import Model from "discourse/models/model"; QUnit.module("model:discourse"); QUnit.test( "extractByKey: converts a list of hashes into a hash of instances of specified class, indexed by their ids", assert => { var firstObject = { id: "id_1", foo: "foo_1" }; var secondObject = { id: "id_2", foo: "foo_2" }; var actual = Model.extractByKey([firstObject, secondObject], Ember.Object); var expected = { id_1: Ember.Object.create(firstObject), id_2: Ember.Object.create(secondObject) }; assert.ok(_.isEqual(actual, expected)); } ); QUnit.test( "extractByKey: returns an empty hash if there isn't anything to convert", assert => { assert.deepEqual( Model.extractByKey(), {}, "when called without parameters" ); assert.deepEqual( Model.extractByKey([]), {}, "when called with an empty array" ); } );