) << "\n" end || "" end def self.generate_message_format(message_formats, locale_str) formats ={|k,v| k.inspect << " : " << compile_message_format(locale_str ,v)}.join(" , ") result = "MessageFormat = {locale: {}};\n" filename = Rails.root + "lib/javascripts/locale/#{locale_str}.js" filename = Rails.root + "lib/javascripts/locale/en.js" unless File.exists?(filename) result << << "\n" result << "I18n.messageFormat = (function(formats){ var f = formats; return function(key, options) { var fn = f[key]; if(fn){ try { return fn(options); } catch(err) { return err.message; } } else { return 'Missing Key: ' + key } return f[key](options); }; })({#{formats}});" end def self.compile_message_format(locale, format) ctx = ctx.load(Rails.root + 'lib/javascripts/messageformat.js') path = Rails.root + "lib/javascripts/locale/#{locale}.js" ctx.load(path) if File.exists?(path) ctx.eval("mf = new MessageFormat('#{locale}');") ctx.eval("mf.precompile(mf.parse(#{format.inspect}))") rescue V8::Error => e message = "Invalid Format: " << e.message "function(){ return #{message.inspect};}" end def self.strip_out_message_formats!(hash, prefix = "", rval = {}) if Hash === hash hash.each do |k,v| if Hash === v rval.merge!(strip_out_message_formats!(v, prefix + (prefix.length > 0 ? "." : "") << k, rval)) elsif k.to_s().end_with?("_MF") rval[prefix + (prefix.length > 0 ? "." : "") << k] = v hash.delete(k) end end end rval end end